//Basic first order semi-Lagrangian advection of velocities
void FluidSim::advect(float dt) {


   //semi-Lagrangian advection on u-component of velocity
   for(int k = 0; k < nk; ++k) for(int j = 0; j < nj; ++j) for(int i = 0; i < ni+1; ++i) {
      Vec3f pos(i*dx, (j+0.5f)*dx, (k+0.5f)*dx);
      pos = trace_rk2(pos, -dt);
      temp_u(i,j,k) = get_velocity(pos)[0];  

   //semi-Lagrangian advection on v-component of velocity
   for(int k = 0; k < nk; ++k) for(int j = 0; j < nj+1; ++j) for(int i = 0; i < ni; ++i) {
      Vec3f pos((i+0.5f)*dx, j*dx, (k+0.5f)*dx);
      pos = trace_rk2(pos, -dt);
      temp_v(i,j,k) = get_velocity(pos)[1];

   //semi-Lagrangian advection on w-component of velocity
   for(int k = 0; k < nk+1; ++k) for(int j = 0; j < nj; ++j) for(int i = 0; i < ni; ++i) {
      Vec3f pos((i+0.5f)*dx, (j+0.5f)*dx, k*dx);
      pos = trace_rk2(pos, -dt);
      temp_w(i,j,k) = get_velocity(pos)[2];

   //move update velocities into u/v vectors
   u = temp_u;
   v = temp_v;
   w = temp_w;
//Perform 2nd order Runge Kutta to move the particles in the fluid
void FluidSim::advect_particles(float dt) {
   for(unsigned int p = 0; p < particles.size(); ++p) {
      Vec2f before = particles[p];
      Vec2f start_velocity = get_velocity(before);
      Vec2f midpoint = before + 0.5f*dt*start_velocity;
      Vec2f mid_velocity = get_velocity(midpoint);
      particles[p] += dt*mid_velocity;
      Vec2f after = particles[p];
      if(dist(before,after) > 3*dx) {
         std::cout << "Before: " << before << " " << "After: " << after << std::endl;
         std::cout << "Mid point: " << midpoint << std::endl;
         std::cout << "Start velocity: " << start_velocity << "  Time step: " << dt << std::endl;
         std::cout << "Mid velocity: " << mid_velocity << std::endl;

      //Particles can still occasionally leave the domain due to truncation errors, 
      //interpolation error, or large timesteps, so we project them back in for good measure.
      //Try commenting this section out to see the degree of accumulated error.
      float phi_value = interpolate_value(particles[p]/dx, nodal_solid_phi);
      if(phi_value < 0) {
         Vec2f normal;
         interpolate_gradient(normal, particles[p]/dx, nodal_solid_phi);        
         particles[p] -= phi_value*normal;

//Apply RK2 to advect a point in the domain.
Vec3f FluidSim::trace_rk2(const Vec3f& position, float dt) {
   Vec3f input = position;
   Vec3f velocity = get_velocity(input);
   velocity = get_velocity(input + 0.5f*dt*velocity);
   input += dt*velocity;
   return input;
void PlayerCar::left()
	glm::vec3 prev_direction = direction_;
	direction_ += (0.001f * 10 * glm::normalize(glm::cross(direction_, up_direction_)));
	direction_ = glm::normalize(direction_);
	rotation_.Rotate(up_direction_, -1 * acosf(glm::dot(prev_direction, direction_)) * 360.0f / (2.0f*3.1415f));
	set_velocity(glm::normalize(get_velocity() + direction_ * 0.001f) * glm::length(get_velocity()));
Beispiel #5
/* See
   for formulas */
double GPSFilter::get_bearing() {
  double lat, lon, delta_lat, delta_lon, x, y;
  get_lat_long(&lat, &lon);
  get_velocity(&delta_lat, &delta_lon);

  /* Convert to radians */
  double to_radians = PI / 180.0;
  lat *= to_radians;
  lon *= to_radians;
  delta_lat *= to_radians;
  delta_lon *= to_radians;
  /* Do math */
  double lat1 = lat - delta_lat;
  y = sin(delta_lon) * cos(lat);
  x = cos(lat1) * sin(lat) - sin(lat1) * cos(lat) * cos(delta_lon);
  double bearing = atan2(y, x);

  /* Convert to degrees */
  bearing = bearing / to_radians;
  while (bearing >= 360.0) {
    bearing -= 360.0;
  while (bearing < 0.0) {
    bearing += 360.0;
  return bearing;
Beispiel #6
int main() {
    int inst = 0;
    ViviController *viviController = new ViviController(inst);

    NoteBeginning begin;
    begin.physical.string_number = 0;
    begin.physical.dynamic = 0;
    begin.physical.finger_position = 0.19;
    begin.physical.bow_force = 1.5;
    begin.physical.bow_bridge_distance = get_distance(inst, 0);
    begin.physical.bow_velocity = get_velocity(inst, 0);
    begin.midi_target = 59;
    NoteEnding end;

    double K = 1.05;

    viviController->comment("pitch test, 0 0");
    viviController->set_stable_K(0, 0, 0, K);
    viviController->note(begin, PLAY, end);

    delete viviController;
//For extrapolated points, replace the normal component
//of velocity with the object velocity (in this case zero).
void FluidSim::constrain_velocity() {
   temp_u = u;
   temp_v = v;
   //(At lower grid resolutions, the normal estimate from the signed
   //distance function is poor, so it doesn't work quite as well.
   //An exact normal would do better.)
   //constrain u
   for(int j = 0; j < u.nj; ++j) for(int i = 0; i < u.ni; ++i) {
      if(u_weights(i,j) == 0) {
         //apply constraint
         Vec2f pos(i*dx, (j+0.5f)*dx);
         Vec2f vel = get_velocity(pos);
         Vec2f normal(0,0);
         interpolate_gradient(normal, pos/dx, nodal_solid_phi); 
         float perp_component = dot(vel, normal);
         vel -= perp_component*normal;
         temp_u(i,j) = vel[0];
   //constrain v
   for(int j = 0; j < v.nj; ++j) for(int i = 0; i < v.ni; ++i) {
      if(v_weights(i,j) == 0) {
         //apply constraint
         Vec2f pos((i+0.5f)*dx, j*dx);
         Vec2f vel = get_velocity(pos);
         Vec2f normal(0,0);
         interpolate_gradient(normal, pos/dx, nodal_solid_phi); 
         float perp_component = dot(vel, normal);
         vel -= perp_component*normal;
         temp_v(i,j) = vel[1];
   u = temp_u;
   v = temp_v;

//Basic first order semi-Lagrangian advection of velocities
void FluidSim::advect(float dt) {
   //semi-Lagrangian advection on u-component of velocity
   for(int j = 0; j < nj; ++j) for(int i = 0; i < ni+1; ++i) {
      Vec2f pos(i*dx, (j+0.5f)*dx);
      pos = trace_rk2(pos, -dt);
      temp_u(i,j) = get_velocity(pos)[0];  

   //semi-Lagrangian advection on v-component of velocity
   for(int j = 0; j < nj+1; ++j) for(int i = 0; i < ni; ++i) {
      Vec2f pos((i+0.5f)*dx, j*dx);
      pos = trace_rk2(pos, -dt);
      temp_v(i,j) = get_velocity(pos)[1];

   //move update velocities into u/v vectors
   u = temp_u;
   v = temp_v;
Beispiel #9
void trajectory_parabola::set_distance(int dist)
    _dist = std::abs((float)dist);
    _v = get_velocity();
    _initialized = true;
    _max_point = get_y_point(_dist/2);
    _reducefactor = _max_point/64;
    if (_reducefactor <= 0) {
        _reducefactor = 0.4;
    //std::cout << ">>>> DEBUG #2 _reducefactor: " << _reducefactor << ", _max_point: " << _max_point << " speed: " << _v << " <<<<<" << std::endl;
Beispiel #10
void meteorite_t::on_collide(physic_element_if *other)
    if (!is_descedant)
        auto parent = get_parent();
        if (parent)
            auto descedant_1 = parent->add_child(new meteorite_t(_position, _size / 2, get_world()));
            auto descedant_2 = parent->add_child(new meteorite_t(_position, _size / 2, get_world()));

            descedant_1->is_descedant = true;
            descedant_2->is_descedant = true;

            vec2 vel_1 = vec2(mat3::rotation(30 * M_PI / 180) * (vec3(get_velocity(), 0)));
            vec2 vel_2 = vec2(mat3::rotation(-30 * M_PI / 180) * (vec3(get_velocity(), 0)));

Beispiel #11
void test_physics(){
  printf("testing physics\n");
  world_handle hello_world = new_world();
  //tests movement, set/get velocity, set/get location(position)
  po_vector center;
  center.x = 1.0;
  center.y = 1.0;
  po_circle circle2 = create_circ(center, 1.0);
  po_geometry geo_circle2 = create_geom_circ(circle2, 1.0);
  po_handle circle02 = add_object (hello_world, &geo_circle2, 20.0, 1.0, 0.0);

  po_vector location = get_position(circle02);

  center.x = 0.0;
  center.y = 0.0;
  po_circle circle1 = create_circ(center, 5.0);
  po_geometry geo_circle1 = create_geom_circ(circle1, 1.0);
  po_handle circle01 = add_object (hello_world, &geo_circle1, 50.0, 0.0, 0.0);

  po_vector velocity = get_velocity(circle02);

  po_vector pos02 = get_position(circle02);
  po_vector pos01 = get_position(circle01);

  assert(pos02.x == 17.0);
  assert(pos02.y == 1.0);
  assert(pos01.x == 50.0);
  assert(pos01.y == 0.0);
  set_location(circle01, 0.0, 0.0);
  set_velocity(circle01, -7.76,1.7);

  set_location(circle02, 20.0, 0.0);
  set_velocity(circle02, -9.0,2.0);

  po_vector pos002 = get_position(circle02);
  po_vector pos001 = get_position(circle01);
  assert( pos002.x == 11.0);
  assert( pos002.y == 2.0);

  assert(fabs(pos001.x - -7.76) <= EPSILON);
  assert(fabs(pos001.y - 1.7)<= EPSILON);
Beispiel #12
void test_variable_timestep() {
  KalmanFilter f = alloc_filter_velocity2d(1.0);

  /* Move at a constant speed but taking slower and slower readings */
  int east_distance = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
    east_distance += i;
    update_velocity2d(f, 0.0, east_distance * 0.0001, i);

  double dlat, dlon;
  get_velocity(f, &dlat, &dlon);
  assert(abs(dlat) < 0.000001);
  assert(abs(dlon - 0.0001) < 0.000001);

Beispiel #13
void test_bearing_north() {
  KalmanFilter f = alloc_filter_velocity2d(1.0);
  for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
    update_velocity2d(f, i * 0.0001, 0.0, 1.0);

  double bearing = get_bearing(f);
  assert(abs(bearing - 0.0) < 0.01);

  /* Velocity should be 0.0001 x units per timestep */
  double dlat, dlon;
  get_velocity(f, &dlat, &dlon);
  assert(abs(dlat - 0.0001) < 0.00001);
  assert(abs(dlon) < 0.00001);

Beispiel #14
nav_fix (void)
  int n;
  double tr_time[N_channels + 1], ipart, clock_error;
  static double t_cor[N_channels + 1];
  unsigned int i;
  struct measurement *meas = measurements.measurement;
  int tr_prn[N_channels + 1];
  ecef rp_ecef;
  eceft dm_gps_sat[N_channels + 1], dp_gps_sat[N_channels + 1];
  int year, month, day, hour, minute, flag;
  double second;

  n = 1;
  i = 0;

  /* For every measurement we receive (they're null terminated) */
  while ((meas->transmit_time_offset != 0)
         && (meas->transmit_time_offset != 0)
         && i < N_channels) {

    /* Extract the PRN */
    int prn = meas->doppler_prn & 0x1f;

    /* Make sure we have a good healthy ephemeris for this PRN */
    if ((gps_eph[prn].valid == 1) && (gps_eph[prn].health == 0)) {
      meas_dop[n] =
        (double) (meas->doppler_prn) / 1048576.0 / TIC_dt * (double) (nav_tic);
	  *  (1024 phases / half chip) * (2046 half chips / ms)
	  *    * (1000 ms / sec) = 2096104000 phases / second
      tr_time[n] = (double) measurements.bit_of_week / 50.0
        + (double) meas->transmit_time_offset / 2095104000.0;
      tr_prn[n] = prn;


    /* Next measurement */
    meas = &measurements.measurement[++i];


  n_track = n - 1;
  TIC_dt = measurements.i_TIC_dt * 175.0e-9;    /*each clock count is 175 ns */
  /* use basic TIC interval for ICP */
  /*   if (ICP_CTL==1)TIC_dt=TIC_dt/float(nav_tic); */
  if (out_debug)
    fprintf (debug, "n_track= %d\n", n_track);
  for (i = 1; i <= (unsigned) n_track; i++) {
    track_sat[i] = satpos_ephemeris (tr_time[i], gps_eph + tr_prn[i]);
    /* process Carrier Tracking Loop or Integrated Carrier Phase */
    if (ICP_CTL == 0) {         /* satellite velocity */
      dm_gps_sat[i] = satpos_ephemeris (tr_time[i] - TIC_dt / 2.0, 
					gps_eph + tr_prn[i]);  /* for CTL */
      dp_gps_sat[i] = satpos_ephemeris (tr_time[i] + TIC_dt / 2.0, 
					gps_eph + tr_prn[i]);
      d_sat[i].x =
        (dp_gps_sat[i].x - dm_gps_sat[i].x) / TIC_dt -
        track_sat[i].y * omegae;
      d_sat[i].y =
        (dp_gps_sat[i].y - dm_gps_sat[i].y) / TIC_dt +
        track_sat[i].x * omegae;
      d_sat[i].z = (dp_gps_sat[i].z - dm_gps_sat[i].z) / TIC_dt;
    else {
      dm_gps_sat[i] = satpos_ephemeris (tr_time[i] - TIC_dt / (float) (nav_tic), gps_eph + tr_prn[i]);    /* for ICP */
      dp_gps_sat[i] = track_sat[i];
      d_sat[i].x =
        (dp_gps_sat[i].x - dm_gps_sat[i].x) / TIC_dt * (float) (nav_tic) -
        track_sat[i].y * omegae;
      d_sat[i].y =
        (dp_gps_sat[i].y - dm_gps_sat[i].y) / TIC_dt * (float) (nav_tic) +
        track_sat[i].x * omegae;
      d_sat[i].z =
        (dp_gps_sat[i].z - dm_gps_sat[i].z) / TIC_dt * (float) (nav_tic);
    t_cor[i] = track_sat[i].tb -
      tropo_iono (tr_prn[i], track_sat[i].az, track_sat[i].el, tr_time[i]);
    dt[i] = m_time[1] - (tr_time[i] - t_cor[i]);
  if (n_track >= 4) {
    rpvt = pos_vel_time (n_track);
    cbias = rpvt.dt;
    clock_error = rpvt.df;
    m_time[1] = m_time[1] - cbias;
    rp_ecef.x = rpvt.x;
    rp_ecef.y = rpvt.y;
    rp_ecef.z = rpvt.z;
    rp_llh = ecef_to_llh (rp_ecef);
    /* a position reasonableness check */
    if (rp_llh.hae > -200000.0 && rp_llh.hae < 1800000) {
	   *  Translate velocity into North, East, Up coordinates
      get_velocity ();
      /* a velocity reasonableness check */
      if (sqrt (SQ (receiver.vel.north) + 
		SQ (receiver.vel.east) +
		SQ (receiver.vel.up)) < 514.0) {
        if (fabs (clock_error) < 500.0)
          clock_offset = clock_error;
        /* if we have a good fix we're navigating */
        status = navigating;
        if (align_t == 1) {
          long TIC_counter;
          delta_m_time = modf (m_time[1], &ipart);
          if (nav_up < 1.0) {
            delta_m_time = modf (delta_m_time / nav_up, &ipart);
            if (delta_m_time > 0.5)
              m_error = (delta_m_time - 1.0) * nav_up;
              m_error = delta_m_time * nav_up;
          else {
            if (delta_m_time > 0.5)
              m_error = (delta_m_time - 1.0) / nav_up;
              m_error = delta_m_time / nav_up;
          TIC_counter =
            (TIC_ref - m_error * TIC_ref / 10) * (1.0 -
                                                  clock_offset * 1.0e-6);
          set_TIC (TIC_counter);
        rec_pos_llh.lon = rp_llh.lon;
        rec_pos_llh.lat = rp_llh.lat;
        rec_pos_llh.hae = rp_llh.hae;
        current_loc.lon = rp_llh.lon;
        current_loc.lat = rp_llh.lat;
        current_loc.hae = rp_llh.hae;
        rec_pos_xyz.x = rp_ecef.x;
        rec_pos_xyz.y = rp_ecef.y;
        rec_pos_xyz.z = rp_ecef.z;
	       *  Calculate DOPS
        dops (n_track);
        if (out_pos == 1)
          fprintf (output,
                   "%20.10f, %f, %f, %f,",
                   m_time[1], rec_pos_llh.lat * r_to_d,
                   rec_pos_llh.lon * r_to_d, rec_pos_llh.hae);
        if (out_vel == 1)
          fprintf (output, " %f, %f, %f,",
                   receiver.vel.north, receiver.vel.east, receiver.vel.up);
        if (out_time == 1)
          fprintf (output, " %f,", clock_offset);
        if (out_pos || out_vel || out_time)
          fprintf (output, " %f, %f, %f\n", hdop, vdop, tdop);
	       * Since we have a valid position/velocity narrow the
	       * doppler search window to +-5 doppler bins
        search_max_f = 5;
        m_time[0] = m_time[1];
  else {
    /* less than 4 sats */
    m_time[1] = m_time[1] + TIC_dt * (1.0 + clock_offset / 1.e6);
    rp_ecef.x = 0.0;
    rp_ecef.y = 0.0;
    rp_ecef.z = 0.0;
    rpvt.xv = 0.0;
    rpvt.yv = 0.0;
    rpvt.zv = 0.0;
  if (out_kalman == 1) {        /* Kalman filter output */
    fprintf (kalm,
             "time %20.10f, rpx %15.10f, rpy %15.10f, rpz %15.10f, ",
             m_time[1], rp_ecef.x, rp_ecef.y, rp_ecef.z);
    fprintf (kalm, "rvx %15.10f, rvy %15.10f, rvz %15.10f, Nsats %d\n",
             rpvt.xv, rpvt.yv, rpvt.zv, n_track);
  if (out_rinex == 1) {			/* RINEX OBSERVATION EPOCH/SAT */
	/* Calculate the calendar GPS time corresponding to the current GPS time 
	   adding the leapseconds as these are automatically taken out */
	gps2utc(m_time[1]+dtls, 1024+gps_eph[tr_prn[1]].week, &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute, &second);
	/* Check if this is the first observation, if so, write the
	   RINEX header */
	    write_rinex_obs_head = 0;
	    rinex_head_obs(year+2000, month, day, hour, minute, second);

	/* Follows the RINEX-2 Format */
	flag = 0;
    fprintf(rinex_obs," %02d %02d %02d %02d %02d%11.7f  %1d%3d", year, month, day, hour, minute, second, flag, n_track);
	for (i = 1; i <= (unsigned) n_track; i++)
		/* Print each satellite in view */
		fprintf(rinex_obs,"G%2d", tr_prn[i]);
  for (i = 1; i <= (unsigned) n_track; i++) {
    satellite[tr_prn[i]].Pr = (m_time[1] - tr_time[i]) * c; /*(m_time[1] - (tr_time[i] - t_cor[i])) * c;*/
    satellite[tr_prn[i]].dPr = meas_dop[i] * lambda;
    if (out_kalman == 1) {      /* Kalman filter output */
      fprintf (kalm,
               "  PRN %2d, px %20.10f,  py %20.10f, pz %20.10f,  ",
               tr_prn[i], track_sat[i].x, track_sat[i].y, track_sat[i].z);
      fprintf (kalm, " vx %16.10f, vy %16.10f, vz %16.10f,  ",
               d_sat[i].x, d_sat[i].y, d_sat[i].z);
      fprintf (kalm, " Pr %20.10f,  dPr %16.10f\n",
               satellite[tr_prn[i]].Pr + t_cor[i] * c, satellite[tr_prn[i]].dPr);
    if(out_rinex == 1) {	  /* RINEX data output */
      /* Currently we only are only saving the pseudorange and Doppler.  The LLI and signal 
	 strength indicators need to be implemented as well and are currently left blank */
      fprintf(rinex_obs, "%14.3f  %14.3f\n", satellite[tr_prn[i]].Pr, meas_dop[i]);

Beispiel #15
   \brief Runge-Kutta45 (inner steps) 

   \param region pointer to current 3D region
   \param velocity_field pointer to array of 3 3D raster maps (velocity field)
   \param point pointer to array of geographic coordinates of starting point
   \param[out] next_point pointer to array of geographic coordinates of integrated point
   \param delta_t integration time step
   \param error pointer to array of error values

   \return 0 success
   \return -1 out of region or null values
static int rk45_next(RASTER3D_Region * region, struct Gradient_info *gradient_info,
		     const double *point, double *next_point,
		     const double delta_t, double *velocity, double *error)
    double tmp1[6][3];		/* 3 is 3 dimensions, 6 is the number of k's */
    double tmp_point[3];
    double vel_x, vel_y, vel_z;
    double sum_tmp;
    int i, j, k;
    double vel_sq;

    if (get_velocity(region, gradient_info, point[0], point[1], point[2],
		     &vel_x, &vel_y, &vel_z) < 0)
	return -1;

    tmp1[0][0] = vel_x;
    tmp1[0][1] = vel_y;
    tmp1[0][2] = vel_z;

    /* compute k's */
    for (i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
	for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {	/* for each coordinate */
	    sum_tmp = 0;
	    for (k = 0; k < i; k++) {	/* k1; k1, k2; ... */
		sum_tmp += B[i - 1][k] * tmp1[k][j];
	    tmp_point[j] = point[j] + delta_t * sum_tmp;
	if (get_velocity
	    (region, gradient_info, tmp_point[0], tmp_point[1], tmp_point[2],
	     &vel_x, &vel_y, &vel_z) < 0)
	    return -1;

	tmp1[i][0] = vel_x;
	tmp1[i][1] = vel_y;
	tmp1[i][2] = vel_z;

    vel_sq = 0;
    /* compute next point */
    for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
	sum_tmp = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
	    sum_tmp += C[i] * tmp1[i][j];
	next_point[j] = point[j] + delta_t * sum_tmp;
	vel_sq += sum_tmp * sum_tmp;
    *velocity = sqrt(vel_sq);

    if (!Rast3d_is_valid_location
	(region, next_point[1], next_point[0], next_point[2]))
	return -1;

    /* compute error vector */
    for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
	sum_tmp = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
	    sum_tmp += DC[i] * tmp1[i][j];
	error[j] = delta_t * sum_tmp;

    return 0;
Beispiel #16
		bool is_moving() const { return get_velocity() != Vector(0, 0); }
Beispiel #17
double GPSFilter::get_mph() {
  double lat, lon, delta_lat, delta_lon;
  get_lat_long(&lat, &lon);
  get_velocity(&delta_lat, &delta_lon);
  return calculate_mph(lat, lon, delta_lat, delta_lon);
void AngularVelocity::show(std::ostream &out) const {
  out << "Angular velocity " << get_velocity() << std::endl;
Beispiel #19
//Apply RK2 to advect a point in the domain.
Vec2f FluidSim::trace_rk2(const Vec2f& position, float dt) {
   Vec2f velocity = get_velocity(position);
   velocity = get_velocity(position + 0.5f*dt*velocity);
   return position + dt*velocity;