Beispiel #1
static void
get_output_path (DB_playItem_t *it, const char *outfolder, const char *outfile, ddb_encoder_preset_t *encoder_preset, char *out, int sz) {
    int l;
    char fname[PATH_MAX];
    char *path = outfolder[0] ? strdupa (outfolder) : strdupa (getenv("HOME"));
    char *pattern = strdupa (outfile);

    // replace invalid chars
    char invalid[] = "?%*:|\"<>";
    char *p = path;
    while (*p) {
        if (strchr (invalid, *p)) {
            *p = '_';
    snprintf (out, sz, "%s/", path);

    // split path and create directories
    char *field = pattern;
    char *s = pattern;
    while (*s) {
        if ((*s == '/') || (*s == '\\')) {
            *s = '\0';
            get_output_field (it, field, fname, sizeof(fname));

            l = strlen (out);
            snprintf (out+l, sz-l, "%s/", fname);
            mkdir (out, 0755);

            field = s+1;

    // last part of outfile is the filename
    get_output_field (it, field, fname, sizeof(fname));

    l = strlen (out);
    snprintf (out+l, sz-l, "%s.%s", fname, encoder_preset->ext);
    trace ("converter output file is '%s'\n", out);
Beispiel #2
get_output_path (DB_playItem_t *it, const char *outfolder_user, const char *outfile, ddb_encoder_preset_t *encoder_preset, int preserve_folder_structure, const char *root_folder, int write_to_source_folder, char *out, int sz) {
    trace ("get_output_path: %s %s %s\n", outfolder_user, outfile, root_folder);
    deadbeef->pl_lock ();
    const char *uri = strdupa (deadbeef->pl_find_meta (it, ":URI"));
    deadbeef->pl_unlock ();
    char outfolder_preserve[2000];
    if (preserve_folder_structure) {
        // generate new outfolder
        int rootlen = strlen (root_folder);
        const char *e = strrchr (uri, '/');
        if (e) {
            const char *s = uri + rootlen;
            char subpath[e-s+1];
            memcpy (subpath, s, e-s);
            subpath[e-s] = 0;
            snprintf (outfolder_preserve, sizeof (outfolder_preserve), "%s%s", outfolder_user[0] ? outfolder_user : getenv("HOME"), subpath);

    const char *outfolder;

    if (write_to_source_folder) {
        char *path = strdupa (uri);
        char *sep = strrchr (path, '/');
        if (sep) {
            *sep = 0;
        outfolder = path;
    else {
        outfolder = preserve_folder_structure ? outfolder_preserve : outfolder_user;

    int l;
    char fname[PATH_MAX];
    int pathl = strlen(outfolder)*2+1;
    char path[pathl];
    char *pattern = strdupa (outfile);

    snprintf (out, sz, "%s/", outfolder);

    // split path, and expand each path component using get_output_field
    char *field = pattern;
    char *s = pattern;
    while (*s) {
        if ((*s == '/') || (*s == '\\')) {
            *s = '\0';
            get_output_field (it, field, fname, sizeof(fname));

            l = strlen (out);
            snprintf (out+l, sz-l, "%s/", fname);

            field = s+1;

    // last part of outfile is the filename
    get_output_field (it, field, fname, sizeof(fname));

    l = strlen (out);
    snprintf (out+l, sz-l, "%s.%s", fname, encoder_preset->ext);
    trace ("converter output file is '%s'\n", out);