Beispiel #1
// init - detect and initialise all mounts
void AP_Mount::init(const AP_SerialManager& serial_manager)
    // check init has not been called before
    if (_num_instances != 0) {

    // primary is reset to the first instantiated mount
    bool primary_set = false;

    // create each instance
    for (uint8_t instance=0; instance<AP_MOUNT_MAX_INSTANCES; instance++) {
        MountType mount_type = get_mount_type(instance);

        // check for servo mounts
        if (mount_type == Mount_Type_Servo) {
            _backends[instance] = new AP_Mount_Servo(*this, state[instance], instance);

        // check for MAVLink mounts
        } else if (mount_type == Mount_Type_MAVLink) {
            _backends[instance] = new AP_Mount_MAVLink(*this, state[instance], instance);

        // check for Alexmos mounts
        } else if (mount_type == Mount_Type_Alexmos) {
            _backends[instance] = new AP_Mount_Alexmos(*this, state[instance], instance);

        // check for SToRM32 mounts
        } else if (mount_type == Mount_Type_SToRM32) {
            _backends[instance] = new AP_Mount_SToRM32(*this, state[instance], instance);

        // init new instance
        if (_backends[instance] != NULL) {
            if (!primary_set) {
                _primary = instance;
                primary_set = true;
Beispiel #2
// init - detect and initialise all mounts
void AP_Mount::init(DataFlash_Class *dataflash, const AP_SerialManager& serial_manager)
    // check init has not been called before
    if (_num_instances != 0) {

    _dataflash = dataflash;
    // create each instance
    for (uint8_t instance=0; instance<AP_MOUNT_MAX_INSTANCES; instance++) {
        MountType mount_type = get_mount_type(instance);

        // check for servo mounts
        if (mount_type == Mount_Type_Servo) {
            _backends[instance] = new AP_Mount_Servo(*this, state[instance], instance);

        // check for Alexmos mounts
        } else if (mount_type == Mount_Type_Alexmos) {
            _backends[instance] = new AP_Mount_Alexmos(*this, state[instance], instance);

        // check for SToRM32 mounts
        } else if (mount_type == Mount_Type_SToRM32) {
            _backends[instance] = new AP_Mount_SToRM32(*this, state[instance], instance);

        // init new instance
        if (_backends[instance] != NULL) {
            if (!primary_set) {
                _primary = instance;
                primary_set = true;
Beispiel #3
// init - detect and initialise all mounts
void AP_Mount::init(const AP_SerialManager& serial_manager)
    // check init has not been called before
    if (_num_instances != 0) {

    // default mount to servo mount if rc output channels to control roll, tilt or pan have been defined
    if (!state[0]._type.load()) {
        if (RC_Channel_aux::function_assigned(RC_Channel_aux::Aux_servo_function_t::k_mount_pan) ||
            RC_Channel_aux::function_assigned(RC_Channel_aux::Aux_servo_function_t::k_mount_tilt) ||
            RC_Channel_aux::function_assigned(RC_Channel_aux::Aux_servo_function_t::k_mount_roll)) {

    // primary is reset to the first instantiated mount
    bool primary_set = false;

    // create each instance
    for (uint8_t instance=0; instance<AP_MOUNT_MAX_INSTANCES; instance++) {
        // default instance's state
        state[instance]._mode = (enum MAV_MOUNT_MODE)state[instance]._default_mode.get();

        MountType mount_type = get_mount_type(instance);

        // check for servo mounts
        if (mount_type == Mount_Type_Servo) {
            _backends[instance] = new AP_Mount_Servo(*this, state[instance], instance);

        // check for MAVLink mounts
        } else if (mount_type == Mount_Type_MAVLink) {
            _backends[instance] = new AP_Mount_MAVLink(*this, state[instance], instance);

        // check for Alexmos mounts
        } else if (mount_type == Mount_Type_Alexmos) {
            _backends[instance] = new AP_Mount_Alexmos(*this, state[instance], instance);

        // check for SToRM32 mounts using MAVLink protocol
        } else if (mount_type == Mount_Type_SToRM32) {
            _backends[instance] = new AP_Mount_SToRM32(*this, state[instance], instance);

        // check for SToRM32 mounts using serial protocol
        } else if (mount_type == Mount_Type_SToRM32_serial) {
            _backends[instance] = new AP_Mount_SToRM32_serial(*this, state[instance], instance);

        // init new instance
        if (_backends[instance] != NULL) {
            if (!primary_set) {
                _primary = instance;
                primary_set = true;
Beispiel #4
// init - detect and initialise all mounts
void AP_Mount::init(DataFlash_Class *dataflash, const AP_SerialManager& serial_manager)
    // check init has not been called before
    if (_num_instances != 0) {

    _dataflash = dataflash;

    // default mount to servo mount if rc output channels to control roll, tilt or pan have been defined
    if (!state[0]._type.configured()) {
        if (RC_Channel_aux::function_assigned(RC_Channel_aux::Aux_servo_function_t::k_mount_pan) ||
            RC_Channel_aux::function_assigned(RC_Channel_aux::Aux_servo_function_t::k_mount_tilt) ||
            RC_Channel_aux::function_assigned(RC_Channel_aux::Aux_servo_function_t::k_mount_roll)) {

    // primary is reset to the first instantiated mount
    bool primary_set = false;

    // create each instance
    for (uint8_t instance=0; instance<AP_MOUNT_MAX_INSTANCES; instance++) {
        // default instance's state
        state[instance]._mode = (enum MAV_MOUNT_MODE)state[instance]._default_mode.get();

        MountType mount_type = get_mount_type(instance);

        // check for servo mounts
        //XX if (mount_type == Mount_Type_STorM32_Native) {
        // we check if we can find the respective uart, it would be better to directly test the parameter field
        // we do this first to ensure that the MNT_TYPE setting is ignored in case a native STorM32 protocol is used
        // this is quite hacky, as doing it here assumes that AP_MOUNT_MAX_INSTANCES is 1
        if (serial_manager.find_serial(AP_SerialManager::SerialProtocol_STorM32_Native, 0)) {
            _backends[instance] = new BP_Mount_Component(*this, state[instance], instance);
        } else
        if (mount_type == Mount_Type_Servo) {
            _backends[instance] = new AP_Mount_Servo(*this, state[instance], instance);

        // check for MAVLink mounts
        } else if (mount_type == Mount_Type_SoloGimbal) {
            _backends[instance] = new AP_Mount_SoloGimbal(*this, state[instance], instance);

        // check for Alexmos mounts
        } else if (mount_type == Mount_Type_Alexmos) {
            _backends[instance] = new AP_Mount_Alexmos(*this, state[instance], instance);

        // check for SToRM32 mounts using MAVLink protocol
        } else if (mount_type == Mount_Type_SToRM32) {
            _backends[instance] = new AP_Mount_SToRM32(*this, state[instance], instance);

        // check for SToRM32 mounts using serial protocol
        } else if (mount_type == Mount_Type_SToRM32_serial) {
            _backends[instance] = new AP_Mount_SToRM32_serial(*this, state[instance], instance);

        // init new instance
        if (_backends[instance] != NULL) {
            if (!primary_set) {
                _primary = instance;
                primary_set = true;
Beispiel #5
// update - give mount opportunity to update servos.  should be called at 10hz or higher
// update - give mount opportunity to update servos.  should be called at 10hz or higher
void AP_Mount::update(uint8_t mount_compid,  AP_SerialManager& serial_manager)
    static AP_HAL::UARTDriver *uart = serial_manager.find_serial(AP_SerialManager::SerialProtocol_MAVLink,1);
    static bool begin_gmb_uart;
    static uint32_t baud = serial_manager.find_baudrate(AP_SerialManager::SerialProtocol_MAVLink,1);
    for (uint8_t instance=0; instance<AP_MOUNT_MAX_INSTANCES; instance++) {

        if(_retries > MAX_RETRIES) { //no mavlink gimbal found

        MountType mount_type = get_mount_type(instance);
        // check for MAVLink mounts
        if (mount_type == Mount_Type_MAVLink && !_mav_gimbal_found) {
            if(mount_compid == MAV_COMP_ID_GIMBAL) {    
                _backends[instance] = new AP_Mount_MAVLink(*this, state[instance], instance);
                _mav_gimbal_found = true;
            if (mount_compid == MAV_COMP_ID_R10C_GIMBAL) {
                _backends[instance] = new AP_Mount_R10C(*this, state[instance], instance);
                _mav_gimbal_found = true;
            // init new instance
            if (_backends[instance] != NULL && _mav_gimbal_found) {
                if (!primary_set) {
                    _primary = instance;
                    primary_set = true;
            } else if(_timeout) {
                //change baud rate of gimbal port and retry
                if(baud == 921600) {
                    hal.console->printf("Looking for R10C Gimbal!!\n");
                    baud = 230400;
                } else if(baud == 230400) {
                    hal.console->printf("Looking for Solo Gimbal!!\n");
                    baud = 921600;
                } else {
                    hal.console->printf("Setting Back to Default Baud: %d!!\n", 921600);
                    baud = 921600;

                _timeout = false;
                begin_gmb_uart = true;
                _last_time = hal.scheduler->millis();
                if(_retries == MAX_RETRIES) {
                    hal.console->printf("No MavLink Gimbal Found!!\n");
            } else {
                if(begin_gmb_uart && ((hal.scheduler->millis() - _last_time)>=1000)) {
                    hal.console->printf("Setting Gimbal port baud to %d\n", baud);
                    begin_gmb_uart = false;
                _timeout = ((hal.scheduler->millis() - _last_time)>=5000) ? true : false;
    // update each instance
    for (uint8_t instance=0; instance<AP_MOUNT_MAX_INSTANCES; instance++) {
        if (_backends[instance] != NULL) {