Beispiel #1
void gmx_trr_read_single_frame(const char *fn, int *step, real *t, real *lambda,
                               rvec *box, int *natoms, rvec *x, rvec *v, rvec *f)
    t_fileio *fio = gmx_trr_open(fn, "r");
    do_trr_frame(fio, true, step, t, lambda, box, natoms, x, v, f);
Beispiel #2
void done_mdoutf(gmx_mdoutf_t of)
    if (of->fp_ene != NULL)
    if (of->fp_xtc)
    if (of->fp_trn)
    if (of->fp_dhdl != NULL)
    if (of->fp_field != NULL)
        /* This is opened sometimes with xvgropen, sometimes with
         * gmx_fio_fopen, so we use the least common denominator for closing.


Beispiel #3
void gmx_trr_write_single_frame(const char *fn, int step, real t, real lambda,
                                rvec *box, int natoms, rvec *x, rvec *v, rvec *f)
    t_fileio *fio = gmx_trr_open(fn, "w");
    do_trr_frame(fio, false, &step, &t, &lambda, box, &natoms, x, v, f);
Beispiel #4
void gmx_trr_read_single_header(const char *fn, gmx_trr_header_t *header)
    t_fileio *fio = gmx_trr_open(fn, "r");
    gmx_bool  bOK;
    if (!do_trr_frame_header(fio, true, header, &bOK))
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Empty file %s", fn);
Beispiel #5
static void dump_dih_trr(int nframes, int nangles, real **dih, const char *fn,
                         real *time)
    int              i, j, k, l, m, na;
    struct t_fileio *fio;
    rvec            *x;
    matrix           box = {{2, 0, 0}, {0, 2, 0}, {0, 0, 2}};

    na = (nangles*2);
    if ((na % 3) != 0)
        na = 1+na/3;
        na = na/3;
    printf("There are %d dihedrals. Will fill %d atom positions with cos/sin\n",
           nangles, na);
    snew(x, na);
    fio = gmx_trr_open(fn, "w");
    for (i = 0; (i < nframes); i++)
        k = l = 0;
        for (j = 0; (j < nangles); j++)
            for (m = 0; (m < 2); m++)
                // This is just because the compler and static-analyzer cannot
                // know that dih[j][i] is always valid. Since it occurs in the innermost
                // loop over angles and will only trigger on coding errors, we
                // only enable it for debug builds.
                GMX_ASSERT(dih != nullptr && dih[j] != nullptr, "Incorrect dihedral array data");
                x[k][l] = (m == 0) ? std::cos(dih[j][i]) : std::sin(dih[j][i]);
                if (l == DIM)
                    l = 0;
        gmx_trr_write_frame(fio, i, time[i], 0, box, na, x, nullptr, nullptr);
Beispiel #6
void read_eigenvectors(const char *file, int *natoms, gmx_bool *bFit,
                       rvec **xref, gmx_bool *bDMR,
                       rvec **xav, gmx_bool *bDMA,
                       int *nvec, int **eignr,
                       rvec ***eigvec, real **eigval)
    gmx_trr_header_t   head;
    int                i, snew_size;
    struct t_fileio   *status;
    rvec              *x;
    matrix             box;
    gmx_bool           bOK;

    *bDMR = FALSE;

    /* read (reference (t=-1) and) average (t=0) structure */
    status = gmx_trr_open(file, "r");
    gmx_trr_read_frame_header(status, &head, &bOK);
    *natoms = head.natoms;
    snew(*xav, *natoms);
    gmx_trr_read_frame_data(status, &head, box, *xav, NULL, NULL);

    if ((head.t >= -1.1) && (head.t <= -0.9))
        snew(*xref, *natoms);
        for (i = 0; i < *natoms; i++)
            copy_rvec((*xav)[i], (*xref)[i]);
        *bDMR = (head.lambda > 0.5);
        *bFit = (head.lambda > -0.5);
        if (*bFit)
            fprintf(stderr, "Read %smass weighted reference structure with %d atoms from %s\n", *bDMR ? "" : "non ", *natoms, file);
            fprintf(stderr, "Eigenvectors in %s were determined without fitting\n", file);
            *xref = NULL;
        gmx_trr_read_frame_header(status, &head, &bOK);
        gmx_trr_read_frame_data(status, &head, box, *xav, NULL, NULL);
        *bFit = TRUE;
        *xref = NULL;
    *bDMA = (head.lambda > 0.5);
    if ((head.t <= -0.01) || (head.t >= 0.01))
        fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: %s does not start with t=0, which should be the "
                "average structure. This might not be a eigenvector file. "
                "Some things might go wrong.\n",
                "Read %smass weighted average/minimum structure with %d atoms from %s\n",
                *bDMA ? "" : "non ", *natoms, file);

    snew(x, *natoms);
    snew_size = 10;
    snew(*eignr, snew_size);
    snew(*eigval, snew_size);
    snew(*eigvec, snew_size);

    *nvec = 0;
    while (gmx_trr_read_frame_header(status, &head, &bOK))
        gmx_trr_read_frame_data(status, &head, box, x, NULL, NULL);
        if (*nvec >= snew_size)
            snew_size += 10;
            srenew(*eignr, snew_size);
            srenew(*eigval, snew_size);
            srenew(*eigvec, snew_size);
        i                = head.step;
        (*eigval)[*nvec] = head.t;
        (*eignr)[*nvec]  = i-1;
        snew((*eigvec)[*nvec], *natoms);
        for (i = 0; i < *natoms; i++)
            copy_rvec(x[i], (*eigvec)[*nvec][i]);
    fprintf(stderr, "Read %d eigenvectors (for %d atoms)\n\n", *nvec, *natoms);
Beispiel #7
void write_eigenvectors(const char *trrname, int natoms, const real mat[],
                        gmx_bool bReverse, int begin, int end,
                        int WriteXref, const rvec *xref, gmx_bool bDMR,
                        const rvec xav[], gmx_bool bDMA, const real eigval[])
    struct t_fileio *trrout;
    int              ndim, i, j, d, vec;
    matrix           zerobox;
    rvec            *x;

    ndim = natoms*DIM;
    snew(x, natoms);

    fprintf (stderr,
             "\nWriting %saverage structure & eigenvectors %d--%d to %s\n",
             (WriteXref == eWXR_YES) ? "reference, " : "",
             begin, end, trrname);

    trrout = gmx_trr_open(trrname, "w");
    if (WriteXref == eWXR_YES)
        /* misuse lambda: 0/1 mass weighted fit no/yes */
        gmx_trr_write_frame(trrout, -1, -1, bDMR ? 1.0 : 0.0, zerobox, natoms, xref, NULL, NULL);
    else if (WriteXref == eWXR_NOFIT)
        /* misuse lambda: -1 no fit */
        gmx_trr_write_frame(trrout, -1, -1, -1.0, zerobox, natoms, x, NULL, NULL);

    /* misuse lambda: 0/1 mass weighted analysis no/yes */
    gmx_trr_write_frame(trrout, 0, 0, bDMA ? 1.0 : 0.0, zerobox, natoms, xav, NULL, NULL);

    for (i = 0; i <= (end-begin); i++)

        if (!bReverse)
            vec = i;
            vec = ndim-i-1;

        for (j = 0; j < natoms; j++)
            for (d = 0; d < DIM; d++)
                x[j][d] = mat[vec*ndim+DIM*j+d];

        /* Store the eigenvalue in the time field */
        gmx_trr_write_frame(trrout, begin+i, eigval[vec], 0, zerobox, natoms, x, NULL, NULL);

Beispiel #8
int gmx_convert_tpr(int argc, char *argv[])
    const char       *desc[] = {
        "[THISMODULE] can edit run input files in four ways.[PAR]",
        "[BB]1.[bb] by modifying the number of steps in a run input file",
        "with options [TT]-extend[tt], [TT]-until[tt] or [TT]-nsteps[tt]",
        "(nsteps=-1 means unlimited number of steps)[PAR]",
        "[BB]2.[bb] (OBSOLETE) by creating a run input file",
        "for a continuation run when your simulation has crashed due to e.g.",
        "a full disk, or by making a continuation run input file.",
        "This option is obsolete, since mdrun now writes and reads",
        "checkpoint files.",
        "[BB]Note[bb] that a frame with coordinates and velocities is needed.",
        "When pressure and/or Nose-Hoover temperature coupling is used",
        "an energy file can be supplied to get an exact continuation",
        "of the original run.[PAR]",
        "[BB]3.[bb] by creating a [REF].tpx[ref] file for a subset of your original",
        "tpx file, which is useful when you want to remove the solvent from",
        "your [REF].tpx[ref] file, or when you want to make e.g. a pure C[GRK]alpha[grk] [REF].tpx[ref] file.",
        "Note that you may need to use [TT]-nsteps -1[tt] (or similar) to get",
        "this to work.",
        "[BB]WARNING: this [REF].tpx[ref] file is not fully functional[bb].[PAR]",
        "[BB]4.[bb] by setting the charges of a specified group",
        "to zero. This is useful when doing free energy estimates",
        "using the LIE (Linear Interaction Energy) method."

    const char       *top_fn, *frame_fn;
    struct t_fileio  *fp;
    ener_file_t       fp_ener = NULL;
    gmx_trr_header_t  head;
    int               i;
    gmx_int64_t       nsteps_req, run_step, frame;
    double            run_t, state_t;
    gmx_bool          bOK, bNsteps, bExtend, bUntil, bTime, bTraj;
    gmx_bool          bFrame, bUse, bSel, bNeedEner, bReadEner, bScanEner, bFepState;
    gmx_mtop_t        mtop;
    t_atoms           atoms;
    t_inputrec       *ir;
    t_state           state;
    rvec             *newx = NULL, *newv = NULL, *tmpx, *tmpv;
    matrix            newbox;
    int               gnx;
    char             *grpname;
    atom_id          *index = NULL;
    int               nre;
    gmx_enxnm_t      *enm     = NULL;
    t_enxframe       *fr_ener = NULL;
    char              buf[200], buf2[200];
    gmx_output_env_t *oenv;
    t_filenm          fnm[] = {
        { efTPR, NULL,  NULL,    ffREAD  },
        { efTRN, "-f",  NULL,    ffOPTRD },
        { efEDR, "-e",  NULL,    ffOPTRD },
        { efNDX, NULL,  NULL,    ffOPTRD },
        { efTPR, "-o",  "tprout", ffWRITE }
#define NFILE asize(fnm)

    /* Command line options */
    static int      nsteps_req_int = 0;
    static real     start_t        = -1.0, extend_t = 0.0, until_t = 0.0;
    static int      init_fep_state = 0;
    static gmx_bool bContinuation  = TRUE, bZeroQ = FALSE, bVel = TRUE;
    static t_pargs  pa[]           = {
        { "-extend",        FALSE, etREAL, {&extend_t},
          "Extend runtime by this amount (ps)" },
        { "-until",         FALSE, etREAL, {&until_t},
          "Extend runtime until this ending time (ps)" },
        { "-nsteps",        FALSE, etINT,  {&nsteps_req_int},
          "Change the number of steps" },
        { "-time",          FALSE, etREAL, {&start_t},
          "Continue from frame at this time (ps) instead of the last frame" },
        { "-zeroq",         FALSE, etBOOL, {&bZeroQ},
          "Set the charges of a group (from the index) to zero" },
        { "-vel",           FALSE, etBOOL, {&bVel},
          "Require velocities from trajectory" },
        { "-cont",          FALSE, etBOOL, {&bContinuation},
          "For exact continuation, the constraints should not be applied before the first step" },
        { "-init_fep_state", FALSE, etINT, {&init_fep_state},
          "fep state to initialize from" },

    /* Parse the command line */
    if (!parse_common_args(&argc, argv, 0, NFILE, fnm, asize(pa), pa,
                           asize(desc), desc, 0, NULL, &oenv))
        return 0;

    /* Convert int to gmx_int64_t */
    nsteps_req = nsteps_req_int;
    bNsteps    = opt2parg_bSet("-nsteps", asize(pa), pa);
    bExtend    = opt2parg_bSet("-extend", asize(pa), pa);
    bUntil     = opt2parg_bSet("-until", asize(pa), pa);
    bFepState  = opt2parg_bSet("-init_fep_state", asize(pa), pa);
    bTime      = opt2parg_bSet("-time", asize(pa), pa);
    bTraj      = (opt2bSet("-f", NFILE, fnm) || bTime);

    top_fn = ftp2fn(efTPR, NFILE, fnm);
    fprintf(stderr, "Reading toplogy and stuff from %s\n", top_fn);

    snew(ir, 1);
    read_tpx_state(top_fn, ir, &state, &mtop);
    run_step = ir->init_step;
    run_t    = ir->init_step*ir->delta_t + ir->init_t;

    if (!EI_STATE_VELOCITY(ir->eI))
        bVel = FALSE;

    if (bTraj)
        fprintf(stderr, "\n"
                "NOTE: Reading the state from trajectory is an obsolete feature of gmx convert-tpr.\n"
                "      Continuation should be done by loading a checkpoint file with mdrun -cpi\n"
                "      This guarantees that all state variables are transferred.\n"
                "      gmx convert-tpr is now only useful for increasing nsteps,\n"
                "      but even that can often be avoided by using mdrun -maxh\n"

        if (ir->bContinuation != bContinuation)
            fprintf(stderr, "Modifying ir->bContinuation to %s\n",
        ir->bContinuation = bContinuation;

        bNeedEner = (ir->epc == epcPARRINELLORAHMAN || ir->etc == etcNOSEHOOVER);
        bReadEner = (bNeedEner && ftp2bSet(efEDR, NFILE, fnm));
        bScanEner = (bReadEner && !bTime);

        if (ir->epc != epcNO || EI_SD(ir->eI) || ir->eI == eiBD)
            fprintf(stderr, "NOTE: The simulation uses pressure coupling and/or stochastic dynamics.\n"
                    "gmx convert-tpr can not provide binary identical continuation.\n"
                    "If you want that, supply a checkpoint file to mdrun\n\n");

        if (EI_SD(ir->eI) || ir->eI == eiBD)
            fprintf(stderr, "\nChanging ld-seed from %" GMX_PRId64 " ", ir->ld_seed);
            ir->ld_seed = (gmx_int64_t)gmx_rng_make_seed();
            fprintf(stderr, "to %" GMX_PRId64 "\n\n", ir->ld_seed);

        frame_fn = ftp2fn(efTRN, NFILE, fnm);

        if (fn2ftp(frame_fn) == efCPT)
            int sim_part;

                    "\nREADING STATE FROM CHECKPOINT %s...\n\n",

            read_checkpoint_state(frame_fn, &sim_part,
                                  &run_step, &run_t, &state);
                    "\nREADING COORDS, VELS AND BOX FROM TRAJECTORY %s...\n\n",

            fp = gmx_trr_open(frame_fn, "r");
            if (bScanEner)
                fp_ener = open_enx(ftp2fn(efEDR, NFILE, fnm), "r");
                do_enxnms(fp_ener, &nre, &enm);
                snew(fr_ener, 1);
                fr_ener->t = -1e-12;

            /* Now scan until the last set of x and v (step == 0)
             * or the ones at step step.
            bFrame = TRUE;
            frame  = 0;
            while (bFrame)
                bFrame = gmx_trr_read_frame_header(fp, &head, &bOK);
                if (bOK && frame == 0)
                    if (mtop.natoms != head.natoms)
                        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Number of atoms in Topology (%d) "
                                  "is not the same as in Trajectory (%d)\n",
                                  mtop.natoms, head.natoms);
                    snew(newx, head.natoms);
                    snew(newv, head.natoms);
                bFrame = bFrame && bOK;
                if (bFrame)
                    bOK = gmx_trr_read_frame_data(fp, &head, newbox, newx, newv, NULL);
                bFrame = bFrame && bOK;
                bUse   = FALSE;
                if (bFrame &&
                    (head.x_size) && (head.v_size || !bVel))
                    bUse = TRUE;
                    if (bScanEner)
                        /* Read until the energy time is >= the trajectory time */
                        while (fr_ener->t < head.t && do_enx(fp_ener, fr_ener))
                        bUse = (fr_ener->t == head.t);
                    if (bUse)
                        tmpx                  = newx;
                        newx                  = state.x;
                        state.x               = tmpx;
                        tmpv                  = newv;
                        newv                  = state.v;
                        state.v               = tmpv;
                        run_t                 = head.t;
                        run_step              = head.step;
                        state.fep_state       = head.fep_state;
                        state.lambda[efptFEP] = head.lambda;
                if (bFrame || !bOK)
                    sprintf(buf, "\r%s %s frame %s%s: step %s%s time %s",
                            "%s", "%s", "%6", GMX_PRId64, "%6", GMX_PRId64, " %8.3f");
                    fprintf(stderr, buf,
                            bUse ? "Read   " : "Skipped", ftp2ext(fn2ftp(frame_fn)),
                            frame, head.step, head.t);
                    if (bTime && (head.t >= start_t))
                        bFrame = FALSE;
            if (bScanEner)
                free_enxnms(nre, enm);
            fprintf(stderr, "\n");

            if (!bOK)
                fprintf(stderr, "%s frame %s (step %s, time %g) is incomplete\n",
                        ftp2ext(fn2ftp(frame_fn)), gmx_step_str(frame-1, buf2),
                        gmx_step_str(head.step, buf), head.t);
            fprintf(stderr, "\nUsing frame of step %s time %g\n",
                    gmx_step_str(run_step, buf), run_t);

            if (bNeedEner)
                if (bReadEner)
                    get_enx_state(ftp2fn(efEDR, NFILE, fnm), run_t, &mtop.groups, ir, &state);
                    fprintf(stderr, "\nWARNING: The simulation uses %s temperature and/or %s pressure coupling,\n"
                            "         the continuation will only be exact when an energy file is supplied\n\n",
            if (bFepState)
                ir->fepvals->init_fep_state = init_fep_state;

    if (bNsteps)
        fprintf(stderr, "Setting nsteps to %s\n", gmx_step_str(nsteps_req, buf));
        ir->nsteps = nsteps_req;
        /* Determine total number of steps remaining */
        if (bExtend)
            ir->nsteps = ir->nsteps - (run_step - ir->init_step) + (gmx_int64_t)(extend_t/ir->delta_t + 0.5);
            printf("Extending remaining runtime of by %g ps (now %s steps)\n",
                   extend_t, gmx_step_str(ir->nsteps, buf));
        else if (bUntil)
            printf("nsteps = %s, run_step = %s, current_t = %g, until = %g\n",
                   gmx_step_str(ir->nsteps, buf),
                   gmx_step_str(run_step, buf2),
                   run_t, until_t);
            ir->nsteps = (gmx_int64_t)((until_t - run_t)/ir->delta_t + 0.5);
            printf("Extending remaining runtime until %g ps (now %s steps)\n",
                   until_t, gmx_step_str(ir->nsteps, buf));
            ir->nsteps -= run_step - ir->init_step;
            /* Print message */
            printf("%s steps (%g ps) remaining from first run.\n",
                   gmx_step_str(ir->nsteps, buf), ir->nsteps*ir->delta_t);

    if (bNsteps || bZeroQ || (ir->nsteps > 0))
        ir->init_step = run_step;

        if (ftp2bSet(efNDX, NFILE, fnm) ||
            !(bNsteps || bExtend || bUntil || bTraj))
            atoms = gmx_mtop_global_atoms(&mtop);
            get_index(&atoms, ftp2fn_null(efNDX, NFILE, fnm), 1,
                      &gnx, &index, &grpname);
            if (!bZeroQ)
                bSel = (gnx != state.natoms);
                for (i = 0; ((i < gnx) && (!bSel)); i++)
                    bSel = (i != index[i]);
                bSel = FALSE;
            if (bSel)
                fprintf(stderr, "Will write subset %s of original tpx containing %d "
                        "atoms\n", grpname, gnx);
                reduce_topology_x(gnx, index, &mtop, state.x, state.v);
                state.natoms = gnx;
            else if (bZeroQ)
                zeroq(index, &mtop);
                fprintf(stderr, "Zero-ing charges for group %s\n", grpname);
                fprintf(stderr, "Will write full tpx file (no selection)\n");

        state_t = ir->init_t + ir->init_step*ir->delta_t;
        sprintf(buf,   "Writing statusfile with starting step %s%s and length %s%s steps...\n", "%10", GMX_PRId64, "%10", GMX_PRId64);
        fprintf(stderr, buf, ir->init_step, ir->nsteps);
        fprintf(stderr, "                                 time %10.3f and length %10.3f ps\n",
                state_t, ir->nsteps*ir->delta_t);
        write_tpx_state(opt2fn("-o", NFILE, fnm), ir, &state, &mtop);
        printf("You've simulated long enough. Not writing tpr file\n");

    return 0;
Beispiel #9
static void list_trr(const char *fn)
    t_fileio         *fpread;
    int               nframe, indent;
    char              buf[256];
    rvec             *x, *v, *f;
    matrix            box;
    gmx_trr_header_t  trrheader;
    gmx_bool          bOK;

    fpread  = gmx_trr_open(fn, "r");

    nframe = 0;
    while (gmx_trr_read_frame_header(fpread, &trrheader, &bOK))
        snew(x, trrheader.natoms);
        snew(v, trrheader.natoms);
        snew(f, trrheader.natoms);
        if (gmx_trr_read_frame_data(fpread, &trrheader,
                                    trrheader.box_size ? box : NULL,
                                    trrheader.x_size   ? x : NULL,
                                    trrheader.v_size   ? v : NULL,
                                    trrheader.f_size   ? f : NULL))
            sprintf(buf, "%s frame %d", fn, nframe);
            indent = 0;
            indent = pr_title(stdout, indent, buf);
            pr_indent(stdout, indent);
            fprintf(stdout, "natoms=%10d  step=%10d  time=%12.7e  lambda=%10g\n",
                    trrheader.natoms, trrheader.step, trrheader.t, trrheader.lambda);
            if (trrheader.box_size)
                pr_rvecs(stdout, indent, "box", box, DIM);
            if (trrheader.x_size)
                pr_rvecs(stdout, indent, "x", x, trrheader.natoms);
            if (trrheader.v_size)
                pr_rvecs(stdout, indent, "v", v, trrheader.natoms);
            if (trrheader.f_size)
                pr_rvecs(stdout, indent, "f", f, trrheader.natoms);
            fprintf(stderr, "\nWARNING: Incomplete frame: nr %d, t=%g\n",
                    nframe, trrheader.t);

    if (!bOK)
        fprintf(stderr, "\nWARNING: Incomplete frame header: nr %d, t=%g\n",
                nframe, trrheader.t);