int main(void)


    configure_as_output({PB, 0});
    set_pin({PB, 0}, true);

	//configure chip select pin
    auto cs = gpio_pin(PA, 8);
    set_pin(cs, true);

	//start LCD screen

        lcd.set_cursor(0, 0);
        lcd.print("Temp: ");

        set_pin(cs, false);

        union spidata
            char bytes[4];
            int32 data;

        spidata data;
        data.bytes[3] =;
        data.bytes[2] =;
        data.bytes[1] =;
        data.bytes[0] =;

        set_pin(cs, true);

        lcd.set_cursor(2, 6);

        int32 v =;

        if (v & 0x80000000)
            v = 0xFFFFC000 | ((v >> 18) & 0x00003FFFF);
            v >>= 18;

        real_t deg_c = v;
        deg_c *= 0.25;
        lcd.print(deg_c, " C");
Beispiel #2
int board_init_io()
    // analog inputs
    ANSELA = 0x0000;         // all analog inputs of port A as digital buffer
    ANSELB = 0x0000;         // all analog inputs of port B as digital buffer
    ANSELC = 0x0000;         // all analog inputs of port C as digital buffer
    ANSELD = 0x0000;         // all analog inputs of port D as digital buffer

    board_leds[0] = gpio_pin(GPIO_PORTD, 3);
    gpio_setBitConfig(board_leds[0], GPIO_OUTPUT);
    board_leds[1] = gpio_pin(GPIO_PORTC, 13);
    gpio_setBitConfig(board_leds[1], GPIO_OUTPUT);

    board_buttons[0] = gpio_pin(GPIO_PORTB, 9);
    gpio_setBitConfig(board_buttons[0], GPIO_INPUT);
    board_buttons[1] = gpio_pin(GPIO_PORTC, 10);
    gpio_setBitConfig(board_buttons[1], GPIO_INPUT);
    board_buttons[2] = gpio_pin(GPIO_PORTC, 4);
    gpio_setBitConfig(board_buttons[2], GPIO_INPUT);

    return 0;
int board_init_io()
    // analog inputs
    ANSELA = 0x0000;         // all analog inputs of port A as digital buffer
    ANSELB = 0x0000;         // all analog inputs of port B as digital buffer
    ANSELC = 0x0000;         // all analog inputs of port C as digital buffer
    ANSELD = 0x0000;         // all analog inputs of port D as digital buffer
    ANSELE = 0x0000;         // all analog inputs of port E as digital buffer
    ANSELG = 0x0000;         // all analog inputs of port G as digital buffer

    // remappable pins
    // Unlock configuration pin
        U3RXR = 0b0101;        // RX3 ==> RPC7
        RPC6R = 0b00001;       // TX3 ==> RPC6

        U4RXR = 0b1101;        // RX4 ==> RPD3
        RPA12R = 0b00010;      // TX4 ==> RPA12

        C1RXR = 0b1000;        // CAN1RX ==> RE14
        RPE0R = 0b01100;       // CAN1TX ==> RE0

        C2RXR = 0b1100;        // CAN2RX ==> RE1
        RPE15R = 0b01100;      // CAN2TX ==> RE15

        C3RXR = 0b1010;        // CAN3RX ==> RG6
        RPC15R = 0b01100;      // CAN3TX ==> RC15

        C4RXR = 0b0110;        // CAN4RX ==> RC2
        RPB1R = 0b01100;       // CAN4TX ==> RB1

    board_leds[0] = gpio_pin(GPIO_PORTG, 12);
    gpio_setBitConfig(board_leds[0], GPIO_OUTPUT);
    board_leds[1] = gpio_pin(GPIO_PORTG, 13);
    gpio_setBitConfig(board_leds[1], GPIO_OUTPUT);
    board_leds[2] = gpio_pin(GPIO_PORTG, 14);
    gpio_setBitConfig(board_leds[2], GPIO_OUTPUT);

    board_buttons[0] = gpio_pin(GPIO_PORTG, 11);
    gpio_setBitConfig(board_buttons[0], GPIO_INPUT);
    board_buttons[1] = gpio_pin(GPIO_PORTF, 13);
    gpio_setBitConfig(board_buttons[1], GPIO_INPUT);
    board_buttons[2] = gpio_pin(GPIO_PORTF, 12);
    gpio_setBitConfig(board_buttons[2], GPIO_INPUT);

    return 0;
void gpio_irqdisable(int irq)
  uint32_t base;
  int      pin;

  if ((unsigned)irq < NR_GPIO_IRQS)
      /* Get the base address of the GPIO module associated with this IRQ */

      base = gpio_baseaddress(irq);

      /* Get the pin number associated with this IRQ.  We made life difficult
       * here by choosing a sparse representation of IRQs on GPIO pins.

      pin  = gpio_pin(irq);
      DEBUGASSERT(pin >= 0);

      /* Disable the GPIO interrupt. */

      putreg32((1 << pin), base + AVR32_GPIO_IERC_OFFSET);
Beispiel #5
static int lua_gpio_index(lua_State *L) {
    gpio_t *gpio;
    const char *field;

    if (!lua_isstring(L, 2))
        return lua_gpio_error(L, GPIO_ERROR_ARG, 0, "Error: unknown method or property");

    field = lua_tostring(L, 2);

    /* Look up method in metatable */
    lua_getmetatable(L, 1);
    lua_getfield(L, -1, field);
    if (!lua_isnil(L, -1))
        return 1;

    gpio = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "periphery.GPIO");

    if (strcmp(field, "fd") == 0) {
        lua_pushinteger(L, gpio_fd(gpio));
        return 1;
    } else if (strcmp(field, "pin") == 0) {
        lua_pushunsigned(L, gpio_pin(gpio));
        return 1;
    } else if (strcmp(field, "supports_interrupts") == 0) {
        bool supported;
        int ret;

        if ((ret = gpio_supports_interrupts(gpio, &supported)) < 0)
            return lua_gpio_error(L, ret, gpio_errno(gpio), "Error: %s", gpio_errmsg(gpio));

        lua_pushboolean(L, supported);
        return 1;
    } else if (strcmp(field, "direction") == 0) {
        gpio_direction_t direction;
        int ret;

        if ((ret = gpio_get_direction(gpio, &direction)) < 0)
            return lua_gpio_error(L, ret, gpio_errno(gpio), "Error: %s", gpio_errmsg(gpio));

        switch (direction) {
            case GPIO_DIR_IN: lua_pushstring(L, "in"); break;
            case GPIO_DIR_OUT: lua_pushstring(L, "out"); break;
            default: lua_pushstring(L, "unknown"); break;
        return 1;
    } else if (strcmp(field, "edge") == 0) {
        gpio_edge_t edge;
        int ret;

        if ((ret = gpio_get_edge(gpio, &edge)) < 0)
            return lua_gpio_error(L, ret, gpio_errno(gpio), "Error: %s", gpio_errmsg(gpio));

        switch (edge) {
            case GPIO_EDGE_NONE: lua_pushstring(L, "none"); break;
            case GPIO_EDGE_RISING: lua_pushstring(L, "rising"); break;
            case GPIO_EDGE_FALLING: lua_pushstring(L, "falling"); break;
            case GPIO_EDGE_BOTH: lua_pushstring(L, "both"); break;
            default: lua_pushstring(L, "unknown"); break;
        return 1;

    return lua_gpio_error(L, GPIO_ERROR_ARG, 0, "Error: unknown property");