void main() { struct node* a = buildlistattail(10); struct node* b = buildlistathead(10); print(a); printf("\nlen(a) = %d\n", len(a)); print(b); printf("\nlen(b) = %d\n", len(b)); printf("\ngetnthfromend = %d\n", getnthfromend(a, 9)); getmiddle(a); }
void main(){ float x1=1,x2=10,x; float y1,y2,y,max; float getmiddle(float,float);//function to get the middle value of x1 and x2. float getval(float);//function to get the y corresponding to x. //scanf("%f %f",&x1,&x2); do{ x = getmiddle(x1,x2); y = getval(x); y1 = getval(x1); y2 = getval(x2); if((y*y1>0)) x1 = x; if((y*y2>0)) x2 = x; }while(fabs(y)>0.0001); printf("A root of equation is %8.4f",x); }