Beispiel #1
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  int n = 20, pid, i, j, h;
  int time[3]; // time[0] priority1, time[1] priority 2...
  time[0] = time [1] = time[2] = 0;
  int retime, rutime, stime;
  enum priority prio;

  if(argc > 1)
    n = atoi(argv[1]);
  for(i = 0; i < 3*n; ++i){
    pid = fork();
    if(pid == 0) { // Child
      set_prio((getpid() % 3)+1);
      for(j = 0; j < 100; ++j) 
        for(h = 0; h < 1000000; ++h){}
  while( (pid = wait2(&retime, &rutime, &stime)) > 0 ) {
      prio = pid % 3; // To know which priority the child has
      printf(1, "process id: %d, priority: %s \n", pid, get_prio_name(prio));
      printf(1, "Time it took to complete: %d \n", rutime + retime + stime);
      time[prio] += rutime + retime + stime ;
  turnaroundtime(PRIO_1, n, time[PRIO_1]);
  turnaroundtime(PRIO_2, n, time[PRIO_2]);
  turnaroundtime(PRIO_3, n, time[PRIO_3]);

Beispiel #2
template<> OS_PROCESS void TDebugProc::exec()
    const timeout_t sleep_time = 200;
    const uint8_t   report_period = 1000 / sleep_time;
    const uint32_t baud = 115200UL;
    const uint32_t divider = (F_CPU + 8 * baud) / (16 * baud) - 1;

    UCSR0B = 0;
    UCSR0A = 0;
    UCSR0C = (1 << UCSZ01) | (1 << UCSZ00);
    UBRR0H = divider >> 8;
    UBRR0L = divider;
    UCSR0B = (1 << RXEN0) | (1 << TXEN0);    

    FILE uart_file;
    fdev_setup_stream( &uart_file, uart_putc, NULL, _FDEV_SETUP_WRITE);

    stdout = &uart_file;

    // Reset VT100 properties, clear screen and go home, print sample header
    printf_P(PSTR("\x1B" "c" "\x1B[2J" "\tscmRTOS: 4-Debug sample\n" "Prio "));
    for(uint8_t i = 0; i < OS::PROCESS_COUNT; i++) {
        printf_P(PSTR("%7s"), get_prio_name(i));

    for (;;) {
        uint8_t report_div = report_period;
        do {
        } while(--report_div);


        // Go to 3'd line, clear to end of screen and print statistics
        printf_P(PSTR("\x1B[3;1H" "\x1B[J" "Stack"));
        for(uint8_t i = 0; i < OS::PROCESS_COUNT; i++) {
            unsigned stack = OS::get_proc(i)->stack_slack() * sizeof(stack_item_t);
            printf_P(PSTR("%7u"), stack);

        printf_P(PSTR("\nCPU %%"));
        for(uint8_t i = 0; i < OS::PROCESS_COUNT; i++) {
            unsigned cpu = profiler.get_result(i);
            printf_P(PSTR("%4u.%02u"), cpu/100, cpu%100);

} // TProc4::exec()
Beispiel #3
void statistics(enum priority prio, int n, int time,
    const char * test_group){
  printf(1, "Average %s for %s is %d \n", test_group,
      get_prio_name(prio), time/n);