Beispiel #1
scalar cnoidalFirst::ddxPd
	const point & x,
	const scalar & time,
	const vector & unitVector
) const
    scalar Z(returnZ(x));
    scalar arg(argument(x,time));

    scalar snn(0.0), cnn(0.0), dnn(0.0);
    gsl_sf_elljac_e( arg, m_, &snn, &cnn, &dnn);

    scalar ddxPd(0);

    ddxPd  =   rhoWater_ * Foam::mag(g_)
             * (
                 eta_x(snn, cnn, dnn) + 1.0 / 2.0 * Foam::pow(h_, 2.0) * (1 - Foam::pow((Z + h_) / h_, 2.0)) * eta_xxx(snn, cnn, dnn)
    ddxPd *= factor(time);

//     Info << "ddxPd still isn't implemented. Need to think about the gradient on arbitrary directed mesh with arbitrary wave number vector! and arbitrary g-direction!!!" << endl;
    return ddxPd;
Beispiel #2
static VALUE rb_gsl_sf_elljac_e(VALUE obj, VALUE n, VALUE m)
  double sn, cn, dn;
  // local variable "status" declared and set, but never used
  //int status;
  Need_Float(n); Need_Float(m);
  /*status =*/ gsl_sf_elljac_e(NUM2DBL(n), NUM2DBL(m), &sn, &cn, &dn);
  return rb_ary_new3(3, rb_float_new(sn), 
		     rb_float_new(cn), rb_float_new(dn));
Beispiel #3
/// Jacobian elliptic integrals dn.
jacobi_dn(double k, double u)
  double m = k * k;
  double sn, cn, dn;
  int stat = gsl_sf_elljac_e(u, m, &sn, &cn, &dn);
  if (stat != GSL_SUCCESS)
      std::ostringstream msg("Error in jacobi_dn:");
      msg << " u=" << u << " k=" << k;
      throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
    return dn;
Beispiel #4
scalar cnoidalFirst::eta
	const point & x,
	const scalar & time
) const
    scalar arg(argument(x,time));

    scalar snn(0.0), cnn(0.0), dnn(0.0);
    gsl_sf_elljac_e( arg, m_, &snn, &cnn, &dnn);

    scalar eta = ( etaMin_ + H_ * Foam::pow(cnn,2.0) ) * factor(time) + seaLevel_;

    return eta;
Beispiel #5
  const vector<double> getOmega(int Ns,double lambda_min,double lambda_max){
    double u, m;
    double sn, cn, dn; 
    double kprime = sqrt(1.0-(lambda_min/lambda_max)*(lambda_min/lambda_max));
    vector<double> omegas(Ns);

    for(int ii=0; ii<Ns; ++ii){
      int is = 2*ii + 1;
      m = kprime*kprime;
      double vs = set_vs( is, Ns*2, kprime );
      gsl_sf_elljac_e( vs, m, &sn, &cn, &dn );
      double sn2 = sn * sn;
      double kappaprime2 = kprime * kprime;
      omegas[ii] = (1.0/lambda_min)* sqrt(1.0-kappaprime2*sn2);
    for( int ii=0; ii<Ns; ++ii) printf("%24.16E\n", omegas[ii] );
    return omegas;
Beispiel #6
vector cnoidalFirst::U
	const point & x,
	const scalar & time
) const
    scalar Z(returnZ(x));
    scalar arg(argument(x, time));

    scalar snn(0.0), cnn(0.0), dnn(0.0);
    gsl_sf_elljac_e( arg, m_, &snn, &cnn, &dnn);

    scalar etaVal = eta(x,time);

    scalar Uhorz =   celerity_ 
                   * (
                         etaVal / h_ 
                       - Foam::pow(etaVal / h_, 2.0) 
                       + 1.0 / 2.0 * 
                            1.0 / 3.0 
                          - Foam::pow((Z + h_) / h_, 2.0)
                       * h_ * eta_xx(snn, cnn, dnn)

    Uhorz       *= factor(time);

    scalar Uvert = - celerity_ * (Z + h_)
                   * (
                        eta_x(snn, cnn, dnn) / h_ * (1 - 2.0 * etaVal / h_)
                      + 1.0 / 6.0 * h_ * eta_xxx(snn, cnn, dnn)
                      * (1 - Foam::pow((Z + h_) / h_, 2.0))

    Uvert       *= factor(time);

    return Uhorz * propagationDirection_ - Uvert * direction_; // Note "-" because of "g" working in the opposite direction

Beispiel #7
int main()
#include "jacobi_elliptic.ipp"
#include "jacobi_elliptic_small.ipp"
#include "jacobi_near_1.ipp"
#include "jacobi_large_phi.ipp"


    unsigned data_total = data.size();

    std::cout << "Screening Boost data:\n";
    screen_data([](const std::vector<double>& v) {
        return boost::math::jacobi_dn(v[1], v[0]);
    }, [](const std::vector<double>& v) {
        return v[4];

    std::cout << "Screening GSL data:\n";
    screen_data([](const std::vector<double>& v)
        double s, c, d;
        gsl_sf_elljac_e(v[0], v[1] * v[1], &s, &c, &d);
        return d;
    }, [](const std::vector<double>& v) {
        return v[4];

    unsigned data_used = data.size();
    std::string function = "jacobi_dn[br](" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(data_used) + "/" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(data_total) + " tests selected)";
    std::string function_short = "jacobi_dn";

    double time;

    time = exec_timed_test([](const std::vector<double>& v) {
        return boost::math::jacobi_dn(v[1], v[2]);
    std::cout << time << std::endl;
#if !defined(COMPILER_COMPARISON_TABLES) && (defined(TEST_GSL) || defined(TEST_RMATH))
    report_execution_time(time, std::string("Library Comparison with ") + std::string(compiler_name()) + std::string(" on ") + platform_name(), function, boost_name());
    report_execution_time(time, std::string("Compiler Comparison on ") + std::string(platform_name()), function_short, compiler_name() + std::string("[br]") + boost_name());
    // Boost again, but with promotion to long double turned off:
    if(sizeof(long double) != sizeof(double))
        time = exec_timed_test([](const std::vector<double>& v) {
            return boost::math::jacobi_dn(v[1], v[0], boost::math::policies::make_policy(boost::math::policies::promote_double<false>()));
        std::cout << time << std::endl;
#if !defined(COMPILER_COMPARISON_TABLES) && (defined(TEST_GSL) || defined(TEST_RMATH))
        report_execution_time(time, std::string("Library Comparison with ") + std::string(compiler_name()) + std::string(" on ") + platform_name(), function, boost_name() + "[br]promote_double<false>");
        report_execution_time(time, std::string("Compiler Comparison on ") + std::string(platform_name()), function_short, compiler_name() + std::string("[br]") + boost_name() + "[br]promote_double<false>");

    time = exec_timed_test([](const std::vector<double>& v)
        double s, c, d;
        gsl_sf_elljac_e(v[0], v[1] * v[1], &s, &c, &d);
        return d;
    std::cout << time << std::endl;
    report_execution_time(time, std::string("Library Comparison with ") + std::string(compiler_name()) + std::string(" on ") + platform_name(), function, "GSL " GSL_VERSION);

    return 0;