Beispiel #1
   * \param dim Dimension of adjacent entity being requested
   * \param i Parametric coordinates of cell being evaluated
   * \param j Parametric coordinates of cell being evaluated
   * \param k Parametric coordinates of cell being evaluated
   * \param dir Direction (0, 1, or 2), for getting adjacent edges (2d, 3d) or faces (3d) 
   * \param ent EntityHandle of adjacent entity
   * \param create_if_missing If true, creates the entity if it doesn't already exist
ErrorCode ScdBox::get_adj_edge_or_face(int dim, int i, int j, int k, int dir, EntityHandle &ent,
                                       bool create_if_missing) const 
    // describe connectivity of sub-element in static array
    // subconnect[dim-1][dir][numv][ijk] where dimensions are:
    // [dim-1]: dim=1 or 2, so this is 0 or 1
    // [dir]: one of 0..2, for ijk directions in a hex
    // [numv]: number of vertices describing sub entity = 2*dim <= 4
    // [ijk]: 3 values for i, j, k
  int subconnect[2][3][4][3] = {
      {{{0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {-1, -1, -1}, {-1, -1, -1}}, // i edge
       {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {-1, -1, -1}, {-1, -1, -1}}, // j edge
       {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {-1, -1, -1}, {-1, -1, -1}}}, // k edge

      {{{0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 1}}, // i face
       {{0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 1}}, // j face
       {{0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}}}; // k face

    // check proper input dimensions and lower bound
  if (dim < 1 || dim > 2 || i < boxDims[0] || j < boxDims[1] || k < boxDims[2]) 
    return MB_FAILURE;

    // now check upper bound; parameters must be <= upper corner, since edges/faces
    // follow element parameterization, not vertex parameterization
  else if ((boxDims[3] != boxDims[0] && i > (locallyPeriodic[0] ? boxDims[3]+1 : boxDims[3])) ||
           (boxDims[4] != boxDims[1] && j > (locallyPeriodic[1] ? boxDims[4]+1 : boxDims[4])) ||
           (boxDims[5] != boxDims[2] && k > boxDims[5])) return MB_FAILURE;

        // get the vertices making up this entity
  EntityHandle verts[4];
  for (int ind = 0; ind < 2*dim; ind++) {
    int i1=i+subconnect[dim-1][dir][ind][0];
    int j1=j+subconnect[dim-1][dir][ind][1];
    // if periodic in i and i1 is boxDims[3]+1, wrap around
    if (locallyPeriodic[0] && i1==boxDims[3]+1) i1=boxDims[0];
    // if periodic in j and j1 is boxDims[4]+1, wrap around
    if (locallyPeriodic[1] && j1==boxDims[4]+1) j1=boxDims[1];
    verts[ind] = get_vertex(i1,
    if (!verts[ind]) return MB_FAILURE;
  Range ents;
  ErrorCode rval = scImpl->impl()->get_adjacencies(verts, 2*dim, dim, false, ents);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;

  if (ents.size() > 1) return MB_FAILURE;
  else if (ents.size() == 1) {
    ent = *ents.begin();
  else if (create_if_missing)
    rval = scImpl->impl()->create_element((1 == dim ? MBEDGE : MBQUAD), verts, 2*dim, ent);
  return rval;
Beispiel #2
void CDG::get_cd_succs(UINT id, OUT LIST<VERTEX*> & lst)
	VERTEX * v = get_vertex(id);
	IS_TRUE0(v != NULL);
	EDGE_C * out = VERTEX_out_list(v);
	while (out != NULL) {
		VERTEX * succ = EDGE_to(EC_edge(out));
		out = EC_next(out);
Beispiel #3
void CDG::get_cd_preds(UINT id, OUT LIST<VERTEX*> & lst)
	VERTEX * v = get_vertex(id);
	IS_TRUE0(v != NULL);
	EDGE_C * in = VERTEX_in_list(v);
	while (in != NULL) {
		VERTEX * pred = EDGE_from(EC_edge(in));
		in = EC_next(in);
void compute_normal(struct rt_bot_internal *bot, int p1, int p2,
		    int p3, float *dest)
    float v1[3];
    float v2[3];
    float v3[3];
    float vec1[3];
    float vec2[3];
    float fnorm[3];
    float temp[3];
    float *np1, *np2, *np3;

    /* get face normal */
    get_vertex(bot, p1, v1);
    if (flip_normals) {
	get_vertex(bot, p3, v2);
	get_vertex(bot, p2, v3);
    } else {
	get_vertex(bot, p2, v2);
	get_vertex(bot, p3, v3);

    VSUB2(vec1, v1, v2);
    VSUB2(vec2, v1, v3);
    VCROSS(fnorm, vec1, vec2);

    /* average existing normal with face normal per vertex */
    np1 = dest + 3*p1;
    np2 = dest + 3*p2;
    np3 = dest + 3*p3;
    VADD2(temp, fnorm, np1);
    VMOVE(np1, temp);
    VADD2(temp, fnorm, np2);
    VMOVE(np2, temp);
    VADD2(temp, fnorm, np3);
    VMOVE(np3, temp);
Beispiel #5
MeshBuilder::MeshNode* MeshBuilder::add_vertex(const Math::Vector3<float>& pt)
    MeshNode* node = get_vertex(pt);

    if (node == nullptr) {
        float q = quantize(pt);
        node = new MeshNode(pt);

    return node;
Beispiel #6
int cartman_mpd_t::add_pfan(cartman_mpd_tile_t *pfan, float x, float y)
    // Check the fan.
    if (!pfan)
        log_warning("%s - tried to add null fan pointer\n", __FUNCTION__);
        return -1;

    tile_definition_t *pdef = TILE_DICT_PTR(tile_dict, pfan->type);
    if (!pdef)
        log_warning("%s - invalid fan type %d\n", __FUNCTION__, pfan->type);
        return -1;

    int vert_count = pdef->numvertices;
    if (0 == vert_count)
        log_warning("%s - undefined fan type %d\n", __FUNCTION__, pfan->type);
        return -1;
    else if (vert_count > MAP_FAN_VERTICES_MAX)
        log_warning("%s - too many vertices in fan type %d\n", __FUNCTION__, pfan->type);
        return -1;

    // allocate the verts for this fan
    int start_vertex = cartman_mpd_add_fan_verts(this, pfan);
    if (start_vertex < 0)
        log_warning("%s - could not allocate vertices for fan\n", __FUNCTION__);
        return -1;

    // Initialize the vertices.
    Cartman::mpd_vertex_t *pvrt = nullptr;
    int cnt;
    Uint32 vertex;
    for ( cnt = 0, vertex = pfan->vrtstart;
          cnt < vert_count && CHAINEND != vertex;
          cnt++, vertex = pvrt->next )
        pvrt = get_vertex(vertex);

        pvrt->x = x + GRID_TO_POS( pdef->grid_ix[cnt] );
        pvrt->y = y + GRID_TO_POS( pdef->grid_iy[cnt] );
        pvrt->z = 0.0f;

    return pfan->vrtstart;
Beispiel #7
bool CDG::is_only_cd_self(UINT id)
	VERTEX * v = get_vertex(id);
	IS_TRUE0(v != NULL);
	EDGE_C * out = VERTEX_out_list(v);
	while (out != NULL) {
		VERTEX * succ = EDGE_to(EC_edge(out));
		if (succ != v) return false;
		out = EC_next(out);
	return true;
Beispiel #8
void DGRAPH::_remove_unreach_node(UINT id, BITSET & visited)
	VERTEX * vex = get_vertex(id);
	EDGE_C * el = VERTEX_out_list(vex);	
	while (el != NULL) {
		UINT succ = VERTEX_id(EDGE_to(EC_edge(el)));
		if (!visited.is_contain(succ)) {
			_remove_unreach_node(succ, visited);
		el = EC_next(el);
Beispiel #9
//Add Edge
void GraphAddEdge(struct vertex** start,int from,int to,int wt){
 struct vertex* head = *start;

 struct vertex* from_node = get_vertex(head,from);
 struct vertex* to_node = get_vertex(head,to);
 struct edge* edge_head = to_node->edges; 

 struct edge* newEdge = malloc(sizeof(struct edge));
 newEdge->wt = wt;
 newEdge->connect = to_node;
 newEdge->next = NULL;

  to_node->edges = newEdge;
   edge_head = edge_head->next;
  edge_head->next = newEdge;
Beispiel #10
VALUE rb_shape_new(struct Shape * shape)
  VALUE r = rb_hash_new();
  rb_hash_aset(r, ENCODED_STR_NEW2("unique_set_id", "ASCII-8BIT"), INT2NUM(shape->unique_set_id));
  rb_hash_aset(r, ENCODED_STR_NEW2("version", "ASCII-8BIT"), INT2NUM(shape->version));
  rb_hash_aset(r, ENCODED_STR_NEW2("gl_type", "ASCII-8BIT"), INT2NUM(shape->gl_type));
  if (shape->num_attributes > 0)
    VALUE attrs = rb_ary_new();
    uint32_t i;
    for (i = 0 ; i < shape->num_attributes ; i++)
      VALUE row = rb_ary_new();
      rb_ary_push(row, ENCODED_STR_NEW2(shape->attributes[i].name, "ASCII-8BIT"));
      rb_ary_push(row, ENCODED_STR_NEW2(shape->attributes[i].value, "ASCII-8BIT"));
      rb_ary_push(attrs, row);
    rb_hash_aset(r, ENCODED_STR_NEW2("attributes", "ASCII-8BIT"), attrs);
  if (shape->num_vertexs > 0 && shape->num_vertex_arrays > 0)
    VALUE arrays = rb_hash_new();
    uint32_t i;
    for (i = 0 ; i < shape->num_vertex_arrays ; i++)
      VALUE array = rb_hash_new();
      VALUE vertexs = rb_ary_new();
      uint32_t j;
      for (j = 0 ; j < shape->num_vertexs ; j++)
        VALUE vertex = rb_ary_new();
        float * v = get_vertex(shape, i, j);
        uint32_t k;
        for (k = 0 ; k < shape->vertex_arrays[i].num_dimensions ; k++)
          rb_ary_push(vertex, rb_float_new(*(v+k)));
        rb_ary_push(vertexs, vertex);
      rb_hash_aset(array, ENCODED_STR_NEW2("vertexs", "ASCII-8BIT"), vertexs);
      rb_hash_aset(array, ENCODED_STR_NEW2("num_dimensions", "ASCII-8BIT"), INT2NUM(shape->vertex_arrays[i].num_dimensions));
      rb_hash_aset(arrays, INT2NUM(shape->vertex_arrays[i].array_type), array);
    rb_hash_aset(r, ENCODED_STR_NEW2("vertex_arrays", "ASCII-8BIT"), arrays);
  return r;
Beispiel #11
extern "C" void kdtree_insert_shape(void * v_kdtree, struct Shape * shape)
  if (v_kdtree == NULL) return;
  duplet_tree_type * kdtree = (duplet_tree_type *)v_kdtree;
  int i = 0;
  for (i = 0 ; i < shape->num_vertexs ; i++)
    float * v = get_vertex(shape, 0, i);
    duplet d = { {v[0], v[1]}, i, shape };
Beispiel #12
rotz_rem_vertex(rotz_t ctx, const char *v)
	size_t z = strlen(v);
	rtz_vtx_t res;

	/* first check if V is really there, if not get an id and add that */
	if (UNLIKELY(!(res = get_vertex(ctx, v, z)))) {
	} else if (UNLIKELY(rem_vertex(ctx, res, v, z) < 0)) {
		res = 0U;
	return res;
Beispiel #13
inline ErrorCode SweptElementData::get_params_connectivity(const int i, const int j, const int k,
                                                           std::vector<EntityHandle>& connectivity) const
  if (contains(HomCoord(i, j, k)) == false) return MB_FAILURE;
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(i, j, k));
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(i+1, j, k));
  if (CN::Dimension(TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(start_handle())) < 2) return MB_SUCCESS;
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(i+1, j+1, k));
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(i, j+1, k));
  if (CN::Dimension(TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(start_handle())) < 3) return MB_SUCCESS;
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(i, j, k+1));
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(i+1, j, k+1));
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(i+1, j+1, k+1));
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(i, j+1, k+1));
  return MB_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #14
void graph_engine::activate_vertices(vertex_id_t vertices[], int num)
	vertex_id_t to_add[num];
	int num_to_add = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
		compute_vertex &v = get_vertex(vertices[i]);
		// When a vertex is added to the queue, we mark it as visited.
		// Therefore, a vertex can only be added to the queue once and
		// can only be visited once.
		if (v.activate_in(level.get()))
			to_add[num_to_add++] = vertices[i];
	activated_vertex_buf->add(to_add, num_to_add);
Beispiel #15
safe_ptr<shader> get_image_shader(ogl_device& ogl, bool& blend_modes)
	tbb::mutex::scoped_lock lock(g_shader_mutex);

		blend_modes = g_blend_modes;
		return make_safe_ptr(g_shader);
		g_blend_modes  = glTextureBarrierNV ? env::properties().get(L"configuration.blend-modes", false) : false;
		g_shader.reset(new shader(get_vertex(), get_fragment(g_blend_modes)));
		CASPAR_LOG(warning) << "Failed to compile shader. Trying to compile without blend-modes.";
		g_blend_modes = false;
		g_shader.reset(new shader(get_vertex(), get_fragment(g_blend_modes)));

		CASPAR_LOG(info) << L"[shader] Blend-modes are disabled.";

	blend_modes = g_blend_modes;
	return make_safe_ptr(g_shader);
Beispiel #16
rotz_add_vertex(rotz_t ctx, const char *v)
	size_t z = strlen(v);
	rtz_vtx_t res;

	/* first check if V is already there, if not get an id and add that */
	if ((res = get_vertex(ctx, v, z))) {
	} else if (UNLIKELY(!(res = next_id(ctx)))) {
	} else if (UNLIKELY(add_vertex(ctx, v, z, res) < 0)) {
		res = 0U;
	return res;
Beispiel #17
void GL_quad::display() const {
//	vector3 normal = get_normal();
	for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
		vector3 vertex = get_vertex(i);
		vector2 tex_coord = tex_coords[i];
		vector3 normal = normals[i];
		glTexCoord2f(tex_coord.x, tex_coord.y);
		glNormal3f(normal.x, normal.y, normal.z);
		glVertex3f(vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z);
Beispiel #18
bool DGRAPH::clone_bs(DGRAPH & src)
	IS_TRUE0(m_bs_mgr != NULL);	
	INT c;
	for (VERTEX * srcv = src.m_vertexs.get_first(c); 
		 srcv != NULL; srcv = src.m_vertexs.get_next(c)) {
		INT src_vid = VERTEX_id(srcv);
		VERTEX * tgtv = get_vertex(src_vid);
		IS_TRUE0(tgtv != NULL);

	} //end for each vertexs
	return true;
Beispiel #19
inline ErrorCode ScdElementData::get_params_connectivity(const int i, const int j, const int k,
                                                           std::vector<EntityHandle>& connectivity) const
  if (contains(HomCoord(i, j, k)) == false) return MB_FAILURE;
  int ip1 = (isPeriodic[0] ? (i+1)%dIJKm1[0] : i+1),
      jp1 = (isPeriodic[1] ? (j+1)%dIJKm1[1] : j+1);
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(i, j, k));
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(ip1, j, k));
  if (CN::Dimension(TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(start_handle())) < 2) return MB_SUCCESS;
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(ip1, jp1, k));
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(i, jp1, k));
  if (CN::Dimension(TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(start_handle())) < 3) return MB_SUCCESS;
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(i, j, k+1));
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(ip1, j, k+1));
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(ip1, jp1, k+1));
  connectivity.push_back(get_vertex(i, jp1, k+1));
  return MB_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #20
get_cycle(GraphFrame *gf, int cycle_len)
  int i;
  struct pt *v;

  if(cycle_len > gf->count_vertex)

  for(i = 1 ; i <= gf->count_vertex; i++)
      v = get_vertex(i,gf);
      /*printf("first node %s \n", v->label);*/
	find_cycle(gf, v, 0, cycle_len);
void reach_client::on_mouse_down(int x, int y, int button)
    boost::optional<my_graph::vertex_id> hover = get_vertex(*pgraph_, coord<int>(x, y));
    if (button == 0)
        selected_ = hover;

    /*if (button == 1 && hover.is_initialized()) {
        if (marked_.count(*hover) == 0)
    if (button == 1 && selected_.is_initialized()&& hover.is_initialized())
        run_astar(*selected_, *hover);

    base_visualizer_client::on_mouse_down(x, y, button);
Beispiel #22
	Evaluates the centroid of the specified element.

	\param element is the element
	\result The centroid of the specified element.
std::array<double, 3> Patch::eval_element_centroid(const Element &element)
	const int nDimensions = 3;

	const long *elementConnect = element.get_connect();
	const ElementInfo &elementInfo = element.get_info();

	std::array<double, nDimensions> centroid = {{0., 0., 0.}};
	for (int i = 0; i < elementInfo.nVertices; ++i) {
		Vertex &vertex = get_vertex(elementConnect[i]);
		const std::array<double, nDimensions> &vertexCoords = vertex.get_coords();
		for (int k = 0; k < nDimensions; ++k) {
			centroid[k] += vertexCoords[k];

	for (int k = 0; k < nDimensions; ++k) {
		centroid[k] /= elementInfo.nVertices;

	return centroid;
Beispiel #23
static float get_bounds(int i, float b[6], float x, float y, float a)
    float u[8][3];
    int j;

    int cx = (int) (x + a / 2);
    int cy = (int) (y + a / 2);

    short min = terrain[i].min[360 * cy + cx];
    short max = terrain[i].max[360 * cy + cx];

    get_vertex(u[0], x,     y,     terrain[i].o + min * terrain[i].magn);
    get_vertex(u[1], x + a, y,     terrain[i].o + min * terrain[i].magn);
    get_vertex(u[2], x + a, y + a, terrain[i].o + min * terrain[i].magn);
    get_vertex(u[3], x,     y + a, terrain[i].o + min * terrain[i].magn);
    get_vertex(u[4], x,     y,     terrain[i].o + max * terrain[i].magn);
    get_vertex(u[5], x + a, y,     terrain[i].o + max * terrain[i].magn);
    get_vertex(u[6], x + a, y + a, terrain[i].o + max * terrain[i].magn);
    get_vertex(u[7], x,     y + a, terrain[i].o + max * terrain[i].magn);

    b[0] = b[3] = u[0][0];
    b[1] = b[4] = u[0][1];
    b[2] = b[5] = u[0][2];

    for (j = 1; j < 8; ++j)
        b[0] = MIN(b[0], u[j][0]);
        b[1] = MIN(b[1], u[j][1]);
        b[2] = MIN(b[2], u[j][2]);
        b[3] = MAX(b[3], u[j][0]);
        b[4] = MAX(b[4], u[j][1]);
        b[5] = MAX(b[5], u[j][2]);

    return (float) sin(RAD(cy));
int read_walk_distance_via_osm_to_bus_stop_from_iroquois(int argc, char ** argv, FILE * pipe_in, FILE * pipe_out, FILE * pipe_err)
  //char filename[300] = "";
  //int num_attributes = -1;
  //int c;
  //while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "f:a:")) != -1)
  //switch (c)
  //  case 'f':
  //    strncpy(filename, optarg, 300);
  //    break;
  //  case 'a':
  //    num_attributes = atoi(optarg);
  //    break;
  //  default:
  //    abort();
  CURL *curl = NULL;
  CURLcode res;
  struct MemoryStruct chunk;
  char url[400];
  curl = curl_easy_init();
  struct Shape * shape = NULL;
  while ((shape = read_shape(pipe_in))) // address points
    if (shape->num_vertexs > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "This is likely not the data this script was expecting. (was expecting addres points, single vertex shapes)\n"); break; }
    float * v = get_vertex(shape, 0, 0);
    chunk.memory = NULL;
    chunk.size = 0;
    sprintf(url, "http://localhost:3333/walk_distance_to_a_bus_stop?from=%f,%f", v[1], v[0]);
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url);
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, WriteMemoryCallback);
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, (void *)&chunk);
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "libcurl-agent/1.0");
    res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
    if (chunk.size == 0)
      set_attribute(shape, "route_error", "can not find a bus stop");
      char * walk_distance = strtok(chunk.memory, ",");
      char * myttc_stop_id = strtok(NULL, ",");
      char * myttc_stop_name = strtok(NULL, ",");
      if (walk_distance != NULL) set_attribute(shape, "walk_distance", walk_distance);
      if (myttc_stop_id != NULL) set_attribute(shape, "myttc_stop_id", myttc_stop_id);
      if (myttc_stop_name != NULL) set_attribute(shape, "myttc_stop_name", myttc_stop_name);
    // manipulate data here if you like
    write_shape(pipe_out, shape);
Beispiel #25
 inline EntityHandle get_vertex(int i, int j, int k) const
   { return get_vertex(HomCoord(i,j,k)); }
///  public  _import_from_file
///  Construct the graph by importing the edges from the input file. 
///  @param [in]       file_name const std::string &    The input graph file
///  This function doesn't return a value
///  @remarks The format of the file is as follows:
///   1. The first line has an integer as the number of vertices of the graph
///   2. Each line afterwards contains a directed edge in the graph:
///		     starting point, ending point and the weight of the edge. 
///		 These values are separated by 'white space'.
///  @see <TODO: insert text here>
///  @author Yan Qi @date 5/29/2010
void Graph::_import_from_file( const string& input_file_name )
	const char* file_name = input_file_name.c_str();

	//1. Check the validity of the file
	ifstream ifs(file_name);
	if (!ifs)
		cerr << "The file " << file_name << " can not be opened!" << endl;

	//2. Reset the members of the class

	//3. Start to read information from the input file. 
	/// Note the format of the data in the graph file.
	//3.1 The first line has an integer as the number of vertices of the graph
	ifs >> m_nVertexNum;

	//3.2 In the following lines, each line contains a directed edge in the graph:
	///   the id of starting point, the id of ending point, the weight of the edge. 
	///   These values are separated by 'white space'. 
	int start_vertex, end_vertex;
	double edge_weight;
	int vertex_id = 0;

	while(ifs >> start_vertex)
		if (start_vertex == -1)
		ifs >> end_vertex;
		ifs >> edge_weight;

		///3.2.1 construct the vertices
		BaseVertex* start_vertex_pt = get_vertex(start_vertex);
		BaseVertex* end_vertex_pt = get_vertex(end_vertex);

		///3.2.2 add the edge weight
		//// note that the duplicate edge would overwrite the one occurring before. 
		m_mpEdgeCodeWeight[get_edge_code(start_vertex_pt, end_vertex_pt)] = edge_weight;

		///3.2.3 update the fan-in or fan-out variables
		//// Fan-in
		get_vertex_set_pt(end_vertex_pt, m_mpFaninVertices)->insert(start_vertex_pt);

		//// Fan-out
		get_vertex_set_pt(start_vertex_pt, m_mpFanoutVertices)->insert(end_vertex_pt);


	if(m_nVertexNum != m_vtVertices.size())
		cerr << "The number of nodes in the graph is "<<  m_vtVertices.size() << " instead of " << m_nVertexNum << endl;

	m_nVertexNum = m_vtVertices.size();
	m_nEdgeNum = m_mpEdgeCodeWeight.size();

    void operator()(MeshType const & input_mesh,
                    MeshType const & output_mesh,
                    viennagrid_plc plc_output_mesh,
                    PointType const & N)
      typedef viennagrid::result_of::const_element_range<MeshType>::type ConstElementRangeType;
      typedef viennagrid::result_of::iterator<ConstElementRangeType>::type ConstElementRangeIterator;

      viennagrid::result_of::element_copy_map<>::type copy_map(output_mesh, false);

      ConstElementRangeType triangles( input_mesh, 2 );
      for (ConstElementRangeIterator tit = triangles.begin(); tit != triangles.end(); ++tit)
        ElementType v[3];
        PointType p[3];
        double dp[3];

        for (int pi = 0; pi != 3; ++pi)
          v[pi] = viennagrid::vertices(*tit)[pi];
          p[pi] = viennagrid::get_point( v[pi] );

          dp[pi] = viennagrid::inner_prod( p[pi], N );

        if ( !inside(dp[0]) && !inside(dp[1]) && !inside(dp[2]) )
          // all points outside -> ignore

        int on_plane_count = 0;
        for (int pi = 0; pi != 3; ++pi)
          if ( on_plane(dp[pi]) )

        if (on_plane_count == 3)

        if (on_plane_count == 2)
//           std::cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  on_plane_count = 2" << std::endl;
          int not_on_plane_index = !on_plane(dp[0]) ? 0 : !on_plane(dp[1]) ? 1 : 2;
          if ( inside(dp[not_on_plane_index]) )

            int oi0 = (not_on_plane_index == 0) ? 1 : 0;
            int oi1 = (not_on_plane_index == 2) ? 1 : 2;

            add_line(copy_map(v[oi0]), copy_map(v[oi1]));
//           else
//             std::cout << "   outside -> skipping" << std::endl;

        if (on_plane_count == 1)
//           std::cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  on_plane_count = 1" << std::endl;
          int on_plane_index = on_plane(dp[0]) ? 0 : on_plane(dp[1]) ? 1 : 2;
          int oi0 = (on_plane_index == 0) ? 1 : 0;
          int oi1 = (on_plane_index == 2) ? 1 : 2;

          if ( !inside(dp[oi0]) && !inside(dp[oi1]) )

          if ( inside(dp[oi0]) && inside(dp[oi1]) )

          // oi0 is inside
          if ( !inside(dp[oi0]) )
            std::swap(oi0, oi1);

          ElementType v_ = get_vertex(output_mesh, N, v[oi0], v[oi1]);
          viennagrid::make_triangle( output_mesh, copy_map(v[on_plane_index]), copy_map(v[oi0]), v_);

          add_line(v_, copy_map(v[on_plane_index]));

        if ( inside(dp[0]) && inside(dp[1]) && inside(dp[2])  )
          // all points inside -> copy

        int pos_count = 0;
        for (int pi = 0; pi != 3; ++pi)
          if ( inside(dp[pi]) )

        int pi = (dp[0]*dp[1] > 0) ? 2 : (dp[1]*dp[2] > 0) ? 0 : 1;
        int oi0 = (pi == 0) ? 1 : 0;
        int oi1 = (pi == 2) ? 1 : 2;

        ElementType v1_ = get_vertex(output_mesh, N, v[pi], v[oi0]);
        ElementType v2_ = get_vertex(output_mesh, N, v[pi], v[oi1]);
        add_line(v1_, v2_);

        if (pos_count == 1)
          viennagrid::make_triangle( output_mesh, copy_map(v[pi]), v1_, v2_);
          viennagrid::make_triangle( output_mesh, copy_map(v[oi0]), copy_map(v[oi1]), v1_);
          viennagrid::make_triangle( output_mesh, copy_map(v[oi1]), v1_, v2_);

      std::vector<viennagrid_int> line_ids;
      std::map<ElementType, viennagrid_int> vertices_on_hyperplane;

      for (LinesOnHyperplaneType::iterator it = lines_on_hyperplane.begin(); it != lines_on_hyperplane.end(); ++it)
        vertices_on_hyperplane.insert( std::make_pair((*it).first, -1) );
        vertices_on_hyperplane.insert( std::make_pair((*it).second, -1) );

      for (std::map<ElementType, viennagrid_int>::iterator vit = vertices_on_hyperplane.begin(); vit != vertices_on_hyperplane.end(); ++vit)
        PointType p = viennagrid::get_point( (*vit).first );
        viennagrid_plc_vertex_create(plc_output_mesh, &p[0], &vit->second);

      for (LinesOnHyperplaneType::iterator it = lines_on_hyperplane.begin(); it != lines_on_hyperplane.end(); ++it)
        viennagrid_int line_id;

      viennagrid_plc_facet_create(plc_output_mesh, line_ids.size(), &line_ids[0], NULL);
		// std::sorting
		bool operator() (WorkSpacesGraph::vertex_t const & lhs, WorkSpacesGraph::vertex_t const & rhs) const { return get_vertex(lhs) < get_vertex(rhs); }
Beispiel #29
      void Linearizer::process_quad(MeshFunction<double>** fns, int iv0, int iv1, int iv2, int iv3, int level,
        double* val, double* phx, double* phy, int* idx, bool curved)
        double midval[3][5];

        // try not to split through the vertex with the largest value
        int a = (verts[iv0][2] > verts[iv1][2]) ? iv0 : iv1;
        int b = (verts[iv2][2] > verts[iv3][2]) ? iv2 : iv3;
        a = (verts[a][2] > verts[b][2]) ? a : b;
        int flip = (a == iv1 || a == iv3) ? 1 : 0;

        if(level < LinearizerBase::get_max_level(fns[0]->get_active_element(), fns[0]->get_fn_order(), fns[0]->get_mesh()))
          int i;
          if(!(level & 1)) // this is an optimization: do the following only every other time
            // obtain solution values
            fns[0]->set_quad_order(1, item);
            val = fns[0]->get_values(component, value_type);
              for (i = 0; i < lin_np_quad[1]; i++)
                double v = val[i];
                if(finite(v) && fabs(v) > max)
#pragma omp critical(max)
                  if(finite(v) && fabs(v) > max)
                    max = fabs(v);

              // This is just to make some sense.
              if(fabs(max) < Hermes::HermesSqrtEpsilon)
                max = Hermes::HermesSqrtEpsilon;

              idx = quad_indices[0];

                RefMap* refmap = fns[0]->get_refmap();
                phx = refmap->get_phys_x(1);
                phy = refmap->get_phys_y(1);

                double* dx = nullptr;
                double* dy = nullptr;

                if(this->xdisp != nullptr)
                  fns[1]->set_quad_order(1, H2D_FN_VAL);
                if(this->ydisp != nullptr)
                  fns[this->xdisp == nullptr ? 1 : 2]->set_quad_order(1, H2D_FN_VAL);
                if(this->xdisp != nullptr)
                  dx = fns[1]->get_fn_values();
                if(this->ydisp != nullptr)
                  dy = fns[this->xdisp == nullptr ? 1 : 2]->get_fn_values();
                for (i = 0; i < lin_np_quad[1]; i++)
                  if(this->xdisp != nullptr)
                    phx[i] += dmult*dx[i];
                  if(this->ydisp != nullptr)
                    phy[i] += dmult*dy[i];

          // obtain linearized values and coordinates at the midpoints
          for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            midval[i][0] = (verts[iv0][i] + verts[iv1][i]) * 0.5;
            midval[i][1] = (verts[iv1][i] + verts[iv2][i]) * 0.5;
            midval[i][2] = (verts[iv2][i] + verts[iv3][i]) * 0.5;
            midval[i][3] = (verts[iv3][i] + verts[iv0][i]) * 0.5;
            midval[i][4] = (midval[i][0]  + midval[i][2])  * 0.5;

          // the value of the middle point is not the average of the four vertex values, since quad == 2 triangles
          midval[2][4] = flip ? (verts[iv0][2] + verts[iv2][2]) * 0.5 : (verts[iv1][2] + verts[iv3][2]) * 0.5;

          // determine whether or not to split the element
          int split;
          if(eps >= 1.0)
            // if eps > 1, the user wants a fixed number of refinements (no adaptivity)
            split = (level < eps) ? 3 : 0;
            if(!auto_max && fabs(verts[iv0][2]) > max && fabs(verts[iv1][2]) > max
              && fabs(verts[iv2][2]) > max && fabs(verts[iv3][2]) > max)
              // do not split if the whole quad is above the specified maximum value
              split = 0;
              // calculate the approximate error of linearizing the normalized solution
              double herr = fabs(val[idx[1]] - midval[2][1]) + fabs(val[idx[3]] - midval[2][3]);
              double verr = fabs(val[idx[0]] - midval[2][0]) + fabs(val[idx[2]] - midval[2][2]);
              double err  = fabs(val[idx[4]] - midval[2][4]) + herr + verr;
              split = (!finite(err) || err > max*4*eps) ? 3 : 0;

              // decide whether to split horizontally or vertically only
              if(level > 0 && split)
                if(herr > 5*verr)
                  split = 1; // h-split
                else if(verr > 5*herr)
                  split = 2; // v-split

            // also decide whether to split because of the curvature
            if(split != 3 && curved)
              double cm2 = sqr(fns[0]->get_active_element()->get_diameter()*this->get_curvature_epsilon());
              if(sqr(phx[idx[1]] - midval[0][1]) + sqr(phy[idx[1]] - midval[1][1]) > cm2 ||
                sqr(phx[idx[3]] - midval[0][3]) + sqr(phy[idx[3]] - midval[1][3]) > cm2) split |= 1;
              if(sqr(phx[idx[0]] - midval[0][0]) + sqr(phy[idx[0]] - midval[1][0]) > cm2 ||
                sqr(phx[idx[2]] - midval[0][2]) + sqr(phy[idx[2]] - midval[1][2]) > cm2) split |= 2;

            // do extra tests at level 0, so as not to miss some functions with zero error at edge midpoints
            if(level == 0 && !split)
              split = ((fabs(val[13] - 0.5*(midval[2][0] + midval[2][1])) +
                fabs(val[17] - 0.5*(midval[2][1] + midval[2][2])) +
                fabs(val[20] - 0.5*(midval[2][2] + midval[2][3])) +
                fabs(val[9]  - 0.5*(midval[2][3] + midval[2][0]))) > max*4*eps) ? 3 : 0;

          // split the quad if the error is too large, otherwise produce two linear triangles
              for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                midval[0][i] = phx[idx[i]];
                midval[1][i] = phy[idx[i]];

              // obtain mid-edge and mid-element vertices
              int mid0, mid1, mid2, mid3, mid4;
              if(split != 1) mid0 = get_vertex(iv0,  iv1,  midval[0][0], midval[1][0], val[idx[0]]);
              if(split != 2) mid1 = get_vertex(iv1,  iv2,  midval[0][1], midval[1][1], val[idx[1]]);
              if(split != 1) mid2 = get_vertex(iv2,  iv3,  midval[0][2], midval[1][2], val[idx[2]]);
              if(split != 2) mid3 = get_vertex(iv3,  iv0,  midval[0][3], midval[1][3], val[idx[3]]);
              if(split == 3) mid4 = get_vertex(mid0, mid2, midval[0][4], midval[1][4], val[idx[4]]);


              // recur to sub-elements
              if(split == 3)
                this->push_transforms(fns, 0);
                process_quad(fns, iv0, mid0, mid4, mid3, level + 1, val, phx, phy, quad_indices[1], curved);

                this->push_transforms(fns, 1);
                process_quad(fns, mid0, iv1, mid1, mid4, level + 1, val, phx, phy, quad_indices[2], curved);

                this->push_transforms(fns, 2);
                process_quad(fns, mid4, mid1, iv2, mid2, level + 1, val, phx, phy, quad_indices[3], curved);

                this->push_transforms(fns, 3);
                process_quad(fns, mid3, mid4, mid2, iv3, level + 1, val, phx, phy, quad_indices[4], curved);
                if(split == 1) // h-split
                  this->push_transforms(fns, 4);
                  process_quad(fns, iv0, iv1, mid1, mid3, level + 1, val, phx, phy, quad_indices[5], curved);

                  this->push_transforms(fns, 5);
                  process_quad(fns, mid3, mid1, iv2, iv3, level + 1, val, phx, phy, quad_indices[6], curved);
                else // v-split
                  this->push_transforms(fns, 6);
                  process_quad(fns, iv0, mid0, mid2, iv3, level + 1, val, phx, phy, quad_indices[7], curved);

                  this->push_transforms(fns, 7);
                  process_quad(fns, mid0, iv1, iv2, mid2, level + 1, val, phx, phy, quad_indices[8], curved);

        // output two linear triangles,
          add_triangle(iv3, iv0, iv1, fns[0]->get_active_element()->marker);
          add_triangle(iv1, iv2, iv3, fns[0]->get_active_element()->marker);
          add_triangle(iv0, iv1, iv2, fns[0]->get_active_element()->marker);
          add_triangle(iv2, iv3, iv0, fns[0]->get_active_element()->marker);
		bool operator() (WorkSpacesGraph::edge_t const & lhs, WorkSpacesGraph::edge_t const & rhs) const
			csr::vertex_pair_t v0(get_vertex(std::get<0>(lhs)), get_vertex(std::get<2>(lhs)));
			csr::vertex_pair_t v1(get_vertex(std::get<0>(rhs)), get_vertex(std::get<2>(rhs)));
			return v0 < v1;