Beispiel #1
/// Bilinear interpolation for u given k*rs and c
double cosmology::ukinterp(double krs, double c)
    // Bilinear interpolation is not defined in GSL. So code this up yourself
	// Init ukm
    double xc=log10(c);
    double xkrs=log10(krs);
    double result;

    int i,j;
    // Complain for out of bound krs and c values
	std::cout<<"krs out of bound in ukinterp, log10[krs]="<<xkrs<<std::endl;
	std::cout<<"Extrapolating to "<<xkrs<<std::endl;
	std::cout<<"c out of bound in ukinterp, log10[c]="<<xc<<std::endl;
	std::cout<<"Extrapolating to "<<xc<<std::endl;
	// For small k u(k|M)=1.0
	return result;

    // Look up con and krs index
	i=gsl_interp_accel_find (uk_c_acc,uk_c,Nuk,xc);
        j=gsl_interp_accel_find (uk_krs_acc,uk_krs,Nuk,xkrs);

    double y11=ukrsc[ i ][ j ];
    double y12=ukrsc[ i ][j+1];
    double y21=ukrsc[i+1][ j ];
    double y22=ukrsc[i+1][j+1];

    double kdis=(xkrs-uk_krs[j])/(uk_krs[j+1]-uk_krs[j]);
    double cdis=(xc-uk_c[i])/(uk_c[i+1]-uk_c[i]);

    double r1=y11+cdis*(y21-y11);
    double r2=y12+cdis*(y22-y12);

    return pow(10.,result);

Beispiel #2
akima_eval_integ (const void * vstate,
                  const double x_array[], const double y_array[], size_t size,
                  gsl_interp_accel * acc,
                  double a, double b,
                  double * result)
  const akima_state_t *state = (const akima_state_t *) vstate;

  size_t i, index_a, index_b;

  if (acc != 0)
      index_a = gsl_interp_accel_find (acc, x_array, size, a);
      index_b = gsl_interp_accel_find (acc, x_array, size, b);
      index_a = gsl_interp_bsearch (x_array, a, 0, size - 1);
      index_b = gsl_interp_bsearch (x_array, b, 0, size - 1);
  *result = 0.0;

  /* interior intervals */
  for(i=index_a; i<=index_b; i++) {
    const double x_hi = x_array[i + 1];
    const double x_lo = x_array[i];
    const double y_lo = y_array[i];
    const double dx = x_hi - x_lo;
    if(dx != 0.0) {

      if (i == index_a || i == index_b)
          double x1 = (i == index_a) ? a : x_lo;
          double x2 = (i == index_b) ? b : x_hi;
          *result += integ_eval (y_lo, state->b[i], state->c[i], state->d[i],
                                 x_lo, x1, x2);
          *result += dx * (y_lo 
                           + dx*(0.5*state->b[i] 
                                 + dx*(state->c[i]/3.0 
                                       + 0.25*state->d[i]*dx)));
    else {
      *result = 0.0;
      return GSL_FAILURE;
  return GSL_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #3
cspline_eval_integ (const void * vstate,
                    const double x_array[], const double y_array[], size_t size,
                    gsl_interp_accel * acc,
                    double a, double b,
                    double * result)
  const cspline_state_t *state = (const cspline_state_t *) vstate;

  size_t i, index_a, index_b;
  if (acc != 0)
      index_a = gsl_interp_accel_find (acc, x_array, size, a);
      index_b = gsl_interp_accel_find (acc, x_array, size, b);
      index_a = gsl_interp_bsearch (x_array, a, 0, size - 1);
      index_b = gsl_interp_bsearch (x_array, b, 0, size - 1);

  *result = 0.0;
  /* interior intervals */
  for(i=index_a; i<=index_b; i++) {
    const double x_hi = x_array[i + 1];
    const double x_lo = x_array[i];
    const double y_lo = y_array[i];
    const double y_hi = y_array[i + 1];
    const double dx = x_hi - x_lo;
    const double dy = y_hi - y_lo;
    if(dx != 0.0) {
      double b_i, c_i, d_i; 
      coeff_calc(state->c, dy, dx, i,  &b_i, &c_i, &d_i);
      if (i == index_a || i == index_b)
          double x1 = (i == index_a) ? a : x_lo;
          double x2 = (i == index_b) ? b : x_hi;
          *result += integ_eval(y_lo, b_i, c_i, d_i, x_lo, x1, x2);
          *result += dx * (y_lo + dx*(0.5*b_i + dx*(c_i/3.0 + 0.25*d_i*dx)));
    else {
      *result = 0.0;
      return GSL_EINVAL;
  return GSL_SUCCESS;
linear_eval_integ (const void * vstate,
                   const double x_array[], const double y_array[], size_t size,
                   gsl_interp_accel * acc,
                   double a, double b,
                   double * result)
  size_t i, index_a, index_b;
  if (acc != 0)
      index_a = gsl_interp_accel_find (acc, x_array, size, a);
      index_b = gsl_interp_accel_find (acc, x_array, size, b);
      index_a = gsl_interp_bsearch (x_array, a, 0, size - 1);
      index_b = gsl_interp_bsearch (x_array, b, 0, size - 1);
    /* endpoints span more than one interval */

  *result = 0.0;
  /* interior intervals */
  for(i=index_a; i<=index_b; i++) {
    const double x_hi = x_array[i + 1];
    const double x_lo = x_array[i];
    const double y_lo = y_array[i];
    const double y_hi = y_array[i + 1];
    const double dx = x_hi - x_lo;

    if(dx != 0.0) {
      if (i == index_a || i == index_b)
          double x1 = (i == index_a) ? a : x_lo;
          double x2 = (i == index_b) ? b : x_hi;
          const double D = (y_hi-y_lo)/dx;
          *result += (x2-x1) * (y_lo + 0.5*D*((x2-x_lo)+(x1-x_lo)));
          *result += 0.5 * dx * (y_lo + y_hi);
  return GSL_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #5
akima_eval_deriv2 (const void * vstate,
                   const double x_array[], const double y_array[], size_t size,
                   double x,
                   gsl_interp_accel * a,
                   double *y_pp)
  const akima_state_t *state = (const akima_state_t *) vstate;

  size_t index;

  DISCARD_POINTER(y_array); /* prevent warning about unused parameter */

  if (a != 0)
      index = gsl_interp_accel_find (a, x_array, size, x);
      index = gsl_interp_bsearch (x_array, x, 0, size - 1);
  /* evaluate */
    const double x_lo = x_array[index];
    const double delx = x - x_lo;
    const double c = state->c[index];
    const double d = state->d[index];
    *y_pp = 2.0 * c + 6.0 * d * delx;
    return GSL_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #6
akima_eval (const void * vstate,
            const double x_array[], const double y_array[], size_t size,
            double x,
            gsl_interp_accel * a,
            double *y)
  const akima_state_t *state = (const akima_state_t *) vstate;

  size_t index;
  if (a != 0)
      index = gsl_interp_accel_find (a, x_array, size, x);
      index = gsl_interp_bsearch (x_array, x, 0, size - 1);
  /* evaluate */
    const double x_lo = x_array[index];
    const double delx = x - x_lo;
    const double b = state->b[index];
    const double c = state->c[index];
    const double d = state->d[index];
    *y = y_array[index] + delx * (b + delx * (c + d * delx));
    return GSL_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #7
static VALUE rb_gsl_spline_find(VALUE obj, VALUE vv, VALUE xx)
  rb_gsl_spline *sp = NULL;
  double *ptr = NULL, x;
  size_t size, stride;
  Data_Get_Struct(obj, rb_gsl_spline, sp);
  ptr = get_vector_ptr(vv, &stride, &size);
  x = RFLOAT_VALUE(xx);
  return INT2FIX(gsl_interp_accel_find(sp->a, ptr, size, x));
Beispiel #8
static VALUE rb_gsl_interp_find(VALUE obj, VALUE vv, VALUE xx)
  rb_gsl_interp *rgi = NULL;
  double *ptr = NULL, x;
  size_t size, stride;
  Data_Get_Struct(obj, rb_gsl_interp, rgi);
  ptr = get_vector_ptr(vv, &stride, &size);
  x = NUM2DBL(xx);
  return INT2FIX(gsl_interp_accel_find(rgi->a, ptr, size, x));
Beispiel #9
static VALUE rb_gsl_interp_accel_find(VALUE obj, VALUE vv, VALUE xx)
  gsl_interp_accel *a = NULL;
  double x, *ptr = NULL;
  size_t size, stride;
  Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_interp_accel, a);
  ptr = get_vector_ptr(vv, &stride, &size);
  x = NUM2DBL(xx);
  return INT2FIX(gsl_interp_accel_find(a, ptr, size, x));
Beispiel #10
static int
bilinear_deriv_x(const void * state, const double xarr[],
                 const double yarr[], const double zarr[],
                 size_t xsize, size_t ysize, double x, double y,
                 gsl_interp_accel * xa, gsl_interp_accel * ya, double * z_p)
  double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zminmin, zminmax, zmaxmin, zmaxmax;
  double dx, dy;
  double dt, u;
  size_t xi, yi;

  if (xa != NULL)
    xi = gsl_interp_accel_find(xa, xarr, xsize, x);
    xi = gsl_interp_bsearch(xarr, x, 0, xsize - 1);

  if (ya != NULL)
    yi = gsl_interp_accel_find(ya, yarr, ysize, y);
    yi = gsl_interp_bsearch(yarr, y, 0, ysize - 1);

  xmin = xarr[xi];
  xmax = xarr[xi + 1];
  ymin = yarr[yi];
  ymax = yarr[yi + 1];
  zminmin = zarr[IDX2D(xi, yi, xsize, ysize)];
  zminmax = zarr[IDX2D(xi, yi + 1, xsize, ysize)];
  zmaxmin = zarr[IDX2D(xi + 1, yi, xsize, ysize)];
  zmaxmax = zarr[IDX2D(xi + 1, yi + 1, xsize, ysize)];
  dx = xmax - xmin;
  dy = ymax - ymin;
  dt = 1./dx; /* partial t / partial x */
  u = (y - ymin)/dy;
  *z_p = dt*(-(1.-u)*zminmin + (1.-u)*zmaxmin - u*zminmax + u*zmaxmax);

  return GSL_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #11
static int
bilinear_eval(const void * state, const double xarr[], const double yarr[],
              const double zarr[], size_t xsize, size_t ysize,
              double x, double y, gsl_interp_accel * xa,
              gsl_interp_accel * ya, double * z)
  double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zminmin, zminmax, zmaxmin, zmaxmax;
  double dx, dy;
  double t, u;
  size_t xi, yi;

  if (xa != NULL)
    xi = gsl_interp_accel_find(xa, xarr, xsize, x);
    xi = gsl_interp_bsearch(xarr, x, 0, xsize - 1);

  if (ya != NULL)
    yi = gsl_interp_accel_find(ya, yarr, ysize, y);
    yi = gsl_interp_bsearch(yarr, y, 0, ysize - 1);

  xmin = xarr[xi];
  xmax = xarr[xi + 1];
  ymin = yarr[yi];
  ymax = yarr[yi + 1];
  zminmin = zarr[IDX2D(xi, yi, xsize, ysize)];
  zminmax = zarr[IDX2D(xi, yi + 1, xsize, ysize)];
  zmaxmin = zarr[IDX2D(xi + 1, yi, xsize, ysize)];
  zmaxmax = zarr[IDX2D(xi + 1, yi + 1, xsize, ysize)];
  dx = xmax - xmin;
  dy = ymax - ymin;
  t = (x - xmin)/dx;
  u = (y - ymin)/dy;
  *z = (1.-t)*(1.-u)*zminmin + t*(1.-u)*zmaxmin + (1.-t)*u*zminmax + t*u*zmaxmax;

  return GSL_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #12
cspline_eval_deriv2 (const void * vstate,
                     const double x_array[], const double y_array[], size_t size,
                     double x,
                     gsl_interp_accel * a,
                     double * y_pp)
  const cspline_state_t *state = (const cspline_state_t *) vstate;

  double x_lo, x_hi;
  double dx;
  size_t index;
  if (a != 0)
      index = gsl_interp_accel_find (a, x_array, size, x);
      index = gsl_interp_bsearch (x_array, x, 0, size - 1);
  /* evaluate */
  x_hi = x_array[index + 1];
  x_lo = x_array[index];
  dx = x_hi - x_lo;
  if (dx > 0.0)
      const double y_lo = y_array[index];
      const double y_hi = y_array[index + 1];
      const double dy = y_hi - y_lo;
      double delx = x - x_lo;
      double b_i, c_i, d_i;
      coeff_calc(state->c, dy, dx, index,  &b_i, &c_i, &d_i);
      *y_pp = 2.0 * c_i + 6.0 * d_i * delx;
      return GSL_SUCCESS;
      *y_pp = 0.0;
      return GSL_EINVAL;
linear_eval_deriv (const void * vstate,
                   const double x_array[], const double y_array[], size_t size,
                   double x,
                   gsl_interp_accel * a,
                   double *dydx)
  double x_lo, x_hi;
  double y_lo, y_hi;
  double dx;
  double dy;
  size_t index;
  if (a != 0)
      index = gsl_interp_accel_find (a, x_array, size, x);
      index = gsl_interp_bsearch (x_array, x, 0, size - 1);
  /* evaluate */
  x_lo = x_array[index];
  x_hi = x_array[index + 1];
  y_lo = y_array[index];
  y_hi = y_array[index + 1];
  dx = x_hi - x_lo;
  dy = y_hi - y_lo;
  if (dx > 0.0)
      *dydx = dy / dx;;
      return GSL_SUCCESS;
      *dydx = 0.0;
      return GSL_EINVAL;
Beispiel #14
static int
bicubic_deriv_yy(const void * vstate, const double xarr[], const double yarr[],
                 const double zarr[], size_t xsize, size_t ysize,
                 double x, double y,
                 gsl_interp_accel * xa, gsl_interp_accel * ya, double * z_pp)
  bicubic_state_t *state = (bicubic_state_t *) vstate;

  double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
  double zminmin, zminmax, zmaxmin, zmaxmax;
  double zxminmin, zxminmax, zxmaxmin, zxmaxmax;
  double zyminmin, zyminmax, zymaxmin, zymaxmax;
  double zxyminmin, zxyminmax, zxymaxmin, zxymaxmax;

  double dx, dy; /* size of the grid cell */
  double dt, du;

   * t and u are the positions within the grid cell at which we are computing
   * the interpolation, in units of grid cell size
  double t, u;
  double t0, t1, t2, t3, u0, u1;
  double v;
  size_t xi, yi;

  /* first compute the indices into the data arrays where we are interpolating */
  if (xa != NULL)
    xi = gsl_interp_accel_find(xa, xarr, xsize, x);
    xi = gsl_interp_bsearch(xarr, x, 0, xsize - 1);

  if (ya != NULL)
    yi = gsl_interp_accel_find(ya, yarr, ysize, y);
    yi = gsl_interp_bsearch(yarr, y, 0, ysize - 1);

  /* find the minimum and maximum values on the grid cell in each dimension */
  xmin = xarr[xi];
  xmax = xarr[xi + 1];
  ymin = yarr[yi];
  ymax = yarr[yi + 1];
  zminmin = zarr[IDX2D(xi, yi, state)];
  zminmax = zarr[IDX2D(xi, yi + 1, state)];
  zmaxmin = zarr[IDX2D(xi + 1, yi, state)];
  zmaxmax = zarr[IDX2D(xi + 1, yi + 1, state)];

  /* get the width and height of the grid cell */
  dx = xmax - xmin;
  dy = ymax - ymin;
  t = (x - xmin)/dx;
  u = (y - ymin)/dy;
  dt = 1./dx; /* partial t / partial x */
  du = 1./dy; /* partial u / partial y */

  zxminmin = state->zx[IDX2D(xi, yi, state)]/dt;
  zxminmax = state->zx[IDX2D(xi, yi + 1, state)]/dt;
  zxmaxmin = state->zx[IDX2D(xi + 1, yi, state)]/dt;
  zxmaxmax = state->zx[IDX2D(xi + 1, yi + 1, state)]/dt;
  zyminmin = state->zy[IDX2D(xi, yi, state)]/du;
  zyminmax = state->zy[IDX2D(xi, yi + 1, state)]/du;
  zymaxmin = state->zy[IDX2D(xi + 1, yi, state)]/du;
  zymaxmax = state->zy[IDX2D(xi + 1, yi + 1, state)]/du;
  zxyminmin = state->zxy[IDX2D(xi, yi, state)]/(dt*du);
  zxyminmax = state->zxy[IDX2D(xi, yi + 1, state)]/(dt*du);
  zxymaxmin = state->zxy[IDX2D(xi + 1, yi, state)]/(dt*du);
  zxymaxmax = state->zxy[IDX2D(xi + 1, yi + 1, state)]/(dt*du);

  t0 = 1;
  t1 = t;
  t2 = t*t;
  t3 = t*t2;
  u0 = 1;
  u1 = u;

  *z_pp = 0;
  v = -3*zminmin + 3*zminmax - 2*zyminmin - zyminmax;
  *z_pp += 2*v*t0*u0;
  v = 2*zminmin-2*zminmax + zyminmin + zyminmax;
  *z_pp += 6*v*t0*u1;
  v = -3*zxminmin + 3*zxminmax - 2*zxyminmin - zxyminmax;
  *z_pp += 2*v*t1*u0;
  v = 2*zxminmin - 2*zxminmax + zxyminmin + zxyminmax;
  *z_pp += 6*v*t1*u1;
  v = 9*zminmin - 9*zmaxmin + 9*zmaxmax - 9*zminmax + 6*zxminmin + 3*zxmaxmin - 3*zxmaxmax - 6*zxminmax + 6*zyminmin - 6*zymaxmin - 3*zymaxmax + 3*zyminmax + 4*zxyminmin + 2*zxymaxmin + zxymaxmax + 2*zxyminmax;
  *z_pp += 2*v*t2*u0;
  v = -6*zminmin + 6*zmaxmin - 6*zmaxmax + 6*zminmax - 4*zxminmin - 2*zxmaxmin + 2*zxmaxmax + 4*zxminmax - 3*zyminmin + 3*zymaxmin + 3*zymaxmax - 3*zyminmax - 2*zxyminmin - zxymaxmin - zxymaxmax - 2*zxyminmax;
  *z_pp += 6*v*t2*u1;
  v = -6*zminmin + 6*zmaxmin - 6*zmaxmax + 6*zminmax - 3*zxminmin - 3*zxmaxmin + 3*zxmaxmax + 3*zxminmax - 4*zyminmin + 4*zymaxmin + 2*zymaxmax - 2*zyminmax - 2*zxyminmin - 2*zxymaxmin - zxymaxmax - zxyminmax;
  *z_pp += 2*v*t3*u0;
  v = 4*zminmin - 4*zmaxmin + 4*zmaxmax - 4*zminmax + 2*zxminmin + 2*zxmaxmin - 2*zxmaxmax - 2*zxminmax + 2*zyminmin - 2*zymaxmin - 2*zymaxmax + 2*zyminmax + zxyminmin + zxymaxmin + zxymaxmax + zxyminmax;
  *z_pp += 6*v*t3*u1;
  *z_pp *= du*du;

  return GSL_SUCCESS;
 * find the nearest index i to frequency freq in fft such that
 * f[i] < freq <f[i+1]
int BandPassFilterFFT::ffind(double freq){
	return gsl_interp_accel_find (faccel, f, freqs, freq );