Beispiel #1
  Generate random az, el positions within mask defined by poly.
  The results are written to out_filename.

   Input: out_filename = name of file to write to;
			"" or "-" means write to standard output.
	  fmt = pointer to format structure.
	  npoly = number of polygons in poly array.
	  npolysmax = maximum number of polygons in poly array.
	  poly = array of pointers to polygons.
	  mtol = initial tolerance angle for multiple intersections.
  Return value: number of random points generated,
		or -1 if error occurred.
int ransack(char *out_filename, format *fmt, int npoly, int npolysmax, polygon *poly[/*npolysmax*/])
/* number of extra caps to allocate to polygon, to allow for expansion */
#define DNP			4
/* length of state vector for random number generator */
#define STATELEN		256
    static char state[STATELEN], stateo[STATELEN];
#define AZEL_STR_LEN		32
    char output[] = "output";
    char az_str[AZEL_STR_LEN], el_str[AZEL_STR_LEN];
    int dnp, dnwl, i, idwidth, ier, in, inull, ip, ipmin, ipoly, iprune, irandom, lassoed, np, nwl, tries, verb, width, k;
    long long idmin,idmax;
    int *dlasso=0x0, *lasso=0x0;
    long double area, cmmin, cmi, phi, rpoly, si, tol, w, wcum, x, y, z;
    long double *wpoly;
    vec rp, xi, yi;
    azel v;
    char *out_fn;
    FILE *outfile;

    /* open out_filename for writing */
    if (!out_filename || strcmp(out_filename, "-") == 0) {
	outfile = stdout;
	out_fn = output;
    } else {
	outfile = fopen(out_filename, "w");
	if (!outfile) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "ransack: cannot open %s for writing\n", out_filename);
	    goto error;
	out_fn = out_filename;

    /* advise angular units */
    if (fmt->outunit != fmt->inunit) {
	msg("units of output az, el angles will be ");
	switch (fmt->outunit) {
#include "angunit.h"

    /* initialize random number generator used by ransack() */
    initstate(seed, state, STATELEN);
    /* initialize random number generator used by ikrand() */
    initstate(seed, stateo, STATELEN);

    /* prune polygons, discarding those with zero weight * area */
    msg("pruning %d polygons ...\n", npoly);
    ier = 0;
    inull = 0;
    np = 0;
    for (ipoly = 0; ipoly < npoly; ipoly++) {
	/* zero weight polygon */
	if (poly[ipoly]->weight == 0.) {
	    poly[ipoly] = 0x0;
	} else {
	/* prune polygon */
	    iprune = prune_poly(poly[ipoly], mtol);
	    /* error */
	    if (iprune == -1) {
		poly[ipoly] = 0x0;
		fprintf(stderr, "ransack: failed to prune polygon %d; discard it\n", ipoly);
		/* goto error; */
	    /* zero area polygon */
	    } else if (iprune >= 2) {
		poly[ipoly] = 0x0;
	    } else {
   /*copy down non-null polygons*/
    for(ipoly = 0; ipoly < npoly; ipoly++){
    /*after copying non-null polygons, k should be equal to np */
      fprintf(stderr, "ransack: should be left with %d non-null polygons, but actually have %d\n",np,k);

    /*nullify the rest of the array, but don't free, since pointers have been copied above*/
    for(ipoly=np; ipoly < npoly; ipoly++){

    if (ier > 0) {
	msg("discarding %d unprunable polygons\n", ier);
    if (inull > 0) {
	msg("discarding %d polygons with zero weight * area\n", inull);
    /* number of polygons with finite weight * area */
    npoly = np;

    /* no polygons */
    if (npoly == 0) {
	fprintf(stderr, "ransack: no polygons to generate random points inside!\n");
	goto error;

    /* pre-lasso polygons if there are many random points */
    if (nrandom >= npoly) {
	msg("lassoing %d polygons ...\n", npoly);

	/* lasso each polygon */
	np = npoly;
	for (ipoly = 0; ipoly < npoly; ipoly++) {
	    ier = lasso_poly(&poly[ipoly], npolysmax - np, &poly[np], mtol, &dnp);
	    if (ier == -1) {
		fprintf(stderr, "ransack: UHOH at polygon %lld; continuing ...\n", poly[ipoly]->id);

	    /* lassoed polygons are an improvement over original polygon */
	    if (dnp > 0) {
		/* check whether exceeded maximum number of polygons */
		if (np + dnp > npolysmax) {
		    fprintf(stderr, "ransack: total number of polygons exceeded maximum %d\n", npolysmax);
		    fprintf(stderr, "if you need more space, enlarge NPOLYSMAX in defines.h, and recompile\n");
		    goto error;

		/* decrement dnp by 1 */

		/* increment number of polygons */
		np += dnp;

		/* move last polygon part into poly[ipoly] */
		poly[ipoly] = poly[np];
		poly[np] = 0x0;

	/* revised number of polygons */
	npoly = np;

	/* flag that all polygons have been lassoed */
	lassoed = 1;

    /* two few random points to make it worth pre-lassoing */
    } else {
	/* flag that all polygons have not been lassoed */
	lassoed = 0;


    /* allocate memory for wpoly array */
    nwl = npoly;
    wpoly = (long double *) malloc(sizeof(long double) * nwl);
    if (!wpoly) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ransack: failed to allocate memory for %d long doubles\n", nwl);
        goto error;
    if (!lassoed) {
	/* allocate memory for lasso and dlasso arrays */
	lasso = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * nwl);
	if (!lasso) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "ransack: failed to allocate memory for %d ints\n", nwl);
	    goto error;
	dlasso = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * nwl);
	if (!dlasso) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "ransack: failed to allocate memory for %d ints\n", nwl);
	    goto error;

	/* initialize dlasso array to zero */
	for (ipoly = 0; ipoly < nwl; ipoly++) dlasso[ipoly] = 0;

    /* largest width of polygon id number */
    idmin = 0;
    idmax = 0;
    for (ipoly = 0; ipoly < npoly; ipoly++) {
	if (poly[ipoly]->id < idmin) idmin = poly[ipoly]->id;
	if (poly[ipoly]->id > idmax) idmax = poly[ipoly]->id;
    idmin = ((idmin < 0)? floorl(log10l((long double)-idmin)) + 2 : 1);
    idmax = ((idmax > 0)? floorl(log10l((long double)idmax)) + 1 : 1);
    idwidth = ((idmin > idmax)? idmin : idmax);

    /* write header */
    wrangle(0., fmt->outunit, fmt->outprecision, AZEL_STR_LEN, az_str);
    width = strlen(az_str);
    if (fmt->outunit == 'h') {
	sprintf(az_str, "az(hms)");
	sprintf(el_str, "el(dms)");
    } else {
	sprintf(az_str, "az(%c)", fmt->outunit);
	sprintf(el_str, "el(%c)", fmt->outunit);
    fprintf(outfile, "%*s\t%*s\t%*s\n", width, az_str, width, el_str, idwidth, "id");

    /* accept error messages from garea */
    /* unprunable polygons were already discarded, so garea should give no errors */
    verb = 1;

    /* cumulative area times weight of polygons */
    w = 0.;
    for (ipoly = 0; ipoly < npoly; ipoly++) {
	/* skip null polygons */
	if (poly[ipoly]) {
	    /* area of polygon */
	    tol = mtol;
	    ier = garea(poly[ipoly], &tol, verb, &area);
	    if (ier) goto error;
	    /* accumulate weight times area */
	    w += poly[ipoly]->weight * area;
	wpoly[ipoly] = w;
    wcum = w;

    /* random points */
    if (strcmp(out_fn, output) != 0) {
	msg("generating %d random points from seed %u in %d polygons ...\n", nrandom, seed, npoly);
    for (irandom = 0; irandom < nrandom; irandom++) {

	/* random number in interval [0, 1) wcum */
	rpoly = drandom() * wcum;

	/* which polygon to put random point in */
	ipoly = search(npoly, wpoly, rpoly);

	/* guard against roundoff */
	if (ipoly >= npoly) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "ransack: %d should be < %d (i.e. %.15Lg < %.15Lg)\n", ipoly, npoly, rpoly, wpoly[npoly - 1]);
	    ipoly = npoly - 1;

	/* all polygons have not been lassoed */
	if (!lassoed) {

	    /* polygon has not yet been lassoed */
	    if  (dlasso[ipoly] == 0) {

		/* lasso polygon */
		ier = lasso_poly(&poly[ipoly], npolysmax - np, &poly[np], mtol, &dnp);
		if (ier == -1) {
		    fprintf(stderr, "ransack: UHOH at polygon %lld; continuing ...\n", poly[ipoly]->id);

		/* go with original polygon */
		if (dnp == 0) {
		    /* lasso, dlasso */
		    lasso[ipoly] = ipoly;
		    dlasso[ipoly] = 1;

		/* lassoed polygons are an improvement over original */
		} else {
		    /* check whether exceeded maximum number of polygons */
		    if (np + dnp > npolysmax) {
			fprintf(stderr, "ransack: total number of polygons exceeded maximum %d\n", npolysmax);
			fprintf(stderr, "if you need more space, enlarge NPOLYSMAX in defines.h, and recompile\n");
			goto error;

		    /* just one lassoed polygon */
		    if (dnp == 1) {
			/* move last polygon part into poly[ipoly] */
			poly[ipoly] = poly[np];
			poly[np] = 0x0;

			/* lasso, dlasso */
			lasso[ipoly] = ipoly;
			dlasso[ipoly] = 1;

		    /* more than one lassoed polygon */
		    } else {
			/* enlarge memory for wpoly, lasso, and dlasso arrays */
			if (np + dnp > nwl) {
			    dnwl = dnp + 1024;
			    wpoly = (long double *) realloc(wpoly, sizeof(long double) * (nwl + dnwl));
			    if (!wpoly) {
				fprintf(stderr, "ransack: failed to reallocate memory for %d long doubles\n", nwl + dnwl);
				goto error;
			    lasso = (int *) realloc(lasso, sizeof(int) * (nwl + dnwl));
			    if (!lasso) {
				fprintf(stderr, "ransack: failed to reallocate memory for %d ints\n", nwl + dnwl);
				goto error;
			    dlasso = (int *) realloc(dlasso, sizeof(int) * (nwl + dnwl));
			    if (!dlasso) {
				fprintf(stderr, "ransack: failed to reallocate memory for %d ints\n", nwl + dnwl);
				goto error;

			    /* initialize new part of lasso and dlasso arrays to inconsistent values */
			    for (ipoly = nwl; ipoly < nwl + dnwl; ipoly++) lasso[ipoly] = 1;
			    for (ipoly = nwl; ipoly < nwl + dnwl; ipoly++) dlasso[ipoly] = 0;

			    /* revised size of wpoly, lasso, and dlasso arrays */
			    nwl += dnwl;

			/* lasso, dlasso */
			lasso[ipoly] = np;
			dlasso[ipoly] = dnp;

			/* cumulative weight times area of lassoed polygons */
			w = (ipoly == 0)? 0. : wpoly[ipoly-1];
			for (ip = np; ip < np + dnp; ip++) {
			    /* area of polygon */
			    tol = mtol;
			    ier = garea(poly[ip], &tol, verb, &area);
			    if (ier) goto error;
			    /* accumulate area times weight */
			    w += poly[ip]->weight * area;
			    wpoly[ip] = w;

			/* increment number of polygons */
			np += dnp;



	    /* polygon was partitioned into at least two */
	    if (dlasso[ipoly] >= 2) {
		/* which polygon to put random point in */
		ip = search(dlasso[ipoly], &wpoly[lasso[ipoly]], rpoly);

		/* guard against roundoff */
		if (ip >= lasso[ipoly] + dlasso[ipoly]) {
		    fprintf(stderr, "ransack: %d should be < %d (i.e. %.15Lg < %.15Lg)\n", ip, lasso[ipoly] + dlasso[ipoly], rpoly, wpoly[lasso[ipoly] + dlasso[ipoly] - 1]);
		    ip = lasso[ipoly] + dlasso[ipoly] - 1;

		/* revised polygon number to put random point in */
		ipoly = ip;

	/* smallest cap of polygon */
	cmminf(poly[ipoly], &ipmin, &cmmin);

	/* random point within polygon */
	tries = 0;
	do {
	    /* random point within smallest cap */
	    phi = TWOPI * drandom();
	    cmi = cmmin * drandom();
	    /* coordinates of random point in cap frame */
	    si=sqrtl(cmi * (2. - cmi));
	    x = si * cosl(phi);
	    y = si * sinl(phi);
	    z = 1. - cmi;
	    /* polygon has caps */
	    if (poly[ipoly]->np > 0) {
		if (poly[ipoly]->cm[ipmin] < 0.) z = -z;
		/* Cartesian axes with z-axis along cap axis */
		gaxisi_(poly[ipoly]->rp[ipmin], xi, yi);
		/* coordinates of random point */
		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) rp[i] = x * xi[i] + y * yi[i] + z * poly[ipoly]->rp[ipmin][i];
		/* whether random point is inside polygon */
		in = gptin(poly[ipoly], rp);
	    /* polygon has no caps, so is the whole sphere */
	    } else {
		rp[0] = x;
		rp[1] = y;
		rp[2] = z;
		in = 1;
	} while (!in);

	/* convert unit vector to az, el */
	rp_to_azel(rp, &v); -= floorl( / TWOPI) * TWOPI;

	/* convert az and el from radians to output units */
	scale_azel(&v, 'r', fmt->outunit);

	/* write result */
	wrangle(, fmt->outunit, fmt->outprecision, AZEL_STR_LEN, az_str);
	wrangle(v.el, fmt->outunit, fmt->outprecision, AZEL_STR_LEN, el_str);
	fprintf(outfile, "%s\t%s\t%*lld\n", az_str, el_str, idwidth, poly[ipoly]->id);
	/* fprintf(outfile, "%s %s %d %d %d %Lg %Lg %Lg %Lg %d %d\n", az_str, el_str, irandom, ipoly, tries, wcum, rpoly / wcum, area, TWOPI * cmmin / area, ipmin, poly[ipoly]->np); */


    /* advise */
    if (outfile != stdout) {
	msg("ransack: %d random positions written to %s\n", nrandom, out_fn);


    /* error returns */
Beispiel #2
  Snap edge of poly2 to cap boundary of poly1.
  Caps of poly2 are adjusted to equal those of poly1.

  Input:  poly1, poly2 = pointers to polygon structures.
	  thtol = edge tolerance in radians.
	  ytol = edge to length tolerance;
		 if the two vertices and centre point of an edge of poly2 are
		 all closer to a boundary of poly1 than the lesser of
		 (1) thtol, and
		 (2) ytol times the length of the edge,
		 and if in addition at least one of the three points lies
		 inside poly1 (sans said boundary),
		 then make boundary of the poly2 cap equal to that of poly1.
	  mtol = initial tolerance angle for multiple intersections in radians.
  Output: adjusted caps of poly2 (i.e. poly2->rp, poly2->cm).
  Return value: number of caps adjusted,
		or -1 if error occurred.
int snap_polyth(polygon *poly1, polygon *poly2, double thtol, double ytol, double mtol)
    const int per = 0;
    const int nve = 2;

    int adjusted, do_vcirc, i, ier, in, ip1, ip2, iv, ivp, nadj, nev, nev0, nv;
    int *ipv, *gp, *ev;
    double cm, cm1, dth, dthmax, sp, tol;
    double *angle;
    vec *v, *ve;
    // vertices and centres of edges of poly2 
    do_vcirc = 0;
    tol = mtol;
    ier = gverts(poly2, do_vcirc, &tol, per, nve, &nv, &ve, &angle, &ipv, &gp, &nev, &nev0, &ev);
    if (ier != 0) return(-1);

    // convert angle of each edge to scalar length angle * sin(theta)
    for (iv = 0; iv < nv; iv++) {
	ip2 = ipv[iv];
	cm = fabs(poly2->cm[ip2]);
	angle[iv] = angle[iv] * sqrt(cm * (2. - cm));

    nadj = 0;
    // for each edge of poly2 ... 
    for (iv = 0; iv < nv; iv++) {
	ivp = (iv + 1) % nv;
	ip2 = ipv[iv];
	// ... and each axis of poly1
	for (ip1 = 0; ip1 < poly1->np; ip1++) {
	    adjusted = 0;

	    // distance from edge of poly2 to cap of poly1
	    cm1 = poly1->cm[ip1];
            poly1->cm[ip1] = 2.;        // suppress cap of poly1
	    in = 0;
	    dthmax = 0.;
	    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	      // vertex, centre point, vertex of edge of poly2
	      v = &ve[(iv * nve + i) % (nv * nve)];  //doesn't segfault without this line
	      in |= gptin(poly1, *v);	// in if any one point is in  doesn't segfault without this line
	      cm = cmij(*v, poly1->rp[ip1]); // doesn't segfault without this line
	      dth = 2. * (sqrt(cm/2.) - sqrt(fabs(cm1/2.)));
	      dth = fabs(dth);	// angle from point to cap of poly1
	      if (dth > dthmax) dthmax = dth;
            poly1->cm[ip1] = cm1;       // restore cap of poly1
	    // three points of poly2 edge are all close to boundary of poly1
	    if (in && dthmax <= thtol && dthmax <= ytol * angle[iv]) {
	      sp = poly1->rp[ip1][0] * poly2->rp[ip2][0] + poly1->rp[ip1][1] * poly2->rp[ip2][1] + poly1->rp[ip1][2] * poly2->rp[ip2][2];
	      sp = (sp >= 0.)? 1. : -1.;
	      if (!(poly2->rp[ip2][0] == poly1->rp[ip1][0]
		    && poly2->rp[ip2][1] == poly1->rp[ip1][1]
		    && poly2->rp[ip2][2] == poly1->rp[ip1][2])) {
		// make axis of poly2 cap exactly equal to that of poly1 
		poly2->rp[ip2][0] = poly1->rp[ip1][0];
		poly2->rp[ip2][1] = poly1->rp[ip1][1];
		poly2->rp[ip2][2] = poly1->rp[ip1][2];
		adjusted = 1;
	      // set latitude of poly2 cap equal to that of poly1 
	      cm = (poly2->cm[ip2] >= 0.)?
		sp * fabs(poly1->cm[ip1]):
		- sp * fabs(poly1->cm[ip1]);
	      if (poly2->cm[ip2] != cm) {
		poly2->cm[ip2] = cm;
		adjusted = 1;
	      if (adjusted) nadj++;

    // trim adjusted polygon
    if (nadj > 0) trim_poly(poly2);