Beispiel #1
/* Returns the value associated with name, depends on if the logo_object is
 * included in the hierarchy or not.
NODE *varInObjectHierarchy(NODE *name, BOOLEAN includeLogo) {
    NODE *result, *parentList;

    result = assoc(name, getvars(current_object));

    if (result != NIL) {
        return getobject(result);

    for (parentList = parent_list(current_object);
        parentList != NIL;
        parentList = cdr(parentList)) {
	    result = assoc(name, getvars(car(parentList)));
	    if (result != NIL) {
		return getobject(result);

    if (!includeLogo) {
        return (NODE *)(-1);

    result = intern(name);
    if (flag__caseobj(result, IS_LOCAL_VALUE)) {
        return (NODE *)(-1);
    return valnode__caseobj(result);
Beispiel #2
/* Initializes Object Logo */
void obj_init(void) {
    logo_object = newobj();
    current_object = logo_object;
    setvars(logo_object, cons(theName(Name_name), getvars(logo_object)));
    setobject(getvars(logo_object), make_static_strnode("Logo"));

    /* [[initlist] [exist output self]] */
    askexist = cons(cons(theName(Name_initlist), NIL),
				   cons(theName(Name_self), NIL))),
Beispiel #3
/* Returns the object which contains the name, depends on if the
 * logo_object is included in the hierarchy or not.
NODE *varInThisObject(NODE *name, BOOLEAN includeLogo) {
    NODE *object, *result, *parentList;

    result = assoc(name, getvars(current_object));
    if (result != NIL) return current_object;

    for (parentList = parent_list(current_object);
        parentList != NIL && result == NIL;
        parentList = cdr(parentList)) {
	    result = assoc(name, getvars(car(parentList)));
	    object = car(parentList);
	    if (result != NIL) return object;

    if (!includeLogo) return NIL;

    result = intern(name);
    if (flag__caseobj(result, IS_LOCAL_VALUE)) return NIL;
    return logo_object;
Beispiel #4
/* representation of an object */
NODE *lrepresentation(NODE *args) {
    NODE *license, *binding, *classbind;
    char buffer[200];
    char *old_stringptr = print_stringptr;
    int old_stringlen = print_stringlen;

    print_stringlen = 200;
    print_stringptr = buffer;

    license = assoc(theName(Name_licenseplate), getvars(current_object));

    ndprintf(NULL, "${Object %p", getobject(license));
    binding = assoc(theName(Name_name), getvars(current_object));
    if (binding != NIL && getobject(binding) != UNBOUND) {
	ndprintf(NULL, ": %p", getobject(binding));
    classbind = assoc(theName(Name_class), getvars(current_object));
    if (classbind != NIL) {
	if (binding == NIL || getobject(binding) == UNBOUND) {
	    ndprintf(NULL, ":");
	}else {
	    ndprintf(NULL, ",");
	ndprintf(NULL, " the class %p", getobject(classbind));
    } else {
        classbind = varInObjectHierarchy(theName(Name_class), FALSE);
        if (classbind != UNBOUND && classbind != (NODE *)(-1)) {
            if (binding == NIL) {
                ndprintf(NULL, ":");
            } else {
                ndprintf(NULL, ",");
            ndprintf(NULL, " a %p", classbind);
    ndprintf(NULL, "}");
    print_stringptr* = '\0';
    print_stringptr = old_stringptr;
    print_stringlen = old_stringlen;
    return make_strnode(buffer, NULL, strlen(buffer), STRING, strnzcpy);
Beispiel #5
/* Creates the object variable named Symbol, or the object variables named                ,
 * SymbolList within the current object.
 * @params - Symbol or SymbolList
NODE *lhave(NODE *args) {

    if (is_list(car(args))) {
        if (cdr(args) != NIL) {
            err_logo(TOO_MUCH, NIL); /* too many inputs */
        args = car(args);
    /* now args is always a list of symbols. args should not equal to NIL
       because that is checked for before. */

    while (args != NIL && NOT_THROWING) {
        NODE *sym = intern(car(args));
        NODE *binding = assoc(sym, getvars(current_object));
        if (binding == NIL) {
            setvars(current_object, cons(sym, getvars(current_object)));
            setobject(getvars(current_object), UNBOUND);
        args = cdr(args);

    return UNBOUND;
Beispiel #6
static struct vars *
argvars(lua_State *L, int onlyfetch) {
	static int args = 0;
	if (onlyfetch) {
		lua_rawgetp(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, &args);
		if (lua_isuserdata(L, -1)) {
			struct vars ** box = (struct vars **)lua_touserdata(L, -1);
			return *box;
		} else {
			return NULL;
	} else {
		return getvars(L, &args);
Beispiel #7
/* Outputs TRUE if Symbol is the name of an object variable owned by the
 * current object, FALSE otherwise.
 * @params - Symbol
NODE *lmynamep(NODE *args) {
    NODE *arg;
    arg = name_arg(args);

    if (NOT_THROWING) {
        arg = intern(arg);

    if (current_object == logo_object) {
        return torf(flag__caseobj(arg, HAS_GLOBAL_VALUE));

        return torf(assoc(arg, getvars(current_object)) != NIL);

    return UNBOUND;
Beispiel #8
static struct vars *
resultvars(lua_State *L) {
	static int result = 0;
	return getvars(L, &result);
Beispiel #9
/* Outputs a list of the names of the object variables owned by (not
 * inherited by) the current object.
 * @params - none
NODE *lmynames(NODE *args) {
    return getvars(current_object);