Beispiel #1
gsl_cdf_binomial_Q (const unsigned int k, const double p, const unsigned int n)
  double Q;
  double a;
  double b;

  if (p > 1.0 || p < 0.0)
      CDF_ERROR ("p < 0 or p > 1", GSL_EDOM);

  if (k >= n)
      Q = 0.0;
      a = (double) k + 1.0;
      b = (double) n - k;
      Q = gsl_cdf_beta_P (p, a, b);

  return Q;
Beispiel #2
static double 
bisect (double x, double P, double a, double b, double xtol, double Ptol)
  double x0 = 0, x1 = 1, Px;

  while (fabs(x1 - x0) > xtol) {
    Px = gsl_cdf_beta_P (x, a, b);
    if (fabs(Px - P) < Ptol) {
      /* return as soon as approximation is good enough, including on
         the first iteration */
      return x;  
    } else if (Px < P) {
      x0 = x;
    } else if (Px > P) {
      x1 = x;
    x = 0.5 * (x0 + x1);
  return x;
Beispiel #3
gsl_cdf_negative_binomial_P (const unsigned int k, const double p, const double n)
  double P;
  double a;
  double b;

  if (p > 1.0 || p < 0.0)
      CDF_ERROR ("p < 0 or p > 1", GSL_EDOM);

  if (n < 0)
      CDF_ERROR ("n < 0", GSL_EDOM);

  a = (double) n;
  b = (double) k + 1.0;
  P = gsl_cdf_beta_P (p, a, b);

  return P;
gsl_cdf_beta_Pinv (const double P, const double a, const double b)
  double x, mean;

  if (P < 0.0 || P > 1.0)
      CDF_ERROR ("P must be in range 0 < P < 1", GSL_EDOM);

  if (a < 0.0)
      CDF_ERROR ("a < 0", GSL_EDOM);

  if (b < 0.0)
      CDF_ERROR ("b < 0", GSL_EDOM);

  if (P == 0.0)
      return 0.0;

  if (P == 1.0)
      return 1.0;

  if (P > 0.5)
      return gsl_cdf_beta_Qinv (1 - P, a, b);

  mean = a / (a + b);

  if (P < 0.1)
      /* small x */

      double lg_ab = gsl_sf_lngamma (a + b);
      double lg_a = gsl_sf_lngamma (a);
      double lg_b = gsl_sf_lngamma (b);

      double lx = (log (a) + lg_a + lg_b - lg_ab + log (P)) / a;
      if (lx <= 0) {
        x = exp (lx);             /* first approximation */
        x *= pow (1 - x, -(b - 1) / a);   /* second approximation */
      } else {
        x = mean;

      if (x > mean)
        x = mean;
      /* Use expected value as first guess */
      x = mean;

    double lambda, dP, phi;
    unsigned int n = 0;

    dP = P - gsl_cdf_beta_P (x, a, b);
    phi = gsl_ran_beta_pdf (x, a, b);

    if (dP == 0.0 || n++ > 64)
      goto end;

    lambda = dP / GSL_MAX (2 * fabs (dP / x), phi);

      double step0 = lambda;
      double step1 = -((a - 1) / x - (b - 1) / (1 - x)) * lambda * lambda / 2;

      double step = step0;

      if (fabs (step1) < fabs (step0))
          step += step1;
          /* scale back step to a reasonable size when too large */
          step *= 2 * fabs (step0 / step1);

      if (x + step > 0 && x + step < 1)
          x += step;
          x = sqrt (x) * sqrt (mean);   /* try a new starting point */

      if (fabs (step0) > 1e-10 * x)
        goto start;

    return x;

Beispiel #5
int main(int argc, char **argv){
    distlist distribution = Normal;
    char	 msg[10000], c;
    int      pval = 0, qval = 0;
    double   param1 = GSL_NAN, param2 =GSL_NAN, findme = GSL_NAN;
    char     number[1000];
	sprintf(msg, "%s [opts] number_to_lookup\n\n"
    "Look up a probability or p-value for a given standard distribution.\n"
    "[This is still loosely written and counts as beta. Notably, negative numbers are hard to parse.]\n"
    "%s -dbin 100 .5 34\n"
    "sets the distribution to a Binomial(100, .5), and find the odds of 34 appearing.\n"
    "%s -p 2     \n"
    "find the area of the Normal(0,1) between -infty and 2.  \n"
    "-pval Find the p-value: integral from -infinity to your value\n"
    "-qval Find the q-value: integral from your value to infinity\n"
    "After giving an optional -p or -q, specify the distribution. \n"
    "Default is Normal(0, 1). Other options:\n"
    "\t\t-binom Binomial(n, p)\n"
    "\t\t-beta Beta(a, b)\n"
    "\t\t-f F distribution(df1, df2)\n"
    "\t\t-norm Normal(mu, sigma)\n"
    "\t\t-negative bin Negative binomial(n, p)\n"
    "\t\t-poisson Poisson(L)\n"
    "\t\t-t t distribution(df)\n"
    "I just need enough letters to distinctly identify a distribution.\n"
, argv[0], argv[0], argv[0]); 

		printf("%s", msg);
		return 0;
	while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "B:b:F:f:N:n:pqT:t:")) != -1){
		switch (c){
		  case 'B':
		  case 'b':
              if (optarg[0]=='i')
                  distribution = Binomial;
              else if (optarg[0]=='e')
                  distribution = Beta;
            else {
                printf("I can't parse the option -b%s\n", optarg);
              param1 = atof(argv[optind]);
              param2 = atof(argv[optind+1]);
              findme =  atof(argv[optind+2]);
          case 'F':
          case 'f':
            distribution = F;
            param1 = atof(argv[optind]);
            findme =  atof(argv[optind+1]);
          case 'H':
		  case 'h':
			printf("%s", msg);
			return 0;
          case 'n':
          case 'N':
            if (optarg[0]=='o'){ //normal
                  param1 = atof(argv[optind]);
                  param2 = atof(argv[optind+1]);
                  findme =  atof(argv[optind+2]);
            } else if (optarg[0]=='e'){
                  distribution = Negbinom;
                  param1 = atof(argv[optind]);
                  param2 = atof(argv[optind+1]);
                  findme =  atof(argv[optind+2]);
            } else {
                printf("I can't parse the option -n%s\n", optarg);
          case 'p':
            if (!optarg || optarg[0] == 'v')
            else if (optarg[0] == 'o'){
                distribution = Poisson;
                param1 = atof(argv[optind]);
                findme =  atof(argv[optind+1]);
            } else {
                printf("I can't parse the option -p%s\n", optarg);
          case 'q':
          case 'T':
          case 't':
            distribution = T;
            param1 = atof(argv[optind]);
            findme =  atof(argv[optind+1]);
          case '?'://probably a negative number
            if (optarg)
                 snprintf(number, 1000, "%c%s", optopt, optarg);
            else snprintf(number, 1000, "%c", optopt);
            if (gsl_isnan(param1)) param1 = -atof(number);
            else if (gsl_isnan(param2)) param2 = -atof(number);
            else if (gsl_isnan(findme)) findme = -atof(number);
    if (gsl_isnan(findme)) findme =  atof(argv[optind]);
    //defaults, as promised
    if (gsl_isnan(param1)) param1 = 0;
    if (gsl_isnan(param2)) param2 = 1;
    if (!pval && !qval){
        double val =
        distribution == Beta ? gsl_ran_beta_pdf(findme, param1, param2)
        : distribution == Binomial ? gsl_ran_binomial_pdf(findme, param2, param1)
        : distribution == F ? gsl_ran_fdist_pdf(findme, param1, param2) 
        : distribution == Negbinom ? gsl_ran_negative_binomial_pdf(findme, param2, param1)
        : distribution == Normal ? gsl_ran_gaussian_pdf(findme, param2)+param1
        : distribution == Poisson ? gsl_ran_poisson_pdf(findme, param1) 
        : distribution == T ? gsl_ran_tdist_pdf(findme, param1) : GSL_NAN;
        printf("%g\n", val); 
        return 0;
    if (distribution == Binomial){
        printf("Sorry, the GSL doesn't have a Binomial CDF.\n");
        return 0; }
    if (distribution == Negbinom){
        printf("Sorry, the GSL doesn't have a Negative Binomial CDF.\n");
        return 0; }
    if (distribution == Poisson){
        printf("Sorry, the GSL doesn't have a Poisson CDF.\n");
        return 0; }
    if (pval){
        double val =
        distribution == Beta ? gsl_cdf_beta_P(findme, param1, param2)
        : distribution == F ? gsl_cdf_fdist_P(findme, param1, param2) 
        : distribution == Normal ? gsl_cdf_gaussian_P(findme-param1, param2)
        : distribution == T ? gsl_cdf_tdist_P(findme, param1) : GSL_NAN;
        printf("%g\n", val); 
        return 0;
    if (qval){
        double val =
        distribution == Beta ? gsl_cdf_beta_Q(findme, param1, param2)
        : distribution == F ? gsl_cdf_fdist_Q(findme, param1, param2) 
        : distribution == Normal ? gsl_cdf_gaussian_Q(findme-param1, param2)
        : distribution == T ? gsl_cdf_tdist_Q(findme, param1) : GSL_NAN;
        printf("%g\n", val); 