Beispiel #1
int soltrack_init(double deg_lat, double deg_long)
	// Check domain
	if (!(check_lat(deg_lat) && check_long(deg_long))) {
	// Calculate latitude and longitude in radians
	double rad_lat = deg_to_rad(deg_lat);
	double rad_long = deg_to_rad(deg_long);
	// Create a 3-dimensional vector
	uv_orth_w_spin = gsl_vector_alloc(V_DIM);
	gsl_vector_set(uv_orth_w_spin, X_AXIS, \
		gsl_sf_cos(rad_long) * gsl_sf_cos(rad_lat));
	gsl_vector_set(uv_orth_w_spin, Y_AXIS, \
		gsl_sf_sin(rad_long) * gsl_sf_cos(rad_lat));
	gsl_vector_set(uv_orth_w_spin, Z_AXIS, gsl_sf_sin(rad_lat));
	// Create the rotation matrix for axial tilt of the earth
	rm_ax_tilt = gsl_matrix_calloc(V_DIM, V_DIM); // Initialize 0
	// X-Axis
	gsl_matrix_set(rm_ax_tilt, X_AXIS, X_AXIS, gsl_sf_cos(rad_ax_tilt));
	gsl_matrix_set(rm_ax_tilt, X_AXIS, Z_AXIS, -gsl_sf_sin(rad_ax_tilt));
	// Y-Axis (no rotation)
	gsl_matrix_set(rm_ax_tilt, Y_AXIS, Y_AXIS, 1.0);
	// Z-Axis
	gsl_matrix_set(rm_ax_tilt, Z_AXIS, X_AXIS, gsl_sf_sin(rad_ax_tilt));
	gsl_matrix_set(rm_ax_tilt, Z_AXIS, Z_AXIS, gsl_sf_cos(rad_ax_tilt));
	// Initialisation complete
	initialized = 1;	
	return 0;
Beispiel #2
int main(){
	int    i, j, k, l;
	int    n    = 14;			// size of solution vector
	int    m    = 103;		// number of shooting points
	int    maxiter = 251;	// maximum number of iterations
	double tol = 1e-8;		// tolerance
	int    nrk;						// number of Runge-Kutta steps
	int    flag;					// error flag
	bool   info;					// boolean for file check

	int    redvol;				// reduced volume
	int    tubrad;				// tube radius at x = 0 (COM at t = 0)
	int    tapang;				// taper angle
	int    benmod;        // bending modulus
	int    compos;        // center-of-mass axial position

	// output directory
	string opath = "../output";

	// abscissa, source, and solution vectors
	vector<double> t(m), u(m,0.0), si(n*m), sm(n*m), sf(n*m);

	// timestep
	double ts, dts;
	// parameters
	double par[5];
	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
		par[i] = 0.0;
	double v    = par[0]; // reduced volume
	double kb   = par[1]; // bending modulus (scaled by dp*a^3)
	double alph = par[2]; // taper angle of tube wall
	double R0   = par[3]; // tube radius at center-of-mass axial position (scaled by a)
	double xcom = par[4]; // center-of-mass position 
	                      //   = time integral of center-of-mass translational speed
	vector<int> vecV ;
	vector<int> vecKb;
	vector<int> vecAl;
	vector<int> vecR0;
	// should have auxiliary functions to get the parameters, but for now just use the following
	// trial parameters:
	v    = 0.99;
	v    = 0.90;
	kb   = 1e-5;
	kb   = 1e2;
	alph = 0.0 ;
	R0   = 0.9116; // conf = 80 for v = 90
	xcom = 0.0 ;

	par[0] = v   ;
	par[1] = kb  ;
	par[2] = alph;
	par[3] = R0  ;
	par[4] = xcom;

	double tana = gsl_sf_sin(alph)/gsl_sf_cos(alph);

	// increments for first-order continuation
	double dp0, dp1, slope;
	// initialize
	nrk = 60;
	cout << "Initializing... " << endl;
	init(n, m, par,,,;
	for (j = 0; j < m*n; j++){
		sm[j] = si[j];
	cout << "Initialization complete." << endl;

	// multiple shooting method
	cout << "Shooting for v = " << v << ", R0 = " << R0 << ", kb = " << kb << "." << endl;
	mshoot(n, m, nrk, maxiter, tol, par,,,,, flag);

//	for (i = 0; i < m; i++){
//		//cout << t[i] << endl;
//		cout << si[i*n + 10] << endl;
//	}

//	// check if file exists
//	fileCheck(v, conf, vecCa[i], info);
//	if (info){ // file exists
//		// update solution
//		readOutput(n, m, v, conf, vecCa[i],,;
//		for (j = 0; j < m*n; j++){
//			sm[j] = si[j];
//		}
//	}

	// evolve in time
	// - recalculate u
	// - update parameters (specifically R0 and xcom)

//	// write to file
//	if (flag == 0)
//		writeSoln(n, m, v, conf, Ca,,, opath);
//	/* update next initial guess using
//	 * first-order continuation */
//	if (flag == 0){
//		if (i != vecCa.size() - 1){
//			if (i == 0) {
//				dp0 = vecCa[i  ] - 0;
//				dp1 = vecCa[i+1] - 0;
//			}
//			else {
//				dp0 = vecCa[i  ] - vecCa[i-1];
//				dp1 = vecCa[i+1] - vecCa[i-1];
//			}
//			slope = dp1/dp0;
//			for (j = 0; j < m*n; j++){
//				//si[j] = sm[j] + slope*(sf[j] - sm[j]);
//				si[j] = sm[j];
//				sm[j] = sf[j];
//			}
//		}
//	}

Beispiel #3
void MCPMPCoeffs::Setup() {

  //////// initialization of dynamic data structures

  cout << BlockName << ".gsl_rng_default_seed=" << gsl_rng_default_seed << endl;

  // ch : channel coeffs matrix h(n) (M**2xN)
  //                               ij 
  // ch matrix structure
  //   +-                 -+
  //   | h(0) . . . . h(n) | |
  //   |  11           11  | |
  //   |                   | | Rx1
  //   | h(0) . . . . h(n) | |
  //   |  12           12  | |
  //   |                   |
  //   | h(0) . . . . h(n) | |
  //   |  21           21  | |
  //   |                   | | Rx2
  //   | h(0) . . . . h(n) | |
  //   |  22           22  | |
  //   +-                 -+
  //   where h(n) represents the channel impulse response
  //          ij
  //   at time n, from tx i to rx j
  //   the matrix has MxM rows and N comumns.
  //   The (i,j) channel is locater at row i*M+j
  //   with i,j in the range [0,M-1] and rows counting from 0

  _M = M();
  ch = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(_M*_M,N());
  ran = gsl_rng_alloc( gsl_rng_default );
  runCount = 0;

  // path loss matrix
  pathLoss = gsl_matrix_alloc(_M,_M);

// tx, rx positions
  geoPositions = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(2*M());
  geoVelocities  = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(2*M());

  double pwr=0.0;
  for (int j=0; j<L(); j++) {
    pwr += exp(-j*2.0/PTau());

  // cout << "Sum(taps^2)=" << pwr << endl
  //      << "gain=" << gain << endl
  //      << "gainrice=" << gainrice << endl;

  // GEO

  // geo initialization

  // check if rendering is desired
  string geofn(GeoFn());
  if (GeoFn()=="none") // check if GEO rendering is desired
    geoRenderEnabled = 0;
  else { // GEO rendering enabled
    geoRenderEnabled = 1;

  // SOS Spatial Channel Model
  SOSN = 2.0 * SOSM() * SOSM();
  sosc = sqrt(2.0/SOSN);

  sosfrn = gsl_vector_alloc(SOSM()+2);
  sosfxn = gsl_vector_alloc(SOSN);
  sosfyn = gsl_vector_alloc(SOSN);

  // we generate the radial spatial frequency

  for (int i=0;i<SOSM()+1;i++) {
	  double old = gsl_vector_get(sosfrn,i);
	  double tmp1 = 1.0 / sqrt(SOSa()*SOSa() + 4.0 * M_PI * M_PI * old * old ) - SOSP() / (SOSM() * SOSa());
	  double nextval = 1.0 / (2.0 * M_PI) * sqrt( 1.0 / (tmp1 * tmp1) - SOSa() * SOSa() );

	  //cout << "fr_" << i+1 << " = " << nextval << endl;

  // we compute the cartesian spatial frequency
  for (int i=0; i<SOSM();i++) { // radius values
	  for(int j=0; j<2*SOSM(); j++) { // angle values
		  double phi = M_PI * (2 * j - 2 * SOSM() +1) / (4 * SOSM());
		  double frm = gsl_vector_get(sosfrn,i+1);
		  double fxn = frm * gsl_sf_cos(phi);
		  double fyn = frm * gsl_sf_sin(phi);


		  //cout << "fx_" << i << "," << j << " = " << fxn << ", " << fyn << endl;


  cout << "Spatial frequencies generated." << endl;

  // now we generate the random phases theta_n for each link tx->rx (M x SOSN )
  sostheta = gsl_matrix_alloc(M()*M(),SOSN);
  for (int i=0; i<_M; i++) { // user i (tx)
	  for (int ii=0;ii<_M;ii++) { // user ii (rx)
		  for (int j=0; j<SOSN; j++ ) { // phase of spatial frequency j

  cout << "Spatial phases generated." << endl;

  // Spatial Channel (first) Update

  if (geoRenderEnabled) {

	  // header and footer of kml section
	  kmlhead << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" << endl
			  << "<kml xmlns=\"\">" << endl
			  << "<Document>" << endl
			  << "<name>MuDiSP User locations</name>" << endl
			  << "<Style id=\"greenIcon\">" << endl
			  << "\t<IconStyle>" << endl
			  << "\t\t<scale>2.0</scale>" << endl
			  << "\t\t<Icon>" << endl
			  << "\t\t\t<href></href>" << endl
			  << "\t\t</Icon>" << endl
			  << "\t</IconStyle>" << endl
			  << "</Style>" << endl
			  << "<Style id=\"blueIcon\">" << endl
			  << "\t<IconStyle>" << endl
			  << "\t\t<scale>2.0</scale>" << endl
			  << "\t\t<Icon>" << endl
			  << "\t\t\t<href></href>" << endl
			  << "\t\t</Icon>" << endl
			  << "\t</IconStyle>" << endl
			  << "</Style>" << endl;

	  kmlheadend << "</Document>" << endl
			  << "</kml>" << endl;


	//////// rate declaration for ports

Beispiel #4
void init(int n, int m, double *par, double *u, double *t, double *s){
	// declare variables
	int    i, j;
	vector<double> T(m), U(m), S(m*n), Rtube(m);
	double a, b; // major and minor axes
	int    info;
	double v    = par[0]; // reduced volume
	double kb   = par[1]; // bending modulus (scaled by dp*a^3)
	double alph = par[2]; // taper angle of tube wall
	double R0   = par[3]; // tube radius at center-of-mass axial position (scaled by a)
	double xcom = par[4]; // center-of-mass position 
	                      //   = time integral of center-of-mass translational speed

	double tana = gsl_sf_sin(alph)/gsl_sf_cos(alph);

	// get surface area and volume
	double area = 4.0*M_PI;
	double vlme = 4.0*M_PI*v/3.0;

	// get spheroid
	vector<double> Sarc(m), R(m), X(m), XCOM(m), CS(m), CPHI(m), THET(m), PSI(m), A(m), V(m);
	proAxes(area, vlme, 1.01, 1.0, a, b, info);
	if (info == 1)
		proAxes(area, vlme, 1.5, 1.0, a, b, info);
	proShape(m, a, b,,,,,
//	for (i = 0; i < m; i++){
//		cout << XCOM[i] << endl;
//	}
	double Stot = Sarc[m-1];

	// get tube radius
	for (i = 0; i < m; i++){
		Rtube[i] = R0 - tana*X[i];

	// polynomial expressions for p and tau (from static solution)
	double p, sig;
	p  = - 0.39632;
	p +=   2.89243*v;
	p += - 8.71787*v*v;
	p +=  13.91363*v*v*v;
	p += -12.41387*v*v*v*v;
	p +=   5.87473*v*v*v*v*v;
	p +=  -1.15262*v*v*v*v*v*v;
	p *= 1e5*kb;

	sig  =   1.2935;
	sig += - 9.3499*v;
	sig +=  27.9266*v*v;
	sig += -44.1844*v*v*v;
	sig +=  39.0880*v*v*v*v;
	sig += -18.3432*v*v*v*v*v;
	sig +=   3.5688*v*v*v*v*v*v;
	sig *= 1e4*kb;

	for (i = 0; i < m; i++){
		t[i       ] = Sarc[i]/Stot;
		u[i       ] = 0.0;

		s[i*n + 0 ] = R  [i];
		s[i*n + 1 ] = X  [i];
		s[i*n + 2 ] = PSI[i];
		s[i*n + 3 ] = CS [i];
		s[i*n + 4 ] = 0.0   ; // transverse shear tension
		s[i*n + 5 ] = p     ;
		s[i*n + 6 ] = sig   ;
		s[i*n + 7 ] = A  [i];
		s[i*n + 8 ] = V  [i];
		s[i*n + 9 ] = 0.0   ; // leakback flux
		s[i*n + 10] = Rtube[i];
		s[i*n + 11] = XCOM[i];
		s[i*n + 12] = 0.0   ; // center of mass speed
		s[i*n + 13] = Stot  ;

	// read input file
	int id[3];
	id[0] = 90; // reduced volume
	id[1] = 80; // confinement
	id[2] = 0 ; // bending modulus

	readInput(n, m, id,,;

	for (i = 0; i < m; i++){
		t[i] = T[i];
		for (j = 0; j < n; j++){
			s[i*n + j] = S[i*n + j];

//	// for debugging
//	for (i = 0; i < m; i++){
//		printf("%.4f ", T[i]);
//		for (j = 0; j < n; j++)	
//			printf("%.4f ", S[i*n + j]);
//		printf("\n");
//	}

//	// get critical confinement parameter and set nominal radius
//	getCritCf(v, crit);
//	a = 0.01*double(conf)*crit;
//	area = 4.0*M_PI*a*a;
//	vlme = (4.0/3.0)*M_PI*a*a*a*(0.01*double(v));
//	proShape(m, a, b, 
//						  double &S, double *t, double *x, double *r, 
//							double *cs, double *cphi, double *psi,
//							double *A, double *V){ // b > a
//	// read file
//	readEquil(n, m, 90, conf,,;
//	//readOutput(n, m, v, conf-1, Ca,,; // initialize using slightly smaller vesicle (useful at high Ca)
//	// copy abscissa and solution vectors
//	for (i = 0; i < m; i++){
//		t[i] = T[i];
//		for (j = 0; j < n; j++){
//			s[i*n + j] = S[i*n + j];
//		}
//	}
Beispiel #5
void MCPMPCoeffs::GeoInit(geo_init_type t) {

	// initial geo positions
	double lat, lon, velmod, veldir, deltalon, deltalat, dx, dy, azimut, dist;
	gsl_complex vel;

	switch (t) {
	// all users around
	case uniform:

		// tx[i] uniform
		for (int i=0;i<M();i++) {

			azimut = gsl_ran_flat(ran,0,2*M_PI);
			dist = gsl_ran_flat(ran,0,GEO_AREA_RADIUS);

			dx = GEO_AREA_RADIUS * gsl_sf_cos(azimut);
			dy = GEO_AREA_RADIUS * gsl_sf_sin(azimut);

			// wikipedia coordinates to create lat/lon -> x,y conversion functions

			//  ____   ___  _   _  ___     ___  _   _ ___ _
			// / ___| / _ \| \ | |/ _ \   / _ \| | | |_ _| |
			// \___ \| | | |  \| | | | | | | | | | | || || |
			//  ___) | |_| | |\  | |_| | | |_| | |_| || ||_|
			// |____/ \___/|_| \_|\___/   \__\_\\___/|___(_)

			lon = GEO_AREA_CENTER_LON + dx / londeg(GEO_AREA_CENTER_LAT);
			lat = GEO_AREA_CENTER_LAT + dy / latdeg(GEO_AREA_CENTER_LAT);


			vel = gsl_complex_polar(velmod,veldir);

			// vel in km/h
			// deltalon, deltalat in deg/s

			deltalon = GSL_REAL(vel) / 3.6 / londeg(GEO_AREA_CENTER_LAT);
			deltalat = GSL_IMAG(vel) / 3.6 / latdeg(GEO_AREA_CENTER_LAT);

			// expressed in deg LON and LAT
			// expressed in deg/s LON and LAT

		} // for tx[i]

		// rx[i] center of area - zero velocity
		for (int i=M();i<2*M();i++) {

			// expressed in deg, LON and LAT
			// expressed in deg/s, LON and LAT

		} // for rx[i]

	case center:


	case belt:

	} // end case
