Beispiel #1
   In:  tau (lattice parameter)
   Out: g2 -> g[0]
        g3 -> g[1]
void compute_invariants(gsl_complex tau, gsl_complex *g)
  gsl_complex q, q14;
  gsl_complex t2,t3,t24,t34;
  gsl_complex g3_term1, g3_term2;
  gsl_complex g2, g3;

  q = gsl_complex_exp(gsl_complex_mul_imag(tau,M_PI));
  q14 = gsl_complex_exp(gsl_complex_mul_imag(tau,M_PI_4));

  t24 = pow4(t2);
  t34 = pow4(t3);

  g2 = gsl_complex_mul_real(gsl_complex_sub(gsl_complex_add(gsl_complex_mul(t24,t24),gsl_complex_mul(t34,t34)),gsl_complex_mul(t24,t34)),_CONST_43PI4);

  g3_term1 = gsl_complex_add(gsl_complex_mul(t24,gsl_complex_mul(t24,t24)),gsl_complex_mul(t34,gsl_complex_mul(t34,t34)));
  g3_term2 = gsl_complex_mul(gsl_complex_add(t24,t34),gsl_complex_mul(t24,t34));

  g3 = gsl_complex_sub( gsl_complex_mul_real(g3_term1, _CONST_827PI6),
			gsl_complex_mul_real(g3_term2, _CONST_49PI6) );

  g[0] = g2;
  g[1] = g3;
Beispiel #2
gsl_complex gsl_complex_arcsinh(gsl_complex a)
{				/* z = arcsinh(a) */
    gsl_complex z = gsl_complex_mul_imag(a, 1.0);
    z = gsl_complex_arcsin(z);
    z = gsl_complex_mul_imag(z, -1.0);
    return z;
Beispiel #3
gsl_complex_arcsinh (complex_t const *a, complex_t *res)
{                               /* z = arcsinh(a) */
        gsl_complex_mul_imag (a, 1.0, res);
	gsl_complex_arcsin (res, res);
	gsl_complex_mul_imag (res, -1.0, res);
Beispiel #4
gsl_complex gsl_complex_arctanh(gsl_complex a)
{				/* z = arctanh(a) */
    if (GSL_IMAG(a) == 0.0) {
	return gsl_complex_arctanh_real(GSL_REAL(a));
    } else {
	gsl_complex z = gsl_complex_mul_imag(a, 1.0);
	z = gsl_complex_arctan(z);
	z = gsl_complex_mul_imag(z, -1.0);
	return z;
Beispiel #5
gsl_complex_arctanh (complex_t const *a, complex_t *res)
{                               /* z = arctanh(a) */
        if (GSL_IMAG (a) == 0.0) {
	        gsl_complex_arctanh_real (GSL_REAL (a), res);
	} else {
	         gsl_complex_mul_imag (a, 1.0, res);
		 gsl_complex_arctan (res, res);
		 gsl_complex_mul_imag (res, -1.0, res);
Beispiel #6
complex_spinor complex_spinor::op(OPERATOR_SPIN spinOperator) const{
	int i;
	double result;
	//Spin Parameters
	int new_numSites = this->_numSites;

	complex_spinor complex_spinor_resu(new_numSites);

if(spinOperator == S_X ){

	for(i=0 ; i<new_numSites ; i++){
	gsl_complex oldUP = this->complex_spinor_get(i, UP);
	gsl_complex oldDOWN = this->complex_spinor_get(i, DOWN);
	complex_spinor_resu.complex_spinor_set(i, UP, gsl_complex_mul_real(oldDOWN, 0.5));
	complex_spinor_resu.complex_spinor_set(i, DOWN, gsl_complex_mul_real(oldUP, 0.5));	

else if(spinOperator == S_Y){

	for(i=0 ; i<new_numSites ; i++){
	gsl_complex oldUP = this->complex_spinor_get(i, UP);
	gsl_complex oldDOWN = this->complex_spinor_get(i, DOWN);

	complex_spinor_resu.complex_spinor_set(i, UP, gsl_complex_mul_imag(oldDOWN, 0.5));
	complex_spinor_resu.complex_spinor_set(i, DOWN, gsl_complex_mul_imag(oldUP, -0.5));	


else{ //S_Z

	for(i=0 ; i<new_numSites ; i++){
	gsl_complex oldUP = this->complex_spinor_get(i, UP);
	gsl_complex oldDOWN = this->complex_spinor_get(i, DOWN);

	complex_spinor_resu.complex_spinor_set(i, UP, gsl_complex_mul_real(oldUP, 0.5));
	complex_spinor_resu.complex_spinor_set(i, DOWN, gsl_complex_mul_real(oldDOWN, -0.5));	

	return complex_spinor_resu;

Beispiel #7
gsl_complex_arccosh (gsl_complex a)
{				/* z = arccosh(a) */
  gsl_complex z = gsl_complex_arccos (a);
  z = gsl_complex_mul_imag (z, GSL_IMAG(z) > 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0);
  return z;
Beispiel #8
gsl_complex f_integrand(gsl_complex p, const Params *params)
    double r = params->r;

    return gsl_complex_mul(
            f_envelope(p, params),
            gsl_complex_exp(gsl_complex_mul_imag(p, r)));
void LALInferenceTemplateROQ(LALInferenceModel *model)
double m1,m2,mc,eta,q,iota=0;
/* Prefer m1 and m2 if available (i.e. for injection template) */
    m1=*(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(model->params,"mass1");
    m2=*(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(model->params,"mass2");
    mc=pow(eta , 0.6)*(m1+m2);
    if (LALInferenceCheckVariable(model->params,"q")) {
      q = *(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(model->params,"q");
      q2eta(q, &eta);
      eta = *(REAL8*) LALInferenceGetVariable(model->params, "eta");
    mc       = *(REAL8*) LALInferenceGetVariable(model->params, "chirpmass");
    mc2masses(mc, eta, &m1, &m2);

  iota = acos(LALInferenceGetREAL8Variable(model->params, "costheta_jn"));     /* zenith angle between J and N in radians */

  double cosiota = cos(iota);
  double plusCoef  = 0.5 * (1.0 + cosiota*cosiota);
  double crossCoef = cosiota;
  /* external: SI; internal: solar masses */
  const REAL8 m = m1 + m2;
  const REAL8 m_sec = m * LAL_MTSUN_SI;  /* total mass in seconds */
  const REAL8 etap2 = eta * eta;
  const REAL8 etap3 = etap2 * eta;
  const REAL8 piM = LAL_PI * m_sec;
  const REAL8 mSevenBySix = -7./6.;
  const REAL8 phic = *(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(model->params,"phase");
  const REAL8 r = 1e6*LAL_PC_SI;
  REAL8 logv0 = log(1.); //the standard tf2 definition is log(v0), but I've changed it to reflect Scott's convention
  REAL8 shft, amp0;//, f_max;
  REAL8 psiNewt, psi2, psi3, psi4, psi5, psi6, psi6L, psi7, psi3S, psi4S, psi5S;
  REAL8 eta_fac = -113. + 76. * eta;
  REAL8 chi=0; //NOTE: chi isn't used here yet, so we just set it to zero
  gsl_complex h_i;

  /* extrinsic parameters */
  amp0 = -pow(m_sec, 5./6.) * sqrt(5.*eta / 24.) / (Pi_p2by3 * r / LAL_C_SI);
  shft = 0;//LAL_TWOPI * (tStart.gpsSeconds + 1e-9 * tStart.gpsNanoSeconds);

  /* spin terms in the amplitude and phase (in terms of the reduced
   * spin parameter */
  psi3S = 113.*chi/3.;
  psi4S = 63845.*(-81. + 4.*eta)*chi*chi/(8. * eta_fac * eta_fac);
  psi5S = -565.*(-146597. + 135856.*eta + 17136.*etap2)*chi/(2268.*eta_fac);

  /* coefficients of the phase at PN orders from 0 to 3.5PN */
  psiNewt = 3./(128.*eta);
  psi2 = 3715./756. + 55.*eta/9.;
  psi3 = psi3S - 16.*LAL_PI;
  psi4 = 15293365./508032. + 27145.*eta/504. + 3085.*eta*eta/72. + psi4S;
  psi5 = (38645.*LAL_PI/756. - 65.*LAL_PI*eta/9. + psi5S);
  psi6 = 11583231236531./4694215680. - (640.*Pi_p2)/3. - (6848.*LAL_GAMMA)/21.
           + (-5162.983708047263 + 2255.*Pi_p2/12.)*eta
           + (76055.*etap2)/1728. - (127825.*etap3)/1296.;
  psi6L = -6848./21.;
  psi7 = (77096675.*LAL_PI)/254016. + (378515.*LAL_PI*eta)/1512.
           - (74045.*LAL_PI*eta*eta)/756.;

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model->roq->frequencyNodes->size; i++) {
    /* fourier frequency corresponding to this bin */
    const REAL8 f = gsl_vector_get(model->roq->frequencyNodes, i);
    const REAL8 v3 = piM*f;

    /* PN expansion parameter */
    REAL8 v, v2, v4, v5, v6, v7, logv, Psi, amp;
    v = cbrt(v3);
    v2 = v*v; v4 = v3*v; v5 = v4*v; v6 = v3*v3; v7 = v6*v;
    logv = log(v);

    /* compute the phase and amplitude */
    Psi = psiNewt / v5 * (1.
         + psi2 * v2 + psi3 * v3 + psi4 * v4
         + psi5 * v5 * (1. + 3. * (logv - logv0))
         + (psi6 + psi6L * (log4 + logv)) * v6 + psi7 * v7);

    amp = amp0 * pow(f, mSevenBySix);

    GSL_SET_COMPLEX(&h_i, amp * cos(Psi + shft * f - 2.*phic - LAL_PI_4), - amp * sin(Psi + shft * f - 2.*phic - LAL_PI_4));

    gsl_vector_complex_set(model->roq->hplus, i, gsl_complex_mul_real(h_i,plusCoef));
    gsl_vector_complex_set(model->roq->hcross, i, gsl_complex_mul_real(gsl_complex_mul_imag(h_i,-1.0),crossCoef));

Beispiel #10
gsl_complex integrate_line_segment(Params *params,
                                   gsl_complex p0,
                                   gsl_complex p1)
    gsl_complex k = gsl_complex_sub(p1, p0);

    const double r = params->r;
    const double a = 0.0; // parameter interval start
    const double b = 1.0; // parameter interval end
    const double L = b - a; // length of parameter interval
    const size_t table_size = 1000;

    // calculate frequency of oscillatory part
    double omega = GSL_REAL(k) * r;

    gsl_integration_workspace *ws = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(table_size);

    // prepare sine/cosine tables for integration
    gsl_integration_qawo_table *table_cos = gsl_integration_qawo_table_alloc(omega, L, GSL_INTEG_COSINE, table_size);
    gsl_integration_qawo_table *table_sin = gsl_integration_qawo_table_alloc(omega, L, GSL_INTEG_SINE, table_size);

    LineSegmentParams lsp;
    lsp.p0 = p0;
    lsp.k = k;
    lsp.damping = params->r * GSL_IMAG(k);
    lsp.params = params;

    //fprintf(stderr, "p0 = %g %g, p1 = %g %g, k = %g %g, r = %g, omega = %g, damping = %g\n",
    //        GSL_REAL(p0), GSL_IMAG(p0), GSL_REAL(p1), GSL_IMAG(p1),
    //        GSL_REAL(k), GSL_IMAG(k), r, omega, lsp.damping);

    gsl_function F;
    F.function = &line_segment_integrand_wrapper;
    F.params = &lsp;

    double result_real_cos, abserr_real_cos;
    double result_real_sin, abserr_real_sin;
    double result_imag_cos, abserr_imag_cos;
    double result_imag_sin, abserr_imag_sin;

    double epsabs = 1e-9;
    double epsrel = 1e-9;

    lsp.part = REAL;
    gsl_integration_qawo(&F, a, epsabs, epsrel, table_size, ws, table_cos, &result_real_cos, &abserr_real_cos);
    gsl_integration_qawo(&F, a, epsabs, epsrel, table_size, ws, table_sin, &result_real_sin, &abserr_real_sin);

    lsp.part = IMAG;
    gsl_integration_qawo(&F, a, epsabs, epsrel, table_size, ws, table_cos, &result_imag_cos, &abserr_imag_cos);
    gsl_integration_qawo(&F, a, epsabs, epsrel, table_size, ws, table_sin, &result_imag_sin, &abserr_imag_sin);

    //fprintf(stderr, "    cos: %g (+- %g) %g (+- %g)  sin: %g (+- %g) %g (+- %g)\n",
    //        result_real_cos, abserr_real_cos, result_imag_cos, abserr_imag_cos,
    //        result_real_sin, abserr_real_sin, result_imag_sin, abserr_imag_sin);

    gsl_complex cos_part = gsl_complex_rect(result_real_cos, result_imag_cos);
    gsl_complex sin_part = gsl_complex_rect(-result_imag_sin, result_real_sin);
    gsl_complex sum = gsl_complex_add(cos_part, sin_part);
    gsl_complex result = gsl_complex_mul(
            gsl_complex_mul(sum, gsl_complex_exp(gsl_complex_mul_imag(p0, params->r))));



    return result;
Beispiel #11
gsl_complex_arccosh (complex_t const *a, complex_t *res)
{                               /* z = arccosh(a) */
        gsl_complex_arccos (a, res);
	gsl_complex_mul_imag (res, GSL_IMAG (res) > 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0, res);