Beispiel #1
int main( const int argc, const char **argv)
   const char *tle_file_name = "ALL_TLE.TXT";
   FILE *ifile = fopen( argv[1], "rb"), *tle_file;
   FILE *stations;
   char line1[100], line2[100], buff[90];
   double search_radius = .2;     /* default to .2-degree search */
   double lon = 0., rho_sin_phi = 0., rho_cos_phi = 0.;
   char curr_mpc_code[4];
   int i, debug_level = 0, show_non_mpc_report_lines = 0;
   char prev_obj[20];
   double prev_jd = 0., prev_ra = 0., prev_dec = 0.;

   if( argc == 1)
      error_exit( -2);

   if( !ifile)
      printf( "Couldn't open input file %s\n", argv[1]);
      exit( -1);

   stations = fopen( "ObsCodes.html", "rb");
   if( !stations)          /* perhaps stored with truncated extension? */
      stations = fopen( "ObsCodes.htm", "rb");
   if( !stations)          /* Or as a text file? */
      stations = fopen( "stations.txt", "rb");
   if( !stations)
      printf( "Failed to find MPC station list 'ObsCodes.html'\n");
      printf( "This can be downloaded at:\n\n");
      printf( "\n");
      exit( -1);
   curr_mpc_code[0] = curr_mpc_code[3] = '\0';
   for( i = 1; i < argc; i++)
      if( argv[i][0] == '-')
         switch( argv[i][1])
            case 'r':
               search_radius = atof( argv[i] + 2);
            case 't':
               tle_file_name = argv[i] + 2;
            case 'd':
               debug_level = atoi( argv[i] + 2);
            case 'a':
               show_non_mpc_report_lines = 1;
               printf( "Unrecognized command-line option '%s'\n", argv[i]);
               exit( -2);

   tle_file = fopen( tle_file_name, "rb");
   if( !tle_file)
      printf( "Couldn't open TLE file %s\n", tle_file_name);
      exit( -1);

   *prev_obj = '\0';
   while( fgets( buff, sizeof( buff), ifile))
      double target_ra, target_dec, jd;

      if( !get_mpc_data( buff, &jd, &target_ra, &target_dec))
         char preceding_line[80], line0[100];
         double observer_loc[3], observer_loc2[3];

         printf( "\n%s", buff);
         if( !memcmp( prev_obj, buff, 12) && fabs( jd - prev_jd) < .3)
            double motion, posn_ang;

            if( !compute_motion( jd - prev_jd,
                  (target_ra - prev_ra) * cos( (prev_dec + target_dec) / 2.),
                  (target_dec - prev_dec), &motion, &posn_ang))
               printf( "    Object motion is %.3lf'/sec at PA %.1lf\n",
                  motion, posn_ang);

         memcpy( prev_obj, buff, 12);
         prev_ra = target_ra;
         prev_dec = target_dec;
         prev_jd = jd;
         if( memcmp( curr_mpc_code, buff + 77, 3))
            char tbuff[100];
            int got_it = 0;

            memcpy( curr_mpc_code, buff + 77, 3);
            fseek( stations, 0L, SEEK_SET);
            while( !got_it && fgets( tbuff, sizeof( tbuff), stations))
               got_it = !memcmp( tbuff, curr_mpc_code, 3);
            if( got_it)
               sscanf( tbuff + 3, "%lf %lf %lf",
                                     &lon, &rho_cos_phi, &rho_sin_phi);
            if( !got_it)
               printf( "FAILED to find MPC code %s\n", curr_mpc_code);

         if( debug_level)
            printf( "lon = %.5lf rho cos phi = %.5lf rho sin phi = %.5lf\n",
                                      lon,  rho_cos_phi, rho_sin_phi);
         observer_cartesian_coords( jd,
                lon * PI / 180., rho_cos_phi, rho_sin_phi, observer_loc);
         observer_cartesian_coords( jd + TIME_EPSILON,
                lon * PI / 180., rho_cos_phi, rho_sin_phi, observer_loc2);

         fseek( tle_file, 0L, SEEK_SET);
         *line0 = '\0';
         if( fgets( line1, sizeof( line1), tle_file))
            while( fgets( line2, sizeof( line2), tle_file))
               tle_t tle;  /* Structure for two-line elements set for satellite */

               if( parse_elements( line1, line2, &tle) >= 0)
                  {                           /* hey! we got a TLE! */
                  int is_deep = select_ephemeris( &tle);
                  double sat_params[N_SAT_PARAMS], radius, d_ra, d_dec;
                  double ra, dec, dist_to_satellite, t_since;
                  double pos[3]; /* Satellite position vector */
                  double unused_delta2;

                  if( debug_level > 1)
                     printf( "%s", line1);
                  t_since = (jd - tle.epoch) * 1440.;
                  if( is_deep)
                     SDP4_init( sat_params, &tle);
                     SDP4( t_since, &tle, sat_params, pos, NULL);
                     SGP4_init( sat_params, &tle);
                     SGP4( t_since, &tle, sat_params, pos, NULL);
                  if( debug_level > 1)
                     printf( "%s", line2);
                  if( debug_level > 2)
                     printf( " %.5lf %.5lf %.5lf\n", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
                  get_satellite_ra_dec_delta( observer_loc, pos,
                                          &ra, &dec, &dist_to_satellite);
                  if( debug_level > 3)
                     printf( "RA: %.5lf dec: %.5lf\n", ra * 180. / PI,
                                                      dec * 180. / PI);
                  epoch_of_date_to_j2000( jd, &ra, &dec);
                  d_ra = (ra - target_ra + PI * 4.);
                  while( d_ra > PI)
                     d_ra -= PI + PI;
                  d_dec = dec - target_dec;
                  radius = sqrt( d_ra * d_ra + d_dec * d_dec) * 180. / PI;
                  if( radius < search_radius)      /* good enough for us! */
                     double arcmin_per_sec, posn_ang;

                                       /* Compute position one second later,  so we */
                                       /* can show speed/PA of motion: */
                     t_since += TIME_EPSILON * 1440.;
                     if( is_deep)
                        SDP4( t_since, &tle, sat_params, pos, NULL);
                        SGP4( t_since, &tle, sat_params, pos, NULL);
                     get_satellite_ra_dec_delta( observer_loc2, pos,
                                             &d_ra, &d_dec, &unused_delta2);
                     epoch_of_date_to_j2000( jd, &d_ra, &d_dec);
                     d_ra -= ra;
                     d_dec -= dec;
                     while( d_ra > PI)
                        d_ra -= PI + PI;
                     while( d_ra < -PI)
                        d_ra += PI + PI;
                                /* Put RA into 0 to 2pi range: */
                     if( !compute_motion( TIME_EPSILON, d_ra * cos( dec), d_dec,
                                    &arcmin_per_sec, &posn_ang))
                        line1[8] = line1[16] = '\0';
                        memcpy( line1 + 30, line1 + 11, 6);
                        line1[11] = '\0';
                        printf( "   %s = %s%s-%s",
                              line1 + 2, (line1[9] >= '6' ? "19" : "20"),
                              line1 + 9, line1 + 30);
                        printf( " e=%.2lf; P=%.1lf min; i=%.1lf",
                                     2. * PI / tle.xno,
                                     tle.xincl * 180. / PI);
                        if( strlen( line0) < 30)         /* object name given... */
                           printf( ": %s\n", line0);     /* not all TLEs do this */
                           printf( "\n");
                        printf( "   delta=%8.1lf km; offset=%5.2lf degrees; motion %6.3lf'/sec at PA=%.1lf\n",
                              dist_to_satellite, radius, arcmin_per_sec,
                                    /* "Speed" is displayed in arcminutes/second,
                                       or in degrees/minute */
               strcpy( preceding_line, line1);
               strcpy( line0, line1);
               strcpy( line1, line2);
               for( i = 0; line0[i] >= ' '; i++)
               line0[i] = '\0';        /* remove trailing CR/LF */
      else if( show_non_mpc_report_lines)
         printf( "%s", buff);
   fclose( tle_file);
   fclose( stations);
   fclose( ifile);
   return( 0);
} /* End of main() */
Beispiel #2
int main( const int argc, const char **argv)
   FILE *ifile = fopen( argv[1], "rb");
   char line1[100], line2[100];
   const char *intl_id = NULL;
   double step_size = .1;
   int i, n_steps = 100;

   if( !ifile)
      printf( "Couldn't open input file\n");
      exit( -1);
   for( i = 1; i < argc; i++)
      if( argv[i][0] == '-')
         switch( argv[i][1])
            case 'i':
               intl_id = argv[i] + 2;
            case 'n':
               n_steps = atoi( argv[i] + 2);
               printf( "Unrecognized option '%s'\n", argv[i]);
   *line1 = '\0';
   sxpx_set_implementation_param( SXPX_DUNDEE_COMPLIANCE, 1);
   while( fgets( line2, sizeof( line2), ifile))
      tle_t tle; /* Pointer to two-line elements set for satellite */
      int err_val;

      if( (!intl_id || !memcmp( intl_id, line1 + 9, 6))
                && (err_val = parse_elements( line1, line2, &tle)) >= 0)
         {                  /* hey! we got a TLE! */
         int is_deep = select_ephemeris( &tle);
         double sat_params[N_SAT_PARAMS], observer_loc[3];

         if( err_val)
            printf( "WARNING: TLE parsing error %d\n", err_val);
         for( i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            observer_loc[i] = '\0';
         if( is_deep)
            SDP4_init( sat_params, &tle);
            SGP4_init( sat_params, &tle);
         for( i = 0; i < n_steps; i++)
            double ra, dec, dist_to_satellite;
            double pos[3]; /* Satellite position vector */
            double t_since = (double)( i - n_steps / 2) * step_size;
            double jd = tle.epoch + t_since;

            t_since *= 1440.;
            if( is_deep)
               err_val = SDP4( t_since, &tle, sat_params, pos, NULL);
               err_val = SGP4( t_since, &tle, sat_params, pos, NULL);
            if( err_val)
               printf( "Ephemeris error %d\n", err_val);
            get_satellite_ra_dec_delta( observer_loc, pos,
                                 &ra, &dec, &dist_to_satellite);
            epoch_of_date_to_j2000( jd, &ra, &dec);
            printf( "%-14sC%13.5f    %08.4f    %+08.4f",
                     intl_id, jd, ra * 180. / PI, dec * 180. / PI);
            printf( "                    TLEs 500\n");
      strcpy( line1, line2);
   fclose( ifile);
   return( 0);
} /* End of main() */