/*maxwell_juettner_rho_Q: Fitting formula for Faraday conversion coefficient
 *                        rho_Q from Dexter (2016) for a Maxwell-Juettner
 *                        distribution.  This formula comes from his
 *                        equations B4, B6, B8, and B13.
 *@params: struct of parameters params
 *@returns: fitting formula to the Faraday conversion coefficient
 *          for a Maxwell-Juettner distribution of electrons. 
double maxwell_juettner_rho_Q(struct parameters * params)
  double omega0 = params->electron_charge*params->magnetic_field
                  / (params->mass_electron*params->speed_light);

  double wp2 = 4. * params->pi * params->electron_density 
	       * pow(params->electron_charge, 2.) / params->mass_electron;

  /* argument for function f(X) (called jffunc) below */
  double x = params->theta_e * sqrt(sqrt(2.) * sin(params->observer_angle)
                 * (1.e3*omega0 / (2. * params->pi * params->nu)));

  /* this is the definition of the modified factor f(X) from Dexter (2016) */
  double extraterm = (.011*exp(-x/47.2) - pow(2., (-1./3.)) / pow(3., (23./6.))
                      * params->pi * 1.e4 * pow((x + 1.e-16), (-8./3.)))
                     * (0.5 + 0.5 * tanh((log(x) - log(120.)) / 0.1));

  double jffunc = 2.011 * exp(-pow(x, 1.035)/4.7) - cos(x/2.) 
                  * exp(-pow(x, 1.2)/2.73) - .011 * exp(-x / 47.2) + extraterm;

  double eps11m22 = jffunc * wp2 * pow(omega0, 2.) 
                    / pow(2.*params->pi * params->nu, 4.)
                    * (gsl_sf_bessel_Kn(1, 1./params->theta_e) 
                       / gsl_sf_bessel_Kn(2, 1./params->theta_e)
                       + 6. * params->theta_e) 
                    * pow(sin(params->observer_angle), 2.);

  double rhoq = 2. * params->pi * params->nu /(2. * params->speed_light) 
                * eps11m22;

  return rhoq;
Beispiel #2
/*differential_of_f: term in gamma integrand only for absorptivity calculation; 
 *it is the differential Df = 2\pi\nu (1/(mc)*d/dgamma + (beta cos(theta)
 * -cos(xi))/(p*beta*c) * d/d(cos(xi))) f 
 *this is eq. 41 of [1]
 *below it is applied for the THERMAL, POWER_LAW, and KAPPA_DIST distributions
 *@param gamma: Input, Lorentz factor
 *@param nu: Input, frequency of emission/absorption
 *@returns: Output, Df term in gamma integrand; depends on distribution function
double differential_of_f(double gamma, double nu) {
    double prefactor = (M_PI * nu / (mass_electron*speed_light*speed_light)) 
		     * (n_e/(theta_e * gsl_sf_bessel_Kn(2, 1./theta_e)));
    double body = (-1./theta_e) * exp(-gamma/theta_e);
    double f = prefactor * body;
    double pl_norm = 4.* M_PI/(normalize_f());
    double prefactor = (M_PI * nu / (mass_electron*speed_light*speed_light)) 
                     * (n_e_NT*(power_law_p-1.))
                     /((pow(gamma_min, 1.-power_law_p) 
                     - pow(gamma_max, 1.-power_law_p)));
    double term1 = ((-power_law_p-1.)*exp(-gamma/gamma_cutoff)
               *pow(gamma,-power_law_p-2.)/(sqrt(gamma*gamma - 1.)));
    double term2 = (exp(-gamma/gamma_cutoff) * pow(gamma,(-power_law_p-1.))
                  /(gamma_cutoff * sqrt(gamma*gamma - 1.)));
    double term3 = (exp(-gamma/gamma_cutoff) * pow(gamma,-power_law_p))
               /pow((gamma*gamma - 1.), (3./2.));
    double f = pl_norm * prefactor * (term1 - term2 - term3);
    double prefactor = n_e * (1./normalize_f()) * 4. * M_PI*M_PI * nu 
                     * mass_electron*mass_electron * speed_light;
    double term1 = ((- kappa - 1.) / (kappa * w)) * pow((1. + (gamma - 1.)
                  /(kappa * w)), -kappa-2.);
    double term2 = pow((1. + (gamma - 1.)/(kappa * w)), (- kappa - 1.)) 
                    * (- 1./gamma_cutoff);
    double f = prefactor * (term1 + term2) * exp(-gamma/gamma_cutoff);
    return f;
/*dMJ_dgamma: returns the value of df/d\gamma, where f is the Maxwell-Juettner 
 *    (relativistic thermal) distribution function, for the parameters in 
 *    the struct p.
 *@params: pointer to struct of parameters *params
 *@returns: d/dgamma MJ(params->gamma, params->theta_e)
double dMJ_dgamma(struct parameters * params)
  double ans = -exp(-params->gamma/params->theta_e) 
  	   / (4. * params->pi * params->theta_e*params->theta_e 
    	      * gsl_sf_bessel_Kn(2, 1./params->theta_e));
  return ans;
Beispiel #4
/*maxwell_juttner_f: Maxwell-Juttner distribution function in terms of Lorentz 
 * factor gamma; uses eq. 47, 49, 50 of [1]
 *@param gamma: Input, Lorentz factor
 *@returns: THERMAL distribution function, which goes into the gamma integrand 
double maxwell_juttner_f(double gamma) {
  double beta = sqrt(1. - 1./(gamma*gamma));
  double d = (n_e * gamma * sqrt(gamma*gamma-1.) * exp(-gamma/theta_e))
            /(4. * M_PI * theta_e * gsl_sf_bessel_Kn(2, 1./theta_e));
  double ans = 1./(pow(mass_electron, 3.) * pow(speed_light, 3.) * gamma*gamma 
               * beta) * d;
  return ans;
Beispiel #5
static double f(double w, void *p)
  struct parameters *params = (struct parameters *)p;
  const double  kx = (params->kx);
  double  kr = (params->kr);
  double  x0 = (params->x0);
  double  r0 = (params->r0);
  int index  = (params->index);
  double result;

  if (w == 0) w = zero;

  if (fabs(kx - w) > tol){ 
    result = sin((kx - w)*x0)/(kx - w)*
      sqrt(pow(w, 2.0*index)*pow(r0, 2.0*index))/(kr*kr + w*w)
      *gsl_sf_bessel_Kn(index, r0*fabs(w));
    result = x0*sqrt(pow(w, 2.0*index))/(kr*kr + w*w)*gsl_sf_bessel_Kn(index, r0*fabs(w));
  return result;
/*maxwell_juettner_rho_V: Fitting formula for Faraday rotation coefficient
 *                        rho_V from Dexter (2016) for a Maxwell-Juettner
 *                        distribution.  This formula comes from his
 *                        equations B7, B8, B14, and B15.
 *@params: struct of parameters params
 *@returns: fitting formula to the Faraday rotation coefficient
 *          for a Maxwell-Juettner distribution of electrons. 
double maxwell_juettner_rho_V(struct parameters * params)
  double omega0 = params->electron_charge*params->magnetic_field
                  / (params->mass_electron*params->speed_light);

  double wp2 = 4. * params->pi * params->electron_density 
	       * pow(params->electron_charge, 2.) / params->mass_electron;

  /* argument for function g(X) (called shgmfunc) below */
  double x = params->theta_e * sqrt(sqrt(2.) * sin(params->observer_angle)
                 * (1.e3*omega0 / (2. * params->pi * params->nu)));

  /* this is the definition of the modified factor g(X) from Dexter (2016) */
  double shgmfunc = 0.43793091 * log(1. + 0.00185777 * pow(x, 1.50316886));

  double eps12 = wp2 * omega0 / pow((2. * params->pi * params->nu), 3.) 
                 * (gsl_sf_bessel_Kn(0, 1./params->theta_e) - shgmfunc)
                 / gsl_sf_bessel_Kn(2, 1./params->theta_e)
                 * cos(params->observer_angle);
  double rhov = 2. * params->pi * params->nu / params->speed_light * eps12;

  return rhov;
Beispiel #7
int main()
#include "bessel_k_int_data.ipp"


   unsigned data_total = data.size();

   screen_data([](const std::vector<double>& v){  return boost::math::cyl_bessel_k(static_cast<int>(v[0]), v[1]);  }, [](const std::vector<double>& v){ return v[2];  });

   screen_data([](const std::vector<double>& v){  return std::tr1::cyl_bessel_k(static_cast<int>(v[0]), v[1]);  }, [](const std::vector<double>& v){ return v[2];  });
   screen_data([](const std::vector<double>& v){  return gsl_sf_bessel_Kn(static_cast<int>(v[0]), v[1]);  }, [](const std::vector<double>& v){ return v[2];  });
   screen_data([](const std::vector<double>& v){  return bessel_k(v[1], static_cast<int>(v[0]), 1);  }, [](const std::vector<double>& v){ return v[2];  });

   unsigned data_used = data.size();
   std::string function = "cyl_bessel_k (integer order)[br](" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(data_used) + "/" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(data_total) + " tests selected)";
   std::string function_short = "cyl_bessel_k (integer order)";

   double time;

   time = exec_timed_test([](const std::vector<double>& v){  return boost::math::cyl_bessel_k(static_cast<int>(v[0]), v[1]);  });
   std::cout << time << std::endl;
#if !defined(COMPILER_COMPARISON_TABLES) && (defined(TEST_GSL) || defined(TEST_RMATH) || defined(TEST_LIBSTDCXX))
   report_execution_time(time, std::string("Library Comparison with ") + std::string(compiler_name()) + std::string(" on ") + platform_name(), function, boost_name());
   report_execution_time(time, std::string("Compiler Comparison on ") + std::string(platform_name()), function_short, compiler_name() + std::string("[br]") + boost_name());
   // Boost again, but with promotion to long double turned off:
   if(sizeof(long double) != sizeof(double))
      time = exec_timed_test([](const std::vector<double>& v){  return boost::math::cyl_bessel_k(static_cast<int>(v[0]), v[1], boost::math::policies::make_policy(boost::math::policies::promote_double<false>()));  });
      std::cout << time << std::endl;
#if !defined(COMPILER_COMPARISON_TABLES) && (defined(TEST_GSL) || defined(TEST_RMATH) || defined(TEST_LIBSTDCXX))
      report_execution_time(time, std::string("Library Comparison with ") + std::string(compiler_name()) + std::string(" on ") + platform_name(), function, boost_name() + "[br]promote_double<false>");
      report_execution_time(time, std::string("Compiler Comparison on ") + std::string(platform_name()), function_short, compiler_name() + std::string("[br]") + boost_name() + "[br]promote_double<false>");

   time = exec_timed_test([](const std::vector<double>& v){  return std::tr1::cyl_bessel_k(static_cast<int>(v[0]), v[1]);  });
   std::cout << time << std::endl;
   report_execution_time(time, std::string("Library Comparison with ") + std::string(compiler_name()) + std::string(" on ") + platform_name(), function, "tr1/cmath");
   time = exec_timed_test([](const std::vector<double>& v){  return gsl_sf_bessel_Kn(static_cast<int>(v[0]), v[1]);  });
   std::cout << time << std::endl;
   report_execution_time(time, std::string("Library Comparison with ") + std::string(compiler_name()) + std::string(" on ") + platform_name(), function, "GSL " GSL_VERSION);
   time = exec_timed_test([](const std::vector<double>& v){  return bessel_k(v[1], static_cast<int>(v[0]), 1);  });
   std::cout << time << std::endl;
   report_execution_time(time, std::string("Library Comparison with ") + std::string(compiler_name()) + std::string(" on ") + platform_name(), function, "Rmath "  R_VERSION_STRING);

   return 0;