Beispiel #1
static void launch (int xlim, int ylim, int g)
	struct projectile *p = get_projectile ();
	int x, dx, xxx;
	double red, green, blue;
	if (! p) return;

	do {
		x = (myrand() % xlim);
		dx = 30000 - (myrand() % 60000);
		xxx = x + (dx * 200);
	} while (xxx <= 0 || xxx >= xlim);

	p->x = x;
	p->y = ylim;
	p->dx = dx;
	p->size = 20000;
	p->decay = 0;
	p->dy = (myrand() % 10000) - 20000;
	p->fuse = ((((myrand() % 500) + 100) * abs (p->dy / g)) / 1000);
	p->primary = true;

	hsv_to_rgb ((double)(myrand() % 360)/360.0, 1.0, 255.0,	&red, &green, &blue);
	//printf("New Projectile at (%d, %d), d(%d, %d), colour(%d,%d,%d)", x, ylim, dx, p->dy, (int)red, (int)green, (int)blue);
	p->colour = D3DCOLOR_XRGB((int)red,(int)green,(int)blue);
Beispiel #2
static struct projectile *shrapnel(struct projectile *parent)
	struct projectile *p = get_projectile ();
	if (! p) return 0;

	p->x = parent->x;
	p->y = parent->y;
	p->dx = (myrand() % 5000) - 2500 + parent->dx;
	p->dy = (myrand() % 5000) - 2500 + parent->dy;
	p->decay = (myrand() % 50) - 60;
	p->size = (parent->size * 2) / 3;
	p->fuse = 0;
	p->primary = false;
	p->colour = parent->colour;
	return p;
Beispiel #3
static void
launch (struct state *st,
        int xlim, int ylim, int g)
    struct projectile *p = get_projectile (st);
    int x, dx, xxx;
    if (! p) return;

    do {
        x = (random () % xlim);
        dx = 30000 - (random () % 60000);
        xxx = x + (dx * 200);
    } while (xxx <= 0 || xxx >= xlim);

    p->x = x;
    p->y = ylim;
    p->dx = dx;
    p->size = 8000;
    p->decay = 0;
    p->dy = (random () % 4000) - 13000;
    p->fuse = ((((random () % 500) + 500) * abs (p->dy / g)) / 1000);
    p->primary = True;

    /* cope with small windows -- those constants assume big windows. */
        int dd = 1000000 / ylim;
        if (dd > 1)
            p->fuse /= dd;

    if (! mono_p)
        hsv_to_rgb (random () % 360, 1.0, 1.0,
                    &p->, &p->, &p->;
        p->color.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
        if (!XAllocColor (st->dpy, st->cmap, &p->color))
            p->color.pixel = WhitePixel (st->dpy, DefaultScreen (st->dpy));
            p-> = p-> = p-> = 0xFFFF;
Beispiel #4
static struct projectile *
shrapnel (struct state *st, struct projectile *parent)
    struct projectile *p = get_projectile (st);
    int v;
    if (! p) return 0;
    p->x = parent->x;
    p->y = parent->y;
    v=random () % PI_2000;
    p->dx =(st->sin_cache[v]) + parent->dx;
    p->dy =(st->cos_cache[v]) + parent->dy;
    p->decay = (random () % 50) - 60;
    p->size = (parent->size * 2) / 3;
    p->fuse = 0;
    p->primary = False;

    p->color = parent->color;
    if (! mono_p)
        XAllocColor (st->dpy, st->cmap, &p->color); /* dup the lock */

    return p;