intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource> DocumentSourceGroup::createFromBson( BSONElement elem, const intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext>& pExpCtx) { uassert(15947, "a group's fields must be specified in an object", elem.type() == Object); intrusive_ptr<DocumentSourceGroup> pGroup(DocumentSourceGroup::create(pExpCtx)); BSONObj groupObj(elem.Obj()); BSONObjIterator groupIterator(groupObj); VariablesIdGenerator idGenerator; VariablesParseState vps(&idGenerator); while (groupIterator.more()) { BSONElement groupField(; const char* pFieldName = groupField.fieldName(); if (str::equals(pFieldName, "_id")) { uassert( 15948, "a group's _id may only be specified once", pGroup->_idExpressions.empty()); pGroup->parseIdExpression(groupField, vps); invariant(!pGroup->_idExpressions.empty()); } else if (str::equals(pFieldName, "$doingMerge")) { massert(17030, "$doingMerge should be true if present", groupField.Bool()); pGroup->setDoingMerge(true); } else { /* Treat as a projection field with the additional ability to add aggregation operators. */ auto parsedAccumulator = Accumulator::parseAccumulator(groupField, vps); auto fieldName = parsedAccumulator.first.toString(); auto accExpression = parsedAccumulator.second; auto factory = Accumulator::getFactory(groupField.embeddedObject().firstElementFieldName()); pGroup->addAccumulator(fieldName, factory, accExpression); } } uassert(15955, "a group specification must include an _id", !pGroup->_idExpressions.empty()); pGroup->_variables.reset(new Variables(idGenerator.getIdCount())); return pGroup; }
intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource> DocumentSourceGroup::createFromBson( BSONElement *pBsonElement, const intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> &pCtx) { uassert(15947, "a group's fields must be specified in an object", pBsonElement->type() == Object); intrusive_ptr<DocumentSourceGroup> pGroup( DocumentSourceGroup::create(pCtx)); bool idSet = false; BSONObj groupObj(pBsonElement->Obj()); BSONObjIterator groupIterator(groupObj); while(groupIterator.more()) { BSONElement groupField(; const char *pFieldName = groupField.fieldName(); if (strcmp(pFieldName, Document::idName.c_str()) == 0) { uassert(15948, "a group's _id may only be specified once", !idSet); BSONType groupType = groupField.type(); if (groupType == Object) { /* Use the projection-like set of field paths to create the group-by key. */ Expression::ObjectCtx oCtx( Expression::ObjectCtx::DOCUMENT_OK); intrusive_ptr<Expression> pId( Expression::parseObject(&groupField, &oCtx)); pGroup->setIdExpression(pId); idSet = true; } else if (groupType == String) { string groupString(groupField.String()); const char *pGroupString = groupString.c_str(); if ((groupString.length() == 0) || (pGroupString[0] != '$')) goto StringConstantId; string pathString( Expression::removeFieldPrefix(groupString)); intrusive_ptr<ExpressionFieldPath> pFieldPath( ExpressionFieldPath::create(pathString)); pGroup->setIdExpression(pFieldPath); idSet = true; } else { /* pick out the constant types that are allowed */ switch(groupType) { case NumberDouble: case String: case Object: case Array: case jstOID: case Bool: case Date: case NumberInt: case Timestamp: case NumberLong: case jstNULL: StringConstantId: // from string case above { intrusive_ptr<const Value> pValue( Value::createFromBsonElement(&groupField)); intrusive_ptr<ExpressionConstant> pConstant( ExpressionConstant::create(pValue)); pGroup->setIdExpression(pConstant); idSet = true; break; } default: uassert(15949, str::stream() << "a group's _id may not include fields of BSON type " << groupType, false); } } } else { /* Treat as a projection field with the additional ability to add aggregation operators. */ uassert(15950, str::stream() << "the group aggregate field name " << *pFieldName << " cannot be an operator name", *pFieldName != '$'); uassert(15951, str::stream() << "the group aggregate field " << *pFieldName << "must be defined as an expression inside an object", groupField.type() == Object); BSONObj subField(groupField.Obj()); BSONObjIterator subIterator(subField); size_t subCount = 0; for(; subIterator.more(); ++subCount) { BSONElement subElement(; /* look for the specified operator */ GroupOpDesc key; key.pName = subElement.fieldName(); const GroupOpDesc *pOp = (const GroupOpDesc *)bsearch( &key, GroupOpTable, NGroupOp, sizeof(GroupOpDesc), GroupOpDescCmp); uassert(15952, str::stream() << "unknown group operator \"" << key.pName << "\"", pOp); intrusive_ptr<Expression> pGroupExpr; BSONType elementType = subElement.type(); if (elementType == Object) { Expression::ObjectCtx oCtx( Expression::ObjectCtx::DOCUMENT_OK); pGroupExpr = Expression::parseObject( &subElement, &oCtx); } else if (elementType == Array) { uassert(15953, str::stream() << "aggregating group operators are unary (" << key.pName << ")", false); } else { /* assume its an atomic single operand */ pGroupExpr = Expression::parseOperand(&subElement); } pGroup->addAccumulator( pFieldName, pOp->pFactory, pGroupExpr); } uassert(15954, str::stream() << "the computed aggregate \"" << pFieldName << "\" must specify exactly one operator", subCount == 1); } } uassert(15955, "a group specification must include an _id", idSet); return pGroup; }
intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource> DocumentSourceGroup::createFromBson( BSONElement elem, const intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> &pExpCtx) { uassert(15947, "a group's fields must be specified in an object", elem.type() == Object); intrusive_ptr<DocumentSourceGroup> pGroup( DocumentSourceGroup::create(pExpCtx)); BSONObj groupObj(elem.Obj()); BSONObjIterator groupIterator(groupObj); VariablesIdGenerator idGenerator; VariablesParseState vps(&idGenerator); while(groupIterator.more()) { BSONElement groupField(; const char *pFieldName = groupField.fieldName(); if (str::equals(pFieldName, "_id")) { uassert(15948, "a group's _id may only be specified once", pGroup->_idExpressions.empty()); pGroup->parseIdExpression(groupField, vps); invariant(!pGroup->_idExpressions.empty()); } else if (str::equals(pFieldName, "$doingMerge")) { massert(17030, "$doingMerge should be true if present", groupField.Bool()); pGroup->setDoingMerge(true); } else { /* Treat as a projection field with the additional ability to add aggregation operators. */ uassert(16414, str::stream() << "the group aggregate field name '" << pFieldName << "' cannot be used because $group's field names cannot contain '.'", !str::contains(pFieldName, '.') ); uassert(15950, str::stream() << "the group aggregate field name '" << pFieldName << "' cannot be an operator name", pFieldName[0] != '$'); uassert(15951, str::stream() << "the group aggregate field '" << pFieldName << "' must be defined as an expression inside an object", groupField.type() == Object); BSONObj subField(groupField.Obj()); BSONObjIterator subIterator(subField); size_t subCount = 0; for(; subIterator.more(); ++subCount) { BSONElement subElement(; /* look for the specified operator */ GroupOpDesc key; = subElement.fieldName(); const GroupOpDesc *pOp = (const GroupOpDesc *)bsearch( &key, GroupOpTable, NGroupOp, sizeof(GroupOpDesc), GroupOpDescCmp); uassert(15952, str::stream() << "unknown group operator '" << << "'", pOp); intrusive_ptr<Expression> pGroupExpr; BSONType elementType = subElement.type(); if (elementType == Object) { Expression::ObjectCtx oCtx(Expression::ObjectCtx::DOCUMENT_OK); pGroupExpr = Expression::parseObject(subElement.Obj(), &oCtx, vps); } else if (elementType == Array) { uasserted(15953, str::stream() << "aggregating group operators are unary (" << << ")"); } else { /* assume its an atomic single operand */ pGroupExpr = Expression::parseOperand(subElement, vps); } pGroup->addAccumulator(pFieldName, pOp->factory, pGroupExpr); } uassert(15954, str::stream() << "the computed aggregate '" << pFieldName << "' must specify exactly one operator", subCount == 1); } } uassert(15955, "a group specification must include an _id", !pGroup->_idExpressions.empty()); pGroup->_variables.reset(new Variables(idGenerator.getIdCount())); return pGroup; }
int DbProxy::createRespData(const string& sUid, const map<string,string>& mSqlPart, const vector<map<string, vector<double> > >& vDataList, const string& sHead, string &result, string& sPolicy) { // 组合多线程结果 //map first由goupby生成 //map second 由index生成 int64_t tStart = TNOWMS; vector<map<string, vector<double> > >::const_iterator dataItr = vDataList.begin(); map<string, vector<double> > mStatData; map<string, vector<double> >::iterator _it; for(size_t i = 0; dataItr != vDataList.end(); dataItr++, i++) { TLOGDEBUG(sUid << "sum["<<i<<"].size"<< ":" << dataItr->size() << endl); for(map<string, vector<double> >::const_iterator it = dataItr->begin(); it != dataItr->end(); it++) { _it = mStatData.find(it->first); if (_it != mStatData.end()) { const vector<double> &number1 = it->second; vector<double> &number2 = _it->second; // 相同key的值 求和,number1和number1的大小是一样的 for (size_t j=0; j<number1.size(); j++) { number2.push_back(number1[j]); } } else { mStatData[it->first] = it->second; } } // dataItr->clear(); } string groupField(""); string sTemp(""); // int iLineNum = 0; for(_it = mStatData.begin(); _it != mStatData.end(); _it++) { string sKey = _it->first; vector<double> &vValue = _it->second; if(sPolicy == "Avg") { double iResult = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < vValue.size(); ++i) { iResult += vValue[i]; } TLOGDEBUG(sUid << "iResult:" << iResult << "|size:" << vValue.size() << endl); if(vValue.size() == 0) { iResult = 0; } else { iResult = iResult / vValue.size(); } TLOGDEBUG(sUid << "Policy Avg iResult:" << iResult << "|size:" << vValue.size() << endl); vValue.clear(); vValue.push_back(iResult); } else if(sPolicy == "Max") { double iResult = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < vValue.size(); ++i) { if(i == 0) { iResult = vValue[i]; } if(iResult < vValue[i]) { iResult = vValue[i]; } } TLOGDEBUG(sUid << "Policy Max iResult:" << iResult << "|size:" << vValue.size() << endl); vValue.clear(); vValue.push_back(iResult); } else if(sPolicy == "Min") { double iResult = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < vValue.size(); ++i) { if(i == 0) { iResult = vValue[i]; } if(iResult > vValue[i]) { iResult = vValue[i]; } } TLOGDEBUG(sUid << "Policy Min iResult:" << iResult << "|size:" << vValue.size() << endl); vValue.clear(); vValue.push_back(iResult); } else { string::size_type position; if((position =sKey.find("Avg")) != string::npos) { double iResult = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < vValue.size(); ++i) { iResult += vValue[i]; } TLOGDEBUG(sUid << "Avg iResult:" << iResult << "|size:" << vValue.size() << endl); if(vValue.size() == 0) { iResult = 0; } else { iResult = iResult / vValue.size(); } vValue.clear(); vValue.push_back(iResult); } else if((position =sKey.find("Min")) != string::npos) { double iResult = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < vValue.size(); ++i) { if(i == 0) { iResult = vValue[i]; } if(iResult > vValue[i]) { iResult = vValue[i]; } } TLOGDEBUG(sUid << "Min iResult:" << iResult << "|size:" << vValue.size() << endl); vValue.clear(); vValue.push_back(iResult); } else if((position =sKey.find("Max")) != string::npos) { double iResult = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < vValue.size(); ++i) { if(i == 0) { iResult = vValue[i]; } if(iResult < vValue[i]) { iResult = vValue[i]; } } TLOGDEBUG(sUid << "Max iResult:" << iResult << "|size:" << vValue.size() << endl); vValue.clear(); vValue.push_back(iResult); } else { double iResult = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < vValue.size(); ++i) { iResult += vValue[i]; } TLOGDEBUG(sUid << "Sum iResult:" << iResult << "|size:" << vValue.size() << endl); vValue.clear(); vValue.push_back(iResult); } } } result += sHead + "linecount:" + TC_Common::tostr(mStatData.size()) + "\n"; //把 查询结果转换成一行一行的串 /* * input :groupby, f_date, f_tflag * input : index, succ_count, timeout_count *all map <string, vector<double> > *string =>> f_date, f_tflag *vector<double> =>> succ_count, timeout_count */ _it = mStatData.begin(); while(_it != mStatData.end()) { string valueBuffer = ""; vector<double>::iterator valueIt = _it->second.begin(); while(valueIt != _it->second.end()) // value is vector int, need transfer to string; { valueBuffer += TC_Common::tostr(*valueIt) + ","; valueIt++; } result += _it->first + ","; result += valueBuffer + "\n"; _it++; } TLOGDEBUG("result:"<<result<<endl); int64_t tEnd = TC_TimeProvider::getInstance()->getNowMs(); //int64_t tEnd = TNOWMS; TLOGDEBUG("DbProxy::createRespData "<< sUid << "createRespData size:"<< result.length() << "|timecost(ms):" << (tEnd-tStart) << endl); return 0; }
void TarWriter::writeFile(String path, FileStatus *status) { Ref<StringList> headerFields = StringList::create(); off_t contentSize = status->size(); if (status->type() != File::Regular) contentSize = 0; if (status->type() == File::Directory) { if (path->count() > 0) { if (path->at(path->count() - 1) != '/') path = path + "/"; } } String pathField(99, '\0'); if (status == longPathStatus_ || status == longLinkStatus_) *pathField = *String("././@LongLink"); else *pathField = *path; headerFields->append(pathField); headerFields->append(zero_); headerFields->append(oct(status->mode(), 7)); headerFields->append(zero_); headerFields->append(oct(status->ownerId(), 7)); headerFields->append(zero_); headerFields->append(oct(status->groupId(), 7)); headerFields->append(zero_); if (status == longPathStatus_ || status == longLinkStatus_) headerFields->append(oct(path->count() + 1, 11)); else headerFields->append(oct(contentSize, 11)); headerFields->append(zero_); headerFields->append(oct(status->st_mtime, 11)); headerFields->append(zero_); String checksumField(6, '0'); headerFields->append(checksumField); headerFields->append(String("\0 ", 2)); String typeField, linkTarget; if (status == longLinkStatus_ ) typeField = "K"; else if (status == longPathStatus_) typeField = "L"; else { if (status->type() == File::Regular) ; else if (status->type() == File::Directory) typeField = "5"; else if (status->type() == File::Symlink) typeField = "2"; else if (status->type() == File::CharDevice) typeField = "3"; else if (status->type() == File::BlockDevice) typeField = "4"; else if (status->type() == File::Fifo) typeField = "6"; if (status->numberOfHardLinks() > 1) { FileId fid(status); if (hardLinks_->lookup(fid, &linkTarget)) typeField = "1"; else hardLinks_->insert(fid, path); } else if (status->type() == File::Symlink) { linkTarget = File::readlink(path); } if (typeField == "") typeField = "0"; if (typeField != "0") contentSize = 0; } headerFields->append(typeField); String linkField(99, '\0'); *linkField = *linkTarget; headerFields->append(linkField); headerFields->append(zero_); String gnuMagicField("ustar "); headerFields->append(gnuMagicField); headerFields->append(zero_); String userField(31, '\0'); *userField = *User::lookup(status->ownerId())->name(); headerFields->append(userField); headerFields->append(zero_); String groupField(31, '\0'); *groupField = *Group::lookup(status->groupId())->name(); headerFields->append(groupField); headerFields->append(zero_); if (status != longPathStatus_ && status != longLinkStatus_) { if (path->count() > pathField->count()) writeFile(path, longPathStatus_); if (linkTarget->count() > linkField->count()) writeFile(linkTarget, longLinkStatus_); } String header = headerFields->join(); FLUX_ASSERT(header->count() == 329); unsigned checksum = tarHeaderSum(header); *checksumField = *oct(checksum, 6); header = headerFields->join(); sink_->write(header); writePadding(header->count()); if (status == longPathStatus_ || status == longLinkStatus_) { sink_->write(path); sink_->write(zero_); writePadding(path->count() + 1); } else if (contentSize > 0) { File::open(path)->transfer(contentSize, sink_); writePadding(contentSize); } }
intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource> DocumentSourceGroup::createFromBson( BSONElement *pBsonElement, const intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> &pCtx) { assert(pBsonElement->type() == Object); // CW TODO must be an object intrusive_ptr<DocumentSourceGroup> pGroup( DocumentSourceGroup::create(pCtx)); bool idSet = false; BSONObj groupObj(pBsonElement->Obj()); BSONObjIterator groupIterator(groupObj); while(groupIterator.more()) { BSONElement groupField(; const char *pFieldName = groupField.fieldName(); if (strcmp(pFieldName, Document::idName.c_str()) == 0) { assert(!idSet); // CW TODO _id specified multiple times BSONType groupType = groupField.type(); if (groupType == Object) { /* Use the projection-like set of field paths to create the group-by key. */ Expression::ObjectCtx oCtx( Expression::ObjectCtx::DOCUMENT_OK); intrusive_ptr<Expression> pId( Expression::parseObject(&groupField, &oCtx)); pGroup->setIdExpression(pId); idSet = true; } else if (groupType == String) { string groupString(groupField.String()); const char *pGroupString = groupString.c_str(); if ((groupString.length() == 0) || (pGroupString[0] != '$')) goto StringConstantId; string pathString( Expression::removeFieldPrefix(groupString)); intrusive_ptr<ExpressionFieldPath> pFieldPath( ExpressionFieldPath::create(pathString)); pGroup->setIdExpression(pFieldPath); idSet = true; } else { /* pick out the constant types that are allowed */ switch(groupType) { case NumberDouble: case String: case Object: case Array: case jstOID: case Bool: case Date: case NumberInt: case Timestamp: case NumberLong: case jstNULL: StringConstantId: // from string case above { intrusive_ptr<const Value> pValue( Value::createFromBsonElement(&groupField)); intrusive_ptr<ExpressionConstant> pConstant( ExpressionConstant::create(pValue)); pGroup->setIdExpression(pConstant); idSet = true; break; } default: assert(false); // CW TODO disallowed constant group key } } } else { /* Treat as a projection field with the additional ability to add aggregation operators. */ assert(*pFieldName != '$'); // CW TODO error: field name can't be an operator assert(groupField.type() == Object); // CW TODO error: must be an operator expression BSONObj subField(groupField.Obj()); BSONObjIterator subIterator(subField); size_t subCount = 0; for(; subIterator.more(); ++subCount) { BSONElement subElement(; /* look for the specified operator */ GroupOpDesc key; key.pName = subElement.fieldName(); const GroupOpDesc *pOp = (const GroupOpDesc *)bsearch( &key, GroupOpTable, NGroupOp, sizeof(GroupOpDesc), GroupOpDescCmp); assert(pOp); // CW TODO error: operator not found intrusive_ptr<Expression> pGroupExpr; BSONType elementType = subElement.type(); if (elementType == Object) { Expression::ObjectCtx oCtx( Expression::ObjectCtx::DOCUMENT_OK); pGroupExpr = Expression::parseObject( &subElement, &oCtx); } else if (elementType == Array) { assert(false); // CW TODO group operators are unary } else { /* assume its an atomic single operand */ pGroupExpr = Expression::parseOperand(&subElement); } pGroup->addAccumulator( pFieldName, pOp->pFactory, pGroupExpr); } assert(subCount == 1); // CW TODO error: only one operator allowed } } assert(idSet); // CW TODO error: missing _id specification return pGroup; }
intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource> DocumentSourceGroup::createFromBson( BSONElement *pBsonElement, const intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> &pExpCtx) { uassert(15947, "a group's fields must be specified in an object", pBsonElement->type() == Object); intrusive_ptr<DocumentSourceGroup> pGroup( DocumentSourceGroup::create(pExpCtx)); bool idSet = false; BSONObj groupObj(pBsonElement->Obj()); BSONObjIterator groupIterator(groupObj); while(groupIterator.more()) { BSONElement groupField(; const char *pFieldName = groupField.fieldName(); if (str::equals(pFieldName, "_id")) { uassert(15948, "a group's _id may only be specified once", !idSet); BSONType groupType = groupField.type(); if (groupType == Object) { /* Use the projection-like set of field paths to create the group-by key. */ Expression::ObjectCtx oCtx(Expression::ObjectCtx::DOCUMENT_OK); intrusive_ptr<Expression> pId( Expression::parseObject(&groupField, &oCtx)); pGroup->setIdExpression(pId); idSet = true; } else if (groupType == String) { const string groupString = groupField.str(); if (!groupString.empty() && groupString[0] == '$') { pGroup->setIdExpression(ExpressionFieldPath::parse(groupString)); idSet = true; } } if (!idSet) { // constant id - single group pGroup->setIdExpression(ExpressionConstant::create(Value(groupField))); idSet = true; } } else { /* Treat as a projection field with the additional ability to add aggregation operators. */ uassert(16414, str::stream() << "the group aggregate field name '" << pFieldName << "' cannot be used because $group's field names cannot contain '.'", !str::contains(pFieldName, '.') ); uassert(15950, str::stream() << "the group aggregate field name '" << pFieldName << "' cannot be an operator name", pFieldName[0] != '$'); uassert(15951, str::stream() << "the group aggregate field '" << pFieldName << "' must be defined as an expression inside an object", groupField.type() == Object); BSONObj subField(groupField.Obj()); BSONObjIterator subIterator(subField); size_t subCount = 0; for(; subIterator.more(); ++subCount) { BSONElement subElement(; /* look for the specified operator */ GroupOpDesc key; = subElement.fieldName(); const GroupOpDesc *pOp = (const GroupOpDesc *)bsearch( &key, GroupOpTable, NGroupOp, sizeof(GroupOpDesc), GroupOpDescCmp); uassert(15952, str::stream() << "unknown group operator '" << << "'", pOp); intrusive_ptr<Expression> pGroupExpr; BSONType elementType = subElement.type(); if (elementType == Object) { Expression::ObjectCtx oCtx( Expression::ObjectCtx::DOCUMENT_OK); pGroupExpr = Expression::parseObject( &subElement, &oCtx); } else if (elementType == Array) { uasserted(15953, str::stream() << "aggregating group operators are unary (" << << ")"); } else { /* assume its an atomic single operand */ pGroupExpr = Expression::parseOperand(&subElement); } pGroup->addAccumulator(pFieldName, pOp->factory, pGroupExpr); } uassert(15954, str::stream() << "the computed aggregate '" << pFieldName << "' must specify exactly one operator", subCount == 1); } } uassert(15955, "a group specification must include an _id", idSet); return pGroup; }