Beispiel #1
void database::_apply_block( const signed_block& next_block )
{ try {
   uint32_t next_block_num = next_block.block_num();
   uint32_t skip = get_node_properties().skip_flags;

   FC_ASSERT( (skip & skip_merkle_check) || next_block.transaction_merkle_root == next_block.calculate_merkle_root(), "", ("next_block.transaction_merkle_root",next_block.transaction_merkle_root)("calc",next_block.calculate_merkle_root())("next_block",next_block)("id", );

   const witness_object& signing_witness = validate_block_header(skip, next_block);
   const auto& global_props = get_global_properties();
   const auto& dynamic_global_props = get<dynamic_global_property_object>(dynamic_global_property_id_type());
   bool maint_needed = (dynamic_global_props.next_maintenance_time <= next_block.timestamp);

   _current_block_num    = next_block_num;
   _current_trx_in_block = 0;

   for( const auto& trx : next_block.transactions )
      /* We do not need to push the undo state for each transaction
       * because they either all apply and are valid or the
       * entire block fails to apply.  We only need an "undo" state
       * for transactions when validating broadcast transactions or
       * when building a block.
      apply_transaction( trx, skip );

   update_signing_witness(signing_witness, next_block);

   // Are we at the maintenance interval?
   if( maint_needed )
      perform_chain_maintenance(next_block, global_props);


   // n.b., update_maintenance_flag() happens this late
   // because get_slot_time() / get_slot_at_time() is needed above
   // TODO:  figure out if we could collapse this function into
   // update_global_dynamic_data() as perhaps these methods only need
   // to be called for header validation?
   update_maintenance_flag( maint_needed );
   if( !_node_property_object.debug_updates.empty() )

   // notify observers that the block has been applied
   applied_block( next_block ); //emit

} FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (next_block.block_num()) )  }
Beispiel #2
void database::update_global_dynamic_data( const signed_block& b )
   const dynamic_global_property_object& _dgp =

   uint32_t missed_blocks = get_slot_at_time( b.timestamp );
   assert( missed_blocks != 0 );

   // dynamic global properties updating
   modify( _dgp, [&]( dynamic_global_property_object& dgp ){
      if( BOOST_UNLIKELY( b.block_num() == 1 ) )
         dgp.recently_missed_count = 0;
         else if( _checkpoints.size() && _checkpoints.rbegin()->first >= b.block_num() )
         dgp.recently_missed_count = 0;
      else if( missed_blocks )
         dgp.recently_missed_count += GRAPHENE_RECENTLY_MISSED_COUNT_INCREMENT*missed_blocks;
      else if( dgp.recently_missed_count > GRAPHENE_RECENTLY_MISSED_COUNT_INCREMENT )
         dgp.recently_missed_count -= GRAPHENE_RECENTLY_MISSED_COUNT_DECREMENT;
      else if( dgp.recently_missed_count > 0 )

      dgp.head_block_number = b.block_num();
      dgp.head_block_id =;
      dgp.time = b.timestamp;
      dgp.current_witness = b.witness;
      dgp.recent_slots_filled = (
           (dgp.recent_slots_filled << 1)
           + 1) << missed_blocks;
      dgp.current_aslot += missed_blocks+1;

   if( !(get_node_properties().skip_flags & skip_undo_history_check) )
      GRAPHENE_ASSERT( _dgp.recently_missed_count < GRAPHENE_MAX_UNDO_HISTORY, undo_database_exception,
                 "The database does not have enough undo history to support a blockchain with so many missed blocks. "
                 "Please add a checkpoint if you would like to continue applying blocks beyond this point.",
                 ("recently_missed",_dgp.recently_missed_count)("max_undo",GRAPHENE_MAX_UNDO_HISTORY) );

   _undo_db.set_max_size( _dgp.recently_missed_count + GRAPHENE_MIN_UNDO_HISTORY );
   _fork_db.set_max_size( _dgp.recently_missed_count + GRAPHENE_MIN_UNDO_HISTORY );
Beispiel #3
processed_transaction database::_apply_transaction(const signed_transaction& trx)
{ try {
   uint32_t skip = get_node_properties().skip_flags;

   if( true || !(skip&skip_validate) )   /* issue #505 explains why this skip_flag is disabled */

   auto& trx_idx = get_mutable_index_type<transaction_index>();
   const chain_id_type& chain_id = get_chain_id();
   auto trx_id =;
   FC_ASSERT( (skip & skip_transaction_dupe_check) ||
              trx_idx.indices().get<by_trx_id>().find(trx_id) == trx_idx.indices().get<by_trx_id>().end() );
   transaction_evaluation_state eval_state(this);
   const chain_parameters& chain_parameters = get_global_properties().parameters;
   eval_state._trx = &trx;

   if( !(skip & (skip_transaction_signatures | skip_authority_check) ) )
      auto get_active = [&]( account_id_type id ) { return &id(*this).active; };
      auto get_owner  = [&]( account_id_type id ) { return &id(*this).owner;  };
      trx.verify_authority( chain_id, get_active, get_owner, get_global_properties().parameters.max_authority_depth );

   //Skip all manner of expiration and TaPoS checking if we're on block 1; It's impossible that the transaction is
   //expired, and TaPoS makes no sense as no blocks exist.
   if( BOOST_LIKELY(head_block_num() > 0) )
      if( !(skip & skip_tapos_check) )
         const auto& tapos_block_summary = block_summary_id_type( trx.ref_block_num )(*this);

         //Verify TaPoS block summary has correct ID prefix, and that this block's time is not past the expiration
         FC_ASSERT( trx.ref_block_prefix == tapos_block_summary.block_id._hash[1] );

      fc::time_point_sec now = head_block_time();

      FC_ASSERT( trx.expiration <= now + chain_parameters.maximum_time_until_expiration, "",
      FC_ASSERT( now <= trx.expiration, "", ("now",now)("trx.exp",trx.expiration) );

   //Insert transaction into unique transactions database.
   if( !(skip & skip_transaction_dupe_check) )
      create<transaction_object>([&](transaction_object& transaction) {
         transaction.trx_id = trx_id;
         transaction.trx = trx;


   //Finally process the operations
   processed_transaction ptrx(trx);
   _current_op_in_trx = 0;
   for( const auto& op : ptrx.operations )
      eval_state.operation_results.emplace_back(apply_operation(eval_state, op));
   ptrx.operation_results = std::move(eval_state.operation_results);

   //Make sure the temp account has no non-zero balances
   const auto& index = get_index_type<account_balance_index>().indices().get<by_account_asset>();
   auto range = index.equal_range( boost::make_tuple( GRAPHENE_TEMP_ACCOUNT ) );
   std::for_each(range.first, range.second, [](const account_balance_object& b) { FC_ASSERT(b.balance == 0); });

   return ptrx;
Beispiel #4
signed_block database::_generate_block(
   fc::time_point_sec when,
   witness_id_type witness_id,
   const fc::ecc::private_key& block_signing_private_key
   try {
   uint32_t skip = get_node_properties().skip_flags;
   uint32_t slot_num = get_slot_at_time( when );
   FC_ASSERT( slot_num > 0 );
   witness_id_type scheduled_witness = get_scheduled_witness( slot_num );
   FC_ASSERT( scheduled_witness == witness_id );

   const auto& witness_obj = witness_id(*this);

   if( !(skip & skip_witness_signature) )
      FC_ASSERT( witness_obj.signing_key == block_signing_private_key.get_public_key() );

   static const size_t max_block_header_size = fc::raw::pack_size( signed_block_header() ) + 4;
   auto maximum_block_size = get_global_properties().parameters.maximum_block_size;
   size_t total_block_size = max_block_header_size;

   signed_block pending_block;

   // The following code throws away existing pending_tx_session and
   // rebuilds it by re-applying pending transactions.
   // This rebuild is necessary because pending transactions' validity
   // and semantics may have changed since they were received, because
   // time-based semantics are evaluated based on the current block
   // time.  These changes can only be reflected in the database when
   // the value of the "when" variable is known, which means we need to
   // re-apply pending transactions in this method.
   _pending_tx_session = _undo_db.start_undo_session();

   uint64_t postponed_tx_count = 0;
   // pop pending state (reset to head block state)
   for( const processed_transaction& tx : _pending_tx )
      size_t new_total_size = total_block_size + fc::raw::pack_size( tx );

      // postpone transaction if it would make block too big
      if( new_total_size >= maximum_block_size )

         auto temp_session = _undo_db.start_undo_session();
         processed_transaction ptx = _apply_transaction( tx );

         // We have to recompute pack_size(ptx) because it may be different
         // than pack_size(tx) (i.e. if one or more results increased
         // their size)
         total_block_size += fc::raw::pack_size( ptx );
         pending_block.transactions.push_back( ptx );
      catch ( const fc::exception& e )
         // Do nothing, transaction will not be re-applied
         wlog( "Transaction was not processed while generating block due to ${e}", ("e", e) );
         wlog( "The transaction was ${t}", ("t", tx) );
   if( postponed_tx_count > 0 )
      wlog( "Postponed ${n} transactions due to block size limit", ("n", postponed_tx_count) );


   // We have temporarily broken the invariant that
   // _pending_tx_session is the result of applying _pending_tx, as
   // _pending_tx now consists of the set of postponed transactions.
   // However, the push_block() call below will re-create the
   // _pending_tx_session.

   pending_block.previous = head_block_id();
   pending_block.timestamp = when;
   pending_block.transaction_merkle_root = pending_block.calculate_merkle_root();
   pending_block.witness = witness_id;

   if( !(skip & skip_witness_signature) )
      pending_block.sign( block_signing_private_key );

   // TODO:  Move this to _push_block() so session is restored.
   if( !(skip & skip_block_size_check) )
      FC_ASSERT( fc::raw::pack_size(pending_block) <= get_global_properties().parameters.maximum_block_size );

   push_block( pending_block, skip );

   return pending_block;
} FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (witness_id) ) }
Beispiel #5
bool database::_push_block(const signed_block& new_block)
{ try {
   uint32_t skip = get_node_properties().skip_flags;
   if( !(skip&skip_fork_db) )
      /// TODO: if the block is greater than the head block and before the next maitenance interval
      // verify that the block signer is in the current set of active witnesses.

      shared_ptr<fork_item> new_head = _fork_db.push_block(new_block);
      //If the head block from the longest chain does not build off of the current head, we need to switch forks.
      if( new_head->data.previous != head_block_id() )
         //If the newly pushed block is the same height as head, we get head back in new_head
         //Only switch forks if new_head is actually higher than head
         if( new_head->data.block_num() > head_block_num() )
            wlog( "Switching to fork: ${id}", ("id",new_head-> );
            auto branches = _fork_db.fetch_branch_from(new_head->, head_block_id());

            // pop blocks until we hit the forked block
            while( head_block_id() != branches.second.back()->data.previous )

            // push all blocks on the new fork
            for( auto ritr = branches.first.rbegin(); ritr != branches.first.rend(); ++ritr )
                ilog( "pushing blocks from fork ${n} ${id}", ("n",(*ritr)->data.block_num())("id",(*ritr)-> );
                optional<fc::exception> except;
                try {
                   undo_database::session session = _undo_db.start_undo_session();
                   apply_block( (*ritr)->data, skip );
          (*ritr)->id, (*ritr)->data );
                catch ( const fc::exception& e ) { except = e; }
                if( except )
                   wlog( "exception thrown while switching forks ${e}", ("e",except->to_detail_string() ) );
                   // remove the rest of branches.first from the fork_db, those blocks are invalid
                   while( ritr != branches.first.rend() )
                      _fork_db.remove( (*ritr)-> );
                   _fork_db.set_head( branches.second.front() );

                   // pop all blocks from the bad fork
                   while( head_block_id() != branches.second.back()->data.previous )

                   // restore all blocks from the good fork
                   for( auto ritr = branches.second.rbegin(); ritr != branches.second.rend(); ++ritr )
                      auto session = _undo_db.start_undo_session();
                      apply_block( (*ritr)->data, skip );
            , (*ritr)->data );
                   throw *except;
            return true;
         else return false;

   try {
      auto session = _undo_db.start_undo_session();
      apply_block(new_block, skip);, new_block);
   } catch ( const fc::exception& e ) {
      elog("Failed to push new block:\n${e}", ("e", e.to_detail_string()));

   return false;
} FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (new_block) ) }
Beispiel #6
void database::clear_expired_orders()
   detail::with_skip_flags( *this,
      get_node_properties().skip_flags | skip_authority_check, [&](){
         transaction_evaluation_state cancel_context(this);

         //Cancel expired limit orders
         auto& limit_index = get_index_type<limit_order_index>().indices().get<by_expiration>();
         while( !limit_index.empty() && limit_index.begin()->expiration <= head_block_time() )
            limit_order_cancel_operation canceler;
            const limit_order_object& order = *limit_index.begin();
            canceler.fee_paying_account = order.seller;
            canceler.order =;
            apply_operation(cancel_context, canceler);

   //Process expired force settlement orders
   auto& settlement_index = get_index_type<force_settlement_index>().indices().get<by_expiration>();
   if( !settlement_index.empty() )
      asset_id_type current_asset = settlement_index.begin()->settlement_asset_id();
      asset max_settlement_volume;

      auto next_asset = [&current_asset, &settlement_index] {
         auto bound = settlement_index.upper_bound(current_asset);
         if( bound == settlement_index.end() )
            return false;
         current_asset = bound->settlement_asset_id();
         return true;

      // At each iteration, we either consume the current order and remove it, or we move to the next asset
      for( auto itr = settlement_index.lower_bound(current_asset);
           itr != settlement_index.end();
           itr = settlement_index.lower_bound(current_asset) )
         const force_settlement_object& order = *itr;
         auto order_id =;
         current_asset = order.settlement_asset_id();
         const asset_object& mia_object = get(current_asset);
         const asset_bitasset_data_object mia = mia_object.bitasset_data(*this);

         // Has this order not reached its settlement date?
         if( order.settlement_date > head_block_time() )
            if( next_asset() )
         // Can we still settle in this asset?
         if( mia.current_feed.settlement_price.is_null() )
            ilog("Canceling a force settlement in ${asset} because settlement price is null",
                 ("asset", mia_object.symbol));
         if( max_settlement_volume.asset_id != current_asset )
            max_settlement_volume = mia_object.amount(mia.max_force_settlement_volume(mia_object.dynamic_data(*this).current_supply));
         if( mia.force_settled_volume >= max_settlement_volume.amount )
            ilog("Skipping force settlement in ${asset}; settled ${settled_volume} / ${max_volume}",
                 ("asset", mia_object.symbol)("settlement_price_null",mia.current_feed.settlement_price.is_null())
                 ("settled_volume", mia.force_settled_volume)("max_volume", max_settlement_volume));
            if( next_asset() )

         auto& pays = order.balance;
         auto receives = (order.balance * mia.current_feed.settlement_price);
         receives.amount = (fc::uint128_t(receives.amount.value) *
                            (GRAPHENE_100_PERCENT - mia.options.force_settlement_offset_percent) / GRAPHENE_100_PERCENT).to_uint64();
         assert(receives <= order.balance * mia.current_feed.settlement_price);

         price settlement_price = pays / receives;

         auto& call_index = get_index_type<call_order_index>().indices().get<by_collateral>();
         asset settled = mia_object.amount(mia.force_settled_volume);
         // Match against the least collateralized short until the settlement is finished or we reach max settlements
         while( settled < max_settlement_volume && find_object(order_id) )
            auto itr = call_index.lower_bound(boost::make_tuple(price::min(mia_object.bitasset_data(*this).options.short_backing_asset,
            // There should always be a call order, since asset exists!
            assert(itr != call_index.end() && itr->debt_type() == mia_object.get_id());
            asset max_settlement = max_settlement_volume - settled;
            settled += match(*itr, order, settlement_price, max_settlement);
         modify(mia, [settled](asset_bitasset_data_object& b) {
            b.force_settled_volume = settled.amount;