main (int argc, char *argv[])
    getopt_t *gopt = getopt_create ();
    getopt_add_bool (gopt, 'h', "help", 0, "Show this help screen");
    getopt_add_string (gopt, 'd', "device", "/dev/ttyUSB0", "Device name");
    getopt_add_int (gopt, 'b', "baud", "1000000", "Device baud rate");
    getopt_add_int (gopt, 'n', "num_servos", "6", "Number of servos");
    getopt_add_string (gopt, '\0', "status-channel", "ARM_STATUS2", "LCM status channel");
    getopt_add_string (gopt, '\0', "command-channel", "ARM_COMMAND2", "LCM command channel");

    if (!getopt_parse (gopt, argc, argv, 1) || getopt_get_bool (gopt, "help")) {
        getopt_do_usage (gopt);
        exit (-1);

    arm_state_t *arm_state = arm_state_create (getopt_get_string (gopt, "device"),
                                               getopt_get_int (gopt, "baud"),
                                               getopt_get_int (gopt, "num_servos"));

    // LCM Initialization
    arm_state->lcm = lcm_create (NULL);
    arm_state->command_channel = getopt_get_string (gopt, "command-channel");
    arm_state->status_channel = getopt_get_string (gopt, "status-channel");
    if (!arm_state->lcm)
        return -1;
    dynamixel_command_list_t_subscribe (arm_state->lcm,

    pthread_create (&arm_state->status_thread, NULL, status_loop, arm_state);
    pthread_create (&arm_state->driver_thread, NULL, driver_loop, arm_state);

    // Probably not needed, given how this operates
    pthread_join (arm_state->status_thread, NULL);
    pthread_join (arm_state->driver_thread, NULL);

    // Cleanup
    arm_state_destroy (arm_state);
    getopt_destroy (gopt);
Beispiel #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    getopt_t *getopt = getopt_create();

    getopt_add_bool(getopt, 'h', "help", 0, "Show this help");
    getopt_add_bool(getopt, 'd', "debug", 0, "Enable debugging output (slow)");
    getopt_add_bool(getopt, 'q', "quiet", 0, "Reduce output");
    getopt_add_string(getopt, 'f', "family", "tag36h11", "Tag family to use");
    getopt_add_int(getopt, '\0', "border", "1", "Set tag family border size");
    getopt_add_int(getopt, 'i', "iters", "1", "Repeat processing on input set this many times");
    getopt_add_int(getopt, 't', "threads", "4", "Use this many CPU threads");
    getopt_add_double(getopt, 'x', "decimate", "1.0", "Decimate input image by this factor");
    getopt_add_double(getopt, 'b', "blur", "0.0", "Apply low-pass blur to input");
    getopt_add_bool(getopt, '1', "refine-decode", 0, "Spend more time trying to decode tags");
    getopt_add_bool(getopt, '2', "refine-pose", 0, "Spend more time trying to precisely localize tags");

    if (!getopt_parse(getopt, argc, argv, 1) || getopt_get_bool(getopt, "help")) {
        printf("Usage: %s [options] <input files>\n", argv[0]);

    const zarray_t *inputs = getopt_get_extra_args(getopt);

    apriltag_family_t *tf = NULL;
    const char *famname = getopt_get_string(getopt, "family");
    if (!strcmp(famname, "tag36h11"))
        tf = tag36h11_create();
    else if (!strcmp(famname, "tag36h10"))
        tf = tag36h10_create();
    else if (!strcmp(famname, "tag36artoolkit"))
        tf = tag36artoolkit_create();
    else if (!strcmp(famname, "tag25h9"))
        tf = tag25h9_create();
    else if (!strcmp(famname, "tag25h7"))
        tf = tag25h7_create();
    else {
        printf("Unrecognized tag family name. Use e.g. \"tag36h11\".\n");

    tf->black_border = getopt_get_int(getopt, "border");

    apriltag_detector_t *td = apriltag_detector_create();
    apriltag_detector_add_family(td, tf);
    td->quad_decimate = getopt_get_double(getopt, "decimate");
    td->quad_sigma = getopt_get_double(getopt, "blur");
    td->nthreads = getopt_get_int(getopt, "threads");
    td->debug = getopt_get_bool(getopt, "debug");
    td->refine_decode = getopt_get_bool(getopt, "refine-decode");
    td->refine_pose = getopt_get_bool(getopt, "refine-pose");

    int quiet = getopt_get_bool(getopt, "quiet");

    int maxiters = getopt_get_int(getopt, "iters");

    const int hamm_hist_max = 10;

    for (int iter = 0; iter < maxiters; iter++) {

        if (maxiters > 1)
            printf("iter %d / %d\n", iter + 1, maxiters);

        for (int input = 0; input < zarray_size(inputs); input++) {

            int hamm_hist[hamm_hist_max];
            memset(hamm_hist, 0, sizeof(hamm_hist));

            char *path;
            zarray_get(inputs, input, &path);
            if (!quiet)
                printf("loading %s\n", path);

            image_u8_t *im = image_u8_create_from_pnm(path);
            if (im == NULL) {
                printf("couldn't find %s\n", path);

            zarray_t *detections = apriltag_detector_detect(td, im);

            for (int i = 0; i < zarray_size(detections); i++) {
                apriltag_detection_t *det;
                zarray_get(detections, i, &det);

                if (!quiet)
                    printf("detection %3d: id (%2dx%2d)-%-4d, hamming %d, goodness %8.3f, margin %8.3f\n",
                           i, det->family->d*det->family->d, det->family->h, det->id, det->hamming, det->goodness, det->decision_margin);




            if (!quiet) {
                printf("nedges: %d, nsegments: %d, nquads: %d\n", td->nedges, td->nsegments, td->nquads);

            if (!quiet)
                printf("Hamming histogram: ");

            for (int i = 0; i < hamm_hist_max; i++)
                printf("%5d", hamm_hist[i]);

            if (quiet) {
                printf("%12.3f", timeprofile_total_utime(td->tp) / 1.0E3);



    // don't deallocate contents of inputs; those are the argv

    return 0;
Beispiel #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    auto options = std::unique_ptr<getopt_t, void(*)(getopt_t*)> (getopt_create(), getopt_destroy);
    // getopt_t *options = getopt_create();

    getopt_add_bool(options.get(), 'h', "help", 0, "Show this help");
    getopt_add_bool(options.get(), 'd', "debug", 0, "Enable debugging output (slow)");
    getopt_add_bool(options.get(), 'w', "window", 1, "Show the detected tags in a window");
    getopt_add_bool(options.get(), 'q', "quiet", 0, "Reduce output");
    getopt_add_int(options.get(), '\0', "border", "1", "Set tag family border size");
    getopt_add_int(options.get(), 't', "threads", "4", "Use this many CPU threads");
    getopt_add_double(options.get(), 'x', "decimate", "1.0", "Decimate input image by this factor");
    getopt_add_double(options.get(), 'b', "blur", "0.0", "Apply low-pass blur to input");
    getopt_add_bool(options.get(), '0', "refine-edges", 1, "Spend more time trying to align edges of tags");
    getopt_add_bool(options.get(), '1', "refine-decode", 0, "Spend more time trying to decode tags");
    getopt_add_bool(options.get(), '2', "refine-pose", 0, "Spend more time trying to precisely localize tags");
    getopt_add_double(options.get(), 's', "size", "0.04047", "Physical side-length of the tag (meters)");
    getopt_add_int(options.get(), 'c', "camera", "0", "Camera ID");
    getopt_add_int(options.get(), 'i', "tag_id", "-1", "Tag ID (-1 for all tags in family)");


    if (!getopt_parse(options.get(), argc, argv, 1) || getopt_get_bool(options.get(), "help")) {
        printf("Usage: %s [options]\n", argv[0]);
    AprilTagDetector tag_detector(options);
    auto lcm = std::make_shared<lcm::LCM>();

    Eigen::Matrix3d camera_matrix = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
    // camera_matrix(0,0) = bot_camtrans_get_focal_length_x(mCamTransLeft);
    // camera_matrix(1,1) = bot_camtrans_get_focal_length_y(mCamTransLeft);
    // camera_matrix(0,2) = bot_camtrans_get_principal_x(mCamTransLeft);
    // camera_matrix(1,2) = bot_camtrans_get_principal_y(mCamTransLeft);
    camera_matrix(0,0) = 535.04778754;
    camera_matrix(1,1) = 533.37100256;
    camera_matrix(0,2) = 302.83654976;
    camera_matrix(1,2) = 237.69023961;

    Eigen::Vector4d distortion_coefficients(-7.74010810e-02, -1.97835565e-01, -4.47956948e-03, -5.42361499e-04);

    // camera matrix:
    // [[ 535.04778754    0.          302.83654976]
    //  [   0.          533.37100256  237.69023961]
    //  [   0.            0.            1.        ]]
    // distortion coefficients:  [ -7.74010810e-02  -1.97835565e-01  -4.47956948e-03  -5.42361499e-04
    //    9.30985112e-01]

    cv::VideoCapture capture(getopt_get_int(options.get(), "camera"));
    if (!capture.isOpened()) {
        std::cout << "Cannot open the video cam" << std::endl;
        return -1;

    cv::Mat frame;
    Eigen::Isometry3d tag_to_camera = Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity();
    crazyflie_t::webcam_pos_t tag_to_camera_msg;
    while ( {
        std::vector<TagMatch> tags = tag_detector.detectTags(frame);
        if (tags.size() > 0) {
            tag_to_camera = getRelativeTransform(tags[0], camera_matrix, distortion_coefficients, tag_detector.getTagSize());
            tag_to_camera_msg = encodeWebcamPos(tag_to_camera);
            tag_to_camera_msg.frame_id = 1;
        } else {
            tag_to_camera_msg = encodeWebcamPos(tag_to_camera);
            tag_to_camera_msg.frame_id = -1;
        tag_to_camera_msg.timestamp = timestamp_now();
        lcm->publish("WEBCAM_POS", &tag_to_camera_msg);

    return 0;
Beispiel #4
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
    getopt_t *gopt = getopt_create();
    getopt_add_bool   (gopt, 'h', "help", 0, "Show help");
    getopt_add_bool (gopt, '\0', "no-gtk", 0, "Don't show gtk window, only advertise remote connection");
    getopt_add_int (gopt, 'l', "limitKBs", "-1", "Remote display bandwidth limit. < 0: unlimited.");
    getopt_add_string (gopt, '\0', "pnm", "", "Path for pnm file to render as texture (.e.g BlockM.pnm)");
    getopt_add_bool (gopt, '\0', "stay-open", 0, "Stay open after gtk exits to continue handling remote connections");

    // parse and print help
    if (!getopt_parse(gopt, argc, argv, 1) || getopt_get_bool(gopt,"help")) {
        printf ("Usage: %s [options]\n\n", argv[0]);
        getopt_do_usage (gopt);
        exit (1);

    signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); // potential fix for Valgrind "Killed" on
    // remote viewer exit

    state_t * state = state_create();

    // Load a pnm from file, and repack the data so that it's understandable by vx
    if (strcmp(getopt_get_string(gopt,"pnm"),"")) {
        image_u8_t * img2 = image_u8_create_from_pnm(getopt_get_string(gopt, "pnm"));
        state->img = image_util_convert_rgb_to_rgba (img2);
        image_u8_destroy (img2);

    vx_global_init(); // Call this to initialize the vx-wide lock. Required to start the GL thread or to use the program library

    vx_application_t app = {.impl=state, .display_started=display_started, .display_finished=display_finished};

    vx_remote_display_source_attr_t remote_attr;
    remote_attr.max_bandwidth_KBs = getopt_get_int(gopt, "limitKBs");
    remote_attr.advertise_name = "Vx Stress Test";

    vx_remote_display_source_t * cxn = vx_remote_display_source_create_attr(&app, &remote_attr);
    for (int i = 0; i < NRENDER; i++) {
        tinfo_t * tinfo = calloc(1,sizeof(tinfo_t));
        tinfo->state = state;
        tinfo->id = i;
        pthread_create(&state->render_threads[i], NULL, render_loop, tinfo);

    pthread_create(&state->camera_thread, NULL, camera_loop, state);

    if (!getopt_get_bool(gopt,"no-gtk")) {
        gdk_threads_init ();
        gdk_threads_enter ();

        gtk_init (&argc, &argv);

        vx_gtk_display_source_t * appwrap = vx_gtk_display_source_create(&app);
        GtkWidget * window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
        GtkWidget * canvas = vx_gtk_display_source_get_widget(appwrap);
        gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 400, 400);
        gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), canvas);
        gtk_widget_show (window);
        gtk_widget_show (canvas); // XXX Show all causes errors!

        g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(window), "destroy", G_CALLBACK(gtk_main_quit), NULL);

        gtk_main (); // Blocks as long as GTK window is open
        gdk_threads_leave ();


        // quit when gtk closes? Or wait for remote displays/Ctrl-C
        if (!getopt_get_bool(gopt, "stay-open"))
            state->running = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < NRENDER; i++)
        pthread_join(state->render_threads[i], NULL);
