Beispiel #1
// Move a frame of reference along it's local X axis
void gltMoveFrameRight(GLTFrame *pFrame, GLfloat fStep)
    GLTVector3 vCross;
    gltVectorCrossProduct(pFrame->vUp, pFrame->vForward, vCross);
    pFrame->vLocation[0] += vCross[0] * fStep;
    pFrame->vLocation[1] += vCross[1] * fStep;
    pFrame->vLocation[2] += vCross[2] * fStep;
Beispiel #2
// Given three points on a plane in counter clockwise order, calculate the unit normal
void gltGetNormalVector(const GLTVector3 vP1, const GLTVector3 vP2, const GLTVector3 vP3, GLTVector3 vNormal)
    GLTVector3 vV1, vV2;
    gltSubtractVectors(vP2, vP1, vV1);
    gltSubtractVectors(vP3, vP1, vV2);
    gltVectorCrossProduct(vV1, vV2, vNormal);
Beispiel #3
// Apply a camera transform given a frame of reference. This is
// pretty much just an alternate implementation of gluLookAt using
// floats instead of doubles and having the forward vector specified
// instead of a point out in front of me. 
void gltApplyCameraTransform(GLTFrame *pCamera)

    GLTMatrix mMatrix;
    GLTVector3 vAxisX;
    GLTVector3 zFlipped;
    zFlipped[0] = -pCamera->vForward[0];
    zFlipped[1] = -pCamera->vForward[1];
    zFlipped[2] = -pCamera->vForward[2];
    // Derive X vector
    gltVectorCrossProduct(pCamera->vUp, zFlipped, vAxisX);
    // Populate matrix, note this is just the rotation and is transposed
    mMatrix[0] = vAxisX[0];
    mMatrix[4] = vAxisX[1];
    mMatrix[8] = vAxisX[2];
    mMatrix[12] = 0.0f;
    mMatrix[1] = pCamera->vUp[0];
    mMatrix[5] = pCamera->vUp[1];
    mMatrix[9] = pCamera->vUp[2];
    mMatrix[13] = 0.0f;
    mMatrix[2] = zFlipped[0];
    mMatrix[6] = zFlipped[1];
    mMatrix[10] = zFlipped[2];
    mMatrix[14] = 0.0f;
    mMatrix[3] = 0.0f;
    mMatrix[7] = 0.0f;
    mMatrix[11] = 0.0f;
    mMatrix[15] = 1.0f;
	// Angle X rotate
	glRotatef(pCamera->AngX, 1,0,0);
	pCamera->AngX = 0;

	// Do the rotation first

    // Now, translate backwards
    glTranslatef(-pCamera->vLocation[0], -pCamera->vLocation[1], -pCamera->vLocation[2]);
Beispiel #4
//  Rotate a frame around it's local X axis
void gltRotateFrameLocalX(GLTFrame *pFrame, GLfloat fAngle)
    GLTMatrix mRotation;
    GLTVector3 vCross;
    gltVectorCrossProduct(vCross, pFrame->vUp, pFrame->vForward);
    gltRotationMatrix(fAngle, vCross[0], vCross[1], vCross[2], mRotation);

    GLTVector3 vNewVect;
    // Inline 3x3 matrix multiply for rotation only
    vNewVect[0] = mRotation[0] * pFrame->vForward[0] + mRotation[4] * pFrame->vForward[1] + mRotation[8] *  pFrame->vForward[2];	
    vNewVect[1] = mRotation[1] * pFrame->vForward[0] + mRotation[5] * pFrame->vForward[1] + mRotation[9] *  pFrame->vForward[2];	
    vNewVect[2] = mRotation[2] * pFrame->vForward[0] + mRotation[6] * pFrame->vForward[1] + mRotation[10] * pFrame->vForward[2];	
    memcpy(pFrame->vForward, vNewVect, sizeof(GLfloat)*3);

    // Update pointing up vector
    vNewVect[0] = mRotation[0] * pFrame->vUp[0] + mRotation[4] * pFrame->vUp[1] + mRotation[8] *  pFrame->vUp[2];	
    vNewVect[1] = mRotation[1] * pFrame->vUp[0] + mRotation[5] * pFrame->vUp[1] + mRotation[9] *  pFrame->vUp[2];	
    vNewVect[2] = mRotation[2] * pFrame->vUp[0] + mRotation[6] * pFrame->vUp[1] + mRotation[10] * pFrame->vUp[2];	
    memcpy(pFrame->vUp, vNewVect, sizeof(GLfloat) * 3);
Beispiel #5
// Derives a 4x4 transformation matrix from a frame of reference
void gltGetMatrixFromFrame(GLTFrame *pFrame, GLTMatrix mMatrix)
    GLTVector3 vXAxis;       // Derived X Axis
    // Calculate X Axis
    gltVectorCrossProduct(pFrame->vUp, pFrame->vForward, vXAxis);
    // Just populate the matrix
    // X column vector
    memcpy(mMatrix, vXAxis, sizeof(GLTVector3));
    mMatrix[3] = 0.0f;
    // y column vector
    memcpy(mMatrix+4, pFrame->vUp, sizeof(GLTVector3));
    mMatrix[7] = 0.0f;
    // z column vector
    memcpy(mMatrix+8, pFrame->vForward, sizeof(GLTVector3));
    mMatrix[11] = 0.0f;
    // Translation/Location vector
    memcpy(mMatrix+12, pFrame->vLocation, sizeof(GLTVector3));
    mMatrix[15] = 1.0f;