void DensoSetup::initialize(RobotBasePtr probot)
    const ob::StateSpacePtr &sSpace = getStateSpace();

    ob::ScopedState<> start(sSpace);
    ob::ScopedState<> goal(sSpace);
    std::vector<double> startVec(sSpace->getDimension(), 0.);
    std::vector<double> goalVec(sSpace->getDimension(), 0.);
    unsigned int ndof = si_->getStateSpace()->as<DensoStateSpace>()->
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ndof; i++)
	goalVec[i] = 1.0;

    if (_useRealScene)
	startVec[0] = -1.576;
	startVec[1] = 1.374;
	startVec[2] = 0.0;
	startVec[3] = 0.0;
	startVec[4] = -1.36751533;
	startVec[5] = 1.615;
	goalVec[0] = 1.55;
	goalVec[1] = 1.35;
	goalVec[2] = 0.1;
	goalVec[3] = -000057;
	goalVec[4] = -1.40754;
	goalVec[5] = 1.6;
    sSpace->copyFromReals(start.get(), startVec);
    sSpace->copyFromReals(goal.get(), goalVec);
    /* set start, goal, and threshold*/
    setStartAndGoalStates(start, goal, threshold);
    /* set propagation step size and min-max propagation steps*/
    si_->setMinMaxControlDuration(propagationMinSteps, propagationMaxSteps);
    /* initialize a new KPIECE planner */
    setPlanner(ob::PlannerPtr(new oc::KPIECE1(si_)));
    /* set default parameters */
    /* set a state validity checker */
			    (new DensoStateValidityChecker(si_)));
    si_->setStateValidityCheckingResolution(0.05); //5%
    /* set a state propagator */
    setStatePropagator(oc::StatePropagatorPtr(new DensoStatePropagator(si_)));
void SuperBotSetup::initialize(RobotBasePtr probot)
    const ob::StateSpacePtr &sSpace = getStateSpace();

    ob::ScopedState<> start(sSpace);
    ob::ScopedState<> goal(sSpace);
    std::vector<double> startVec(sSpace->getDimension(), 0.);
    std::vector<double> goalVec(sSpace->getDimension(), 0.);
    unsigned int ndof = si_->getStateSpace()->as<SuperBotStateSpace>()->_probot->GetActiveDOF();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ndof; i++)
	goalVec[i] = 1.0;
    sSpace->copyFromReals(start.get(), startVec);
    sSpace->copyFromReals(goal.get(), goalVec);
    // set start, goal, and threshold
    setStartAndGoalStates(start, goal, threshold);
    // set propagation step size and min-max propagation steps
    si_->setMinMaxControlDuration(propagationMinSteps, propagationMaxSteps);
    // initialize a new KPIECE planner
    setPlanner(ob::PlannerPtr(new oc::KPIECE1(si_)));
    // set default parameters
    // set a state validity checker
    setStateValidityChecker(ob::StateValidityCheckerPtr(new SuperBotStateValidityChecker(si_)));
    si_->setStateValidityCheckingResolution(0.05); //5%
    // set a state propagator
    setStatePropagator(oc::StatePropagatorPtr(new SuperBotStatePropagator(si_)));
void plAvBrainCritter::IEvalGoal()
    // TODO: Implement pathfinding logic here
    // (for now, this runs directly towards the goal)
    fImmediateGoalPos = fFinalGoalPos;

    // where am I relative to my goal?
    const plSceneObject* creatureObj = fArmature->GetTarget(0);
    hsVector3 view(creatureObj->GetCoordinateInterface()->GetLocalToWorld().GetAxis(hsMatrix44::kView));

    hsPoint3 creaturePos;
    hsQuat creatureRot;
    fAvMod->GetPositionAndRotationSim(&creaturePos, &creatureRot);
    hsVector3 goalVec(creaturePos - fImmediateGoalPos);
    fDotGoal = goalVec * view; // 1 = directly facing, 0 = 90 deg off, -1 = facing away

    // calculate a vector pointing to the creature's right
    hsQuat invRot = creatureRot.Conjugate();
    hsPoint3 globRight = invRot.Rotate(&kAvatarRight);
    fAngRight = globRight.InnerProduct(goalVec); // dot product, 1 = goal is 90 to the right, 0 = goal is in front or behind, -1 = goal is 90 to the left

    if (fAvoidingAvatars)
        // check to see we can see anyone in our way (if we can't see them, we can't avoid them)
        std::vector<plArmatureMod*> playersICanSee = IAvatarsICanSee();
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < playersICanSee.size(); ++i)
            hsPoint3 avPos;
            hsQuat avRot;
            playersICanSee[i]->GetPositionAndRotationSim(&avPos, &avRot);
            hsVector3 avVec(creaturePos - avPos);

            float dotAv = avVec * goalVec;
            if (dotAv > 0.5f) // within a 45deg angle in front of us
                // a player is in the way, so we will change our "goal" to a 90deg angle from the player
                // then we stop searching, since any other players in the way will just produce the same (or similar) result
                avVec.fZ = goalVec.fZ = 0.f;
                goalVec = goalVec % avVec;
                fAngRight = globRight.InnerProduct(goalVec);

    // are we at our final goal?
    if (AtGoal())
        if (RunningBehavior(kDefaultRunBehName)) // don't do anything if we're not running!
            // we're close enough, stop running and pick an idle
            fNextMode = IPickBehavior(kIdle);

            // tell everyone who cares that we have arrived
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < fReceivers.size(); ++i)
                plAIArrivedAtGoalMsg* msg = new plAIArrivedAtGoalMsg(fArmature->GetKey(), fReceivers[i]);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    if (argc < 2)
        std::cout << "Usage:\n" << argv[0] << " <num_links>\n";

    unsigned int numLinks = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(std::string(argv[1]));
    Environment env = createHornEnvironment(numLinks, log((double)numLinks) / (double)numLinks);
    ompl::base::StateSpacePtr chain(new KinematicChainSpace(numLinks, 1. / (double)numLinks, &env));
    ompl::geometric::SimpleSetup ss(chain);

        new KinematicChainValidityChecker(ss.getSpaceInformation())));

    ompl::base::ScopedState<> start(chain), goal(chain);
    std::vector<double> startVec(numLinks, boost::math::constants::pi<double>() / (double)numLinks);
    std::vector<double> goalVec(numLinks, 0.);

    startVec[0] = 0.;
    goalVec[0] = boost::math::constants::pi<double>() - .001;
    chain->copyFromReals(start.get(), startVec);
    chain->copyFromReals(goal.get(), goalVec);
    ss.setStartAndGoalStates(start, goal);

    // if you specify a second command line argument, it will solve the
    // problem just once with STRIDE and print out the solution path.
    if (argc > 2)
        ss.setPlanner(ompl::base::PlannerPtr(new ompl::geometric::STRIDE(ss.getSpaceInformation())));

        ompl::geometric::PathGeometric path = ss.getSolutionPath();
        std::vector<double> v;
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < path.getStateCount(); ++i)
            chain->copyToReals(v, path.getState(i));
            std::copy(v.begin(), v.end(), std::ostream_iterator<double>(std::cout, " "));
            std::cout << std::endl;

    // by default, use the Benchmark class
    double runtime_limit = 60, memory_limit = 1024;
    int run_count = 20;
    ompl::tools::Benchmark::Request request(runtime_limit, memory_limit, run_count, 0.5);
    ompl::tools::Benchmark b(ss, "KinematicChain");
    b.addExperimentParameter("num_links", "INTEGER", std::to_string(numLinks));

    b.addPlanner(ompl::base::PlannerPtr(new ompl::geometric::STRIDE(ss.getSpaceInformation())));
    b.addPlanner(ompl::base::PlannerPtr(new ompl::geometric::EST(ss.getSpaceInformation())));
    b.addPlanner(ompl::base::PlannerPtr(new ompl::geometric::KPIECE1(ss.getSpaceInformation())));
    b.addPlanner(ompl::base::PlannerPtr(new ompl::geometric::RRT(ss.getSpaceInformation())));
    b.addPlanner(ompl::base::PlannerPtr(new ompl::geometric::PRM(ss.getSpaceInformation())));
    b.saveResultsToFile(boost::str(boost::format("kinematic_%i.log") % numLinks).c_str());
