Beispiel #1
main (int argc, char const **argv)
	GOErrorInfo	*plugin_errs;
	int		 res = 0;
	GOCmdContext	*cc;
	GOptionContext *ocontext;
	GError *error = NULL;

	/* No code before here, we need to init threads */
	argv = gnm_pre_parse_init (argc, argv);

	ocontext = g_option_context_new (_("INFILE..."));
	g_option_context_add_main_entries (ocontext, ssindex_options, GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
	g_option_context_add_group	  (ocontext, gnm_get_option_group ());
	g_option_context_parse (ocontext, &argc, (gchar ***)&argv, &error);
	g_option_context_free (ocontext);

	if (error) {
		g_printerr (_("%s\nRun '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n"),
			    error->message, argv[0]);
		g_error_free (error);
		return 1;

	if (ssindex_show_version) {
		g_printerr (_("ssindex version '%s'\ndatadir := '%s'\nlibdir := '%s'\n"),
			    GNM_VERSION_FULL, gnm_sys_data_dir (), gnm_sys_lib_dir ());
		return 0;
	} else if (!ssindex_run_indexer && !ssindex_list_mime_types) {
		g_printerr (_("Usage: %s [OPTION...] %s\n"),
			    g_get_prgname (),
		return 1;

	gnm_init ();

	cc = gnm_cmd_context_stderr_new ();
	gnm_plugins_init (GO_CMD_CONTEXT (cc));
	go_plugin_db_activate_plugin_list (
		go_plugins_get_available_plugins (), &plugin_errs);
	if (plugin_errs) {
		/* FIXME: What do we want to do here? */
		go_error_info_free (plugin_errs);
	go_component_set_default_command_context (cc);

	if (ssindex_run_indexer) {
		GOIOContext *ioc = go_io_context_new (cc);
		int i;

		go_io_context_set_num_files (ioc, argc - 1);

		for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
			char const *file = argv[i];
			go_io_context_processing_file (ioc, file);
			res |= ssindex (file, ioc);
		g_object_unref (ioc);
	} else if (ssindex_list_mime_types) {
		GList *o;
		for (o = go_get_file_openers (); o != NULL ; o = o->next) {
			GSList const *mime = go_file_opener_get_mimes (o->data);
			for (; mime != NULL ; mime = mime->next)
				g_print ("%s\n", (char const *)mime->data);

	go_component_set_default_command_context (NULL);
	g_object_unref (cc);
	gnm_shutdown ();
	gnm_pre_parse_shutdown ();

	return res;
Beispiel #2
main (int argc, char const **argv)
	gboolean opened_workbook = FALSE;
	gboolean with_gui;
	GOIOContext *ioc;
	WorkbookView *wbv;
	GSList *wbcgs_to_kill = NULL;
	GOCmdContext *cc;

#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
	gboolean has_console;

	/* No code before here, we need to init threads */
	argv = gnm_pre_parse_init (argc, argv);

	 * Attempt to disable Ubuntu's funky, non-working scroll
	 * bars.  This needs to be done before gtk starts loading
	 * modules.  Note: the following call will not replace
	 * an existing setting, so you can run with =1 if you like.

#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
	has_console = FALSE;
		HMODULE hmod;

		if ((hmod = GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll"))) {
			MyAttachConsole = (LPFNATTACHCONSOLE) GetProcAddress(hmod, "AttachConsole");
			if (MyAttachConsole && MyAttachConsole(ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS)) {
				freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stdout);
				freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stderr);
				dup2(fileno(stdout), 1);
				dup2(fileno(stderr), 2);
				has_console = TRUE;

	gnumeric_arg_parse (argc, (char **)argv);
	bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
	bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE "-functions", "UTF-8");

	with_gui = !func_def_file && !func_state_file && !split_funcdocs;

	if (with_gui) {
		gnm_session_init (argv[0]);

	gnm_init ();

	/* These are useful for the build process only.  */
	if (func_state_file)
		return gnm_dump_func_defs (func_state_file, 0);
	if (func_def_file)
		return gnm_dump_func_defs (func_def_file, 1);
	if (split_funcdocs)
		return gnm_dump_func_defs (NULL, 2);
	if (ext_refs_file)
		return gnm_dump_func_defs (ext_refs_file, 4);

	if (with_gui) {
		go_component_set_default_command_context (cc = cmd_context_stderr_new ());
		g_object_unref (cc);
		cc = g_object_new (GNM_TYPE_IO_CONTEXT_GTK,
				   "show-splash", !gnumeric_no_splash,
				   "show-warnings", !gnumeric_no_warnings,
		ioc = GO_IO_CONTEXT (g_object_ref (cc));
		handle_paint_events ();
		pathetic_qt_workaround ();
	} else {
		/* TODO: Make this inconsistency go away */
		cc = cmd_context_stderr_new ();
		ioc = go_io_context_new (cc);
		go_component_set_default_command_context (cc);

	/* Keep in sync with .desktop file */
	g_set_application_name (_("Gnumeric Spreadsheet"));
	gnm_plugins_init (GO_CMD_CONTEXT (ioc));

	if (startup_files) {
		int i;

		for (i = 0; startup_files [i]; i++)

		go_io_context_set_num_files (ioc, i);
		for (i = 0;
		     startup_files [i] && !initial_workbook_open_complete;
		     i++) {
			char *uri = go_shell_arg_to_uri (startup_files[i]);

			if (uri == NULL) {
				g_warning ("Ignoring invalid URI.");

			go_io_context_processing_file (ioc, uri);
			wbv = workbook_view_new_from_uri (uri, NULL, ioc, NULL);
			g_free (uri);

			if (go_io_error_occurred (ioc) ||
			    go_io_warning_occurred (ioc)) {
				go_io_error_display (ioc);
				go_io_error_clear (ioc);
			if (wbv != NULL) {
				WBCGtk *wbcg;

				workbook_update_history (wb_view_get_workbook (wbv), GNM_FILE_SAVE_AS_STYLE_SAVE);

				wbcg = wbc_gtk_new (wbv, NULL, NULL, geometry);
				geometry = NULL;
				sheet_update (wb_view_cur_sheet	(wbv));
				opened_workbook = TRUE;
				gnm_io_context_gtk_set_transient_for (GNM_IO_CONTEXT_GTK (ioc),
						       wbcg_toplevel (wbcg));
				if (immediate_exit_flag)
					wbcgs_to_kill = g_slist_prepend (wbcgs_to_kill,
			/* cheesy attempt to keep the ui from freezing during
			   load */
			handle_paint_events ();
			if (gnm_io_context_gtk_get_interrupted (GNM_IO_CONTEXT_GTK (ioc)))
				break; /* Don't load any more workbooks */

	g_object_unref (cc);
	cc = NULL;

	/* FIXME: Maybe we should quit here if we were asked to open
	   files and failed to do so. */

	/* If we were intentionally short circuited exit now */
	if (!initial_workbook_open_complete) {
		initial_workbook_open_complete = TRUE;
		if (!opened_workbook) {
			gint n_of_sheets = gnm_conf_get_core_workbook_n_sheet ();
			wbc_gtk_new (NULL,
				workbook_new_with_sheets (n_of_sheets),
				NULL, geometry);

		if (immediate_exit_flag) {
			GSList *l;
			for (l = wbcgs_to_kill; l; l = l->next)
				g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc)cb_kill_wbcg, l->data);

		g_signal_connect (gnm_app_get_app (),
				  G_CALLBACK (cb_workbook_removed),

		gnm_io_context_gtk_discharge_splash (GNM_IO_CONTEXT_GTK (ioc));
		g_object_unref (ioc);

		g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc)pathetic_qt_workaround, NULL);
		gtk_main ();
	} else {
		g_object_unref (ioc);
		g_slist_foreach (wbcgs_to_kill, (GFunc)cb_kill_wbcg, NULL);

	g_slist_free (wbcgs_to_kill);
	gnumeric_arg_shutdown ();
	store_plugin_state ();
	gnm_shutdown ();

#if defined(G_OS_WIN32)
	if (has_console) {

	gnm_pre_parse_shutdown ();
	go_component_set_default_command_context (NULL);

	 * This helps finding leaks.  We might want it in developent
	 * only.
	if (with_gui && gnm_debug_flag ("close-displays")) {
		GSList *displays;

		while (g_main_context_iteration (NULL, FALSE))
			;/* nothing */

		displays = gdk_display_manager_list_displays
			(gdk_display_manager_get ());
		g_slist_foreach (displays, (GFunc)gdk_display_close, NULL);
		g_slist_free (displays);

	return 0;