Beispiel #1
void NVPTextBox::render()
	/* Query spacing information for example's message. */
	mMessageLen = strlen ( mText.c_str() );

	if ( xtranslate != NULL ) {
		free ( xtranslate );
		xtranslate = NULL;

	xtranslate = ( GLfloat* ) malloc ( sizeof ( GLfloat ) * mMessageLen );

	if ( !xtranslate ) {
		ci::app::console() << " malloc of xtranslate failed" << endl;
		exit ( 1 );

	xtranslate[0] = 0.0;  /* Initial xtranslate is zero. */
	GLfloat advanceScale = 1.0f * mKerningFactor,
	        kerningScale = 1.0f * mKerningFactor; /* Set this to zero to ignore kerning. */
	                     ( GLsizei ) mMessageLen, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, mText.c_str(),
	                     advanceScale, kerningScale,
	                     &xtranslate[1] ); /* messageLen-1 accumulated translates are written here. */
	/* Total advance is accumulated spacing plus horizontal advance of
	the last glyph */
	float lastX = xtranslate[mMessageLen - 1];
	const unsigned char* message_ub = ( const unsigned char* ) mText.c_str();
	int charIndex = message_ub[mMessageLen - 1];
	float totalLen = mFont->getGlyphMetrics()->mHorizontalAdvance[charIndex];
	mTotalAdvance = lastX + totalLen;
	mXBorder = mTotalAdvance / mMessageLen;
	mInitialOffset = mFont->getGlyphMetrics()->mHorizontalBearingX[mText.c_str() [0]];
	mInvalid = false;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_lwjgl_opengl_NVPathRendering_nglGetPathSpacingNV(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jint pathListMode, jint numPaths, jint pathNameType, jlong paths, jint pathBase, jfloat advanceScale, jfloat kerningScale, jint transformType, jlong returnedSpacing, jlong function_pointer) {
	const GLvoid *paths_address = (const GLvoid *)(intptr_t)paths;
	GLfloat *returnedSpacing_address = (GLfloat *)(intptr_t)returnedSpacing;
	glGetPathSpacingNVPROC glGetPathSpacingNV = (glGetPathSpacingNVPROC)((intptr_t)function_pointer);
	glGetPathSpacingNV(pathListMode, numPaths, pathNameType, paths_address, pathBase, advanceScale, kerningScale, transformType, returnedSpacing_address);