Beispiel #1
 *      FUNCTION  
 *         Name:  entropy_of_state
 *  Description:  Calculate the Von Neumann entropy of state 'rho'
double entropy_of_state ( const gsl_vector* rho )
	double entr = 0 ;

	/* Finding the eigenvalues */
	gsl_eigen_herm_workspace* rho_ei = gsl_eigen_herm_alloc(2);
	gsl_matrix_complex* dens = gsl_matrix_complex_calloc (2,2);
	gsl_matrix_complex_set (dens, 0, 0, gsl_complex_rect(1+VECTOR(rho, 3),0));
	gsl_matrix_complex_set (dens,0,1,gsl_complex_rect(VECTOR(rho,1),-VECTOR(rho,2)));
	gsl_matrix_complex_set (dens,1,0,gsl_complex_rect(VECTOR(rho,1),VECTOR(rho,2)));
	gsl_matrix_complex_set (dens,1,1,gsl_complex_rect(1-VECTOR(rho,3),0));
	gsl_matrix_complex_scale (dens, gsl_complex_rect(0.5,0));
	gsl_vector* eigenvalues = gsl_vector_calloc(2) ;
	gsl_eigen_herm (dens, eigenvalues, rho_ei) ;
	/* Calculating entropy */
	double norm = gsl_hypot3( VECTOR(rho,1), VECTOR(rho,2),	VECTOR(rho,3) ) ;
	if ( gsl_fcmp(norm, 1, 1e-9) > 0 )
		entr = 0 ;
		entr = - (VECTOR(eigenvalues,0)*gsl_sf_log(VECTOR(eigenvalues,0)) +
			VECTOR(eigenvalues,1)*gsl_sf_log(VECTOR(eigenvalues,1))) ;

	return (entr);
}		/* -----  end of function entropy_of_state  ----- */
Beispiel #2
static VALUE rb_gsl_hypot3(VALUE obj, VALUE x, VALUE y, VALUE z)
  return rb_float_new(gsl_hypot3(NUM2DBL(x), NUM2DBL(y), NUM2DBL(z)));
Beispiel #3
static size_t
swarm_filter_asmvfm(const double thresh, satdata_mag *data)
  size_t i;
  size_t nflag = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < data->n; ++i)
      double F_asm = data->F[i];
      double B[3], F_vfm;

      B[0] = SATDATA_VEC_X(data->B, i);
      B[1] = SATDATA_VEC_Y(data->B, i);
      B[2] = SATDATA_VEC_Z(data->B, i);
      F_vfm = gsl_hypot3(B[0], B[1], B[2]);

      if (fabs(F_asm - F_vfm) > thresh)
          data->flags[i] |= SATDATA_FLG_INSTERR;

  return nflag;
Beispiel #4
void Particle::NormalizeSpeed(void)
	//long double scale = (long double) PARTICLE_SPEED/pow((long double)vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz, (long double) 0.5);
	long double scale = (long double) PARTICLE_SPEED/gsl_hypot3(vx, vy, vz);
	vx *= scale;
	vy *= scale;
	vz *= scale;
Beispiel #5
doplot(const satdata_mag *data, mfield_workspace *w)
  size_t i;
  estist_workspace *est_p = estist_alloc(ESTIST_IDX_FILE);
  double rms_f = 0.0;
  double rms_z = 0.0;
  size_t n = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < data->n; ++i)
      double B_ext[4], B_ext_pomme[4];
      double r = data->altitude[i] + data->R;
      double theta = M_PI / 2.0 - data->latitude[i] * M_PI / 180.0;
      double phi = data->longitude[i] * M_PI / 180.0;
      double E_st, I_st;
      time_t unix_time = satdata_epoch2timet(data->t[i]);

#if 0
      estist_get(unix_time, &E_st, &I_st, est_p);
      mfield_eval_ext(data->t[i], r, theta, phi, E_st, I_st, B_ext, w);

      B_ext_pomme[0] = SATDATA_VEC_X(data->B_ext, i);
      B_ext_pomme[1] = SATDATA_VEC_Y(data->B_ext, i);
      B_ext_pomme[2] = SATDATA_VEC_Z(data->B_ext, i);
      B_ext_pomme[3] = gsl_hypot3(B_ext_pomme[0], B_ext_pomme[1], B_ext_pomme[2]);

      rms_f += pow(B_ext[3] - B_ext_pomme[3], 2.0);
      rms_z += pow(B_ext[2] - B_ext_pomme[2], 2.0);

#if 1
      printf("%f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",

  rms_f = sqrt(rms_f / n);
  rms_z = sqrt(rms_z / n);

  fprintf(stderr, "RMS F = %f [nT]\n", rms_f);
  fprintf(stderr, "RMS Z = %f [nT]\n", rms_z);


  return 0;
Beispiel #6
 *      FUNCTION  
 *         Name:  entropy_production
 *  Description:  
double entropy_production ( const gsl_vector* rho, const gsl_vector* rhoeq,
		const gsl_matrix* L  )
	/* l1, l2, l3 */
	double l[3] ; unsigned int i, j ;
	for ( i = 1 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
		l[i] = 0 ;
		for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ )
			l[i] += gsl_matrix_get(L,i,j)*VECTOR(rho,j) ;

	/* L[rho] */
	double Lr = 0 ;
	for ( i = 1 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
		Lr += l[i]*VECTOR(rho,i) ;

	/* L[rhoeq] */
	double Leq = 0 ;
	for ( i = 1 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
		Leq += l[i]*VECTOR(rhoeq,i) ;

	/* r , req */
	double r, req ;
	r = req = 0 ;

	r = gsl_hypot3(VECTOR(rho,1),VECTOR(rho,2),VECTOR(rho,3)) ;
	req = gsl_hypot3(VECTOR(rhoeq,1),VECTOR(rhoeq,2),
		VECTOR(rhoeq,3)) ;

	/* internal entropy s */
	double s ;
	if ( r < 1 && req < 1 )
		s = -(gsl_sf_log((1+r)/(1-r))*Lr/r -gsl_sf_log((1+req)/(1-req))*Leq/req);
	else if ( r < 1 && req >= 0 )
		s = -gsl_sf_log((1+r)/(1-r))*Lr/r ;
		s = 0 ;

	return s;
}		/* -----  end of function entropy_production  ----- */
Beispiel #7
main (void)
  double y, y_expected;
  int e, e_expected;

  gsl_ieee_env_setup ();

  /* Test for expm1 */

  y = gsl_expm1 (0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(0.0)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.000000000050000000002e-10;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-1e-10);
  y_expected = -9.999999999500000000017e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-1e-10)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (0.1);
  y_expected = 0.1051709180756476248117078264902;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(0.1)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-0.1);
  y_expected = -0.09516258196404042683575094055356;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (10.0);
  y_expected = 22025.465794806716516957900645284;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(10.0)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-10.0);
  y_expected = -0.99995460007023751514846440848444;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-10.0)");

  /* Test for log1p */

  y = gsl_log1p (0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(0.0)");

  y = gsl_log1p (1e-10);
  y_expected = 9.9999999995000000000333333333308e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_log1p (0.1);
  y_expected = 0.095310179804324860043952123280765;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(0.1)");

  y = gsl_log1p (10.0);
  y_expected = 2.3978952727983705440619435779651;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(10.0)");

  /* Test for gsl_hypot */

  y = gsl_hypot (0.0, 0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(0.0, 0.0)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-10, 1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e-10;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-10, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-38, 1e-38);
  y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e-38;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-38, 1e-38)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-10, -1.0);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000000000005;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-10, -1)");

  y = gsl_hypot (-1.0, 1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000000000005;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(-1, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e307, 1e301);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000499999999999e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e307, 1e301)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e301, 1e307);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000499999999999e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e301, 1e307)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e307, 1e307);
  y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e307, 1e307)");

  /* Test +-Inf, finite */
  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_POSINF, 1.2);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_POSINF, 1.2)");

  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_NEGINF, 1.2);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_NEGINF, 1.2)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1.2, GSL_POSINF);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1.2, GSL_POSINF)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1.2, GSL_NEGINF);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1.2, GSL_NEGINF)");

  /* Test NaN, finite */
  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_NAN, 1.2);
  y_expected = GSL_NAN;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_NAN, 1.2)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1.2, GSL_NAN);
  y_expected = GSL_NAN;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1.2, GSL_NAN)");

  /* Test NaN, NaN */

  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_NAN, GSL_NAN);
  y_expected = GSL_NAN;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_NAN, GSL_NAN)");

  /* Test +Inf, NaN */

  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_POSINF, GSL_NAN);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_POSINF, GSL_NAN)");

  /* Test -Inf, NaN */

  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_NEGINF, GSL_NAN);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_NEGINF, GSL_NAN)");

  /* Test NaN, +Inf */

  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_NAN, GSL_POSINF);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_NAN, GSL_POSINF)");

  /* Test NaN, -Inf */

  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_NAN, GSL_NEGINF);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_NAN, GSL_NEGINF)");

  /* Test for gsl_hypot3 */

  y = gsl_hypot3 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e-10, 1e-10, 1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.732050807568877293527446e-10;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e-10, 1e-10, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e-38, 1e-38, 1e-38);
  y_expected = 1.732050807568877293527446e-38;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e-38, 1e-38, 1e-38)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e-10, 1e-10, -1.0);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000000000099;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e-10, 1e-10, -1)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e-10, -1.0, 1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000000000099;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e-10, -1, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (-1.0, 1e-10, 1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000000000099;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(-1, 1e-10, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e307, 1e301, 1e301);
  y_expected = 1.0000000000009999999999995e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e307, 1e301, 1e301)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e307, 1e307, 1e307);
  y_expected = 1.732050807568877293527446e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e307, 1e307, 1e307)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e307, 1e-307, 1e-307);
  y_expected = 1.0e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e307, 1e-307, 1e-307)");

  /* Test for acosh */

  y = gsl_acosh (1.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1.0)");

  y = gsl_acosh (1.1);
  y_expected = 4.435682543851151891329110663525e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1.1)");

  y = gsl_acosh (10.0);
  y_expected = 2.9932228461263808979126677137742e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(10.0)");

  y = gsl_acosh (1e10);
  y_expected = 2.3718998110500402149594646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1e10)");

  /* Test for asinh */

  y = gsl_asinh (0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(0.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1e-10);
  y_expected = 9.9999999999999999999833333333346e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1e-10);
  y_expected = -9.9999999999999999999833333333346e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (0.1);
  y_expected = 9.983407889920756332730312470477e-2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(0.1)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-0.1);
  y_expected = -9.983407889920756332730312470477e-2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1.0);
  y_expected = 8.8137358701954302523260932497979e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1.0);
  y_expected = -8.8137358701954302523260932497979e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-1.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (10.0);
  y_expected = 2.9982229502979697388465955375965e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-10.0);
  y_expected = -2.9982229502979697388465955375965e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1e10);
  y_expected = 2.3718998110500402149599646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1e10);
  y_expected = -2.3718998110500402149599646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-1e10)");

  /* Test for atanh */

  y = gsl_atanh (0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.0)");

  y = gsl_atanh (1e-20);
  y_expected = 1e-20;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(1e-20)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-1e-20);
  y_expected = -1e-20;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(-1e-20)");

  y = gsl_atanh (0.1);
  y_expected = 1.0033534773107558063572655206004e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.1)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-0.1);
  y_expected = -1.0033534773107558063572655206004e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_atanh (0.9);
  y_expected = 1.4722194895832202300045137159439e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.9)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-0.9);
  y_expected = -1.4722194895832202300045137159439e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.9)");

  /* Test for pow_int */

  y = gsl_pow_2 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 2.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_2(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_3 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 3.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_3(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_4 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 4.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_4(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_5 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 5.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_5(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_6 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 6.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_6(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_7 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 7.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_7(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_8 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 8.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_8(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_9 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 9.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_9(-3.14)");

    int n;
    for (n = -9; n < 10; n++)
        y = gsl_pow_int (-3.14, n);
        y_expected = pow (-3.14, n);
        gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_int(-3.14,%d)", n);

    unsigned int n;
    for (n = 0; n < 10; n++)
        y = gsl_pow_uint (-3.14, n);
        y_expected = pow (-3.14, n);
        gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_uint(-3.14,%d)", n);

  /* Test case for n at INT_MAX, INT_MIN */

    double u = 1.0000001;
    int n = INT_MAX;
    y = gsl_pow_int (u, n);
    y_expected = pow (u, n);
    gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-6, "gsl_pow_int(%.7f,%d)", u, n);

    n = INT_MIN;
    y = gsl_pow_int (u, n);
    y_expected = pow (u, n);
    gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-6, "gsl_pow_int(%.7f,%d)", u, n);

  /* Test for ldexp */

  y = gsl_ldexp (M_PI, -2);
  y_expected = M_PI_4;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(pi,-2)");

  y = gsl_ldexp (1.0, 2);
  y_expected = 4.000000;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(1.0,2)");

  y = gsl_ldexp (0.0, 2);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(0.0,2)");

  y = gsl_ldexp (9.999999999999998890e-01, 1024);
  y_expected = GSL_DBL_MAX;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp DBL_MAX");

  y = gsl_ldexp (1e308, -2000);
  y_expected = 8.7098098162172166755761e-295;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(1e308,-2000)");

  y = gsl_ldexp (GSL_DBL_MIN, 2000);
  y_expected = 2.554675596204441378334779940e294;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(DBL_MIN,2000)");

  /* Test subnormals */

    int i = 0;
    volatile double x = GSL_DBL_MIN;
    y_expected = 2.554675596204441378334779940e294;
    x /= 2;
    while (x > 0)
        i++ ;
        y = gsl_ldexp (x, 2000 + i);
        gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(DBL_MIN/2**%d,%d)",i,2000+i);
        x /= 2;

  /* Test for frexp */

  y = gsl_frexp (0.0, &e);
  y_expected = 0;
  e_expected = 0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(0) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(0) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (M_PI, &e);
  y_expected = M_PI_4;
  e_expected = 2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(pi) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(pi) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (2.0, &e);
  y_expected = 0.5;
  e_expected = 2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(2.0) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(2.0) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (1.0 / 4.0, &e);
  y_expected = 0.5;
  e_expected = -1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(0.25) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(0.25) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (1.0 / 4.0 - 4.0 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, &e);
  y_expected = 0.999999999999996447;
  e_expected = -2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(0.25-eps) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(0.25-eps) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (GSL_DBL_MAX, &e);
  y_expected = 9.999999999999998890e-01;
  e_expected = 1024;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(DBL_MAX) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(DBL_MAX) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (-GSL_DBL_MAX, &e);
  y_expected = -9.999999999999998890e-01;
  e_expected = 1024;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(-DBL_MAX) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(-DBL_MAX) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (GSL_DBL_MIN, &e);
  y_expected = 0.5;
  e_expected = -1021;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(DBL_MIN) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(DBL_MIN) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (-GSL_DBL_MIN, &e);
  y_expected = -0.5;
  e_expected = -1021;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(-DBL_MIN) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(-DBL_MIN) exponent");

  /* Test subnormals */

    int i = 0;
    volatile double x = GSL_DBL_MIN;
    y_expected = 0.5;
    e_expected = -1021;
    x /= 2;

    while (x > 0)
        i++ ;
        y = gsl_frexp (x, &e);
        gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(DBL_MIN/2**%d) fraction",i);
        gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(DBL_MIN/2**%d) exponent", i);
        x /= 2;

  /* Test for approximate floating point comparison */
    double x, y;
    int i;

    x = M_PI;
    y = 22.0 / 7.0;

    /* test the basic function */

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        double tol = pow (10, -i);
        int res = gsl_fcmp (x, y, tol);
        gsl_test_int (res, -(i >= 4), "gsl_fcmp(%.5f,%.5f,%g)", x, y, tol);

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        double tol = pow (10, -i);
        int res = gsl_fcmp (y, x, tol);
        gsl_test_int (res, (i >= 4), "gsl_fcmp(%.5f,%.5f,%g)", y, x, tol);

  /* Test for isinf, isnan, finite */

    double zero, one, inf, nan;
    int s;

    zero = 0.0;
    one = 1.0;
    inf = exp (1.0e10);
    nan = inf / inf;

    s = gsl_isinf (zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(0)");

    s = gsl_isinf (one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(1)");

    s = gsl_isinf (inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_isinf(inf)");

    s = gsl_isinf (-inf);  
    gsl_test_int (s, -1, "gsl_isinf(-inf)");

    s = gsl_isinf (nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(nan)");

    s = gsl_isnan (zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(0)");

    s = gsl_isnan (one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(1)");

    s = gsl_isnan (inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(inf)");

    s = gsl_isnan (-inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(-inf)");

    s = gsl_isnan (nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_isnan(nan)");

    s = gsl_finite (zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_finite(0)");

    s = gsl_finite (one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_finite(1)");

    s = gsl_finite (inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_finite(inf)");

    s = gsl_finite (-inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_finite(-inf)");

    s = gsl_finite (nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_finite(nan)");

    double x = gsl_fdiv (2.0, 3.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 2.0 / 3.0, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "gsl_fdiv(2,3)");

  /* Test constants in gsl_math.h */

    double x = log(M_E);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 1.0, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "ln(M_E)");
    double x=pow(2.0,M_LOG2E);
    gsl_test_rel (x, exp(1.0), 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "2^M_LOG2E");
    double x=pow(10.0,M_LOG10E);
    gsl_test_rel (x, exp(1.0), 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "10^M_LOG10E");

    double x=pow(M_SQRT2, 2.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 2.0, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_SQRT2^2");

    double x=pow(M_SQRT1_2, 2.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 1.0/2.0, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_SQRT1_2");

    double x=pow(M_SQRT3, 2.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 3.0, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_SQRT3^2");

    double x = M_PI;
    gsl_test_rel (x, 3.1415926535897932384626433832795, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_PI");

    double x = 2 * M_PI_2;
    gsl_test_rel (x, M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "2*M_PI_2");

    double x = 4 * M_PI_4;
    gsl_test_rel (x, M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "4*M_PI_4");

    double x = pow(M_SQRTPI, 2.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_SQRTPI^2");

    double x = pow(M_2_SQRTPI, 2.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 4/M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_SQRTPI^2");

    double x = M_1_PI;
    gsl_test_rel (x, 1/M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_1_SQRTPI");

    double x = M_2_PI;
    gsl_test_rel (x, 2.0/M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_2_PI");

    double x = exp(M_LN10);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 10, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "exp(M_LN10)");

    double x = exp(M_LN2);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 2, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "exp(M_LN2)");

    double x = exp(M_LNPI);
    gsl_test_rel (x, M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "exp(M_LNPI)");

    double x = M_EULER;
    gsl_test_rel (x, 0.5772156649015328606065120900824, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_EULER");

  exit (gsl_test_summary ());
Beispiel #8
 *      FUNCTION  
 *         Name:  red_evol
 *  Description:  
int red_evol ( void* params, const double r[], double time_end, double step,
		const gsl_vector* req_red, gsl_matrix* red_m )
	struct f_params* pars = (struct f_params*) params ;

	unsigned int i ;                        /* counter for the for loops */

	 *  evolving the systems
	double t = 0 ; 

	/* setting the initial vector */
	gsl_vector* init_red = gsl_vector_calloc(4) ;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ )
		gsl_vector_set ( init_red, i, r[i] ) ;

	 * Initializing the system for Redfield dynamics
	gsl_odeiv2_system red_sys = { generator, jac, 4, (void*) red_m } ;

	/* Choosing the step function type: Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg (4,5) */	
	/* gsl_odeiv2_step* s = gsl_odeiv2_step_alloc ( gsl_odeiv2_step_rkf45 , 4 ) ; */

	/* Choosing the step function type: Runge-Kutta Cash-Karp (4,5) */	
	gsl_odeiv2_step* r_s = gsl_odeiv2_step_alloc ( gsl_odeiv2_step_rkck , 4 ) ;

	/* Setting the step control: abserr=1e-9, relerr=1e-3 */
	gsl_odeiv2_control* r_c = gsl_odeiv2_control_standard_new ( 1e-9, 1e-3, 1, 1 ) ;

	/* Allocating the space for evolution function */
	gsl_odeiv2_evolve* r_e = gsl_odeiv2_evolve_alloc ( 4 ) ;

	/* opening the files */
	FILE* f_red = fopen ( "RED-EVOLUTION.dat", "w" ) ;
	FILE* g_red = fopen ( "RED-ENTROPY-PROD.dat", "w" ) ;
	FILE* h_red = fopen ( "RED-CURRENT.dat", "w" ) ;
	FILE* i_red = fopen ( "RED-ENTROPY.dat", "w" ) ;

	/* writing data */
	while ( t < t_end )
		evol ( t, init_red, step, r_e, r_c, r_s, &red_sys ) ;
		fprintf ( f_red, "%.2f %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f\n", t,
				VECTOR(init_red,1), VECTOR(init_red,2),
					VECTOR(init_red,3)) ) ;
		fprintf ( g_red, "%.2f %.9f\n",
				t, entropy_production( init_red, req_red, red_m )) ;
		fprintf ( h_red, "%.2f %.9f\n",	t, tot_current(init_red, pars) ) ;
		fprintf ( i_red, "%.2f %.9f\n",
				t, entropy_of_state(init_red) ) ;
		t += step ;
	/* final entropy */
	printf("Final entropy: %g\n", entropy_of_state(init_red) ) ;

	/*  close the files */
	fclose (f_red) ;
	fclose (g_red) ;
	fclose (h_red) ;
	fclose (i_red) ;

	/* free memory for evolution */
	gsl_odeiv2_evolve_free (r_e) ;
	gsl_odeiv2_control_free (r_c) ;
	gsl_odeiv2_step_free (r_s) ;

	return 0;
}		/* -----  end of function red_evol  ----- */
Beispiel #9
  * C++ version of gsl_hypot3(). Avoids overflow.
  * @param x A real value.
  * @param y A real value.
  * @param z A real value.
  * @return \f$\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2}\f$.
 inline double hypot3( double const x, double const y, double const z ){ return gsl_hypot3( x, y, z ); }
Beispiel #10
Datei: print.c Projekt: pa345/lib
print_data(const int down_sample, const print_parameters *params,
           const satdata_mag *data)
  int s = 0;
  size_t i, j;
  f107_workspace *f107_p = f107_alloc(F107_IDX_FILE);

  i = 1;
  printf("# Field %zu: time (UT)\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: time (decimal year)\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: UT (hours)\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: local time (hours)\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: season (day of year)\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: EUVAC\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: longitude (degrees)\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: latitude (degrees)\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: altitude (km)\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: QD latitude (degrees)\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: satellite direction\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: electron density (cm^{-3})\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: scalar field (nT)\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: X field (nT)\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: Y field (nT)\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: Z field (nT)\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: scalar residual (nT)\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: X residual (nT)\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: Y residual (nT)\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: Z residual (nT)\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: X main (nT)\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: Y main (nT)\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: Z main (nT)\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: X crust (nT)\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: Y crust (nT)\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: Z crust (nT)\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: X external (nT)\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: Y external (nT)\n", i++);
  printf("# Field %zu: Z external (nT)\n", i++);

  for (i = 0; i < data->n; i += down_sample)
      time_t unix_time;
      double phi = data->longitude[i] * M_PI / 180.0;
      double lt, ut, euvac;
      double qdlat = data->qdlat[i];
      double B_obs[3], B_main[3], B_crust[3], B_ext[3], B_res[4], B_model[4];

      if (data->flags[i])
        continue; /* nan vector components */

      if (qdlat < params->qd_min || qdlat > params->qd_max)

      if (data->altitude[i] < params->alt_min || data->altitude[i] > params->alt_max)

      unix_time = satdata_epoch2timet(data->t[i]);

      lt = get_localtime(unix_time, phi);
      if (lt < params->lt_min || lt > params->lt_max)

      ut = get_ut(unix_time);
      if (ut < params->ut_min || ut > params->ut_max)

      f107_get_euvac(unix_time, &euvac, f107_p);

      B_obs[0] = SATDATA_VEC_X(data->B, i);
      B_obs[1] = SATDATA_VEC_Y(data->B, i);
      B_obs[2] = SATDATA_VEC_Z(data->B, i);

      B_main[0] = SATDATA_VEC_X(data->B_main, i);
      B_main[1] = SATDATA_VEC_Y(data->B_main, i);
      B_main[2] = SATDATA_VEC_Z(data->B_main, i);

      B_crust[0] = SATDATA_VEC_X(data->B_crust, i);
      B_crust[1] = SATDATA_VEC_Y(data->B_crust, i);
      B_crust[2] = SATDATA_VEC_Z(data->B_crust, i);

      B_ext[0] = SATDATA_VEC_X(data->B_ext, i);
      B_ext[1] = SATDATA_VEC_Y(data->B_ext, i);
      B_ext[2] = SATDATA_VEC_Z(data->B_ext, i);

      for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
          B_model[j] = B_main[j] + B_crust[j] + B_ext[j];
          B_res[j] = B_obs[j] - B_model[j];

      /* compute scalar residual */
      B_model[3] = gsl_hypot3(B_model[0], B_model[1], B_model[2]);
      B_res[3] = data->F[i] - B_model[3];

      printf("%ld %.8f %.2f %.2f %6.2f %5.1f %10.4f %8.4f %10.4f %10.4f %d %10.4e %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f\n",
             satdata_mag_satdir(i, data),
             SATDATA_VEC_X(data->B, i),
             SATDATA_VEC_Y(data->B, i),
             SATDATA_VEC_Z(data->B, i),


  return s;