START_TEST (graphWorldBaseInitializeBTest)
	DEBUG ("%s", __FUNCTION__);
	graphWorldBase (g, GRAPH_POLE_B);
	fail_unless (graphVertexCount (g) == 1);
Beispiel #2
/* and bfs if useQueue == 1 */
static void
genericSearch(struct searchInfo *r, int root, int useQueue)
    /* queue/stack */
    struct queue q;

    /* edge we are working on */
    struct edge cur;

    /* start with empty q */
    /* we need one space per edge */
    /* plus one for the fake (root, root) edge */
    q.e = malloc(sizeof(*q.e) * (graphEdgeCount(r->graph) + 1));

    q.bottom = q.top = 0;

    /* push the root */
    pushEdge(r->graph, root, root, &q);

    /* while q.e not empty */
    while(q.bottom < q.top) {
        if(useQueue) {
            cur = q.e[q.bottom++];
        } else {
            cur = q.e[--q.top];

        /* did we visit sink already? */
        if(r->parent[cur.v] != SEARCH_INFO_NULL) continue; 
        /* no */
        assert(r->reached < graphVertexCount(r->graph));
        r->parent[cur.v] = cur.u;
        r->time[cur.v] = r->reached;
        r->preorder[r->reached++] = cur.v;
        if(cur.u == cur.v) {
            /* we could avoid this if we were certain SEARCH_INFO_NULL */
            /* would never be anything but -1 */
            r->depth[cur.v] = 0;
        } else {
            r->depth[cur.v] = r->depth[cur.u] + 1;

        /* push all outgoing edges */
        graphForeach(r->graph, cur.v, pushEdge, &q);


START_TEST (graphWorldBaseInitializeRGTest)
	DEBUG ("%s", __FUNCTION__);
	graphWorldBase (g, GRAPH_POLE_R | GRAPH_POLE_G);
		graphRegionCount (g) == 1,
		"Expecting region count of 1, got %d instead",
		graphRegionCount (g)
	fail_unless (graphVertexCount (g) == 2);
	fail_unless (graphEdgeCount (g) == 3);
Beispiel #4
/* you need to do this before passing it to dfs or bfs */
struct searchInfo *
searchInfoCreate(Graph g)
    struct searchInfo *s;
    int n;

    s = malloc(sizeof(*s)); /* space for struct searchInfo, s is pointer to this space */

    s->graph = g;
    s->reached = 0;

    n = graphVertexCount(g);

    s->preorder = createEmptyArray(n);
    s->time = createEmptyArray(n);
    s->parent = createEmptyArray(n);
    s->depth = createEmptyArray(n);

    return s;
Beispiel #5
/* returns endpoints of a cycle */
static int *
genericSearchModified(struct searchInfo *r, int root, int useQueue)
    /* queue/stack */
    struct queue q;

    /* edge we are working on */
    struct edge cur;

    int node;

    int *cycle;
    cycle = malloc(sizeof(int) * 2);

    /* start with empty q */
    /* we need one space per edge */
    /* plus one for the fake (root, root) edge */
    q.e = malloc(sizeof(*q.e) * (graphEdgeCount(r->graph) + 1));

    q.bottom = q.top = 0;

    /* push the root */
    pushEdge(r->graph, root, root, &q);

    /* while q.e not empty */
    while(q.bottom < q.top) {
        if(useQueue) {
            cur = q.e[q.bottom++];
        } else {
            cur = q.e[--q.top];
        node = 0;

        /* did we visit sink already? */
        if(r->parent[cur.v] != SEARCH_INFO_NULL) {
            /* yes. we know that cur.u is the not the parent of cur.v. but is this a cycle? */
            while(r->preorder[node] != cur.v) {
            //if(r->preorder[node] != r->parent[cur.u] && r->preorder[node] != cur.v) {
                if(graphHasEdge(r->graph, cur.u, r->preorder[node])) {
                /*printf("cycle found containing %d and %d\n", cur.u, r->preorder[node]);*/
                cycle[0] = cur.u;
                cycle[1] = r->preorder[node];
                goto out;
           // }

        /* no */
        assert(r->reached < graphVertexCount(r->graph));
        r->parent[cur.v] = cur.u;
        r->time[cur.v] = r->reached;
        r->preorder[r->reached++] = cur.v;
        if(cur.u == cur.v) {
            /* we could avoid this if we were certain SEARCH_INFO_NULL */
            /* would never be anything but -1 */
            r->depth[cur.v] = 0;
        } else {
            r->depth[cur.v] = r->depth[cur.u] + 1;

        /* push all outgoing edges */
        graphForeach(r->graph, cur.v, pushEdge, &q);
    return cycle;