Beispiel #1
IntPt *getGQHPts(int order)

  if(order<2)return GQH[order];
  if(order == 2)return GQH[3]; 
  if(order == 3)return GQH[3]; 
  int n = (order+3)/2;
  int index = n-2 + 4;
      double *pt,*wt;
      //      printf("o = %d n = %d i = %d\n",order,n*n*n,index);
      GQH[index] = new IntPt[n*n*n];
      int l = 0;
      for(int i=0; i < n; i++) {
        for(int j=0; j < n; j++) {
          for(int k=0; k < n; k++) {
            GQH[index][l].pt[0] = pt[i];
            GQH[index][l].pt[1] = pt[j];
            GQH[index][l].pt[2] = pt[k];
            GQH[index][l++].weight = wt[i]*wt[j]*wt[k];
            //      printf ("%f %f %f %f\n",pt[i],pt[j],pt[k],wt[i]*wt[j]*wt[k]);
  return GQH[index];
Beispiel #2
IntPt *getGQPriPts(int order)
  int nLin = (order+3)/2;
  int nTri = getNGQTPts(order);
  int n = nLin*nTri;
  int index = order;
  if (order >= (int)(sizeof(GQP) / sizeof(IntPt*)))
    Msg::Fatal("Increase size of GQP in gauss quadrature prism");
    double *linPt,*linWt;
    IntPt *triPts = getGQTPts(order);
    GQP[index] = new IntPt[n];
    int l = 0;
    for(int i=0; i < nTri; i++) {
      for(int j=0; j < nLin; j++) {
        GQP[index][l].pt[0] = triPts[i].pt[0];
        GQP[index][l].pt[1] = triPts[i].pt[1];
        GQP[index][l].pt[2] = linPt[j];
        GQP[index][l++].weight = triPts[i].weight*linWt[j];
  return GQP[index];
IntPt *getGQQPts(int order)
  if(order<2)return GQQ[order];
  if(order==2)return GQQ[3];
  if(order==3)return GQQ[3];

  int n = (order+3)/2;
  int index = n-2 + 7;
      double *pt,*wt;
      GQQ[index] = new IntPt[n*n];
      int k = 0;
      for(int i=0; i < n; i++) {
        for(int j=0; j < n; j++) {
          GQQ[index][k].pt[0] = pt[i];
          GQQ[index][k].pt[1] = pt[j];
          GQQ[index][k].pt[2] = 0.0;
          GQQ[index][k++].weight = wt[i]*wt[j];
          //      printf ("%f %f %f\n",pt[i],pt[j],wt[i]*wt[j]);
  return GQQ[index];
int GaussLegendreTri(int n1,int n2,IntPt *pts) 
  /* get degenerate n1Xn2 Gauss-Legendre scheme to integrate over a tri */
  int i,j,index=0;
  double *pt1,*pt2,*wt1,*wt2,dJ;
  //const double two = 2.0000000000000000;

  for(i=0; i < n1; i++) {
    for(j=0; j < n2; j++) {
      pts[index].pt[2] = 0;
      pts[index++].weight = dJ*wt1[i]*wt2[j];
  return index;
int GaussLegendreTet(int n1, int n2, int n3, IntPt *pts) 
  /* get degenerate n1Xn2Xn3 Gauss-Legendre scheme to integrate over a tet */
  int i,j,k,index=0;
  double *pt1,*pt2,*pt3,*wt1,*wt2,*wt3,dJ;

  for(i=0; i < n1; i++) {
    for(j=0; j < n2; j++) {
      for(k=0; k < n3; k++) {
        pts[index++].weight = dJ*wt1[i]*wt2[j]*wt3[k];
  return index;
IntPt *getGQPyrPts(int order)
  int index = order;

  if(index >= (int)(sizeof(GQPyr) / sizeof(IntPt*))){
    Msg::Error("Increase size of GQPyr in gauss quadrature pyr");
    index = 0;

  if(!GQPyr[index]) {

    int nbPtUV = order/2 + 1;
    int nbPtW  = order/2 + 1;
    int nbPtUV2 = nbPtUV * nbPtUV;

    double *linPt,*linWt;

    double *GJ20Pt, *GJ20Wt;
    getGaussJacobiQuadrature(2, 0, nbPtW, &GJ20Pt, &GJ20Wt);

    GQPyr[index] = new IntPt[getNGQPyrPts(order)];

    int l = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < getNGQPyrPts(order); i++) {

      // compose an integration rule for (1-w)^2 f(u,v,w) on the standard hexahedron

      int iW = i / (nbPtUV2);
      int iU = (i - iW*nbPtUV2)/nbPtUV;
      int iV = (i - iW*nbPtUV2 - iU*nbPtUV);

      // std::cout << "Points " << iU << " " << iV << " " << iW << std::endl;

      int wt = linWt[iU]*linWt[iV]*GJ20Wt[iW];

      double up = linPt[iU];
      double vp = linPt[iV];
      double wp = GJ20Pt[iW];

      // now incorporate the Duffy transformation from pyramid to hexahedron

      GQPyr[index][l].pt[0] = 0.5*(1-wp)*up;
      GQPyr[index][l].pt[1] = 0.5*(1-wp)*vp;
      GQPyr[index][l].pt[2] = 0.5*(1+wp);

      wt *= 0.125;
      GQPyr[index][l++].weight = wt;


  return GQPyr[index];
Beispiel #7
double GEdge::length(const double &u0, const double &u1, const int nbQuadPoints)
  double *t = 0, *w = 0;
  gmshGaussLegendre1D(nbQuadPoints, &t, &w);
  double L = 0.0;
  const double rapJ = (u1 - u0) * .5;
  for (int i = 0; i < nbQuadPoints; i++){
    const double ui = u0 * 0.5 * (1. - t[i]) + u1 * 0.5 * (1. + t[i]);
    SVector3 der = firstDer(ui);
    const double d = norm(der);
    L += d * w[i] * rapJ;
  return L;
IntPt *getGQLPts(int order)
  // Number of Gauss Point:
  // (order + 1) / 2 *ROUNDED UP*
  int n = (order + 1) / (double)2 + 0.5;
  int index = n;
  if(index >= (int)(sizeof(GQL) / sizeof(IntPt*))){
    Msg::Error("Increase size of GQL in gauss quadrature line");
    index = 0;
  if(!GQL[index]) {
    double *pt,*wt;
    GQL[index] = new IntPt[n];
    for(int i=0; i < n; i++) {
      GQL[index][i].pt[0] = pt[i];
      GQL[index][i].pt[1] = 0.0;
      GQL[index][i].pt[2] = 0.0;
      GQL[index][i].weight = wt[i];
  return GQL[index];