Beispiel #1
/* <angle> <matrix> rotate <matrix> */
static int
zrotate(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
    os_ptr op = osp;
    int code;
    double ang;

    if ((code = real_param(op, &ang)) >= 0) {
        code = gs_rotate(igs, ang);
        if (code < 0)
            return code;
    } else {			/* matrix operand */
        gs_matrix mat;

        /* The num_params failure might be a stack underflow. */
        if ((code = num_params(op - 1, 1, &ang)) < 0 ||
            (code = gs_make_rotation(ang, &mat)) < 0 ||
            (code = write_matrix(op, &mat)) < 0
            ) {			/* Might be a stack underflow. */
            return code;
        op[-1] = *op;
    return code;
Beispiel #2
pxSetPageRotation(px_args_t *par, px_state_t *pxs)
{	/* Since the Y coordinate of user space is inverted, */
	/* we must negate rotation angles. */
	real angle = -real_value(par->pv[0], 0);
	int code = gs_rotate(pxs->pgs, angle);

	if ( code < 0 )
	  return code;
	/* Post-multiply the text CTM by the rotation matrix. */
	{ gs_matrix rmat;
	  px_gstate_t *pxgs = pxs->pxgs;

	  gs_make_rotation(angle, &rmat);
	  gs_matrix_multiply(&pxgs->text_ctm, &rmat, &pxgs->text_ctm);
	return 0;
Beispiel #3
/* the routine sets ph->actual_frequency and ph->actual_angle. */
static int
pick_cell_size(gs_screen_halftone * ph, const gs_matrix * pmat, ulong max_size,
               uint min_levels, bool accurate, gx_ht_cell_params_t * phcp)
    const bool landscape = (pmat->xy != 0.0 || pmat->yx != 0.0);

    /* Account for a possibly reflected coordinate system. */
    /* See gxstroke.c for the algorithm. */
    const bool reflected = pmat->xy * pmat->yx > pmat->xx * pmat->yy;
    const int reflection = (reflected ? -1 : 1);
    const int rotation =
    (landscape ? (pmat->yx < 0 ? 90 : -90) : pmat->xx < 0 ? 180 : 0);
    const double f0 = ph->frequency, a0 = ph->angle;
    const double T =
    fabs((landscape ? pmat->yx / pmat->xy : pmat->xx / pmat->yy));
    gs_point uv0;

#define u0 uv0.x
#define v0 uv0.y
    int rt = 1;
    double f = 0, a = 0;
    double e_best = 1000;
    bool better;

     * We need to find a vector in device space whose length is
     * 1 inch / ph->frequency and whose angle is ph->angle.
     * Because device pixels may not be square, we can't simply
     * map the length to device space and then rotate it;
     * instead, since we know that user space is uniform in X and Y,
     * we calculate the correct angle in user space before rotation.

    /* Compute trial values of u and v. */

        gs_matrix rmat;

        gs_make_rotation(a0 * reflection + rotation, &rmat);
        gs_distance_transform(72.0 / f0, 0.0, &rmat, &uv0);
        gs_distance_transform(u0, v0, pmat, &uv0);
        if_debug10('h', "[h]Requested: f=%g a=%g mat=[%g %g %g %g] max_size=%lu min_levels=%u =>\n     u=%g v=%g\n",
                   ph->frequency, ph->angle,
                   pmat->xx, pmat->xy, pmat->yx, pmat->yy,
                   max_size, min_levels, u0, v0);

    /* Adjust u and v to reasonable values. */

    if (u0 == 0 && v0 == 0)
    while ((fabs(u0) + fabs(v0)) * rt < 4)
    better = false;
        double fm0 = u0 * rt;
        double fn0 = v0 * rt;
        int m0 = (int)floor(u0 * rt + 0.0001);
        int n0 = (int)floor(v0 * rt + 0.0001);
        gx_ht_cell_params_t p;

        p.R = p.R1 = rt;
        for (p.M = m0 + 1; p.M >= m0; p.M--)
            for (p.N = n0 + 1; p.N >= n0; p.N--) {
                long raster, wt, wt_size;
                double fr, ar, ft, at, f_diff, a_diff, f_err, a_err;

                p.M1 = (int)floor(p.M / T + 0.5);
                p.N1 = (int)floor(p.N * T + 0.5);
                if_debug3('h', "[h]trying m=%d, n=%d, r=%d\n", p.M, p.N, rt);
                wt = p.W;
                if (wt >= max_short)
                /* Check the strip size, not the full tile size, */
                /* against max_size. */
                raster = bitmap_raster(wt);
                if (raster > max_size / p.D || raster > max_long / wt)
                wt_size = raster * wt;

                /* Compute the corresponding values of F and A. */

                if (landscape)
                    ar = atan2(p.M * pmat->xy, p.N * pmat->yx),
                        fr = 72.0 * (p.M == 0 ? pmat->xy / p.N * cos(ar) :
                                     pmat->yx / p.M * sin(ar));
                    ar = atan2(p.N * pmat->xx, p.M * pmat->yy),
                        fr = 72.0 * (p.M == 0 ? pmat->yy / p.N * sin(ar) :
                                     pmat->xx / p.M * cos(ar));
                ft = fabs(fr) * rt;
                /* Normalize the angle to the requested quadrant. */
                at = (ar * radians_to_degrees - rotation) * reflection;
                at -= floor(at / 180.0) * 180.0;
                at += floor(a0 / 180.0) * 180.0;
                f_diff = fabs(ft - f0);
                a_diff = fabs(at - a0);
                f_err = f_diff / fabs(f0);
                 * We used to compute the percentage difference here:
                 *      a_err = (a0 == 0 ? a_diff : a_diff / fabs(a0));
                 * but using the angle difference makes more sense:
                a_err = a_diff;

                if_debug5('h', " ==> d=%d, wt=%ld, wt_size=%ld, f=%g, a=%g\n",
                          p.D, wt, bitmap_raster(wt) * wt, ft, at);

                     * Compute the error in position between ideal location.
                     * and the current integer location.

                    double error =
                        (fn0 - p.N) * (fn0 - p.N) + (fm0 - p.M) * (fm0 - p.M);
                     * Adjust the error by the length of the vector.  This gives
                     * a slight bias toward larger cell sizzes.
                    error /= p.N * p.N + p.M * p.M;
                    error = sqrt(error); /* The previous calcs. gave value squared */
                    if (error > e_best)
                    e_best = error;
                *phcp = p;
                f = ft, a = at;
                better = true;
                if_debug3('h', "*** best wt_size=%ld, f_diff=%g, a_diff=%g\n",
                          wt_size, f_diff, a_diff);
                 * We want a maximum relative frequency error of 1% and a
                 * maximum angle error of 1% (of 90 degrees).
                if (f_err <= 0.01 && a_err <= 0.9 /*degrees*/)
                    goto done;
    if (phcp->C < min_levels) { /* We don't have enough levels yet.  Keep going. */
        goto try_size;
    if (better) {               /* If we want accurate screens, continue till we fail. */
        if (accurate) {
            goto try_size;
    } else {                    /*
                                 * We couldn't find an acceptable M and N.  If R > 1,
                                 * take what we've got; if R = 1, give up.
        if (rt == 1)

    /* Deliver the results. */
    if_debug5('h', "[h]Chosen: f=%g a=%g M=%d N=%d R=%d\n",
              f, a, phcp->M, phcp->N, phcp->R);
    ph->actual_frequency = f;
    ph->actual_angle = a;
    return 0;
#undef u0
#undef v0