void oledc_clear(int x0, int y0, int w, int h) 

  int x1 = x0 + w - 1;
  int y1 = y0 + h - 1;

  // check rotation, move pixel around if necessary
  switch (TFTROTATION) {
    case 1:
      gfx_swap(x0, y0);
      gfx_swap(x1, y1);
      x0 = TFTWIDTH - x0 - 1;
      x1 = TFTWIDTH - x1 - 1;
      gfx_swap(x0, x1);
    case 2:
      x0 = TFTWIDTH - x0 - 1;
      y0 = TFTHEIGHT - y0 - 1;
      x1 = TFTWIDTH - x1 - 1;
      y1 = TFTHEIGHT - y1 - 1;
      gfx_swap(x0, x1);
      gfx_swap(y0, y1);
    case 3:
      gfx_swap(x0, y0);
      gfx_swap(x1, y1);
      y0 = TFTHEIGHT - y0 - 1;
      y1 = TFTHEIGHT - y1 - 1;
      gfx_swap(y0, y1);

  // Boundary check
  if ((y0 >= TFTHEIGHT) && (y1 >= TFTHEIGHT))
  if ((x0 >= TFTWIDTH) && (x1 >= TFTWIDTH))
  if (x0 >= TFTWIDTH)
    x0 = TFTWIDTH - 1;
  if (y0 >= TFTHEIGHT)
    y0 = TFTHEIGHT - 1;
  if (x1 >= TFTWIDTH)
    x1 = TFTWIDTH - 1;
  if (y1 >= TFTHEIGHT)
    y1 = TFTHEIGHT - 1;

  oledc_writeCommand(SSD1331_CMD_CLEAR, 0);
  oledc_writeCommand(x0, 0);
  oledc_writeCommand(y0, 0);
  oledc_writeCommand(x1, 0);
  oledc_writeCommand(y1, 0);
  int _tMark = CNT + (CLKFREQ / 2000);
  while(_tMark > CNT);                          // Wait for system clock target

void oledc_scrollStart(char h, char v) 
  if(TFTSCROLLING) oledc_writeCommand(SSD1331_CMD_SCROLLSTOP, 0);   

  // check rotation, move pixel around if necessary
  switch (TFTROTATION) {
    case 1:
      gfx_swap(v, h);
    case 2:
      v = -v;
      h = -h;
    case 3:
      gfx_swap(v, h);
      h = -h;

  if(v < 0) v = _width + v;
  if(h < 0) h = _height + h;
  if(v > _width/2) v = _width/2;
  if(h > _height/2) h = _height/2;
  oledc_writeCommand(SSD1331_CMD_SCROLLSETUP, 0);
  oledc_writeCommand(h, 0);
  oledc_writeCommand(0, 0);
  oledc_writeCommand(_height, 0);    
  oledc_writeCommand(v, 0); 
  oledc_writeCommand(0, 0);   // speed?

  int _tMark = CNT + (CLKFREQ / 10000);
  while(_tMark > CNT);                          // Wait for system clock target

  oledc_writeCommand(SSD1331_CMD_SCROLLSTART, 0);
Beispiel #3
void MENUS::render_loading(float percent)
	static int64 last_load_render = 0;

	// make sure that we don't render for each little thing we load
	// because that will slow down loading if we have vsync
	if(time_get()-last_load_render < time_freq()/60)
	last_load_render = time_get();
	// need up date this here to get correct
	vec3 rgb = hsl_to_rgb(vec3(config.ui_color_hue/255.0f, config.ui_color_sat/255.0f, config.ui_color_lht/255.0f));
	gui_color = vec4(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, config.ui_color_alpha/255.0f);
    RECT screen = *ui_screen();
	gfx_mapscreen(screen.x, screen.y, screen.w, screen.h);

	float tw;

	float w = 700;
	float h = 200;
	float x = screen.w/2-w/2;
	float y = screen.h/2-h/2;


	draw_round_rect(x, y, w, h, 40.0f);

	const char *caption = localize("Loading");

	tw = gfx_text_width(0, 48.0f, caption, -1);
	RECT r;
	r.x = x;
	r.y = y+20;
	r.w = w;
	r.h = h;
	ui_do_label(&r, caption, 48.0f, 0, -1);

	draw_round_rect(x+40, y+h-75, (w-80)*percent, 25, 5.0f);

void oledc_drawLinePrimative(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, unsigned int color)

  // check rotation, move pixel around if necessary
  switch (TFTROTATION) {
    case 1:
      gfx_swap(x0, y0);
      gfx_swap(x1, y1);
      x0 = TFTWIDTH - x0 - 1;
      x1 = TFTWIDTH - x1 - 1;
      //gfx_swap(x0, x1);
    case 2:
      gfx_swap(x0, x1);
      gfx_swap(y0, y1);
      x0 = TFTWIDTH - x0 - 1;
      y0 = TFTHEIGHT - y0 - 1;
      x1 = TFTWIDTH - x1 - 1;
      y1 = TFTHEIGHT - y1 - 1;
    case 3:
      gfx_swap(x0, y0);
      gfx_swap(x1, y1);
      y0 = TFTHEIGHT - y0 - 1;
      y1 = TFTHEIGHT - y1 - 1;
      //gfx_swap(y0, y1);

  // Cohen–Sutherland clipping algorithm clips a line from
  // P0 = (x0, y0) to P1 = (x1, y1) against a rectangle with
  // diagonal from (xmin, ymin) to (xmax, ymax).
  // compute outcodes for P0, P1, and whatever point lies outside the clip rectangle

  OutCode outcode0 = ComputeOutCode(x0, y0);
  OutCode outcode1 = ComputeOutCode(x1, y1);
  char accept = 0;

  while (1) {
    if (!(outcode0 | outcode1)) { // Bitwise OR is 0. Trivially accept and get out of loop
      accept = 1;
    } else if (outcode0 & outcode1) { // Bitwise AND is not 0. Trivially reject and get out of loop
    } else {
      // failed both tests, so calculate the line segment to clip
      // from an outside point to an intersection with clip edge
      int x, y;

      // At least one endpoint is outside the clip rectangle; pick it.
      OutCode outcodeOut = outcode0 ? outcode0 : outcode1;

      // Now find the intersection point;
      // use formulas y = y0 + slope * (x - x0), x = x0 + (1 / slope) * (y - y0)
      if (outcodeOut & TOP) { // point is above the clip rectangle
        x = x0 + (x1 - x0) * (0 - y0) / (y1 - y0);
        y = 0;
      } else if (outcodeOut & BOTTOM) {           // point is below the clip rectangle
        x = x0 + (x1 - x0) * (TFTHEIGHT - y0 - 1) / (y1 - y0);
        y = TFTHEIGHT - 1;
      } else if (outcodeOut & RIGHT) {  // point is to the right of clip rectangle
        y = y0 + (y1 - y0) * (TFTWIDTH - x0 - 1) / (x1 - x0);
        x = TFTWIDTH - 1;
      } else if (outcodeOut & LEFT) {   // point is to the left of clip rectangle
        y = y0 + (y1 - y0) * (0 - x0) / (x1 - x0);
        x = 0;

      // Now we move outside point to intersection point to clip
      // and get ready for next pass.
      if (outcodeOut == outcode0) {
        x0 = x;
        y0 = y;
        outcode0 = ComputeOutCode(x0, y0);
      } else {
        x1 = x;
        y1 = y;
        outcode1 = ComputeOutCode(x1, y1);
  if (accept) {

    oledc_writeCommand(SSD1331_CMD_DRAWLINE, 0);

    oledc_writeCommand(x0, 0);
    oledc_writeCommand(y0, 0);
    oledc_writeCommand(x1, 0);
    oledc_writeCommand(y1, 0);

    oledc_writeCommand((color >> 11) << 1, 0);
    oledc_writeCommand((color >> 5) & 0x3F, 0);
    oledc_writeCommand((color << 1) & 0x3F, 0);

    int _tMark = CNT + (CLKFREQ / 100000);
    while (_tMark > CNT);                         // Wait for system clock target

void oledc_copy(int x0, int y0, int w, int h, int x2, int y2) 

  int x1 = x0 + w - 1;
  int y1 = y0 + h - 1;
  int x3 = x2 + w - 1;
  int y3 = y2 + h - 1;

  if (x0 >= _width || y0 >= _height || x1 < 0 || y1 < 0 || w <= 0 || h <= 0 || 
      x2 >= _width || y2 >= _height || x3 < 0 || y3 < 0) 

  if (x1 >= _width) 
    x1 = _width - 1;
    w = x1 - x0 + 1;
  if (y1 >= _height) 
    y1 = _height - 1;
    h = y1 - y0 + 1;
  if (x0 < 0) 
    x2 = x2 - x0;
    x0 = 0;
  if (y0 < 0) 
    y2 = y2 - y0;
    y0 = 0;
  x3 = x2 + w - 1;
  y3 = y2 + h - 1;
  if(x3 >= _width)
    x3 = _width - 1;
    w = x3 - x2 + 1;
    x1 = x0 + w - 1;
  if(y3 >= _height)
    y3 = _height - 1;
    h = y3 - y2 + 1;
    y1 = y0 + h - 1;

  // check rotation, move pixel around if necessary
  switch (TFTROTATION) {
    case 1:
      gfx_swap(x0, y0);
      gfx_swap(x1, y1);
      gfx_swap(x2, y2);
      gfx_swap(x3, y3);
      x0 = TFTWIDTH - x0 - 1;
      x1 = TFTWIDTH - x1 - 1;
      x2 = TFTWIDTH - x2 - 1;
      x3 = TFTWIDTH - x3 - 1;
    case 2:
      x0 = TFTWIDTH - x0 - 1;
      y0 = TFTHEIGHT - y0 - 1;
      x1 = TFTWIDTH - x1 - 1;
      y1 = TFTHEIGHT - y1 - 1;
      x2 = TFTWIDTH - x2 - 1;
      y2 = TFTHEIGHT - y2 - 1;
      x3 = TFTWIDTH - x3 - 1;
      y3 = TFTHEIGHT - y3 - 1;
      gfx_swap(x0, x1);
      gfx_swap(y0, y1);
      gfx_swap(x2, x3);
      gfx_swap(y2, y3);
    case 3:
      gfx_swap(x0, y0);
      gfx_swap(x1, y1);
      gfx_swap(x2, y2);
      gfx_swap(x3, y3);
      y0 = TFTHEIGHT - y0 - 1;
      y1 = TFTHEIGHT - y1 - 1;
      y2 = TFTHEIGHT - y2 - 1;
      y3 = TFTHEIGHT - y3 - 1;


  oledc_writeCommand(SSD1331_CMD_COPY, 0);
  oledc_writeCommand(x0, 0);
  oledc_writeCommand(y0, 0);
  oledc_writeCommand(x1, 0);
  oledc_writeCommand(y1, 0);
  oledc_writeCommand(x2, 0);
  oledc_writeCommand(y2, 0);

  int _tMark = CNT + (CLKFREQ / 2000);
  while(_tMark > CNT);                          // Wait for system clock target
