Beispiel #1
 * is_unique: return 1 if grid (r, c) not empty and
 * grid (r, c)'s number is unique among line r, col c and
 * the corresponding box. 0 if not.
int is_unique(int r, int c, int puzzle[][9])
	int i, flag[9];

	// make sure (r,c) not empty!
	if (!is_filled(puzzle, r, c))
		return 0;
	for (i=0; i<9; i++)
		flag[i] = 0;
	i = puzzle[r-1][c-1];
	puzzle[r-1][c-1] = 0;
	getbox(puzzle, r, c);
	getrow(puzzle, r, c);
	getcol(puzzle, r, c);
	puzzle[r-1][c-1] = i;
	flag[puzzle[r-1][c-1] - 1] = 1;
	for (i=0; i<9; i++) {
		if (box[i] >= 1 && box[i] <= 9)
		if (row[i] >= 1 && row[i] <= 9)
		if (col[i] >= 1 && col[i] <= 9)

	for (i=0; i<9; i++)
		if (flag[i] > 1)
			return 0;
	return 1;
Beispiel #2
setallowed(int *board, int cc, int num)
	int j, d;
	int row, col, box;

	board[cc] &= ~Allow;
	board[cc] = (board[cc] & ~Solve) | (num << 4);

	row = getrow(cc);
	for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
		if (board[rowind[row][j]] & allowbits[num]) {
			board[rowind[row][j]] &= ~allowbits[num];
			if ((board[rowind[row][j]] & Allow) == 0) 

	col = getcol(cc);
	for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
		if (board[colind[col][j]] & allowbits[num]) {
			board[colind[col][j]] &= ~allowbits[num];
			if ((board[colind[col][j]] & Allow) == 0) 

	box = getbox(cc);
	for (j = 0;j < 9;j++) {
		if (board[boxind[box][j]] & allowbits[num]) {
			board[boxind[box][j]] &= ~allowbits[num];
			if ((board[boxind[box][j]] & Allow)==0) 

	for (j = 0;j < 81; j++)
		for (d = 0; d < 9; d++)
			if ((board[j] & Allow) == allowbits[d])
				if (!setallowed(board, j, d)) 

	if (!boxcheck(board)||!rowcheck(board)||!colcheck(board))

	for (j = 0; j < 81; j++)
		for (d = 0; d < 9; d++)
			if ((board[j] & Allow) == allowbits[d])
				if (!setallowed(board, j, d)) 

Beispiel #3
int i;
char attr[NAMEMAXLEN], val[256];
char *line, *lineval;
int nt, lvp;
int first;

int stat;
double xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi;
char areaname[NAMEMAXLEN];
char xscaletype[50], yscaletype[50];
char title[256];
char title2[256];
char titledet[256];
char title2det[256];
char frame[256];
int nlines, maxlen;
int doframe;
int namedarea;
int align;
double adjx, adjy;
int gotarea, gotxrange, gotyrange;
int doxaxis, doyaxis;
char areacolor[COLORLEN];
char xminstr[256], xmaxstr[120];  /* was xminstr[120]  - needs bigger if big autorange datafield list given - scg 10/25/04 */
char yminstr[256], ymaxstr[120];  /* was yminstr[120]  -  '' - scg 10/25/04 */
double height, width;
int locspec;
char linebottom[256];
char lineside[256];
double autowf, autowmin, autowmax;
double autohf, autohmin, autohmax;
char mapurl[MAXPATH];
double cmadj;
int docats;
char maplabel[MAXTT];
int clickmap_on;

TDH_errprog( "pl proc areadef" );

/* initialize */
strcpy( xscaletype, "linear" );
strcpy( yscaletype, "linear" );
strcpy( areaname, "standard" );
gotxrange = gotyrange = 0;
if( PLS.device == 'c' || PLS.device == 'p' ) strcpy( areaname, "standardp" ); /* for sheet of paper */
strcpy( title, "" );
strcpy( title2, "" );
doframe = 0;
strcpy( frame, "" );
strcpy( titledet, "" );
strcpy( title2det, "" );
namedarea = 1;
/* doxaxis = doyaxis = 1; */
doxaxis = doyaxis = 0;
strcpy( areacolor, "" );
strcpy( PL_bigbuf, "" );
height = 4.0;
width = 6.0;
xlo = 1.5;
ylo = 5.0;
locspec = 0; 
strcpy( xminstr, "" );
strcpy( xmaxstr, "" );
strcpy( yminstr, "" );
strcpy( ymaxstr, "" );
strcpy( linebottom, "" );
strcpy( lineside, "" );
gotarea = 1;
autowf = 0.0; autowmin = 0.0; autowmax = 20.0;
autohf = 0.0; autohmin = 0.0; autohmax = 20.0;
strcpy( mapurl, "" );
strcpy( maplabel, "" );
docats = 0;
clickmap_on = 0;

/* get attributes.. */
first = 1;
while( 1 ) {
	line = getnextattr( first, attr, val, &lvp, &nt );
	if( line == NULL ) break;
	first = 0;
	lineval = &line[lvp];

	if( stricmp( attr, "areaname" )==0 ) {
		strcpy( areaname, val );
		gotarea = 1;
	else if( stricmp( attr, "rectangle" )==0 ) {
		stat = getbox( "rectangle", lineval, &xlo, &ylo, &xhi, &yhi );
		if( stat ) { PLS.skipout = 1; return( 1 ); }
		namedarea = 0;
		gotarea = 1;
	else if( stricmp( attr, "box" )==0 ) {
		sscanf( lineval, "%lf %lf", &width, &height );
		if( PLS.usingcm ) { width /= 2.54; height /= 2.54; }
		namedarea = 0;
		gotarea = 1;

	else if( stricmp( attr, "location" )==0 ) {
		sscanf( lineval, "%lf %lf", &xlo, &ylo );
		if( PLS.usingcm ) { xlo /= 2.54; ylo /= 2.54; }
		locspec = 1;

	else if( stricmp( attr, "autowidth" )==0 ) {
		nt = sscanf( lineval, "%lf %lf %lf", &autowf, &autowmin, &autowmax );
	else if( stricmp( attr, "autoheight" )==0 ) {
		nt = sscanf( lineval, "%lf %lf %lf", &autohf, &autohmin, &autohmax );

	else if( stricmp( attr, "xrange" )==0 || stricmp( attr, "xautorange" )==0 ) {
		if( strnicmp( val, "datafield", 9 )==0 ) strcpy( xminstr, lineval );
		else if( stricmp( val, "categories" )==0 ) { strcpy( xscaletype, val ); continue; }
		else	{
			nt = sscanf( lineval, "%s %s", xminstr, xmaxstr );
			if( nt != 2 ) {
				PLS.skipout = 1;
				return( Eerr( 105, "both min and max expected", "xrange" ));
		gotxrange = 1;
	else if( stricmp( attr, "yrange" )==0 || stricmp( attr, "yautorange" )==0 ) {
		if( strnicmp( val, "datafield", 9 )==0 ) strcpy( yminstr, lineval );
		else if( stricmp( val, "categories" )==0 ) { strcpy( yscaletype, val ); continue; }
		else	{
			nt = sscanf( lineval, "%s %s", yminstr, ymaxstr );
			if( nt != 2 ) {
				PLS.skipout = 1;
				return( Eerr( 105, "both min and max expected", "yrange" ));
		gotyrange = 1;

	else if( stricmp( attr, "xscaletype" )==0 ) strcpy( xscaletype, lineval );
	else if( stricmp( attr, "yscaletype" )==0 ) strcpy( yscaletype, lineval );

	else if( stricmp( attr, "frame" )==0 ) {
		if( strnicmp( val, "no", 2 )==0 ) doframe = 0;
		else { strcpy( frame, lineval ); doframe = 1; }
	else if( stricmp( attr, "title" )==0 ) {
		strcpy( title, lineval );
		convertnl( title );
	else if( stricmp( attr, "title2" )==0 ) {
		strcpy( title2, lineval );
		convertnl( title2 );
	else if( stricmp( attr, "titledetails" )==0 ) strcpy( titledet, lineval );
	else if( stricmp( attr, "title2details" )==0 ) strcpy( title2det, lineval );
	else if( stricmp( attr, "areacolor" )==0 ) strcpy( areacolor, val );
	else if( stricmp( attr, "linebottom" )==0 ) {
		if( strnicmp( val, "no", 2 )!=0 ) strcpy( linebottom, lineval );
	else if( stricmp( attr, "lineside" )==0 ) {
		if( strnicmp( val, "no", 2 )!= 0 ) strcpy( lineside, lineval );

	else if( stricmp( attr, "clickmapurl" )==0 ) {
		if( PLS.clickmap ) { strcpy( mapurl, val ); clickmap_on = 1 ; }
	else if( stricmp( attr, "clickmaplabel" )==0 ) {
		if( PLS.clickmap ) { strcpy( maplabel, lineval ); clickmap_on = 1 ; }
        else if( stricmp( attr, "clickmaplabeltext" )==0 ) {
                if( PLS.clickmap ) { getmultiline( "clickmaplabeltext", lineval, MAXTT, maplabel ); clickmap_on = 1; }

	else if( stricmp( attr, "axes" )==0 ) {
		if( stricmp( val, "none" )==0 ) { doxaxis = 0; doyaxis = 0; }
		else if( stricmp( val, "x" )==0 ) doxaxis = 1;
		else if( stricmp( val, "y" )==0 ) doyaxis = 1;
		else if( stricmp( val, "both" )==0 ) { doxaxis = 1; doyaxis = 1; }
	else if( GL_slmember( attr, "?axis.stubs ?axis.selflocatingstubs" )) {
		if( strnicmp( attr, "xaxis.", 6 )==0 ) doxaxis = 1; 
		if( strnicmp( attr, "yaxis.", 6 )==0 ) doyaxis = 1; 
		if( GL_slmember( val, "none inc* dat*matic file datafield* list categories usecategories" )) ;
		else getmultiline( "stubtext", lineval, MAXBIGBUF-5, PL_bigbuf ); /* just to skip past it..*/
	else if( strnicmp( attr, "xaxis.", 6 )==0 ) { doxaxis = 1; continue; }
	else if( strnicmp( attr, "yaxis.", 6 )==0 ) { doyaxis = 1; continue; }
	else if( GL_slmember( attr, "axisline tic* minortic*" )) continue;

	else if( GL_slmember( attr, "?categories ?extracategory catcompmethod" )) {
		docats = 1;
		if( GL_slmember( attr, "?categories" ) && strnicmp( val, "datafield", 9 )!=0 ) 
				getmultiline( "categories", lineval, MAXBIGBUF-5, PL_bigbuf ); /* skip over it.. */
		if( attr[0] == 'x' ) strcpy( xscaletype, "categories" );
		if( attr[0] == 'y' ) strcpy( yscaletype, "categories" );

	else Eerr( 1, "areadef attribute not recognized", attr );

/* now do the plotting work.. */

PL_resetstacklist();  /* (obscure) - reset the bar graph list that tries to
			keep track of fields for automatic stacking */

/* go set up category sets if needed.. */
if( docats ) {
	TDH_errprog( "pl proc areadef" );

if( stricmp( xscaletype, "categories" )==0 ) {
	if( PL_ncats('x') < 1 ) { 
		PLS.skipout = 1; 
		return( Eerr( 5972, "no x categories exist", "" ) ); 
	gotxrange = 1;  /* note- categories could have been filled from a previous data set */
	strcpy( xminstr, "0" );
	sprintf( xmaxstr, "%d", PL_ncats('x')+1 );

if( stricmp( yscaletype, "categories" )==0 ) {
	if( PL_ncats('y') < 1 ) { 
		PLS.skipout = 1; 
		return( Eerr( 5973, "no y categories exist", "" ) ); 
	gotyrange = 1; /* note- categories could have been filled from a previous data set */
	strcpy( yminstr, "0" );
	sprintf( ymaxstr, "%d", PL_ncats('y')+1 );

if( locspec ) { /* location and box specified, calculate xhi and yhi.. */
	xhi = xlo + width;
	yhi = ylo + height;

/* determine area.. */
if( namedarea ) {
	strcat( areaname, " " );
	for( i = 0; i < nareas; i++ ) {
		if( strnicmp( areas[i], areaname, strlen( areaname ) )==0 ) {
			if( Ecurpaper == 0 ) sscanf( areas[i], "%*s %lf %lf %lf %lf", &xlo, &ylo, &xhi, &yhi );
			else if( Ecurpaper == 1 ) sscanf( areas[i], "%*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %lf %lf %lf %lf", &xlo, &ylo, &xhi, &yhi );
	if( i == nareas ) {
		areaname[ strlen( areaname ) -1 ] = '\0';
		Eerr( 110, "warning, areaname not recognized, using 'standard'..", areaname );
		strcpy( areaname, "standard" );
		goto RETRY;
if( !gotarea && !locspec ) {  /* && !locspec added scg 11/21/00 */
	PLS.skipout = 1;
	return( Eerr( 130, "No plotting area has been specified", "" ) );
if( !gotxrange ) {
	PLS.skipout = 1;
	return( Eerr( 130, "No xrange has been specified", "" ) );
if( !gotyrange ) {
	PLS.skipout = 1;
	return( Eerr( 130, "No yrange has been specified", "" ) );

/* set scaling type and special units if any.. */
stat = Escaletype( xscaletype, 'x' );
if( stat != 0 ) Escaletype( "linear", 'x' );
if( strnicmp( xscaletype, "log", 3 )==0 ) Esetunits( 'x', "linear" );
else Esetunits( 'x', xscaletype );

stat = Escaletype( yscaletype, 'y' );
if( stat != 0 ) Escaletype( "linear", 'y' );
if( strnicmp( yscaletype, "log", 3 )==0 ) Esetunits( 'y', "linear" );
else Esetunits( 'y', yscaletype );

/* if autoranging is specified, do it now.. */
if( strnicmp( xminstr, "datafield", 9 ) == 0 ) PLP_autorange( 'x', xminstr, xminstr, xmaxstr );
if( strnicmp( yminstr, "datafield", 9 ) == 0 ) PLP_autorange( 'y', yminstr, yminstr, ymaxstr );

/* if scaletype is log but there are data values = 0.0, go to log+1 scaling.. */
if( stricmp( xscaletype, "log" )==0 && atof( xminstr ) <= 0.0 ) Escaletype( "log+1", 'x' );
if( stricmp( yscaletype, "log" )==0 && atof( yminstr ) <= 0.0 ) Escaletype( "log+1", 'y' );

/* if using autowidth or autoheight, revise plotting area now.. */
if( autowf != 0.0 ) {
	double xmin, xmax;
	if( stricmp( xscaletype, "categories" )== 0 ) { 
		xmin = atof( xminstr );
		xmax = atof( xmaxstr );
	else	{
		xmin = Econv( 'x', xminstr );
		xmax = Econv( 'x', xmaxstr );
	xhi = xlo + ((xmax-xmin) * autowf);
	if( xhi - xlo < autowmin ) xhi = xlo + autowmin;
	else if( xhi - xlo > autowmax ) xhi = xlo + autowmax;
if( autohf != 0.0 ) {
	double ymin, ymax;
	if( stricmp( yscaletype, "categories" )== 0 ) {
		ymin = atof( yminstr );
		ymax = atof( ymaxstr );
	else	{
		ymin = Econv( 'y', yminstr );
		ymax = Econv( 'y', ymaxstr );
	yhi = ylo + ((ymax-ymin) * autohf);
	if( yhi - ylo < autohmin ) yhi = ylo + autohmin;
	else if( yhi - ylo > autohmax ) yhi = ylo + autohmax;


/* set the scaling for the plot area.. */
stat = Esetscale( 'x', xlo, xhi, xminstr, xmaxstr );
stat += Esetscale( 'y', ylo, yhi, yminstr, ymaxstr );

if( PLS.debug ) fprintf( PLS.diagfp, "areadef: lowerleft: %g,%g  upperright: %g,%g\n",
		xlo, ylo, xhi, yhi );
if( PLS.debug ) fprintf( PLS.diagfp, "areadef:   xrange is %s to %s.   yrange is %s to %s.\n",
		xminstr, xmaxstr, yminstr, ymaxstr );

if( stat != 0 ) return( stat );
DT_suppress_twin_warn( 0 );

/* set variables to hold plot area bounds and scale min/max.. */
if( PLS.usingcm ) cmadj = 2.54;
else cmadj = 1.0;
setfloatvar( "AREATOP", EYhi * cmadj );
setfloatvar( "AREABOTTOM", EYlo * cmadj );
setfloatvar( "AREALEFT", EXlo * cmadj );
setfloatvar( "AREARIGHT", EXhi * cmadj );
setcharvar( "XMIN", xminstr );
setcharvar( "XMAX", xmaxstr );
setcharvar( "YMIN", yminstr );
setcharvar( "YMAX", ymaxstr );

if( areacolor[0] != '\0' ) Ecblock( EXlo, EYlo, EXhi, EYhi, areacolor, 0 );
if( clickmap_on ) {
	if( GL_slmember( mapurl, "*@XVAL*" ) || GL_slmember( mapurl, "*@YVAL*" )) clickmap_seturlt( mapurl );
	else clickmap_entry( 'r', mapurl, 0, EXlo, EYlo, EXhi, EYhi, 0, 0, maplabel );

/* draw a frame of the graphics area */
if( doframe ) {
	if( stricmp( frame, "bevel" )==0 ) {
		Ecblockdress( EXlo, EYlo, EXhi, EYhi, 0.1, "0.6", "0.8", 0.0, "" );
	else	{
		linedet( "frame", frame, 1.0 );
		Ecblock( EXlo, EYlo, EXhi, EYhi, "", 1 );

/* draw bottom line */
if( linebottom[0] != '\0' ) {
	linedet( "linebottom", linebottom, 1.0 );
	Emov( EXlo, EYlo );
	Elin( EXhi, EYlo );

/* draw side line */
if( lineside[0] != '\0' ) {
	linedet( "lineside", lineside, 1.0 );
	Emov( EXlo, EYlo );
	Elin( EXlo, EYhi );

/* title */
if( title[0] != '\0' ) {
	textdet( "titledetails", titledet, &align, &adjx, &adjy, 0, "R", 1.0 );
	measuretext( title, &nlines, &maxlen );
	if( align == '?' ) align = 'L';
	if( align == 'L' ) Emov( EXlo + adjx, 
				EYhi + ((nlines-1) * Ecurtextheight ) + adjy + 0.02 );
	else if( align == 'C' ) 
		Emov( EXlo+((EXhi-EXlo) / 2.0 ) + adjx, 
			EYhi + ((nlines-1) * Ecurtextheight ) +adjy + 0.02 );
	else if( align == 'R' ) 
		Emov( EXhi + adjx, EYhi + ((nlines-1) * Ecurtextheight ) +adjy + 0.02);
	Edotext( title, align );
/* title 2 */
if( title2[0] != '\0' ) {
	textdet( "title2details", title2det, &align, &adjx, &adjy, 0, "R", 1.0 );
	measuretext( title2, &nlines, &maxlen );
	if( align == '?' ) align = 'L';
	if( align == 'L' ) Emov( EXlo + adjx, 
		EYhi + ((nlines-1) * Ecurtextheight ) + adjy + 0.02 );
	else if( align == 'C' ) 
		Emov( EXlo+((EXhi-EXlo) / 2.0 ) + adjx, 
			EYhi + ((nlines-1) * Ecurtextheight ) +adjy + 0.02 );
	else if( align == 'R' ) Emov( EXhi + adjx, 
		EYhi + ((nlines-1) * Ecurtextheight ) +adjy + 0.02 );
	Edotext( title2, align );

if( doxaxis ) PLP_axis( 'x', 6 );

if( doyaxis ) PLP_axis( 'y', 6 );

return( 0 );
Beispiel #4
int KDTree::makeKDTree(int npoly, const FSBOXVECTOR& boxlist)
double *xcenterdata, *ycenterdata, *zcenterdata, *whichcut[3], *cutarray; 
int i, cuttingdir, min_tri_sequence_value, max_tri_sequence_value, 
double xcen, ycen, zcen;
std::vector<TreeStack* > mytreestack;
int icnt;
TreeStack *thistreestack;
FSBoundingBox *thisbox;

  numtris = npoly;
  boxlistptr = boxlist;
  isequence = new int[npoly];
  xcenterdata = new double[npoly];
  ycenterdata = new double[npoly];
  zcenterdata = new double[npoly];
  nextbranch = new int[2*npoly];
  treebox = new FSBoundingBox*[2*npoly];
//  Get the arrays of bounding box center points for x, y, and z.  We will use 
//  these arrays to find the median values along each direction.
  for ( i = 0; i < npoly; i++ ) {
    isequence[i] = i;
    xcen = 0.5*(boxlist[i]->xmin + boxlist[i]->xmax);
    ycen = 0.5*(boxlist[i]->ymin + boxlist[i]->ymax);
    zcen = 0.5*(boxlist[i]->zmin + boxlist[i]->zmax);
    xcenterdata[i] = xcen;
    ycenterdata[i] = ycen;
    zcenterdata[i] = zcen;  
  whichcut[0] = xcenterdata; whichcut[1] = ycenterdata; whichcut[2] = zcenterdata;
  //  Get the bounding box of the root node -- the entire set of bounding boxes.
  thisbox = getbox(0,npoly-1);
  icnt = 0;
  treebox[icnt] = thisbox;
  nextbranch[icnt] = icnt;
  max_tri_sequence_value = npoly-1;
  min_tri_sequence_value = 0;
  if ( max_tri_sequence_value == 0 ) return 1;  //  Just one triangle in the data set.

  //  Get the cutting direction for the next branch.  
  cuttingdir = getcuttingdirection(thisbox); 
  thistreestack = new TreeStack(min_tri_sequence_value,
  while ( mytreestack.size() > 0 ) {
    TreeStack* thisone = mytreestack[mytreestack.size()-1];
    cuttingdir = thisone->cuttingdir;
    min_tri_sequence_value = thisone->min;
    max_tri_sequence_value = thisone->max;

    median_value = (min_tri_sequence_value + max_tri_sequence_value)/2;
    cutarray = whichcut[cuttingdir];
    if ( min_tri_sequence_value == median_value ) {  //  This is a leaf.
//      FSBoundingBox *thisbox = boxlist[isequence[median_value]];
      thisbox = new FSBoundingBox(

      treebox[icnt] = thisbox;
      nextbranch[icnt] = -isequence[median_value];
      nextbranch[thisone->sequence] = icnt;
    } else {
      thisbox = getbox(min_tri_sequence_value,median_value);
        nextbranch[thisone->sequence] = icnt;
      treebox[icnt] = thisbox;
//      nextbranch[icnt] = 11111;
      cuttingdir = getcuttingdirection(thisbox);

      thistreestack = new TreeStack(min_tri_sequence_value,
    //  The delete that follows is because we need to delete items that
    //  were created and placed on mytreestack.  This one comes from the pop()
    delete thisone;
    if ( median_value+1 == max_tri_sequence_value ) {  //  This is a leaf.
//      FSBoundingBox *thisbox = boxlist[isequence[max_tri_sequence_value]];
      thisbox = new FSBoundingBox(

      treebox[icnt] = thisbox;
      nextbranch[icnt] = -isequence[max_tri_sequence_value];
    } else {
      thisbox = getbox(median_value+1,max_tri_sequence_value);
      treebox[icnt] = thisbox;
//      nextbranch[icnt] = 22222;
      cuttingdir = getcuttingdirection(thisbox);
      thistreestack = new TreeStack(median_value+1,

  delete [] isequence;
  delete [] xcenterdata;
  delete [] ycenterdata;
  delete [] zcenterdata;
  return 1;