Beispiel #1
static msg_t nav_msg_thread(void *arg)
  chRegSetThreadName("nav msg");

  for (u8 i=0; i<32; i++) {
    es[i].prn = i;

  while (TRUE) {

    /* Check if there is a new nav msg subframe to process.
     * TODO: move this into a function */

    /* TODO: This should be trigged by a semaphore from the tracking loop, not
     * just ran periodically. */

    memcpy(es_old, es, sizeof(es));

    for (u8 i=0; i<nap_track_n_channels; i++) {
      if (tracking_channel[i].state == TRACKING_RUNNING &&
          tracking_channel[i].nav_msg.subframe_start_index) {

        __asm__("CPSID i;");
        s8 ret = process_subframe(&tracking_channel[i].nav_msg,
        __asm__("CPSIE i;");

        if (ret < 0)
          printf("PRN %02d ret %d\n", tracking_channel[i].prn+1, ret);

        if (ret == 1 && !es[tracking_channel[i].prn].healthy) {
          printf("PRN %02d unhealthy\n", tracking_channel[i].prn+1);
        } else {
          sbp_send_msg(MSG_EPHEMERIS, sizeof(ephemeris_t), (u8 *)&es[tracking_channel[i].prn]);
        if (memcmp(&es[tracking_channel[i].prn],
                   &es_old[tracking_channel[i].prn], sizeof(ephemeris_t))) {

          printf("New ephemeris for PRN %02d\n", tracking_channel[i].prn+1);

          /* TODO: This is a janky way to set the time... */
          gps_time_t t;
          t.wn = es[tracking_channel[i].prn].toe.wn;
          t.tow = tracking_channel[i].TOW_ms / 1000.0;
          if (gpsdifftime(t, es[tracking_channel[i].prn].toe) > 2*24*3600)
          else if (gpsdifftime(t, es[tracking_channel[i].prn].toe) < 2*24*3600)
          /*set_time(TIME_COARSE, t);*/


  return 0;
Beispiel #2
/** Set measurement precise Doppler using time difference of carrier phase.
 * \note The return array `m_tdcp` should have space to contain the number
 * of measurements with common PRNs between `m_new` and `m_old`. Making the
 * array at least `MIN(n_new, n_old)` long will ensure sufficient space.
 * \param n_new Number of measurements in `m_new`
 * \oaram m_new Array of new navigation measurements
 * \param n_old Number of measurements in `m_old`
 * \oaram m_new Array of old navigation measurements, sorted by PRN
 * \param m_tdcp Array in which to store the output measurements
 * \return The number of measurements written to `m_tdcp`
u8 tdcp_doppler(u8 n_new, navigation_measurement_t *m_new,
                u8 n_old, navigation_measurement_t *m_old,
                navigation_measurement_t *m_corrected)
  /* Sort m_new, m_old should already be sorted. */
  qsort(m_new, n_new, sizeof(navigation_measurement_t), nav_meas_cmp);

  u8 i, j, n = 0;

  /* Loop over m_new and m_old and check if a PRN is present in both. */
  for (i=0, j=0; i<n_new && j<n_old; i++, j++) {
    if (m_new[i].prn < m_old[j].prn)
    else if (m_new[i].prn > m_old[j].prn)
    else {
      /* Copy m_new to m_corrected. */
      memcpy(&m_corrected[n], &m_new[i], sizeof(navigation_measurement_t));
      /* Calculate the Doppler correction between raw and corrected. */
      double dopp_corr = m_corrected[n].doppler - m_corrected[n].raw_doppler;
      /* Calculate raw Doppler from time difference of carrier phase. */
      /* TODO: check that using difference of TOTs here is a valid
       * approximation. */
      m_corrected[n].raw_doppler = (m_new[i].carrier_phase - m_old[j].carrier_phase)
                                    / gpsdifftime(m_new[i].tot, m_old[j].tot);
      /* Re-apply the same correction to the raw Doppler to get the corrected Doppler. */
      m_corrected[n].doppler = m_corrected[n].raw_doppler + dopp_corr;

  return n;
Beispiel #3
u8 propagate(u8 n, double ref_ecef[3],
             navigation_measurement_t *m_in_base, gps_time_t *t_base,
             navigation_measurement_t *m_in_rover, gps_time_t *t_rover,
             navigation_measurement_t *m_out_base)
  double dt = gpsdifftime(*t_rover, *t_base);

  double dr_[n];

  for (u8 i=0; i<n; i++) {
    m_out_base[i].prn = m_in_base[i].prn;
    m_out_base[i].snr = m_in_base[i].snr;
    m_out_base[i].lock_time = m_in_base[i].lock_time;

    /* Calculate delta range. */
    double dr[3];
    vector_subtract(3, m_in_rover[i].sat_pos, m_in_base[i].sat_pos, dr);

    /* Subtract linear term (initial satellite velocity * dt),
     * we are going to add back in the linear term derived from the Doppler
     * instead. */
    /*vector_add_sc(3, dr, m_in_base[i].sat_vel, -dt, dr);*/

    /* Make unit vector to satellite, e. */
    double e[3];
    vector_subtract(3, m_in_rover[i].sat_pos, ref_ecef, e);
    vector_normalize(3, e);

    /* Project onto the line of sight vector. */
    dr_[i] = vector_dot(3, dr, e);

    /*printf("# ddr_ = %f\n", dr_[i]);*/

    /* Add back in linear term now using Doppler. */
    /*dr_[i] -= m_in_base[i].raw_doppler * dt * GPS_L1_LAMBDA;*/

    /*printf("# dr_dopp = %f\n", -m_in_base[i].raw_doppler * dt * GPS_L1_LAMBDA);*/

    /*printf("# raw dopp = %f\n", m_in_rover[i].raw_doppler);*/
    /*printf("# my dopp = %f\n", -vector_dot(3, e, m_in_rover[i].sat_vel) / GPS_L1_LAMBDA);*/
    /*printf("# ddopp = %f\n", m_in_rover[i].raw_doppler - vector_dot(3, e, m_in_rover[i].sat_vel) / GPS_L1_LAMBDA);*/
    /*printf("[%f, %f],", m_in_base[i].raw_doppler, vector_dot(3, e, m_in_rover[i].sat_vel) / GPS_L1_LAMBDA);*/

    /*printf("# dr_ = %f\n", dr_[i]);*/

    m_out_base[i].raw_pseudorange = m_in_base[i].raw_pseudorange + dr_[i];
    m_out_base[i].pseudorange = m_in_base[i].pseudorange;
    m_out_base[i].carrier_phase = m_in_base[i].carrier_phase - dr_[i] / GPS_L1_LAMBDA;
    m_out_base[i].raw_doppler = m_in_base[i].raw_doppler;
    m_out_base[i].doppler = m_in_base[i].doppler;
    /*m_in_base[i].carrier_phase -= dr_[i] / GPS_L1_LAMBDA;*/
  return 0;
Beispiel #4
static void manage_calc_scores(void)
  double az, el;
  gps_time_t t;

  if (time_quality != TIME_UNKNOWN)
    t = get_current_time();

  for (u8 prn=0; prn<32; prn++) {
    if (!almanac[prn].valid ||
        time_quality == TIME_UNKNOWN ||
        position_quality == POSITION_UNKNOWN) {
      /* No almanac or position/time information, give it the benefit of the
       * doubt. */
      acq_prn_param[prn].score = 0;
    } else {
      calc_sat_az_el_almanac(&almanac[prn], t.tow, t.wn-1024, position_solution.pos_ecef, &az, &el);
      acq_prn_param[prn].score = (s8)(el/D2R);

      gps_time_t toa;
      toa.wn = almanac[prn].week + 1024;
      toa.tow = almanac[prn].toa;

      double dt_alm = fabs(gpsdifftime(t, toa));
      double dt_pos = fabs(gpsdifftime(t, position_solution.time));

      if (time_quality == TIME_GUESS ||
          dt_pos > 1*24*3600 ||
          dt_alm > 4*24*3600) {
        /* Don't exclude other sats if our time is just a guess, our last
         * position solution was ages ago or our almanac is old. */
        if (acq_prn_param[prn].score < 0)
          acq_prn_param[prn].score = 0;
Beispiel #5
void clock_est_update(clock_est_state_t *s, gps_time_t meas_gpst,
                      double meas_clock_period, double localt, double q,
                      double r_gpst, double r_clock_period)
  double temp[2][2];

  double phi_t_0[2][2] = {{1, localt}, {0, 1}};
  double phi_t_0_tr[2][2];
  matrix_transpose(2, 2, (const double *)phi_t_0, (double *)phi_t_0_tr);

  double P_[2][2];
  memcpy(P_, s->P, sizeof(P_));
  P_[0][0] += q;

  double y[2];
  gps_time_t pred_gpst = s->t0_gps;
  pred_gpst.tow += localt * s->clock_period;
  pred_gpst = normalize_gps_time(pred_gpst);
  y[0] = gpsdifftime(meas_gpst, pred_gpst);
  y[1] = meas_clock_period - s->clock_period;

  double S[2][2];
  matrix_multiply(2, 2, 2, (const double *)phi_t_0, (const double *)P_, (double *)temp);
  matrix_multiply(2, 2, 2, (const double *)temp, (const double *)phi_t_0_tr, (double *)S);
  S[0][0] += r_gpst;
  S[1][1] += r_clock_period;
  double Sinv[2][2];
  matrix_inverse(2, (const double *)S, (double *)Sinv);

  double K[2][2];
  matrix_multiply(2, 2, 2, (const double *)P_, (const double *)phi_t_0_tr, (double *)temp);
  matrix_multiply(2, 2, 2, (const double *)temp, (const double *)Sinv, (double *)K);

  double dx[2];
  matrix_multiply(2, 2, 1, (const double *)K, (const double *)y, (double *)dx);
  s->t0_gps.tow += dx[0];
  s->t0_gps = normalize_gps_time(s->t0_gps);
  s->clock_period += dx[1];

  matrix_multiply(2, 2, 2, (const double *)K, (const double *)phi_t_0, (double *)temp);
  temp[0][0] = 1 - temp[0][0];
  temp[0][1] = -temp[0][1];
  temp[1][1] = 1 - temp[1][1];
  temp[1][0] = -temp[1][0];
  matrix_multiply(2, 2, 2, (const double *)temp, (const double *)P_, (double *)s->P);

Beispiel #6
void calc_navigation_measurement_(u8 n_channels, channel_measurement_t* meas[], navigation_measurement_t* nav_meas[], double nav_time, ephemeris_t* ephemerides[])
  double TOTs[n_channels];
  double min_TOT = DBL_MAX;

  for (u8 i=0; i<n_channels; i++) {
    TOTs[i] = 1e-3 * meas[i]->time_of_week_ms;
    TOTs[i] += meas[i]->code_phase_chips / 1.023e6;
    TOTs[i] += (nav_time - meas[i]->receiver_time) * meas[i]->code_phase_rate / 1.023e6;

    /** \todo Handle GPS time properly here, e.g. week rollover */
    nav_meas[i]->tot.wn = ephemerides[i]->toe.wn;
    nav_meas[i]->tot.tow = TOTs[i];

    if (gpsdifftime(nav_meas[i]->tot, ephemerides[i]->toe) > 3*24*3600)
      nav_meas[i]->tot.wn -= 1;

    if (TOTs[i] < min_TOT)
      min_TOT = TOTs[i];

    nav_meas[i]->raw_doppler = meas[i]->carrier_freq;
    nav_meas[i]->snr = meas[i]->snr;
    nav_meas[i]->prn = meas[i]->prn;

    nav_meas[i]->carrier_phase = meas[i]->carrier_phase;
    nav_meas[i]->carrier_phase += (nav_time - meas[i]->receiver_time) * meas[i]->carrier_freq;

    nav_meas[i]->lock_counter = meas[i]->lock_counter;

  double clock_err, clock_rate_err;

  for (u8 i=0; i<n_channels; i++) {
    nav_meas[i]->raw_pseudorange = (min_TOT - TOTs[i])*GPS_C + GPS_NOMINAL_RANGE;

    calc_sat_pos(nav_meas[i]->sat_pos, nav_meas[i]->sat_vel, &clock_err, &clock_rate_err, ephemerides[i], nav_meas[i]->tot);

    nav_meas[i]->pseudorange = nav_meas[i]->raw_pseudorange \
                               + clock_err*GPS_C;
    nav_meas[i]->doppler = nav_meas[i]->raw_doppler + clock_rate_err*GPS_L1_HZ;

    nav_meas[i]->tot.tow -= clock_err;
    nav_meas[i]->tot = normalize_gps_time(nav_meas[i]->tot);
Beispiel #7
/** Retrieve a channel measurement for a tracker channel.
 * \param id      ID of the tracker channel to use.
 * \param ref_tc  Reference timing count.
 * \param meas    Pointer to output channel_measurement_t.
void tracking_channel_measurement_get(tracker_channel_id_t id, u64 ref_tc,
                                      channel_measurement_t *meas)
  tracker_channel_t *tracker_channel = tracker_channel_get(id);
  tracker_internal_data_t *internal_data =
  const tracker_common_data_t *common_data = &tracker_channel->common_data;

  /* Update our channel measurement. */
  meas->sid = tracker_channel->info.sid;
  meas->code_phase_chips = common_data->code_phase_early;
  meas->code_phase_rate = common_data->code_phase_rate;
  meas->carrier_phase = common_data->carrier_phase;
  meas->carrier_freq = common_data->carrier_freq;
  meas->time_of_week_ms = common_data->TOW_ms;
  meas->rec_time_delta = (double)((s32)(common_data->sample_count - (u32)ref_tc))
                             / SAMPLE_FREQ;
  meas->snr = common_data->cn0;
  if (internal_data->bit_polarity == BIT_POLARITY_INVERTED) {
    meas->carrier_phase += 0.5;
  meas->lock_counter = internal_data->lock_counter;

  /* Adjust carrier phase initial integer offset to be approximately equal to
     pseudorange. */
  if ((time_quality == TIME_FINE)
      && (internal_data->carrier_phase_offset == 0.0)) {
      gps_time_t tor = rx2gpstime(ref_tc + meas->rec_time_delta);
      gps_time_t tot;
      tot.tow = 1e-3 * meas->time_of_week_ms;
      tot.tow += meas->code_phase_chips / GPS_CA_CHIPPING_RATE;
      gps_time_match_weeks(&tot, &tor);
      internal_data->carrier_phase_offset = round(GPS_L1_HZ
                                                  * gpsdifftime(&tor, &tot));
  meas->carrier_phase -= internal_data->carrier_phase_offset;
Beispiel #8
/** Convert GPS time to receiver time.
 * \note The GPS time may only be a guess or completely unknown. time_quality
 *       should be checked first to determine the quality of the GPS time
 *       estimate.
 * \param t gps_time_t to convert.
 * \return Timing count in units of RX_DT_NOMINAL.
double gps2rxtime(gps_time_t t)
  return gpsdifftime(t, clock_state.t0_gps) / clock_state.clock_period;
Beispiel #9
int calc_sat_pos(double pos[3], double vel[3],
             double *clock_err, double *clock_rate_err,
             const ephemeris_t *ephemeris,
             gps_time_t tot)
   * Calculate satellite position, velocity and clock offset from ephemeris
   * Taken from IS-GPS-200D, Section and Table 20-IV
   * Usage: unsigned int ProcessEphemeris(unsigned int week, double secs,
   *                              unsigned int sv, nav_info_t *Eph)
   *  week: GPS week number
   *  sec: GPS seconds of the week of time of transmission
   *  sv: Satellite vehicle number
   *    Eph: Ephemeris data structure located within channel structure

  double tempd1 = 0, tempd2, tempd3;
  double tdiff;
  double a;     // semi major axis
  double ma, ma_dot;    // mean anomoly and first derivative (mean motion)
  double ea, ea_dot, ea_old;  // eccentric anomoly, first deriv, iteration var
  double einstein;    // relativistic correction
  double al, al_dot;    // argument of lattitude and first derivative
  double cal, cal_dot;    // corrected argument of lattitude and first deriv
  double r, r_dot;    // radius and first derivative
  double inc, inc_dot;    // inclination and first derivative
  double x, x_dot, y, y_dot;  // position in orbital plan and first derivatives
  double om, om_dot;    // omega and first derivatives

  // Satellite clock terms
  // Seconds from clock data reference time (toc)
  tdiff = gpsdifftime(tot, ephemeris->toc);

  *clock_err = ephemeris->af0 + tdiff * (ephemeris->af1 + tdiff * ephemeris->af2) - ephemeris->tgd;
  *clock_rate_err = ephemeris->af1 + 2.0 * tdiff * ephemeris->af2;

  // Seconds from the time from ephemeris reference epoch (toe)
  tdiff = gpsdifftime(tot, ephemeris->toe);

  // If tdiff is too large our ephemeris isn't valid, maybe we want to wait until we get a
  // new one? At least let's warn the user.
  // TODO: this doesn't exclude ephemerides older than a week so could be made better.
  if (abs(tdiff) > 4*3600)
    printf(" WARNING: using ephemeris older (or newer!) than 4 hours.\n");

  // Calculate position per IS-GPS-200D p 97 Table 20-IV
  a = ephemeris->sqrta * ephemeris->sqrta;  // [m] Semi-major axis
  ma_dot = sqrt (NAV_GM / (a * a * a)) + ephemeris->dn; // [rad/sec] Corrected mean motion
  ma = ephemeris->m0 + ma_dot * tdiff;  // [rad] Corrected mean anomaly

  // Iteratively solve for the Eccentric Anomaly (from Keith Alter and David Johnston)
  ea = ma;      // Starting value for E
  double ecc = ephemeris->ecc;
  u32 count = 0;

  /* TODO: Implement convergence test using integer difference of doubles,
   * */
  do {
    ea_old = ea;
    tempd1 = 1.0 - ecc * cos (ea_old);
    ea = ea + (ma - ea_old + ecc * sin (ea_old)) / tempd1;
    if (count > 5)
  } while (fabs (ea - ea_old) > 1.0E-14);
  ea_dot = ma_dot / tempd1;

  // Relativistic correction term
  einstein = -4.442807633E-10 * ecc * ephemeris->sqrta * sin (ea);

  // Begin calc for True Anomaly and Argument of Latitude
  tempd2 = sqrt (1.0 - ecc * ecc);
  al = atan2 (tempd2 * sin (ea), cos (ea) - ecc) + ephemeris->w; // [rad] Argument of Latitude = True Anomaly + Argument of Perigee
  al_dot = tempd2 * ea_dot / tempd1;

  // Calculate corrected argument of latitude based on position
  cal = al + ephemeris->cus * sin (2.0 * al) + ephemeris->cuc * cos (2.0 * al);
  cal_dot =
    al_dot * (1.0 +
        2.0 * (ephemeris->cus * cos (2.0 * al) -
         ephemeris->cuc * sin (2.0 * al)));

  // Calculate corrected radius based on argument of latitude
  r =
    a * tempd1 + ephemeris->crc * cos (2.0 * al) +
    ephemeris->crs * sin (2.0 * al);
  r_dot =
    a * ecc * sin (ea) * ea_dot +
    2.0 * al_dot * (ephemeris->crs * cos (2.0 * al) -
        ephemeris->crc * sin (2.0 * al));

  // Calculate inclination based on argument of latitude
  inc =
    ephemeris->inc + ephemeris->inc_dot * tdiff +
    ephemeris->cic * cos (2.0 * al) + ephemeris->cis * sin (2.0 * al);
  inc_dot =
    ephemeris->inc_dot + 2.0 * al_dot * (ephemeris->cis * cos (2.0 * al) -
           ephemeris->cic * sin (2.0 * al));

  // Calculate position and velocity in orbital plane
  x = r * cos (cal);
  y = r * sin (cal);
  x_dot = r_dot * cos (cal) - y * cal_dot;
  y_dot = r_dot * sin (cal) + x * cal_dot;

  // Corrected longitude of ascenting node
  om_dot = ephemeris->omegadot - NAV_OMEGAE_DOT;
  om = ephemeris->omega0 + tdiff * om_dot - NAV_OMEGAE_DOT * ephemeris->toe.tow;

  // Compute the satellite's position in Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed coordiates
  pos[0] = x * cos (om) - y * cos (inc) * sin (om);
  pos[1] = x * sin (om) + y * cos (inc) * cos (om);
  pos[2] = y * sin (inc);

  tempd3 = y_dot * cos (inc) - y * sin (inc) * inc_dot;

  // Compute the satellite's velocity in Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed coordiates
  vel[0] = -om_dot * pos[1] + x_dot * cos (om) - tempd3 * sin (om);
  vel[1] = om_dot * pos[0] + x_dot * sin (om) + tempd3 * cos (om);
  vel[2] = y * cos (inc) * inc_dot + y_dot * sin (inc);

  *clock_err += einstein;

  return 0;
Beispiel #10
int main(void)


  printf("\n\nFirmware info - git: " GIT_VERSION ", built: " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\n");
  u8 nap_git_hash[20];
  printf("SwiftNAP git: ");
  for (u8 i=0; i<20; i++)
    printf("%02x", nap_git_hash[i]);
  if (nap_conf_rd_git_unclean())
    printf(" (unclean)");
  printf("SwiftNAP configured with %d tracking channels\n\n", nap_track_n_channels);


  channel_measurement_t meas[nap_track_n_channels];
  navigation_measurement_t nav_meas[nap_track_n_channels];

  /* TODO: Think about thread safety when updating ephemerides. */
  static ephemeris_t es[32];
  static ephemeris_t es_old[32];
    for (u32 i = 0; i < 3000; i++)

    /* Check if there is a new nav msg subframe to process.
     * TODO: move this into a function */

    memcpy(es_old, es, sizeof(es));
    for (u8 i=0; i<nap_track_n_channels; i++)
      if (tracking_channel[i].state == TRACKING_RUNNING && tracking_channel[i].nav_msg.subframe_start_index) {
        s8 ret = process_subframe(&tracking_channel[i].nav_msg, &es[tracking_channel[i].prn]);
        if (ret < 0)
          printf("PRN %02d ret %d\n", tracking_channel[i].prn+1, ret);

        if (ret == 1 && !es[tracking_channel[i].prn].healthy)
          printf("PRN %02d unhealthy\n", tracking_channel[i].prn+1);
        if (memcmp(&es[tracking_channel[i].prn], &es_old[tracking_channel[i].prn], sizeof(ephemeris_t))) {
          printf("New ephemeris for PRN %02d\n", tracking_channel[i].prn+1);
          /* TODO: This is a janky way to set the time... */
          gps_time_t t;
          t.wn = es[tracking_channel[i].prn].toe.wn;
          t.tow = tracking_channel[i].TOW_ms / 1000.0;
          if (gpsdifftime(t, es[tracking_channel[i].prn].toe) > 2*24*3600)
          else if (gpsdifftime(t, es[tracking_channel[i].prn].toe) < 2*24*3600)
          set_time(TIME_COARSE, t);


      u8 n_ready = 0;
      for (u8 i=0; i<nap_track_n_channels; i++) {
        if (es[tracking_channel[i].prn].valid == 1 && \
            es[tracking_channel[i].prn].healthy == 1 && \
            tracking_channel[i].state == TRACKING_RUNNING && \
            tracking_channel[i].TOW_ms > 0) {
          __asm__("CPSID i;");
          tracking_update_measurement(i, &meas[n_ready]);
          __asm__("CPSIE i;");


      if (n_ready >= 4) {
        /* Got enough sats/ephemerides, do a solution. */
        /* TODO: Instead of passing 32 LSBs of nap_timing_count do something
         * more intelligent with the solution time.
        calc_navigation_measurement(n_ready, meas, nav_meas, (double)((u32)nap_timing_count())/SAMPLE_FREQ, es);

        dops_t dops;
        if (calc_PVT(n_ready, nav_meas, &position_solution, &dops) == 0) {

          sbp_send_msg(MSG_SOLUTION, sizeof(gnss_solution), (u8 *) &position_solution);
          nmea_gpgga(&position_solution, &dops);

            sbp_send_msg(MSG_DOPS, sizeof(dops_t), (u8 *) &dops);
            nmea_gpgsv(n_ready, nav_meas, &position_solution);