Beispiel #1
 * get_next_row - Iterator for reading rows from a result set
 * This method returns an instance of a structure (row_values)
 * that contains an array of strings representing the row
 * values returned from the server.
 * The caller can use the values however needed - by first
 * converting them to a specific type or as a string.
row_values *Connector::get_next_row() {
  int res = 0;

  // Read the rows
  res = get_row_values();
  if (res != EOF_PACKET) {
    return &row;
  return NULL;
Beispiel #2
  get_next_row - Iterator for reading rows from a result set

  This method returns an instance of a structure (row_values)
  that contains an array of strings representing the row
  values returned from the server.

  The caller can use the values however needed - by first
  converting them to a specific type or as a string.
row_values *MySQL_Cursor::get_next_row() {
  int res = 0;


  // Read the rows
  res = get_row_values();
  if (res != MYSQL_EOF_PACKET) {
    return &row;
  return NULL;