Beispiel #1
static int websTidyUrl(webs_t wp)
	char_t	*parts[64];					/* Array of ptr's to URL parts */
	char_t	*token, *url, *tidyurl;
	int		i, len, npart;


 *	Copy the string so we don't destroy the original (yet)
	url = bstrdup(B_L, wp->url);
	websDecodeUrl(url, url, gstrlen(url));

	len = npart = 0;
	parts[0] = NULL;
	token = gstrtok(url, T("/"));

 *	Look at each directory segment and process "." and ".." segments
 *	Don't allow the browser to pop outside the root web. 
	while (token != NULL) {
		if (gstrcmp(token, T("..")) == 0) {
			if (npart > 0) {

		} else if (gstrcmp(token, T(".")) != 0) {
			parts[npart] = token;
			len += gstrlen(token) + 1;
		token = gstrtok(NULL, T("/"));

 *	Re-construct URL. Need extra space all "/" and null.
	if (npart || (gstrcmp(url, T("/")) == 0) || (url[0] == '\0')) {
		tidyurl = balloc(B_L, (len + 2) * sizeof(char_t));
		*tidyurl = '\0';

		for (i = 0; i < npart; i++) {
			gstrcat(tidyurl, T("/"));
			gstrcat(tidyurl, parts[i]);

		bfree(B_L, url);

		bfree(B_L, wp->url);
		wp->url = tidyurl;
		return 0;
	} else {
		bfree(B_L, url);
		return -1;
Beispiel #2
char_t *websCalcUrlDigest(webs_t wp)
	char_t	*digest, *a1, *a1prime, *a2, *a2prime, *preDigest, *method;

	digest = NULL;

 *	Calculate first portion of digest H(A1)
	a1 = NULL;
	fmtAlloc(&a1, 255, T("%s:%s:%s"), wp->userName, wp->realm, wp->password);
	a1prime = websMD5(a1);
	bfreeSafe(B_L, a1);
 *	Calculate second portion of digest H(A2)
	method = websGetVar(wp, T("REQUEST_METHOD"), NULL);
	/* Fixes by Richard Laing, 2003/7/15 */
	a2 = balloc(B_L, (gstrlen(method) +2 + gstrlen(wp->url) ) * sizeof(char_t));
	gsprintf(a2, T("%s:%s"), method, wp->url);
	a2prime = websMD5(a2);
	bfreeSafe(B_L, a2);
 *	Construct final digest KD(H(A1):nonce:H(A2))

	preDigest = NULL;
	if (!wp->qop) {
		fmtAlloc(&preDigest, 255, T("%s:%s:%s"), a1prime, wp->nonce, a2prime);
	} else {
		fmtAlloc(&preDigest, 255, T("%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s"), 

	digest = websMD5(preDigest);
 *	Now clean up
	bfreeSafe(B_L, a1prime);
	bfreeSafe(B_L, a2prime);
	bfreeSafe(B_L, preDigest);
	return digest;
Beispiel #3
 * @function GUI_W_UsrEntryAdd
 * @brief add user entry
 * @param const rect_st *rec: object dimension
 * @param const void *buffer: text of the user entry (may be modified)
 * @param uint16_t sizeMax: size (in bytes) of the buffer, including the \0
 * @return g_obj_st *: pointer to the associated generic object if succedeed, NULL if error.
g_obj_st /*@null@*/ *GUI_W_UsrEntryAdd(const rect_st *rec, void *buffer, uint16_t sizeMax, bool bEditable) {

  g_obj_st *g_obj = NULL, *res = NULL;
  usr_entry_st *entry = NULL;

  /*check parameters*/
  if(rec != NULL && buffer != NULL && sizeMax > 2) {

    /*allocate a generic object*/
    g_obj = GUI_AddGenericObject();
    if(g_obj != NULL) {

      /*allocate a entry*/
      entry = salloc(sizeof(usr_entry_st));
      if(entry != NULL) {

        /*entry settings*/
        entry->buffer = (uint8_t *) buffer;
        entry->buffer[sizeMax - 1] = 0;   /*ensure that the user string is \0 terminated*/
        entry->sizeMax = sizeMax;
        entry->len = gstrlen(entry->buffer);
        entry->tBlink = 0;
        entry->tScroll = 0;
        entry->bBlink = false;
        entry->bPressed = false;
        entry->bEditable = bEditable;
        entry->colText = GetColor(G_COL_TEXT);
        entry->font = GetCurrentFont();

        /*start displaying at the very begining of the string*/
        entry->offsetDisplay = 0;

        /*start with the whole string selected*/
        entry->cursStart = 0;
        entry->cursStop = gstrlen(entry->buffer);

        /*linkage between generic obj & usr entry*/
        g_obj->rec = *rec;
        g_obj->draw = EntryDraw;
        g_obj->task = EntryTask;
        g_obj->obj = entry;
        res = g_obj;

  return res;
Beispiel #4
char_t *websMD5(char_t *string)
	char_t	*strReturn;

	a_assert(string && *string);

	if (string && *string) {
		char	*strTemp, *strHash;
		int		nLen;
 *		Convert input char_t string to char string
		nLen = gstrlen(string);
		strTemp = ballocUniToAsc(string, nLen + 1);
 *		Execute the digest calculation
		strHash = websMD5binary((unsigned char *)strTemp, nLen);
 *		Convert the returned char string digest to a char_t string
		nLen = strlen(strHash);
		strReturn = ballocAscToUni(strHash, nLen);
 *		Free up the temporary allocated resources
		bfree(B_L, strTemp);
		bfree(B_L, strHash);
	} else {
		strReturn = NULL;

	return strReturn;
Beispiel #5
// concatenate src to dst, always zero terminate
tChar* xstrcatn(tChar* pDst, size_t cbDst, tCChar* pSrc, tUint32* pdwError)
  register tChar       *pdst = pDst;
  register const tChar *psrc = pSrc;
  register size_t      cbdst = cbDst;
  size_t               cb    = gstrlen(pDst);

  // clear error
  if (pdwError)
    *pdwError = XERROR_SUCCESS;

  do {
    // dst already overflowed
    if (cb >= cbdst)

    // append src, leave room for terminating zero
    for (cbdst -= cb, pdst += cb; *psrc && (cbdst > 1); *pdst++ = *psrc++, cbdst--);
    // zero terminate
    *pdst = '\0';
    } while (FALSE);

  // report error
  if (*psrc && pdwError)
    *pdwError = XERROR_RESOURCES;

  return pDst;
  } // xstrcatn
Beispiel #6
static int dbWriteKeyValue(int fd, char_t *key, char_t *value)
    int		rc;
    int		len;
    char_t	*pLineOut;

    a_assert(key && *key);

    fmtAlloc(&pLineOut, BUF_MAX, T("%s=%s\n"), key, value);

    if (pLineOut) {
        len = gstrlen(pLineOut);
#ifdef CE
        rc = writeUniToAsc(fd, pLineOut, len);
        rc = gwrite(fd, pLineOut, len);
        bfree(B_L, pLineOut);
    } else {
        rc = -1;

    return rc;
Beispiel #7
 * @function StrInsert
 * @brief insert a string in another one
 * @param uint8_t *strDest: string destination
 * @param uint16_t strDestSize: size (in byte) of the string destination
 * @param const uint8_t *strIns: string to insert
 * @param uint16_t insPos: position in 'string destination' where to insert the strIns
 * @return uint16_t: return the new value of the insertion position
static uint16_t StrInsert(uint8_t *strDest, uint16_t strDestSize, const uint8_t *strIns, uint16_t insPos) {

  int32_t pos;
  int32_t shiftCnt = gstrlen(strIns);

  /*shift the right part of the string*/
  for(pos = strDestSize - 1; pos - shiftCnt >= insPos; pos--) {
    strDest[pos] = strDest[pos - shiftCnt];

  /*then copy the new content*/
  while(insPos < strDestSize && *strIns != 0) {
    strDest[insPos] = *strIns;

  /*always be sure that str is '\0' terminated*/
  strDest[strDestSize - 1] = 0;

  /*always be sure that the insertion line is bounded into the string size*/
  if(insPos > strDestSize - 1) insPos = strDestSize - 1;

  return insPos;
Beispiel #8
 * @function GUI_W_UsrEntryDelete
 * @brief Delete the selected string part (if any), or the car corresponding to insert line position
 * @param void *_g_obj: generic object
 * @return none
void GUI_W_UsrEntryDelete(g_obj_st *obj) {

  uint16_t from, to;
  usr_entry_st *entry;

  if(obj != NULL && obj->draw == EntryDraw) {

    entry = (usr_entry_st *) obj->obj;

    if(entry->bEditable) {
      from = _MIN(entry->cursStart, entry->cursStop);
      to = _MAX(entry->cursStart, entry->cursStop);

      /*delecte the selection, or car located before the insert line*/
      StrDelete(entry->buffer, entry->sizeMax, from, to);

      /*if there was no user selection, decrease the position of the insert bar*/
      if(from == to && from > 0) {

      /*always ensure that the resulting insert line is bounded into the string size*/
      entry->len = gstrlen(entry->buffer);
      if(entry->len < entry->cursStart) entry->cursStart = entry->len;

      /*after a deletion, set insert line to the lower cursor; since insert line -> entry->cursStop = entry->cursStart*/
      entry->cursStart = _MIN(entry->cursStart, entry->cursStop);
      entry->cursStop = entry->cursStart;

      /*force refresh*/
      GUI_ObjSetNeedRefresh(obj, true);
Beispiel #9
static int badPath(char_t* path, char_t* badPath, int badLen)
   int retval = 0;
   int len = gstrlen(path);
   int i = 0;

   if (len <= badLen +1)
      for (i = 0; i < badLen; ++i)
         if (badPath[i] != gtolower(path[i]))
            return 0;
      /* if we get here, the first 'badLen' characters match.
       * If 'path' is 1 character larger than 'badPath' and that extra 
       * character is NOT a letter or a number, we have a bad path.
      retval = 1;
      if (badLen + 1 == len)
         /* e.g. path == "aux:" */
         if (gisalnum(path[len-1]))
            /* the last character is alphanumeric, so we let this path go 
             * through. 
            retval = 0;
   return retval;
Beispiel #10
static char_t *strtokcmp(char_t *s1, char_t *s2)
	int		len;

	s1 = skipWhite(s1);
	len = gstrlen(s2);
	for (len = gstrlen(s2); len > 0 && (tolower(*s1) == tolower(*s2)); len--) {
		if (*s2 == '\0') {
			return s1;
	if (len == 0) {
		return s1;
	return NULL;
Beispiel #11
char_t *umGetAccessLimit(char_t *url)
	char_t	*urlRet, *urlCheck, *lastChar;
	int		len;
	a_assert(url && *url);
	urlRet = NULL;
	urlCheck = bstrdup(B_L, url);
	len = gstrlen(urlCheck);
 *	Scan back through URL to see if there is a "parent" access limit
	while (len && !urlRet) {
		if (umAccessLimitExists(urlCheck)) {
			urlRet = bstrdup(B_L, urlCheck);
		} else {
 *	Trim the end portion of the URL to the previous directory marker
			lastChar = urlCheck + len;

			while ((lastChar >= urlCheck) && ((*lastChar == '/') || 
				(*lastChar == '\\'))) {
				*lastChar = 0;

			while ((lastChar >= urlCheck) && (*lastChar != '/') && 
				(*lastChar != '\\')) {
				*lastChar = 0;

			len = gstrlen(urlCheck);
	bfree (B_L, urlCheck);

	return urlRet;
Beispiel #12
void defaultTraceHandler(int level, char_t *buf)
 *	The following code would write all trace regardless of level
 *	to stdout.
	if (buf) {
		if (0 == level)
			write(1, buf, gstrlen(buf));
Beispiel #13
int ringqPutStr(ringq_t *rq, char_t *str)
	int		rc;

	a_assert(rq->buflen == (rq->endbuf - rq->buf));

	rc = ringqPutBlk(rq, (unsigned char*) str, gstrlen(str) * sizeof(char_t));
	*((char_t*) rq->endp) = (char_t) '\0';
	return rc;
Beispiel #14
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR mqttPublish(tCChar* szPfx, tCChar* szTopic, tCChar* szMsg)
  if (!g_pMqtt)

  Debug.logTxt(CLSLVL_MQTT | 0x0000, "mqttPublish,topic=%s/%s/%s,msg=%s", 
               AppSettings.mqttClientId.c_str(), szPfx, szTopic, szMsg);
  Debug.logBin(CLSLVL_MQTT | 0x0010, 2, szTopic, gstrlen(szTopic), "mqttPublish,topic=%s/%s/%s,msg=%s", 
               AppSettings.mqttClientId.c_str(), szPfx, szTopic, szMsg);
  g_pMqtt->publish(AppSettings.mqttClientId + String("/") + String(szPfx) + String("/") + String(szTopic), String(szMsg));
  } // mqttPublishMessage
Beispiel #15
// duplicate string
tChar* xstrdup(tCChar* pStr)
	tChar	 *pstr;
	tInt32 nLen;

	if (pStr == NULL) pStr = "";

	nLen = gstrlen(pStr) + 1;
	if ((pstr = (tChar*) malloc(nLen)))
		gstrcpy(pstr, pStr);

	return pstr;
  } // xstrdup
Beispiel #16
char_t *bstrdup(B_ARGS_DEC, char_t *s)
    char_t	*cp;
    int		len;

    if (s == NULL) {
        s = T("");
    len = gstrlen(s) + 1;
    if ((cp = balloc(B_ARGS, len * sizeof(char_t))) != NULL) {
        gstrcpy(cp, s);
    return cp;
Beispiel #17
int websLaunchCgiProc(char_t *cgiPath, char_t **argp, char_t **envp,
                      char_t *stdIn, char_t *stdOut)
	PROCESS_INFORMATION procinfo;       /*  Information about created proc   */
	DWORD               dwCreateFlags;
	char                *fulldir;
	BOOL                bReturn;
	int                 i, nLen;

 *  Replace directory delimiters with Windows-friendly delimiters
	nLen = gstrlen(cgiPath);
	for (i = 0; i < nLen; i++) {
		if (cgiPath[i] == '/') {
			cgiPath[i] = '\\';

	fulldir = NULL;
	dwCreateFlags = CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE;

 *  CreateProcess returns errors sometimes, even when the process was
 *  started correctly.  The cause is not evident.  For now: we detect
 *  an error by checking the value of procinfo.hProcess after the call.
	procinfo.hThread = NULL;
	bReturn = CreateProcess(
		cgiPath,            /*  Name of executable module        */
		NULL,               /*  Command line string              */
		NULL,               /*  Process security attributes      */
		NULL,               /*  Thread security attributes       */
		0,                  /*  Handle inheritance flag          */
		dwCreateFlags,      /*  Creation flags                   */
		NULL,               /*  New environment block            */
		NULL,               /*  Current directory name           */
		NULL,               /*  STARTUPINFO                      */
		&procinfo);         /*  PROCESS_INFORMATION              */

	if (bReturn == 0) {
		DWORD dw;
		dw = GetLastError();
		return -1;
	} else {
	return (int) procinfo.dwProcessId;
Beispiel #18
int	socketWriteString(int sid, char_t *buf)
 #ifdef UNICODE
 	char	*byteBuf;
 	int		r, len;
 	len = gstrlen(buf);
 	byteBuf = ballocUniToAsc(buf, len);
 	r = socketWrite(sid, byteBuf, len);
 	bfreeSafe(B_L, byteBuf);
 	return r;
 	return socketWrite(sid, buf, strlen(buf));
 #endif /* UNICODE */
Beispiel #19
 * @function GUI_W_UsrEntrySelectAll
 * @brief select the whole string of the entry key
 * @param void *_g_obj: generic object
 * @return none
void GUI_W_UsrEntrySelectAll(g_obj_st *obj) {

  usr_entry_st *entry;

  if(obj != NULL && obj->draw == EntryDraw) {

    entry = (usr_entry_st *) obj->obj;

    /*update selection cursors*/
    entry->cursStart = 0;
    entry->cursStop = gstrlen(entry->buffer);

    /*force refresh*/
    GUI_ObjSetNeedRefresh(obj, true);
Beispiel #20
static int websPublishHandler(webs_t wp, char_t *urlPrefix, char_t *webDir, 
	int sid, char_t *url, char_t *path, char_t *query)
	int		len;


 *	Trim the urlPrefix off the path and set the webdirectory. Add one to step 
 *	over the trailing '/'
	len = gstrlen(urlPrefix) + 1;
	websSetRequestPath(wp, webDir, &path[len]);
	return 0;
Beispiel #21
void basicSetProductDir(char_t *proddir)
    int len;

    if (basicProdDir != NULL) {
        bfree(B_L, basicProdDir);

    basicProdDir = bstrdup(B_L, proddir);
     *	Make sure that prefix-directory doesn't end with a '/'
    len = gstrlen(basicProdDir);
    if ((len > 0) && *(basicProdDir + len - 1) == '/') {
        *(basicProdDir+len-1) = '\0';
Beispiel #22
int websRomOpen()
	websRomPageIndexType	*wip;
	int						nchars;
	char_t					name[SYM_MAX];

	romTab = symOpen(WEBS_SYM_INIT);

	for (wip = websRomPageIndex; wip->path; wip++) {
		gstrncpy(name, wip->path, SYM_MAX);
		nchars = gstrlen(name) - 1;
		if (nchars > 0 &&
			(name[nchars] == '/' || name[nchars] == '\\')) {
			name[nchars] = '\0';
		symEnter(romTab, name, valueInteger((int) wip), 0);
	return 0;
Beispiel #23
int websAspWrite(int ejid, webs_t wp, int argc, char_t **argv)
	int		i;


	for (i = 0; i < argc; ) {
		if (websWriteBlock(wp, argv[i], gstrlen(argv[i])) < 0) {
			return -1;
		if (++i < argc) {
			if (websWriteBlock(wp, T(" "), 2) < 0) {
				return -1;
	return 0;
Beispiel #24
// convert hex string to tUint8 array, return number of bytes in output, 0=error
tUint32 xstrHexToUint8(tUint8* pOut, tChar* pIn) {
  tUint32 cbRet = 0, dwLen, dw;

  do {
    // must be even length
    if ((dwLen = gstrlen(pIn)) % 2) break;

    for (dwLen /= 2; cbRet < dwLen; cbRet++) { 
      if ((dw = _xstrHexOctet(&pIn)) < 256)
        *pOut++ = (tUint8) dw;
      else {
        cbRet = 0;
        } // else
      } // for

    } while (FALSE);

  return cbRet;
  } // xstrHexToUint8
Beispiel #25
int websUrlHandlerDefine(char_t *urlPrefix, char_t *webDir, int arg,
		int (*handler)(webs_t wp, char_t *urlPrefix, char_t *webdir, int arg, 
		char_t *url, char_t *path, char_t *query), int flags)
	websUrlHandlerType	*sp;
	int					len;


 *	Grow the URL handler array to create a new slot
	len = (websUrlHandlerMax + 1) * sizeof(websUrlHandlerType);
	if ((websUrlHandler = brealloc(B_L, websUrlHandler, len)) == NULL) {
		return -1;
	sp = &websUrlHandler[websUrlHandlerMax++];
	memset(sp, 0, sizeof(websUrlHandlerType));

	sp->urlPrefix = bstrdup(B_L, urlPrefix);
	sp->len = gstrlen(sp->urlPrefix);
	if (webDir) {
		sp->webDir = bstrdup(B_L, webDir);
	} else {
		sp->webDir = bstrdup(B_L, T(""));
	sp->handler = handler;
	sp->arg = arg;
	sp->flags = flags;

 *	Sort in decreasing URL length order observing the flags for first and last
	qsort(websUrlHandler, websUrlHandlerMax, sizeof(websUrlHandlerType), 
	return 0;
Beispiel #26
 * @function GUI_W_UsrEntryInsert
 * @brief insert a string into the string of the entry key, at current user insert position
 * @param void *_g_obj: generic object
 * @param const uint8_t *strIns: string to insert
 * @return none
void GUI_W_UsrEntryInsert(g_obj_st *obj, const uint8_t *strIns) {

  usr_entry_st *entry;

  if(obj != NULL && obj->draw == EntryDraw && strIns != NULL) {

    entry = (usr_entry_st *) obj->obj;

    if(entry->bEditable) {
      /*if some text is selected, delete it first; after GUI_UsrEntryDelKey() execution, entry->cursStart == entry->cursStop*/
      if(entry->cursStart != entry->cursStop) GUI_W_UsrEntryDelete(obj);

      /*insert string at insertion pos & update selection cursors*/
      entry->cursStop = entry->cursStart = StrInsert(entry->buffer, entry->sizeMax, strIns, entry->cursStart);

      /*update str len*/
      entry->len = gstrlen(entry->buffer);

      /*force refresh*/
      GUI_ObjSetNeedRefresh(obj, true);
Beispiel #27
 * @function RotValDraw
 * @brief rotary value draw function
 * @param void *_g_obj: generic object
 * @param void *_obj: rot val object
 * @return none
static void RotValDraw(void *_g_obj, void *_obj) {

  g_obj_st *g_obj;
  rot_val_st *rval;
  rect_st lrec, absRec;
  color_t colBack, colText, colSetText;
  uint8_t digitId, len, glyph, str[MAX_VAL_STR], typeBox = 0;
  bool bNeg;
  surfaceId_t idSurface = SURFACE_LCD;

  /*retrieve generic & specific object*/
  if(_g_obj != NULL && _obj != NULL) {
    g_obj = (g_obj_st *) _g_obj;
    rval = (rot_val_st*) _obj;

    /*try to create a double buffer in RAM*/
    absRec = g_obj->rec;
    absRec.x = 0;
    absRec.y = 0;
    idSurface = P2D_SurfaceCreate(&absRec);
    if(idSurface != SURFACE_LCD) {
    else {
      absRec = g_obj->rec;

    /*color selection*/
    if(GUI_ObjIsDisabled(g_obj)) {
      colBack = GetColor(G_COL_E_BACKGROUND);
      colText = GetColor(G_COL_D_TEXT);
      colSetText = GetColor(G_COL_D_TEXT);
      typeBox = 2;
    else if(GUI_ObjIsPressed(g_obj)) {
      colBack = GetColor(G_COL_E_BACKGROUND);
      colText = rval->colorText;
      colSetText = GetColor(G_COL_SPECIAL);
    else {
      colBack = GetColor(G_COL_E_BACKGROUND);
      colText = rval->colorText;
      if(rval->lock != 0) colSetText = rval->colorText;
      else colSetText = GetColor(G_COL_SPECIAL);

    /*P2D configuration*/

    P2D_SetColors(colBack, colBack);
    lrec = absRec;
    DrawBox(&lrec, typeBox);

    if(rval->img != 0) {
      Sprite(lrec.x + 4, lrec.y + ((int32_t)lrec.h - SpriteGetHeight(rval->img)) / 2, rval->img);

    /*display the value's unit string*/
    lrec.x += 1; lrec.y += 1;
    lrec.w -= 2; lrec.h -= 2;
    P2D_SetColors(colText, colBack);
    lrec.y = absRec.y + ((coord_t)absRec.h - P2D_GetTextHeight()) / 2;
    P2D_PutText(absRec.x + rval->xUnit, lrec.y, rval->strUnit);

    /*format value*/
    (void) snprintf( (char *)str, MAX_VAL_STR, "%d", *(rval->pVar));
    len = gstrlen(str);
    bNeg = *(rval->pVar) < 0 ? true : false;

    /*display each digit, one by one, from right to left*/
    for(digitId = 0; IsValidDigit(rval, digitId) == true; digitId++) {

      /*get the x coord of the current digit*/
      lrec.x = absRec.x + GetDigitCoord(rval, digitId);

      /*special color + highlighted if the current digit is the selected one*/
      if(digitId == rval->selectedDigit && rval->lock == false) {
        P2D_SetColors(colSetText, colBack);
      else {
        P2D_SetColors(colText, colBack);

      /*display the snprintf content, excepting the '-'*/
      if(digitId < len) {
        glyph = str[len - digitId - 1];
        if(glyph == (uint8_t)'-') glyph = (uint8_t)'0'; /*will be displayed at end*/
      /*for small value (i.e. digitId >= strlen), fill with '0'*/
      else {
        glyph = (uint8_t)'0';

      P2D_PutGlyph(lrec.x, lrec.y, glyph);

    /*display the sign, only if negative*/
    if(bNeg) {
      P2D_SetColors(colText, colBack);
      lrec.x = absRec.x + GetDigitCoord(rval, digitId);
      P2D_PutGlyph(lrec.x, lrec.y, (uint8_t)'-');

    /*display the dot, if any*/
    if(rval->posDot > 0) {
      lrec.x = absRec.x + GetDigitCoord(rval, rval->posDot - 1) - rval->spacing;
      P2D_SetColors(colText, colBack);
      P2D_PutGlyph(lrec.x, lrec.y, (uint8_t) '.');

    /*if the double buffer was active, flip it to the screen*/
    if(idSurface != SURFACE_LCD) {
      P2D_CopySurface(idSurface, &absRec, &(g_obj->rec));
Beispiel #28
int websDefaultHandler(webs_t wp, char_t *urlPrefix, char_t *webDir, int arg,
						char_t *url, char_t *path, char_t *query)
	websStatType	sbuf;
	char_t			*lpath, *tmp, *date;
	int				bytes, flags, nchars;

	a_assert(url && *url);

 *	Validate the URL and ensure that ".."s don't give access to unwanted files
	flags = websGetRequestFlags(wp);

	if (websValidateUrl(wp, path) < 0) {
		websError(wp, 500, T("Invalid URL %s"), url);
		return 1;
	lpath = websGetRequestLpath(wp);
	nchars = gstrlen(lpath) - 1;
	if (lpath[nchars] == '/' || lpath[nchars] == '\\') {
		lpath[nchars] = '\0';

 *	If the file is a directory, redirect using the nominated default page
	if (websPageIsDirectory(lpath)) {
		nchars = gstrlen(path);
		if (path[nchars-1] == '/' || path[nchars-1] == '\\') {
			path[--nchars] = '\0';
		nchars += gstrlen(websDefaultPage) + 2;
		fmtAlloc(&tmp, nchars, T("%s/%s"), path, websDefaultPage);
		websRedirect(wp, tmp);
		bfreeSafe(B_L, tmp);
		return 1;

 *	Open the document. Stat for later use.
	if (websPageOpen(wp, lpath, path, SOCKET_RDONLY | SOCKET_BINARY,
		0666) < 0) {
		websError(wp, 400, T("Cannot open URL <b>%s</b>"), url);
		return 1;

	if (websPageStat(wp, lpath, path, &sbuf) < 0) {
		websError(wp, 400, T("Cannot stat page for URL <b>%s</b>"), url);
		return 1;

 *	If the page has not been modified since the user last received it and it
 *	is not dynamically generated each time (ASP), then optimize request by
 *	sending a 304 Use local copy response
	if (flags & WEBS_IF_MODIFIED && !(flags & WEBS_ASP)) {
		if (sbuf.mtime <= wp->since) {
			websWrite(wp, T("HTTP/1.0 304 Use local copy\r\n"));

 *			by license terms the following line of code must
 *			not be modified.
			websWrite(wp, T("Server: %s\r\n"), WEBS_NAME);

			if (flags & WEBS_KEEP_ALIVE) {
				websWrite(wp, T("Connection: keep-alive\r\n"));
			websWrite(wp, T("\r\n"));
			websSetRequestFlags(wp, flags |= WEBS_HEADER_DONE);
			websDone(wp, 304);
			return 1;

 *	Output the normal HTTP response header
	if ((date = websGetDateString(NULL)) != NULL) {
		websWrite(wp, T("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nDate: %s\r\n"), date);

 *		By license terms the following line of code must not be modified.
		websWrite(wp, T("Server: %s\r\n"), WEBS_NAME);
		bfree(B_L, date);

 *	If this is an ASP request, ensure the remote browser doesn't cache it.
 *	Send back both HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 cache control directives
	if (flags & WEBS_ASP) {
		bytes = 0;
		websWrite(wp, T("Pragma: no-cache\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\n"));

	} else {
		if ((date = websGetDateString(&sbuf)) != NULL) {
			websWrite(wp, T("Last-modified: %s\r\n"), date);
			bfree(B_L, date);
		bytes = sbuf.size;

	if (bytes) {
		websWrite(wp, T("Content-length: %d\r\n"), bytes);
		websSetRequestBytes(wp, bytes);
	websWrite(wp, T("Content-type: %s\r\n"), websGetRequestType(wp));

	if ((flags & WEBS_KEEP_ALIVE) && !(flags & WEBS_ASP)) {
		websWrite(wp, T("Connection: keep-alive\r\n"));
	websWrite(wp, T("\r\n"));

 *	All done if the browser did a HEAD request
	if (flags & WEBS_HEAD_REQUEST) {
		websDone(wp, 200);
		return 1;

 *	Evaluate ASP requests
	if (flags & WEBS_ASP) {
		if (websAspRequest(wp, lpath) < 0) {
			return 1;
		websDone(wp, 200);
		return 1;

	if (wp->flags & WEBS_SECURE) {
	} else {
		websSetRequestSocketHandler(wp, SOCKET_WRITABLE, websDefaultWriteEvent);
 *	For normal web documents, return the data via background write
	websSetRequestSocketHandler(wp, SOCKET_WRITABLE, websDefaultWriteEvent);
	return 1;
Beispiel #29
int websValidateUrl(webs_t wp, char_t *path)
	char_t	*parts[64];					/* Array of ptr's to URL parts */
	char_t	*token, *dir, *lpath;
	int		i, len, npart;


	dir = websGetRequestDir(wp);
	if (dir == NULL || *dir == '\0') {
		return -1;

 *	Copy the string so we don't destroy the original
	path = bstrdup(B_L, path);
	websDecodeUrl(path, path, gstrlen(path));

	len = npart = 0;
	parts[0] = NULL;

    * 22 Jul 02 -- there were reports that a directory traversal exploit was
    * possible in the WebServer running under Windows if directory paths
    * outside the server's specified root web were given by URL-encoding the
    * backslash character, like:
    *  GoAhead is vulnerable to a directory traversal bug. A request such as
    *  GoAhead-server/../../../../../../../ results in an error message
    *  'Cannot open URL'.

    *  However, by encoding the '/' character, it is possible to break out of
    *  the
    *  web root and read arbitrary files from the server.
    *  Hence a request like:
    *  GoAhead-server/..%5C..%5C..%5C..%5C..%5C..%5C/winnt/win.ini returns the
    *  contents of the win.ini file.
    * (Note that the description uses forward slashes (0x2F), but the example
    * uses backslashes (0x5C). In my tests, forward slashes are correctly
    * trapped, but backslashes are not. The code below substitutes forward
    * slashes for backslashes before attempting to validate that there are no
    * unauthorized paths being accessed.
   token = gstrchr(path, '\\');
   while (token != NULL)
      *token = '/';
      token = gstrchr(token, '\\');

	token = gstrtok(path, T("/"));

 *	Look at each directory segment and process "." and ".." segments
 *	Don't allow the browser to pop outside the root web.
	while (token != NULL) {
		if (gstrcmp(token, T("..")) == 0) {
			if (npart > 0) {

		} else if (gstrcmp(token, T(".")) != 0) {
			parts[npart] = token;
			len += gstrlen(token) + 1;
		token = gstrtok(NULL, T("/"));

 *	Create local path for document. Need extra space all "/" and null.
	if (npart || (gstrcmp(path, T("/")) == 0) || (path[0] == '\0')) {
		lpath = balloc(B_L, (gstrlen(dir) + 1 + len + 1) * sizeof(char_t));
		gstrcpy(lpath, dir);

		for (i = 0; i < npart; i++) {
			gstrcat(lpath, T("/"));
			gstrcat(lpath, parts[i]);
		websSetRequestLpath(wp, lpath);
		bfree(B_L, path);
		bfree(B_L, lpath);

	} else {
		bfree(B_L, path);
		return -1;
	return 0;
Beispiel #30
void defaultErrorHandler(int etype, char_t *msg)
	write(1, msg, gstrlen(msg));