
computes the eigen space for matrix images.

This function is used in the training procedure of the face recognition pca
INPUT:  the data matrix of images
OUTPUT: mean: the mean value of the images
eigen_values: eigenvalues
eigen_base: eigenvectors

The data matrix is mean centered, and this is a side effect.
void eigentrain(Matrix *mean, Matrix *eigen_vals,
                Matrix *eigen_base, Matrix images) 
    double p = 0.0;
    Matrix M, eigenvectors;

    DEBUG(1, "Calculating mean image.");
    *mean = get_mean_image(images);

    DEBUG(1, "Calculating the mean centered images for the training set.");
    mean_subtract_images(images, *mean);

    MESSAGE2ARG("Calculating Covariance Matrix: M = images' * images. M is a %d by %d Matrix.", images->col_dim, images->col_dim);
    M = transposeMultiplyMatrixL(images, images);
    DEBUG_INT(3, "Covariance Matrix Rows", M->row_dim);
    DEBUG_INT(3, "Covariance Matrix Cols", M->col_dim);

    DEBUG(2, "Allocating memory for eigenvectors and eigenvalues.");
    eigenvectors = makeMatrix(M->row_dim, M->col_dim);
    *eigen_vals = makeMatrix(M->row_dim, 1);

    MESSAGE("Computing snap shot eigen vectors using the double precision cv eigensolver.");

    cvJacobiEigens_64d(M->data, eigenvectors->data, (*eigen_vals)->data, images->col_dim, p, 1);


    DEBUG(1, "Verifying the eigen vectors");
    /* Reconstruct M because it is destroyed in cvJacobiEigens */
    M = transposeMultiplyMatrixL(images, images);
    if (debuglevel >= 3)
        eigen_verify(M, *eigen_vals, eigenvectors);

    *eigen_base = multiplyMatrix(images, eigenvectors);
    MESSAGE2ARG("Recovered the %d by %d high resolution eigen basis.", (*eigen_base)->row_dim, (*eigen_base)->col_dim);

    DEBUG(1, "Normalizing eigen basis");

    /*Remove last elements because they are unneeded.  Mean centering the image
    guarantees that the data points define a hyperplane that passes through
    the origin. Therefore all points are in a k - 1 dimensional subspace.
    (*eigen_base)->col_dim -= 1;
    (*eigen_vals)->row_dim -= 1;
    eigenvectors->col_dim -= 1;

    DEBUG(1, "Verifying eigenbasis");
    if (debuglevel >= 3)
        basis_verify(images, *eigen_base);

    /* The eigenvectors for the smaller covariance (snap shot) are not needed */
/*  findBCSMatrix
 The approach here is to use equation 116 on p. 122 of
 Duda, "Pattern Classification" to solve for the between
 class scatter matrix. The equation reads:
 St = Sw + Sb  (St is total scatter matrix)
 Solving for Sb,  Sb = St - Sw. Note Sw is computed above.
 The total scatter matrix is easy to compute, it is what we
 think of as the covariance matrix when the points have been
Matrix findBCSMatrix(Matrix imspca, Matrix Sw) {
    Matrix Sb;
    Matrix St;
    Matrix mean;

    MESSAGE("Finding between-class scatter matrix.");

    mean = get_mean_image(imspca);
    mean_subtract_images(imspca, mean);

    DEBUG(3, "Producing total scatter matrix");
    St = transposeMultiplyMatrixR(imspca, imspca);

    DEBUG(2, "Producing between-class scatter matrix");
    Sb = subtractMatrix(St, Sw);


    return Sb;