Beispiel #1
/* Check whether color is a shading with BBox. */
gx_dc_pattern2_is_rectangular_cell(const gx_device_color * pdevc, gx_device * pdev, gs_fixed_rect *rect)
    if (gx_dc_is_pattern2_color(pdevc) && gx_dc_pattern2_color_has_bbox(pdevc) &&
            (*dev_proc(pdev, dev_spec_op))(pdev, gxdso_pattern_shading_area, NULL, 0) == 0) {
        gs_pattern2_instance_t *pinst = (gs_pattern2_instance_t *)pdevc->ccolor.pattern;
        const gs_shading_t *psh = pinst->templat.Shading;
        gs_fixed_point p, q;

        if (is_xxyy(&ctm_only(pinst->saved)))
            if (psh->params.have_BBox) {
                int code = gs_point_transform2fixed(&pinst->saved->ctm,
                            psh->params.BBox.p.x, psh->params.BBox.p.y, &p);
                if (code < 0)
                    return code;
                code = gs_point_transform2fixed(&pinst->saved->ctm,
                            psh->params.BBox.q.x, psh->params.BBox.q.y, &q);
                if (code < 0)
                    return code;
                if (p.x > q.x) {
                    p.x ^= q.x; q.x ^= p.x; p.x ^= q.x;
                if (p.y > q.y) {
                    p.y ^= q.y; q.y ^= p.y; p.y ^= q.y;
                rect->p = p;
                rect->q = q;
                return 1;
    return 0;
Beispiel #2
gs_lineto(gs_state *pgs, floatp x, floatp y)
{   int code;
    gs_fixed_point pt;
    if ( (code = gs_point_transform2fixed(&pgs->ctm, x, y, &pt)) >= 0 )
        code = gx_path_add_line(pgs->path, pt.x, pt.y);
    return code;
Beispiel #3
static inline int 
gs_point_transform_compat(floatp x, floatp y, const gs_matrix_fixed *m, gs_point *pt)
    gs_fixed_point p;
    int code = gs_point_transform2fixed(m, x, y, &p);

    if (code < 0)
	return code;
    pt->x = fixed2float(p.x);
    pt->y = fixed2float(p.y);
    return 0;
    return gs_point_transform(x, y, (const gs_matrix *)m, pt);
Beispiel #4
/* Internal routine for adding an arc to the path. */
static int
arc_add(const arc_curve_params_t * arc, bool is_quadrant)
    gx_path *path = arc->ppath;
    gs_imager_state *pis = arc->pis;
    double x0 = arc->p0.x, y0 = arc->p0.y;
    double xt = arc->pt.x, yt = arc->pt.y;
    floatp fraction;
    gs_fixed_point p0, p2, p3, pt;
    int code;

    if ((arc->action != arc_nothing &&
	 (code = gs_point_transform2fixed(&pis->ctm, x0, y0, &p0)) < 0) ||
	(code = gs_point_transform2fixed(&pis->ctm, xt, yt, &pt)) < 0 ||
	(code = gs_point_transform2fixed(&pis->ctm, arc->p3.x, arc->p3.y, &p3)) < 0
	 (code = gs_point_transform2fixed_rounding(&pis->ctm, x0, y0, &p0)) < 0) ||
	(code = gs_point_transform2fixed_rounding(&pis->ctm, xt, yt, &pt)) < 0 ||
	(code = gs_point_transform2fixed_rounding(&pis->ctm, arc->p3.x, arc->p3.y, &p3)) < 0
	return code;
    if (!path_position_valid(path))
	gs_point_transform(arc->p0.x, arc->p0.y, &ctm_only(arc->pis), &pis->subpath_start);
    code = (arc->action == arc_nothing ?
	  (p0.x = path->position.x, p0.y = path->position.y, 0) :
	  arc->action == arc_lineto && path_position_valid(path) ?
	  gx_path_add_line(path, p0.x, p0.y) :
	  /* action == arc_moveto, or lineto with no current point */
	  gx_path_add_point(path, p0.x, p0.y));
    if (code < 0)
	return code;
    /* Compute the fraction coefficient for the curve. */
    /* See gx_path_add_partial_arc for details. */
    if (is_quadrant) {
	/* one of |dx| and |dy| is r, the other is zero */
	fraction = quarter_arc_fraction;
	if (arc->fast_quadrant > 0) {
	     * The CTM is well-behaved, and we have pre-calculated the delta
	     * from the circumference points to the control points.
	    fixed delta = arc->quadrant_delta;

	    if (pt.x != p0.x)
		p0.x = (pt.x > p0.x ? p0.x + delta : p0.x - delta);
	    if (pt.y != p0.y)
		p0.y = (pt.y > p0.y ? p0.y + delta : p0.y - delta);
	    p2.x = (pt.x == p3.x ? p3.x :
		    pt.x > p3.x ? p3.x + delta : p3.x - delta);
	    p2.y = (pt.y == p3.y ? p3.y :
		    pt.y > p3.y ? p3.y + delta : p3.y - delta);
	    goto add;
    } else {
	double r = arc->radius;
	floatp dx = xt - x0, dy = yt - y0;
	double dist = dx * dx + dy * dy;
	double r2 = r * r;

	if (dist >= r2 * 1.0e8)	/* almost zero radius; */
	    /* the >= catches dist == r == 0 */
	    fraction = 0.0;
	    fraction = (4.0 / 3.0) / (1 + sqrt(1 + dist / r2));
    p0.x += (fixed)((pt.x - p0.x) * fraction);
    p0.y += (fixed)((pt.y - p0.y) * fraction);
    p2.x = p3.x + (fixed)((pt.x - p3.x) * fraction);
    p2.y = p3.y + (fixed)((pt.y - p3.y) * fraction);
	      "[r]Arc f=%f p0=(%f,%f) pt=(%f,%f) p3=(%f,%f) action=%d\n",
	      fraction, x0, y0, xt, yt, arc->p3.x, arc->p3.y,

    /* Open-code gx_path_add_partial_arc_notes */
    return gx_path_add_curve_notes(path, p0.x, p0.y, p2.x, p2.y, p3.x, p3.y,
				   arc->notes | sn_from_arc);
Beispiel #5
/* We take the trouble to do this efficiently in the simple cases. */
gs_rectfill(gs_state * pgs, const gs_rect * pr, uint count)
    const gs_rect *rlist = pr;
    gx_clip_path *pcpath;
    uint rcount = count;
    int code;
    gx_device * pdev = pgs->device;
    gx_device_color *pdc = gs_currentdevicecolor_inline(pgs);
    const gs_imager_state *pis = (const gs_imager_state *)pgs;
    bool hl_color_available = gx_hld_is_hl_color_available(pis, pdc);
    bool hl_color = (hl_color_available &&
                dev_proc(pdev, dev_spec_op)(pdev, gxdso_supports_hlcolor, 
                                  NULL, 0));
    bool center_of_pixel = (pgs->fill_adjust.x == 0 && pgs->fill_adjust.y == 0);

    /* Processing a fill object operation */
    dev_proc(pgs->device, set_graphics_type_tag)(pgs->device, GS_PATH_TAG);

    code = gx_set_dev_color(pgs);
    if (code != 0)
        return code;
    if ((is_fzero2(pgs->ctm.xy, pgs->ctm.yx) ||
         is_fzero2(pgs->ctm.xx, pgs->ctm.yy)) &&
        gx_effective_clip_path(pgs, &pcpath) >= 0 &&
        clip_list_is_rectangle(gx_cpath_list(pcpath)) &&
        (hl_color ||
         pdc->type == gx_dc_type_pure ||
         pdc->type == gx_dc_type_ht_binary ||
         pdc->type == gx_dc_type_ht_colored) &&
        gs_state_color_load(pgs) >= 0 &&
        (*dev_proc(pdev, get_alpha_bits)) (pdev, go_graphics)
        <= 1 &&
        (!pgs->overprint || !pgs->effective_overprint_mode)
        ) {
        uint i;
        gs_fixed_rect clip_rect;

        gx_cpath_inner_box(pcpath, &clip_rect);
        /* We should never plot anything for an empty clip rectangle */
        if ((clip_rect.p.x >= clip_rect.q.x) &&
            (clip_rect.p.y >= clip_rect.q.y))
            return 0;
        for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
            gs_fixed_point p, q;
            gs_fixed_rect draw_rect;

            if (gs_point_transform2fixed(&pgs->ctm, pr[i].p.x, pr[i].p.y, &p) < 0 ||
                gs_point_transform2fixed(&pgs->ctm, pr[i].q.x, pr[i].q.y, &q) < 0
                ) {		/* Switch to the slow algorithm. */
                goto slow;
            draw_rect.p.x = min(p.x, q.x);
            draw_rect.p.y = min(p.y, q.y);
            draw_rect.q.x = max(p.x, q.x);
            draw_rect.q.y = max(p.y, q.y);
            if (hl_color) {
                rect_intersect(draw_rect, clip_rect);
                /* We do pass on 0 extant rectangles to high level
                   devices.  It isn't clear how a client and an output
                   device should interact if one uses a center of
                   pixel algorithm and the other uses any part of
                   pixel.  For now we punt and just pass the high
                   level rectangle on without adjustment. */
                if (draw_rect.p.x <= draw_rect.q.x &&
                    draw_rect.p.y <= draw_rect.q.y) {
                    code = dev_proc(pdev, fill_rectangle_hl_color)(pdev,
                             &draw_rect, pis, pdc, pcpath);
                    if (code < 0)
                        return code;
            } else {
                int x, y, w, h;

                rect_intersect(draw_rect, clip_rect);
                if (center_of_pixel) {
                    draw_rect.p.x = fixed_rounded(draw_rect.p.x);
                    draw_rect.p.y = fixed_rounded(draw_rect.p.y);
                    draw_rect.q.x = fixed_rounded(draw_rect.q.x);
                    draw_rect.q.y = fixed_rounded(draw_rect.q.y);
                } else { /* any part of pixel rule - touched */
                    draw_rect.p.x = fixed_floor(draw_rect.p.x);
                    draw_rect.p.y = fixed_floor(draw_rect.p.y);
                    draw_rect.q.x = fixed_ceiling(draw_rect.q.x);
                    draw_rect.q.y = fixed_ceiling(draw_rect.q.y);
                x = fixed2int(draw_rect.p.x);
                y = fixed2int(draw_rect.p.y);
                w = fixed2int(draw_rect.q.x) - x;
                h = fixed2int(draw_rect.q.y) - y;
                /* clients that use the "any part of pixel" rule also
                   fill 0 areas.  This is true of current graphics
                   library clients but not a general rule.  */
                if (!center_of_pixel) {
                    if (w == 0)
                        w = 1;
                    /* yes Adobe Acrobat 8, seems to back up the y
                       coordinate when the width is 0, sigh. */
                    if (h == 0) {
                        h = 1;
                if (gx_fill_rectangle(x, y, w, h, pdc, pgs) < 0)
                    goto slow;
        return 0;
      slow:rlist = pr + i;
        rcount = count - i;
    } {
        bool do_save = !gx_path_is_null(pgs->path);

        if (do_save) {
            if ((code = gs_gsave(pgs)) < 0)
                return code;
        if ((code = gs_rectappend(pgs, rlist, rcount)) < 0 ||
            (code = gs_fill(pgs)) < 0
        if (do_save)
        else if (code < 0)
    return code;
Beispiel #6
/* We take the trouble to do this efficiently in the simple cases. */
gs_rectfill(gs_state * pgs, const gs_rect * pr, uint count)
    const gs_rect *rlist = pr;
    gx_clip_path *pcpath;
    uint rcount = count;
    int code;
    gx_device * pdev = pgs->device;
    gx_device_color *pdc = pgs->dev_color;
    const gs_imager_state *pis = (const gs_imager_state *)pgs;
    bool hl_color_available = gx_hld_is_hl_color_available(pis, pdc);
    gs_fixed_rect empty = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}};
    bool hl_color = (hl_color_available && 
		dev_proc(pdev, fill_rectangle_hl_color)(pdev, 
		    	    &empty, pis, pdc, NULL) == 0);

    if ((is_fzero2(pgs->ctm.xy, pgs->ctm.yx) ||
	 is_fzero2(pgs->ctm.xx, pgs->ctm.yy)) &&
	gx_effective_clip_path(pgs, &pcpath) >= 0 &&
	clip_list_is_rectangle(gx_cpath_list(pcpath)) &&
	(hl_color ||
	 pdc->type == gx_dc_type_pure ||
	 pdc->type == gx_dc_type_ht_binary ||
	 pdc->type == gx_dc_type_ht_colored
	 /* DeviceN todo: add wts case */) &&
	gs_state_color_load(pgs) >= 0 &&
	(*dev_proc(pdev, get_alpha_bits)) (pdev, go_graphics)
	<= 1 &&
        (!pgs->overprint || !pgs->effective_overprint_mode)
	) {
	uint i;
	gs_fixed_rect clip_rect;

	gx_cpath_inner_box(pcpath, &clip_rect);
	for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
	    gs_fixed_point p, q;
	    gs_fixed_rect draw_rect;
	    if (gs_point_transform2fixed(&pgs->ctm, pr[i].p.x, pr[i].p.y, &p) < 0 ||
		gs_point_transform2fixed(&pgs->ctm, pr[i].q.x, pr[i].q.y, &q) < 0
		) {		/* Switch to the slow algorithm. */
		goto slow;
	    draw_rect.p.x = min(p.x, q.x);
	    draw_rect.p.y = min(p.y, q.y);
	    draw_rect.q.x = max(p.x, q.x);
	    draw_rect.q.y = max(p.y, q.y);
	    if (hl_color) {
		rect_intersect(draw_rect, clip_rect);
		if (draw_rect.p.x < draw_rect.q.x &&
		    draw_rect.p.y < draw_rect.q.y) {
		    code = dev_proc(pdev, fill_rectangle_hl_color)(pdev,
			     &draw_rect, pis, pdc, pcpath);
		    if (code < 0)
			return code;
	    } else {
		int x, y, w, h;

		draw_rect.p.x -= pgs->fill_adjust.x;
		draw_rect.p.y -= pgs->fill_adjust.x;
		draw_rect.q.x += pgs->fill_adjust.x;
		draw_rect.q.y += pgs->fill_adjust.x;
		rect_intersect(draw_rect, clip_rect);
		x = fixed2int_pixround(draw_rect.p.x);
		y = fixed2int_pixround(draw_rect.p.y);
		w = fixed2int_pixround(draw_rect.q.x) - x;
		h = fixed2int_pixround(draw_rect.q.y) - y;
		if (w > 0 && h > 0)
    		    if (gx_fill_rectangle(x, y, w, h, pdc, pgs) < 0)
			goto slow;
	return 0;
      slow:rlist = pr + i;
	rcount = count - i;
    } {
	bool do_save = !gx_path_is_null(pgs->path);

	if (do_save) {
	    if ((code = gs_gsave(pgs)) < 0)
		return code;
	if ((code = gs_rectappend(pgs, rlist, rcount)) < 0 ||
	    (code = gs_fill(pgs)) < 0
	if (do_save)
	else if (code < 0)
    return code;