Beispiel #1
const char *gf_term_get_world_info(GF_Terminal *term, GF_ObjectManager *scene_od, GF_List *descriptions)
    GF_Node *info;
    if (!term) return NULL;
    info = NULL;
    if (!scene_od) {
        if (!term->root_scene) return NULL;
        info = (GF_Node*)term->root_scene->world_info;
    } else {
        if (!gf_term_check_odm(term, scene_od)) return NULL;
        info = (GF_Node*) (scene_od->subscene ? scene_od->subscene->world_info : scene_od->parentscene->world_info);
    if (!info) return NULL;

    if (gf_node_get_tag(info) == TAG_SVG_title) {
        //return ((SVG_titleElement *) info)->textContent;
        return "TO FIX IN GPAC!!";
    } else {
        M_WorldInfo *wi = (M_WorldInfo *) info;
        if (descriptions) {
            u32 i;
            for (i=0; i<wi->info.count; i++) {
                gf_list_add(descriptions, wi->info.vals[i]);
        return wi->title.buffer;
    return "GPAC";
Beispiel #2
/*select given object when stream selection is available*/
void gf_term_select_object(GF_Terminal *term, GF_ObjectManager *odm)
    if (!term || !odm) return;
    if (!gf_term_check_odm(term, odm)) return;

    gf_scene_select_object(term->root_scene, odm);
Beispiel #3
/*returns indexed (0-based) OD manager in the scene*/
GF_ObjectManager *gf_term_get_object(GF_Terminal *term, GF_ObjectManager *scene_od, u32 index)
	if (!term || !scene_od) return NULL;
	if (!gf_term_check_odm(term, scene_od)) return NULL;
	if (!scene_od->subscene) return NULL;
	return (GF_ObjectManager *) gf_list_get(scene_od->subscene->resources, index);
Beispiel #4
/*returns number of sub-ODs in the current root. scene_od must be an inline OD*/
u32 gf_term_get_object_count(GF_Terminal *term, GF_ObjectManager *scene_od)
	if (!term || !scene_od) return 0;
	if (!gf_term_check_odm(term, scene_od)) return 0;
	if (!scene_od->subscene) return 0;
	return gf_list_count(scene_od->subscene->resources);
Beispiel #5
/*select given object when stream selection is available*/
void gf_term_select_service(GF_Terminal *term, GF_ObjectManager *odm, u32 service_id)
    if (!term || !odm || !odm->subscene) return;
    if (!gf_term_check_odm(term, odm)) return;

    gf_scene_set_service_id(odm->subscene, service_id);
Beispiel #6
u32 gf_term_object_subscene_type(GF_Terminal *term, GF_ObjectManager *odm)
	if (!term || !odm) return 0;
	if (!gf_term_check_odm(term, odm)) return 0;

	if (!odm->subscene) return 0;
	if (odm->parentscene) return gf_inline_is_protolib_object(odm->parentscene, odm) ? 3 : 2;
	return 1;
Beispiel #7
GF_Err gf_term_get_service_info(GF_Terminal *term, GF_ObjectManager *odm, NetInfoCommand *netinfo)
	GF_Err e;
	GF_NetworkCommand com;
	if (!term || !odm || !netinfo || !gf_term_check_odm(term, odm)) return GF_BAD_PARAM;
	memset(&com, 0, sizeof(GF_NetworkCommand));
	com.command_type = GF_NET_SERVICE_INFO;
	e = gf_term_service_command(odm->net_service, &com);
	memcpy(netinfo, &, sizeof(NetInfoCommand));
	return e;
Beispiel #8
Bool gf_term_get_download_info(GF_Terminal *term, GF_ObjectManager *odm, u32 *d_enum, const char **server, const char **path, u32 *bytes_done, u32 *total_bytes, u32 *bytes_per_sec)
	GF_DownloadSession * sess;
	if (!term || !odm || !gf_term_check_odm(term, odm)) return 0;
	if (odm->net_service->owner != odm) return 0;

	if (*d_enum >= gf_list_count(odm->net_service->dnloads)) return 0;
	sess = (GF_DownloadSession*)gf_list_get(odm->net_service->dnloads, *d_enum);
	if (!sess) return 0;
	(*d_enum) ++;
	gf_dm_sess_get_stats(sess, server, path, bytes_done, total_bytes, bytes_per_sec, NULL);
	return 1;
Beispiel #9
GF_Err gf_term_dump_scene(GF_Terminal *term, char *rad_name, char **filename, Bool xml_dump, Bool skip_protos, GF_ObjectManager *scene_od)
    GF_SceneGraph *sg;
    GF_ObjectManager *odm;
    GF_SceneDumper *dumper;
    u32 mode;
    char szExt[20], *ext;
    GF_Err e;

    if (!term || !term->root_scene) return GF_BAD_PARAM;
    if (!scene_od) {
        if (!term->root_scene) return GF_BAD_PARAM;
        odm = term->root_scene->root_od;
    } else {
        odm = scene_od;
        if (!gf_term_check_odm(term, scene_od))
            odm = term->root_scene->root_od;

    if (odm->subscene) {
        if (!odm->subscene->graph) return GF_IO_ERR;
        sg = odm->subscene->graph;
    } else {
        if (!odm->parentscene->graph) return GF_IO_ERR;
        sg = odm->parentscene->graph;

    mode = xml_dump ? GF_SM_DUMP_AUTO_XML : GF_SM_DUMP_AUTO_TXT;
    /*figure out best dump format based on extension*/
    ext = odm->net_service ? strrchr(odm->net_service->url, '.') : NULL;
    if (ext) {
        strcpy(szExt, ext);
        if (!strcmp(szExt, ".wrl")) mode = xml_dump ? GF_SM_DUMP_X3D_XML : GF_SM_DUMP_VRML;
        else if(!strncmp(szExt, ".x3d", 4) || !strncmp(szExt, ".x3dv", 5) ) mode = xml_dump ? GF_SM_DUMP_X3D_XML : GF_SM_DUMP_X3D_VRML;
        else if(!strncmp(szExt, ".bt", 3) || !strncmp(szExt, ".xmt", 4) || !strncmp(szExt, ".mp4", 4) ) mode = xml_dump ? GF_SM_DUMP_XMTA : GF_SM_DUMP_BT;

    dumper = gf_sm_dumper_new(sg, rad_name, ' ', mode);

    if (!dumper) return GF_IO_ERR;
    e = gf_sm_dump_graph(dumper, skip_protos, 0);
    if (filename) *filename = gf_strdup(gf_sm_dump_get_name(dumper));
    return e;
    return GF_NOT_SUPPORTED;
Beispiel #10
Bool gf_term_get_channel_net_info(GF_Terminal *term, GF_ObjectManager *odm, u32 *d_enum, u32 *chid, NetStatCommand *netcom, GF_Err *ret_code)
	GF_Channel *ch;
	GF_NetworkCommand com;
	if (!term || !odm || !gf_term_check_odm(term, odm)) return 0;
	if (*d_enum >= gf_list_count(odm->channels)) return 0;
	ch = (GF_Channel*)gf_list_get(odm->channels, *d_enum);
	if (!ch) return 0;
	(*d_enum) ++;
	if (ch->is_pulling) {
		(*ret_code) = GF_NOT_SUPPORTED;
		return 1;
	(*chid) = ch->esd->ESID;
	memset(&com, 0, sizeof(GF_NetworkCommand));
	com.base.on_channel = ch;
	com.command_type = GF_NET_GET_STATS;
	(*ret_code) = gf_term_service_command(ch->service, &com);
	memcpy(netcom, &com.net_stats, sizeof(NetStatCommand));
	return 1;
Beispiel #11
GF_Err gf_term_get_object_info(GF_Terminal *term, GF_ObjectManager *odm, GF_MediaInfo *info)
    GF_Channel *ch;

    if (!term || !odm || !odm->OD || !info) return GF_BAD_PARAM;
    if (!gf_term_check_odm(term, odm)) return GF_BAD_PARAM;

    memset(info, 0, sizeof(GF_MediaInfo));
    info->od = odm->OD;

    info->duration = (Double) (s64)odm->duration;
    info->duration /= 1000;
    if (odm->codec) {
        /*since we don't remove ODs that failed setup, check for clock*/
        if (odm->codec->ck) info->current_time = odm->codec->CB ? odm->current_time : gf_clock_time(odm->codec->ck);
        info->current_time /= 1000;
        info->nb_droped = odm->codec->nb_droped;
    } else if (odm->subscene) {
        if (odm->subscene->scene_codec) {
            if (odm->subscene->scene_codec->ck) {
                info->current_time = gf_clock_time(odm->subscene->scene_codec->ck);
                info->current_time /= 1000;
            info->duration = (Double) (s64)odm->subscene->duration;
            info->duration /= 1000;
            info->nb_droped = odm->subscene->scene_codec->nb_droped;
        } else if (odm->subscene->is_dynamic_scene && odm->subscene->dyn_ck) {
            info->current_time = gf_clock_time(odm->subscene->dyn_ck);
            info->current_time /= 1000;

    info->buffer = -2;
    info->db_unit_count = 0;

    /*Warning: is_open==2 means object setup, don't check then*/
    if (odm->state==GF_ODM_STATE_IN_SETUP) {
        info->status = 3;
    } else if (odm->state==GF_ODM_STATE_BLOCKED) {
        info->status = 0;
        info->protection = 2;
    } else if (odm->state) {
        u32 i, buf;
        GF_Clock *ck;

        ck = gf_odm_get_media_clock(odm);
        /*no clock means setup failed*/
        if (!ck) {
            info->status = 4;
        } else {
            info->status = gf_clock_is_started(ck) ? 1 : 2;
            info->clock_drift = ck->drift;

            info->buffer = -1;
            buf = 0;
            while ((ch = (GF_Channel*)gf_list_enum(odm->channels, &i))) {
                info->db_unit_count += ch->AU_Count;
                if (!ch->is_pulling) {
                    if (ch->MaxBuffer) info->buffer = 0;
                    buf += ch->BufferTime;
                if (ch->is_protected) info->protection = ch->ipmp_tool ? 1 : 2;

            if (buf) info->buffer = (s32) buf;

    info->has_profiles = (odm->flags & GF_ODM_HAS_PROFILES) ? 1 : 0;
    if (info->has_profiles) {
        info->inline_pl = (odm->flags & GF_ODM_INLINE_PROFILES) ? 1 : 0;
        info->OD_pl = odm->OD_PL;
        info->scene_pl = odm->Scene_PL;
        info->audio_pl = odm->Audio_PL;
        info->visual_pl = odm->Visual_PL;
        info->graphics_pl = odm->Graphics_PL;

    if (odm->net_service) {
        info->service_handler = odm->net_service->ifce->module_name;
        info->service_url = odm->net_service->url;
        if (odm->net_service->owner == odm) info->owns_service = 1;
    } else if ((odm->subscene && odm->subscene->graph_attached) || (odm->codec)) {
        info->service_url = "No associated network Service";
    } else {
        info->service_url = "Service not found or error";

    if (odm->codec && odm->codec->decio) {
        if (!odm->codec->decio->GetName) {
            info->codec_name = odm->codec->decio->module_name;
        } else {
            info->codec_name = odm->codec->decio->GetName(odm->codec->decio);
        info->od_type = odm->codec->type;
        if (odm->codec->CB) {
            info->cb_max_count = odm->codec->CB->Capacity;
            info->cb_unit_count = odm->codec->CB->UnitCount;

    if (odm->subscene && odm->subscene->scene_codec) {
        GF_BaseDecoder *dec = odm->subscene->scene_codec->decio;
        assert(odm->subscene->root_od==odm) ;
        info->od_type = odm->subscene->scene_codec->type;
        if (!dec->GetName) {
            info->codec_name = dec->module_name;
        } else {
            info->codec_name = dec->GetName(dec);
        gf_sg_get_scene_size_info(odm->subscene->graph, &info->width, &info->height);
    } else if (odm->mo) {
        switch (info->od_type) {
        case GF_STREAM_VISUAL:
            gf_mo_get_visual_info(odm->mo, &info->width, &info->height, NULL, &info->par, &info->pixelFormat, NULL);
        case GF_STREAM_AUDIO:
            gf_mo_get_audio_info(odm->mo, &info->sample_rate, &info->bits_per_sample, &info->num_channels, NULL);
            info->clock_drift = 0;
        case GF_STREAM_TEXT:
            gf_mo_get_visual_info(odm->mo, &info->width, &info->height, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (odm->subscene && odm->subscene->scene_codec) get_codec_stats(odm->subscene->scene_codec, info);
    else if (odm->codec) get_codec_stats(odm->codec, info);

    ch = (GF_Channel*)gf_list_get(odm->channels, 0);
    if (ch && ch->esd->langDesc) info->lang = ch->esd->langDesc->langCode;

    if (odm->mo && odm->mo->URLs.count)
        info->media_url = odm->mo->URLs.vals[0].url;
    return GF_OK;