Eigen::Vector3d PointToLineICP::getBestRototranslationVector(
        const Scan &refScan,
        const Scan &rotatedScan,
        const unsigned int queryToReferenceMapping[][2],
        const unsigned int queryIndices[],
        unsigned int queryIndexCount) {

    Eigen::Vector3d q;
    struct gpc_corr c[queryIndexCount];
    double x[3] = {0, 0, 0}; // give the solution
    double n[2]; // normal to segment
    double normN;

    for (unsigned int k = 0; k < queryIndexCount; k++){
        unsigned int h = queryIndices[k];
        double rx0 = refScan[queryToReferenceMapping[h][0]].getX();
        double ry0 = refScan[queryToReferenceMapping[h][0]].getY();
        double rx1 = refScan[queryToReferenceMapping[h][1]].getX();
        double ry1 = refScan[queryToReferenceMapping[h][1]].getY();

        // first scan [use the nearest point]
        c[k].p[0] = rx0;
        c[k].p[1] = ry0;

        // second scan
        c[k].q[0] = rotatedScan[h].getX();
        c[k].q[1] = rotatedScan[h].getY();

        // point to line metric is wi*ni*ni' where ni is the normal to the segment
        //TODO check segno (MODIFICATO SEGNO DI n[0])
        n[0] = -(ry0 - ry1);
        //n[0] = (yyR[idxRef[h][0]] - yyR[idxRef[h][1]]);
        n[1] = rx0 - rx1;

        // You need to normalize the vector?
        normN = std::sqrt(n[0] * n[0] + n[1] * n[1]);
        n[0] = n[0] / normN;
        n[1] = n[1] / normN;

        c[k].C[0][0] = n[0] * n[0];
        c[k].C[0][1] = c[k].C[1][0] = n[0] * n[1];
        c[k].C[1][1] = n[1] * n[1];

    gpc_solve(queryIndexCount, c, x);

    q << x[0], x[1], x[2];

    return q;
Beispiel #2
int compute_next_estimate(struct sm_params*params, 
	const double x_old[3], double x_new[3]) 
	LDP laser_ref  = params->laser_ref;
	LDP laser_sens = params->laser_sens;
	struct gpc_corr c[laser_sens->nrays];

	int i; int k=0;
	for(i=0;i<laser_sens->nrays;i++) {
		int j1 = laser_sens->corr[i].j1;
		int j2 = laser_sens->corr[i].j2;

		c[k].valid = 1;
		if(laser_sens->corr[i].type == corr_pl) {

			c[k].p[0] = laser_sens->points[i].p[0];
			c[k].p[1] = laser_sens->points[i].p[1];
			c[k].q[0] = laser_ref->points[j1].p[0];
			c[k].q[1] = laser_ref->points[j1].p[1];

			/** TODO: here we could use the estimated alpha */
			double diff[2];
			diff[0] = laser_ref->points[j1].p[0]-laser_ref->points[j2].p[0];
			diff[1] = laser_ref->points[j1].p[1]-laser_ref->points[j2].p[1];
			double one_on_norm = 1 / sqrt(diff[0]*diff[0]+diff[1]*diff[1]);
			double normal[2];
			normal[0] = +diff[1] * one_on_norm;
			normal[1] = -diff[0] * one_on_norm;

			double cos_alpha = normal[0];
			double sin_alpha = normal[1];
			c[k].C[0][0] = cos_alpha*cos_alpha;
			c[k].C[1][0] = 
			c[k].C[0][1] = cos_alpha*sin_alpha;
			c[k].C[1][1] = sin_alpha*sin_alpha;
/*			sm_debug("k=%d, i=%d sens_phi: %fdeg, j1=%d j2=%d,  alpha_seg=%f, cos=%f sin=%f \n", k,i,
				rad2deg(laser_sens->theta[i]), j1,j2, atan2(sin_alpha,cos_alpha), cos_alpha,sin_alpha);*/
#if 0
			/* Note: it seems that because of numerical errors this matrix might be
			   not semidef positive. */
			double det = c[k].C[0][0] * c[k].C[1][1] - c[k].C[0][1] * c[k].C[1][0];
			double trace = c[k].C[0][0] + c[k].C[1][1];
			int semidef = (det >= 0) && (trace>0);
			if(!semidef) {
	/*			printf("%d: Adjusting correspondence weights\n",i);*/
				double eps = -det;
				c[k].C[0][0] += 2*sqrt(eps);
				c[k].C[1][1] += 2*sqrt(eps);
		} else {
			c[k].p[0] = laser_sens->points[i].p[0];
			c[k].p[1] = laser_sens->points[i].p[1];

			/* Identity matrix */
			c[k].C[0][0] = 1;
			c[k].C[1][0] = 0;
			c[k].C[0][1] = 0;
			c[k].C[1][1] = 1;
		double factor = 1;
		/* Scale the correspondence weight by a factor concerning the 
		   information in this reading. */
		if(params->use_ml_weights) {
			int have_alpha = 0;
			double alpha = 0;
			if(!is_nan(laser_ref->true_alpha[j1])) {
				alpha = laser_ref->true_alpha[j1];
				have_alpha = 1;
			} else if(laser_ref->alpha_valid[j1]) {
				alpha = laser_ref->alpha[j1];;
				have_alpha = 1;
			} else have_alpha = 0;
			if(have_alpha) {
				double pose_theta = x_old[2];
				/** Incidence of the ray 
					Note that alpha is relative to the first scan (not the world)
					and that pose_theta is the angle of the second scan with 
					respect to the first, hence it's ok. */
				double beta = alpha - (pose_theta + laser_sens->theta[i]);
				factor = 1 / square(cos(beta));
			} else {
				static int warned_before = 0;
				if(!warned_before) {
					sm_error("Param use_ml_weights was active, but not valid alpha[] or true_alpha[]." 
					          "Perhaps, if this is a single ray not having alpha, you should mark it as inactive.\n");						
					sm_error("Writing laser_ref: \n");						
					ld_write_as_json(laser_ref, stderr);
					warned_before = 1;
		/* Weight the points by the sigma in laser_sens */
		if(params->use_sigma_weights) {
			if(!is_nan(laser_sens->readings_sigma[i])) {
				factor *= 1 / square(laser_sens->readings_sigma[i]);
			} else {
				static int warned_before = 0;
				if(!warned_before) {
					sm_error("Param use_sigma_weights was active, but the field readings_sigma[] was not filled in.\n");						
					sm_error("Writing laser_sens: \n");						
					ld_write_as_json(laser_sens, stderr);
		c[k].C[0][0] *= factor;
		c[k].C[1][0] *= factor;
		c[k].C[0][1] *= factor;
		c[k].C[1][1] *= factor;
	/* TODO: use prior for odometry */
	double std = 0.11;
	const double inv_cov_x0[9] = 
		{1/(std*std), 0, 0,
		 0, 1/(std*std), 0,
		 0, 0, 0};
	int ok = gpc_solve(k, c, 0, inv_cov_x0, x_new);
	if(!ok) {
		sm_error("gpc_solve_valid failed\n");
		return 0;

	double old_error = gpc_total_error(c, k, x_old);
	double new_error = gpc_total_error(c, k, x_new);

	sm_debug("\tcompute_next_estimate: old error: %f  x_old= %s \n", old_error, friendly_pose(x_old));
	sm_debug("\tcompute_next_estimate: new error: %f  x_new= %s \n", new_error, friendly_pose(x_new));
	sm_debug("\tcompute_next_estimate: new error - old_error: %g \n", new_error-old_error);

	double epsilon = 0.000001;
	if(new_error > old_error + epsilon) {
		sm_error("\tcompute_next_estimate: something's fishy here! Old error: %lf  new error: %lf  x_old %lf %lf %lf x_new %lf %lf %lf\n",old_error,new_error,x_old[0],x_old[1],x_old[2],x_new[0],x_new[1],x_new[2]);
	return 1;