// NOTE:  %%%% if any change is made to this stub make sure that the function
//             pd_code_size_limit is changed to ensure the correct size for VtableStub
VtableStub* VtableStubs::create_itable_stub(int itable_index) {
  const int sparc_code_length = VtableStub::pd_code_size_limit(false);
  VtableStub* s = new(sparc_code_length) VtableStub(false, itable_index);
  // Can be NULL if there is no free space in the code cache.
  if (s == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  ResourceMark rm;
  CodeBuffer cb(s->entry_point(), sparc_code_length);
  MacroAssembler* masm = new MacroAssembler(&cb);

  Register G3_Klass = G3_scratch;
  Register G5_icholder = G5;  // Passed in as an argument
  Register G4_interface = G4_scratch;
  Label search;

  // Entry arguments:
  //  G5_interface: Interface
  //  O0:           Receiver
  assert(VtableStub::receiver_location() == O0->as_VMReg(), "receiver expected in O0");

  // get receiver klass (also an implicit null-check)
  address npe_addr = __ pc();
  __ load_klass(O0, G3_Klass);

  // Push a new window to get some temp registers.  This chops the head of all
  // my 64-bit %o registers in the LION build, but this is OK because no longs
  // are passed in the %o registers.  Instead, longs are passed in G1 and G4
  // and so those registers are not available here.
  __ save(SP,-frame::register_save_words*wordSize,SP);

#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (CountCompiledCalls) {
    __ inc_counter(SharedRuntime::nof_megamorphic_calls_addr(), L0, L1);
#endif /* PRODUCT */

  Label L_no_such_interface;

  Register L5_method = L5;

  // Receiver subtype check against REFC.
  __ ld_ptr(G5_icholder, CompiledICHolder::holder_klass_offset(), G4_interface);
  __ lookup_interface_method(// inputs: rec. class, interface, itable index
                             G3_Klass, G4_interface, itable_index,
                             // outputs: scan temp. reg1, scan temp. reg2
                             L5_method, L2, L3,
                             /*return_method=*/ false);

  // Get Method* and entrypoint for compiler
  __ ld_ptr(G5_icholder, CompiledICHolder::holder_metadata_offset(), G4_interface);
  __ lookup_interface_method(// inputs: rec. class, interface, itable index
                             G3_Klass, G4_interface, itable_index,
                             // outputs: method, scan temp. reg
                             L5_method, L2, L3,

#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (DebugVtables) {
    Label L01;
    __ br_notnull_short(L5_method, Assembler::pt, L01);
    __ stop("Method* is null");
    __ bind(L01);

  // If the following load is through a NULL pointer, we'll take an OS
  // exception that should translate into an AbstractMethodError.  We need the
  // window count to be correct at that time.
  __ restore(L5_method, 0, G5_method);
  // Restore registers *before* the AME point.

  address ame_addr = __ pc();   // if the vtable entry is null, the method is abstract
  __ ld_ptr(G5_method, in_bytes(Method::from_compiled_offset()), G3_scratch);

  // G5_method:  Method*
  // O0:         Receiver
  // G3_scratch: entry point
  __ JMP(G3_scratch, 0);
  __ delayed()->nop();

  __ bind(L_no_such_interface);
  AddressLiteral icce(StubRoutines::throw_IncompatibleClassChangeError_entry());
  __ jump_to(icce, G3_scratch);
  __ delayed()->restore();


  if (PrintMiscellaneous && (WizardMode || Verbose)) {
    tty->print_cr("itable #%d at " PTR_FORMAT "[%d] left over: %d",
                  itable_index, s->entry_point(),
                  (int)(s->code_end() - s->entry_point()),
                  (int)(s->code_end() - __ pc()));
  guarantee(__ pc() <= s->code_end(), "overflowed buffer");
  // shut the door on sizing bugs
  int slop = 2*BytesPerInstWord;  // 32-bit offset is this much larger than a 13-bit one
  assert(itable_index > 10 || __ pc() + slop <= s->code_end(), "room for sethi;add");

  s->set_exception_points(npe_addr, ame_addr);
  return s;
Beispiel #2
 const void *get_data_read() {
     uint32_t block_size;
     const void *data = get_data_read(&block_size);
     guarantee(block_size == lock_->cache()->max_block_size().value());
     return data;
Beispiel #3
 ~PlatformEvent() { guarantee(0, "invariant"); }
Beispiel #4
 signal_t *write_acq_signal() {
     return current_page_acq()->write_acq_signal();
Beispiel #5
 txn_t *txn() const {
     return txn_;
// Write the field information portion of ClassFile structure
// JVMSpec|   	u2 fields_count;
// JVMSpec|   	field_info fields[fields_count];
void JvmtiClassFileReconstituter::write_field_infos() {  
  HandleMark hm(thread());
  typeArrayHandle fields(thread(), ikh()->fields());
  int fields_length = fields->length();
  int num_fields = fields_length / instanceKlass::next_offset;
  objArrayHandle fields_anno(thread(), ikh()->fields_annotations());

  for (int index = 0; index < fields_length; index += instanceKlass::next_offset) {
    AccessFlags access_flags;
    int flags = fields->ushort_at(index + instanceKlass::access_flags_offset);
    int name_index = fields->ushort_at(index + instanceKlass::name_index_offset);
    int signature_index = fields->ushort_at(index + instanceKlass::signature_index_offset);
    int initial_value_index = fields->ushort_at(index + instanceKlass::initval_index_offset);
    guarantee(name_index != 0 && signature_index != 0, "bad constant pool index for field");
    int offset = ikh()->offset_from_fields( index );
    int generic_signature_index = 
                        fields->ushort_at(index + instanceKlass::generic_signature_offset);
    typeArrayHandle anno(thread(), fields_anno.not_null() ? 
                                 (typeArrayOop)(fields_anno->obj_at(index / instanceKlass::next_offset)) :

    // JVMSpec|   field_info {
    // JVMSpec|   	u2 access_flags;
    // JVMSpec|   	u2 name_index;
    // JVMSpec|   	u2 descriptor_index;
    // JVMSpec|   	u2 attributes_count;
    // JVMSpec|   	attribute_info attributes[attributes_count];
    // JVMSpec|   }

    write_u2(flags & JVM_RECOGNIZED_FIELD_MODIFIERS); 
    int attr_count = 0;
    if (initial_value_index != 0) {
    if (access_flags.is_synthetic()) {
      // ++attr_count;
    if (generic_signature_index != 0) {
    if (anno.not_null()) {
      ++attr_count;     // has RuntimeVisibleAnnotations attribute


    if (initial_value_index != 0) {
      write_u4(2); //length always 2
    if (access_flags.is_synthetic()) {
      // write_synthetic_attribute();
    if (generic_signature_index != 0) {
    if (anno.not_null()) {
      write_annotations_attribute("RuntimeVisibleAnnotations", anno);
Beispiel #7
 access_t access() const {
     return current_page_acq()->access();
void G1BiasedMappedArrayBase::verify_biased_index_inclusive_end(idx_t biased_index) const {
  guarantee(_biased_base != NULL, "Array not initialized");
  guarantee(biased_index >= bias() && biased_index <= (bias() + length()),
    err_msg("Biased index out of inclusive bounds, index: "SIZE_FORMAT" bias: "SIZE_FORMAT" length: "SIZE_FORMAT, biased_index, bias(), length()));
void constMethodKlass::oop_verify_on(oop obj, outputStream* st) {
  Klass::oop_verify_on(obj, st);
  guarantee(obj->is_constMethod(), "object must be constMethod");
  constMethodOop m = constMethodOop(obj);
  guarantee(m->is_perm(),                            "should be in permspace");

  // Verification can occur during oop construction before the method or
  // other fields have been initialized.
  if (!obj->partially_loaded()) {
    guarantee(m->method()->is_perm(), "should be in permspace");
    guarantee(m->method()->is_method(), "should be method");
    typeArrayOop stackmap_data = m->stackmap_data();
    guarantee(stackmap_data == NULL ||
              stackmap_data->is_perm(),  "should be in permspace");
    guarantee(m->exception_table()->is_perm(), "should be in permspace");
    guarantee(m->exception_table()->is_typeArray(), "should be type array");

    address m_end = (address)((oop*) m + m->size());
    address compressed_table_start = m->code_end();
    guarantee(compressed_table_start <= m_end, "invalid method layout");
    address compressed_table_end = compressed_table_start;
    // Verify line number table
    if (m->has_linenumber_table()) {
      CompressedLineNumberReadStream stream(m->compressed_linenumber_table());
      while (stream.read_pair()) {
        guarantee(stream.bci() >= 0 && stream.bci() <= m->code_size(), "invalid bci in line number table");
      compressed_table_end += stream.position();
    guarantee(compressed_table_end <= m_end, "invalid method layout");
    // Verify checked exceptions and local variable tables
    if (m->has_checked_exceptions()) {
      u2* addr = m->checked_exceptions_length_addr();
      guarantee(*addr > 0 && (address) addr >= compressed_table_end && (address) addr < m_end, "invalid method layout");
    if (m->has_localvariable_table()) {
      u2* addr = m->localvariable_table_length_addr();
      guarantee(*addr > 0 && (address) addr >= compressed_table_end && (address) addr < m_end, "invalid method layout");
    // Check compressed_table_end relative to uncompressed_table_start
    u2* uncompressed_table_start;
    if (m->has_localvariable_table()) {
      uncompressed_table_start = (u2*) m->localvariable_table_start();
    } else {
      if (m->has_checked_exceptions()) {
        uncompressed_table_start = (u2*) m->checked_exceptions_start();
      } else {
        uncompressed_table_start = (u2*) m_end;
    int gap = (intptr_t) uncompressed_table_start - (intptr_t) compressed_table_end;
    int max_gap = align_object_size(1)*BytesPerWord;
    guarantee(gap >= 0 && gap < max_gap, "invalid method layout");
Beispiel #10
void Functor_set_arg(Term* term, functor_size_t n, Term* arg){
    guarantee(term->type == FUNCTOR, "Functor_set_arg: not a functor");
    guarantee(term->data.functor.size > n, "Functor_set_arg: too few arguments");
    term->data.functor.args[n] = arg;
void G1BiasedMappedArrayBase::verify_index(idx_t index) const {
  guarantee(_base != NULL, "Array not initialized");
  guarantee(index < length(), err_msg("Index out of bounds index: "SIZE_FORMAT" length: "SIZE_FORMAT, index, length()));
HeapWord* Space::object_iterate_careful_m(MemRegion mr,
                                          ObjectClosureCareful* cl) {
  guarantee(false, "NYI");
  return bottom();
bool VirtualMemoryTracker::add_reserved_region(address base_addr, size_t size,
   const NativeCallStack& stack, MEMFLAGS flag, bool all_committed) {
  assert(base_addr != NULL, "Invalid address");
  assert(size > 0, "Invalid size");
  assert(_reserved_regions != NULL, "Sanity check");
  ReservedMemoryRegion  rgn(base_addr, size, stack, flag);
  ReservedMemoryRegion* reserved_rgn = _reserved_regions->find(rgn);
  LinkedListNode<ReservedMemoryRegion>* node;
  if (reserved_rgn == NULL) {
    VirtualMemorySummary::record_reserved_memory(size, flag);
    node = _reserved_regions->add(rgn);
    if (node != NULL) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;
  } else {
    if (reserved_rgn->same_region(base_addr, size)) {
      return true;
    } else if (reserved_rgn->adjacent_to(base_addr, size)) {
      VirtualMemorySummary::record_reserved_memory(size, flag);
      reserved_rgn->expand_region(base_addr, size);
      return true;
    } else {
      // Overlapped reservation.
      // It can happen when the regions are thread stacks, as JNI
      // thread does not detach from VM before exits, and leads to
      // leak JavaThread object
      if (reserved_rgn->flag() == mtThreadStack) {
        guarantee(!CheckJNICalls, "Attached JNI thread exited without being detached");
        // Overwrite with new region

        // Release old region
        VirtualMemorySummary::record_uncommitted_memory(reserved_rgn->committed_size(), reserved_rgn->flag());
        VirtualMemorySummary::record_released_memory(reserved_rgn->size(), reserved_rgn->flag());

        // Add new region
        VirtualMemorySummary::record_reserved_memory(rgn.size(), flag);

        *reserved_rgn = rgn;
        return true;

      // CDS mapping region.
      // CDS reserves the whole region for mapping CDS archive, then maps each section into the region.
      // NMT reports CDS as a whole.
      if (reserved_rgn->flag() == mtClassShared) {
        assert(reserved_rgn->contain_region(base_addr, size), "Reserved CDS region should contain this mapping region");
        return true;

      // Mapped CDS string region.
      // The string region(s) is part of the java heap.
      if (reserved_rgn->flag() == mtJavaHeap) {
        assert(reserved_rgn->contain_region(base_addr, size), "Reserved heap region should contain this mapping region");
        return true;

      return false;
// Used by compiler only; may use only caller saved, non-argument registers
// NOTE:  %%%% if any change is made to this stub make sure that the function
//             pd_code_size_limit is changed to ensure the correct size for VtableStub
VtableStub* VtableStubs::create_vtable_stub(int vtable_index) {
  const int sparc_code_length = VtableStub::pd_code_size_limit(true);
  VtableStub* s = new(sparc_code_length) VtableStub(true, vtable_index);
  // Can be NULL if there is no free space in the code cache.
  if (s == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  ResourceMark rm;
  CodeBuffer cb(s->entry_point(), sparc_code_length);
  MacroAssembler* masm = new MacroAssembler(&cb);

#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (CountCompiledCalls) {
    __ inc_counter(SharedRuntime::nof_megamorphic_calls_addr(), G5, G3_scratch);
#endif /* PRODUCT */

  assert(VtableStub::receiver_location() == O0->as_VMReg(), "receiver expected in O0");

  // get receiver klass
  address npe_addr = __ pc();
  __ load_klass(O0, G3_scratch);

  // set Method* (in case of interpreted method), and destination address
#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (DebugVtables) {
    Label L;
    // check offset vs vtable length
    __ ld(G3_scratch, InstanceKlass::vtable_length_offset()*wordSize, G5);
    __ cmp_and_br_short(G5, vtable_index*vtableEntry::size(), Assembler::greaterUnsigned, Assembler::pt, L);
    __ set(vtable_index, O2);
    __ call_VM(noreg, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, bad_compiled_vtable_index), O0, O2);
    __ bind(L);

  __ lookup_virtual_method(G3_scratch, vtable_index, G5_method);

#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (DebugVtables) {
    Label L;
    __ br_notnull_short(G5_method, Assembler::pt, L);
    __ stop("Vtable entry is ZERO");
    __ bind(L);

  address ame_addr = __ pc();  // if the vtable entry is null, the method is abstract
                               // NOTE: for vtable dispatches, the vtable entry will never be null.

  __ ld_ptr(G5_method, in_bytes(Method::from_compiled_offset()), G3_scratch);

  // jump to target (either compiled code or c2iadapter)
  __ JMP(G3_scratch, 0);
  // load Method* (in case we call c2iadapter)
  __ delayed()->nop();


  if (PrintMiscellaneous && (WizardMode || Verbose)) {
    tty->print_cr("vtable #%d at " PTR_FORMAT "[%d] left over: %d",
                  vtable_index, s->entry_point(),
                  (int)(s->code_end() - s->entry_point()),
                  (int)(s->code_end() - __ pc()));
  guarantee(__ pc() <= s->code_end(), "overflowed buffer");
  // shut the door on sizing bugs
  int slop = 2*BytesPerInstWord;  // 32-bit offset is this much larger than a 13-bit one
  assert(vtable_index > 10 || __ pc() + slop <= s->code_end(), "room for sethi;add");

  s->set_exception_points(npe_addr, ame_addr);
  return s;
Beispiel #15
void ASPSYoungGen::resize_spaces(size_t requested_eden_size,
                                 size_t requested_survivor_size) {
  assert(UseAdaptiveSizePolicy, "sanity check");
  assert(requested_eden_size > 0 && requested_survivor_size > 0,
         "just checking");


  // We require eden and to space to be empty
  if ((!eden_space()->is_empty()) || (!to_space()->is_empty())) {

  if (PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy && Verbose) {
    gclog_or_tty->print_cr("PSYoungGen::resize_spaces(requested_eden_size: "
                  ", requested_survivor_size: " SIZE_FORMAT ")",
                  requested_eden_size, requested_survivor_size);
    gclog_or_tty->print_cr("    eden: [" PTR_FORMAT ".." PTR_FORMAT ") "
    gclog_or_tty->print_cr("    from: [" PTR_FORMAT ".." PTR_FORMAT ") "
    gclog_or_tty->print_cr("      to: [" PTR_FORMAT ".." PTR_FORMAT ") "
                  pointer_delta(  to_space()->end(),

  // There's nothing to do if the new sizes are the same as the current
  if (requested_survivor_size == to_space()->capacity_in_bytes() &&
      requested_survivor_size == from_space()->capacity_in_bytes() &&
      requested_eden_size == eden_space()->capacity_in_bytes()) {
    if (PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy && Verbose) {
      gclog_or_tty->print_cr("    capacities are the right sizes, returning");

  char* eden_start = (char*)virtual_space()->low();
  char* eden_end   = (char*)eden_space()->end();
  char* from_start = (char*)from_space()->bottom();
  char* from_end   = (char*)from_space()->end();
  char* to_start   = (char*)to_space()->bottom();
  char* to_end     = (char*)to_space()->end();

  assert(eden_start < from_start, "Cannot push into from_space");

  ParallelScavengeHeap* heap = (ParallelScavengeHeap*)Universe::heap();
  const size_t alignment = heap->intra_heap_alignment();
  const bool maintain_minimum =
    (requested_eden_size + 2 * requested_survivor_size) <= min_gen_size();

  bool eden_from_to_order = from_start < to_start;
  // Check whether from space is below to space
  if (eden_from_to_order) {
    // Eden, from, to

    if (PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy && Verbose) {
      gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  Eden, from, to:");

    // Set eden
    // "requested_eden_size" is a goal for the size of eden
    // and may not be attainable.  "eden_size" below is
    // calculated based on the location of from-space and
    // the goal for the size of eden.  from-space is
    // fixed in place because it contains live data.
    // The calculation is done this way to avoid 32bit
    // overflow (i.e., eden_start + requested_eden_size
    // may too large for representation in 32bits).
    size_t eden_size;
    if (maintain_minimum) {
      // Only make eden larger than the requested size if
      // the minimum size of the generation has to be maintained.
      // This could be done in general but policy at a higher
      // level is determining a requested size for eden and that
      // should be honored unless there is a fundamental reason.
      eden_size = pointer_delta(from_start,
    } else {
      eden_size = MIN2(requested_eden_size,
                       pointer_delta(from_start, eden_start, sizeof(char)));

    eden_end = eden_start + eden_size;
    assert(eden_end >= eden_start, "addition overflowed")

    // To may resize into from space as long as it is clear of live data.
    // From space must remain page aligned, though, so we need to do some
    // extra calculations.

    // First calculate an optimal to-space
    to_end   = (char*)virtual_space()->high();
    to_start = (char*)pointer_delta(to_end,

    // Does the optimal to-space overlap from-space?
    if (to_start < (char*)from_space()->end()) {
      assert(heap->kind() == CollectedHeap::ParallelScavengeHeap, "Sanity");

      // Calculate the minimum offset possible for from_end
      size_t from_size =
        pointer_delta(from_space()->top(), from_start, sizeof(char));

      // Should we be in this method if from_space is empty? Why not the set_space method? FIX ME!
      if (from_size == 0) {
        from_size = alignment;
      } else {
        from_size = align_size_up(from_size, alignment);

      from_end = from_start + from_size;
      assert(from_end > from_start, "addition overflow or from_size problem");

      guarantee(from_end <= (char*)from_space()->end(),
        "from_end moved to the right");

      // Now update to_start with the new from_end
      to_start = MAX2(from_end, to_start);

    guarantee(to_start != to_end, "to space is zero sized");

    if (PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy && Verbose) {
      gclog_or_tty->print_cr("    [eden_start .. eden_end): "
                    "[" PTR_FORMAT " .. " PTR_FORMAT ") " SIZE_FORMAT,
                    pointer_delta(eden_end, eden_start, sizeof(char)));
      gclog_or_tty->print_cr("    [from_start .. from_end): "
                    "[" PTR_FORMAT " .. " PTR_FORMAT ") " SIZE_FORMAT,
                    pointer_delta(from_end, from_start, sizeof(char)));
      gclog_or_tty->print_cr("    [  to_start ..   to_end): "
                    "[" PTR_FORMAT " .. " PTR_FORMAT ") " SIZE_FORMAT,
                    pointer_delta(  to_end,   to_start, sizeof(char)));
  } else {
    // Eden, to, from
    if (PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy && Verbose) {
      gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  Eden, to, from:");

    // To space gets priority over eden resizing. Note that we position
    // to space as if we were able to resize from space, even though from
    // space is not modified.
    // Giving eden priority was tried and gave poorer performance.
    to_end   = (char*)pointer_delta(virtual_space()->high(),
    to_end   = MIN2(to_end, from_start);
    to_start = (char*)pointer_delta(to_end, (char*)requested_survivor_size,
    // if the space sizes are to be increased by several times then
    // 'to_start' will point beyond the young generation. In this case
    // 'to_start' should be adjusted.
    to_start = MAX2(to_start, eden_start + alignment);

    // Compute how big eden can be, then adjust end.
    // See  comments above on calculating eden_end.
    size_t eden_size;
    if (maintain_minimum) {
      eden_size = pointer_delta(to_start, eden_start, sizeof(char));
    } else {
      eden_size = MIN2(requested_eden_size,
                       pointer_delta(to_start, eden_start, sizeof(char)));
    eden_end = eden_start + eden_size;
    assert(eden_end >= eden_start, "addition overflowed")

    // Don't let eden shrink down to 0 or less.
    eden_end = MAX2(eden_end, eden_start + alignment);
    to_start = MAX2(to_start, eden_end);

    if (PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy && Verbose) {
      gclog_or_tty->print_cr("    [eden_start .. eden_end): "
                    "[" PTR_FORMAT " .. " PTR_FORMAT ") " SIZE_FORMAT,
                    pointer_delta(eden_end, eden_start, sizeof(char)));
      gclog_or_tty->print_cr("    [  to_start ..   to_end): "
                    "[" PTR_FORMAT " .. " PTR_FORMAT ") " SIZE_FORMAT,
                    pointer_delta(  to_end,   to_start, sizeof(char)));
      gclog_or_tty->print_cr("    [from_start .. from_end): "
                    "[" PTR_FORMAT " .. " PTR_FORMAT ") " SIZE_FORMAT,
                    pointer_delta(from_end, from_start, sizeof(char)));

  guarantee((HeapWord*)from_start <= from_space()->bottom(),
            "from start moved to the right");
  guarantee((HeapWord*)from_end >= from_space()->top(),
            "from end moved into live data");
  assert(is_object_aligned((intptr_t)eden_start), "checking alignment");
  assert(is_object_aligned((intptr_t)from_start), "checking alignment");
  assert(is_object_aligned((intptr_t)to_start), "checking alignment");

  MemRegion edenMR((HeapWord*)eden_start, (HeapWord*)eden_end);
  MemRegion toMR  ((HeapWord*)to_start,   (HeapWord*)to_end);
  MemRegion fromMR((HeapWord*)from_start, (HeapWord*)from_end);

  // Let's make sure the call to initialize doesn't reset "top"!
  DEBUG_ONLY(HeapWord* old_from_top = from_space()->top();)
void PSYoungGen::space_invariants() {
  ParallelScavengeHeap* heap = (ParallelScavengeHeap*)Universe::heap();
  const size_t alignment = heap->space_alignment();

  // Currently, our eden size cannot shrink to zero
  guarantee(eden_space()->capacity_in_bytes() >= alignment, "eden too small");
  guarantee(from_space()->capacity_in_bytes() >= alignment, "from too small");
  guarantee(to_space()->capacity_in_bytes() >= alignment, "to too small");

  // Relationship of spaces to each other
  char* eden_start = (char*)eden_space()->bottom();
  char* eden_end   = (char*)eden_space()->end();
  char* from_start = (char*)from_space()->bottom();
  char* from_end   = (char*)from_space()->end();
  char* to_start   = (char*)to_space()->bottom();
  char* to_end     = (char*)to_space()->end();

  guarantee(eden_start >= virtual_space()->low(), "eden bottom");
  guarantee(eden_start < eden_end, "eden space consistency");
  guarantee(from_start < from_end, "from space consistency");
  guarantee(to_start < to_end, "to space consistency");

  // Check whether from space is below to space
  if (from_start < to_start) {
    // Eden, from, to
    guarantee(eden_end <= from_start, "eden/from boundary");
    guarantee(from_end <= to_start,   "from/to boundary");
    guarantee(to_end <= virtual_space()->high(), "to end");
  } else {
    // Eden, to, from
    guarantee(eden_end <= to_start, "eden/to boundary");
    guarantee(to_end <= from_start, "to/from boundary");
    guarantee(from_end <= virtual_space()->high(), "from end");

  // More checks that the virtual space is consistent with the spaces
  assert(virtual_space()->committed_size() >=
    (eden_space()->capacity_in_bytes() +
     to_space()->capacity_in_bytes() +
     from_space()->capacity_in_bytes()), "Committed size is inconsistent");
  assert(virtual_space()->committed_size() <= virtual_space()->reserved_size(),
    "Space invariant");
  char* eden_top = (char*)eden_space()->top();
  char* from_top = (char*)from_space()->top();
  char* to_top = (char*)to_space()->top();
  assert(eden_top <= virtual_space()->high(), "eden top");
  assert(from_top <= virtual_space()->high(), "from top");
  assert(to_top <= virtual_space()->high(), "to top");

Beispiel #17
// MethodHandles::generate_method_handle_stub
// Generate an "entry" field for a method handle.
// This determines how the method handle will respond to calls.
void MethodHandles::generate_method_handle_stub(MacroAssembler* _masm, MethodHandles::EntryKind ek) {
  // Here is the register state during an interpreted call,
  // as set up by generate_method_handle_interpreter_entry():
  // - rbx: garbage temp (was MethodHandle.invoke methodOop, unused)
  // - rcx: receiver method handle
  // - rax: method handle type (only used by the check_mtype entry point)
  // - rsi/r13: sender SP (must preserve; see prepare_to_jump_from_interpreted)
  // - rdx: garbage temp, can blow away

  const Register rcx_recv    = rcx;
  const Register rax_argslot = rax;
  const Register rbx_temp    = rbx;
  const Register rdx_temp    = rdx;

  // This guy is set up by prepare_to_jump_from_interpreted (from interpreted calls)
  // and gen_c2i_adapter (from compiled calls):
  const Register saved_last_sp = LP64_ONLY(r13) NOT_LP64(rsi);

  // Argument registers for _raise_exception.
  // 32-bit: Pass first two oop/int args in registers ECX and EDX.
  const Register rarg0_code     = LP64_ONLY(j_rarg0) NOT_LP64(rcx);
  const Register rarg1_actual   = LP64_ONLY(j_rarg1) NOT_LP64(rdx);
  const Register rarg2_required = LP64_ONLY(j_rarg2) NOT_LP64(rdi);
  assert_different_registers(rarg0_code, rarg1_actual, rarg2_required, saved_last_sp);

  guarantee(java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle::vmentry_offset_in_bytes() != 0, "must have offsets");

  // some handy addresses
  Address rbx_method_fie(     rbx,      methodOopDesc::from_interpreted_offset() );
  Address rbx_method_fce(     rbx,      methodOopDesc::from_compiled_offset() );

  Address rcx_mh_vmtarget(    rcx_recv, java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle::vmtarget_offset_in_bytes() );
  Address rcx_dmh_vmindex(    rcx_recv, java_lang_invoke_DirectMethodHandle::vmindex_offset_in_bytes() );

  Address rcx_bmh_vmargslot(  rcx_recv, java_lang_invoke_BoundMethodHandle::vmargslot_offset_in_bytes() );
  Address rcx_bmh_argument(   rcx_recv, java_lang_invoke_BoundMethodHandle::argument_offset_in_bytes() );

  Address rcx_amh_vmargslot(  rcx_recv, java_lang_invoke_AdapterMethodHandle::vmargslot_offset_in_bytes() );
  Address rcx_amh_argument(   rcx_recv, java_lang_invoke_AdapterMethodHandle::argument_offset_in_bytes() );
  Address rcx_amh_conversion( rcx_recv, java_lang_invoke_AdapterMethodHandle::conversion_offset_in_bytes() );
  Address vmarg;                // __ argument_address(vmargslot)

  const int java_mirror_offset = klassOopDesc::klass_part_offset_in_bytes() + Klass::java_mirror_offset_in_bytes();

  if (have_entry(ek)) {
    __ nop();                   // empty stubs make SG sick

  address interp_entry = __ pc();

  trace_method_handle(_masm, entry_name(ek));


  switch ((int) ek) {
  case _raise_exception:
      // Not a real MH entry, but rather shared code for raising an
      // exception.  Since we use the compiled entry, arguments are
      // expected in compiler argument registers.
      assert(raise_exception_method(), "must be set");
      assert(raise_exception_method()->from_compiled_entry(), "method must be linked");

      const Register rdi_pc = rax;
      __ pop(rdi_pc);  // caller PC
      __ mov(rsp, saved_last_sp);  // cut the stack back to where the caller started

      Register rbx_method = rbx_temp;
      Label L_no_method;
      // FIXME: fill in _raise_exception_method with a suitable java.lang.invoke method
      __ movptr(rbx_method, ExternalAddress((address) &_raise_exception_method));
      __ testptr(rbx_method, rbx_method);
      __ jccb(Assembler::zero, L_no_method);

      const int jobject_oop_offset = 0;
      __ movptr(rbx_method, Address(rbx_method, jobject_oop_offset));  // dereference the jobject
      __ testptr(rbx_method, rbx_method);
      __ jccb(Assembler::zero, L_no_method);
      __ verify_oop(rbx_method);

      NOT_LP64(__ push(rarg2_required));
      __ push(rdi_pc);         // restore caller PC
      __ jmp(rbx_method_fce);  // jump to compiled entry

      // Do something that is at least causes a valid throw from the interpreter.
      __ bind(L_no_method);
      __ push(rarg2_required);
      __ push(rarg1_actual);
      __ jump(ExternalAddress(Interpreter::throw_WrongMethodType_entry()));

  case _invokestatic_mh:
  case _invokespecial_mh:
      Register rbx_method = rbx_temp;
      __ load_heap_oop(rbx_method, rcx_mh_vmtarget); // target is a methodOop
      __ verify_oop(rbx_method);
      // same as TemplateTable::invokestatic or invokespecial,
      // minus the CP setup and profiling:
      if (ek == _invokespecial_mh) {
        // Must load & check the first argument before entering the target method.
        __ load_method_handle_vmslots(rax_argslot, rcx_recv, rdx_temp);
        __ movptr(rcx_recv, __ argument_address(rax_argslot, -1));
        __ null_check(rcx_recv);
        __ verify_oop(rcx_recv);
      __ jmp(rbx_method_fie);

  case _invokevirtual_mh:
      // same as TemplateTable::invokevirtual,
      // minus the CP setup and profiling:

      // pick out the vtable index and receiver offset from the MH,
      // and then we can discard it:
      __ load_method_handle_vmslots(rax_argslot, rcx_recv, rdx_temp);
      Register rbx_index = rbx_temp;
      __ movl(rbx_index, rcx_dmh_vmindex);
      // Note:  The verifier allows us to ignore rcx_mh_vmtarget.
      __ movptr(rcx_recv, __ argument_address(rax_argslot, -1));
      __ null_check(rcx_recv, oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes());

      // get receiver klass
      Register rax_klass = rax_argslot;
      __ load_klass(rax_klass, rcx_recv);
      __ verify_oop(rax_klass);

      // get target methodOop & entry point
      const int base = instanceKlass::vtable_start_offset() * wordSize;
      assert(vtableEntry::size() * wordSize == wordSize, "adjust the scaling in the code below");
      Address vtable_entry_addr(rax_klass,
                                rbx_index, Address::times_ptr,
                                base + vtableEntry::method_offset_in_bytes());
      Register rbx_method = rbx_temp;
      __ movptr(rbx_method, vtable_entry_addr);

      __ verify_oop(rbx_method);
      __ jmp(rbx_method_fie);

  case _invokeinterface_mh:
      // same as TemplateTable::invokeinterface,
      // minus the CP setup and profiling:

      // pick out the interface and itable index from the MH.
      __ load_method_handle_vmslots(rax_argslot, rcx_recv, rdx_temp);
      Register rdx_intf  = rdx_temp;
      Register rbx_index = rbx_temp;
      __ load_heap_oop(rdx_intf, rcx_mh_vmtarget);
      __ movl(rbx_index, rcx_dmh_vmindex);
      __ movptr(rcx_recv, __ argument_address(rax_argslot, -1));
      __ null_check(rcx_recv, oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes());

      // get receiver klass
      Register rax_klass = rax_argslot;
      __ load_klass(rax_klass, rcx_recv);
      __ verify_oop(rax_klass);

      Register rdi_temp   = rdi;
      Register rbx_method = rbx_index;

      // get interface klass
      Label no_such_interface;
      __ verify_oop(rdx_intf);
      __ lookup_interface_method(rax_klass, rdx_intf,
                                 // note: next two args must be the same:
                                 rbx_index, rbx_method,

      __ verify_oop(rbx_method);
      __ jmp(rbx_method_fie);
      __ hlt();

      __ bind(no_such_interface);
      // Throw an exception.
      // For historical reasons, it will be IncompatibleClassChangeError.
      __ mov(rbx_temp, rcx_recv);  // rarg2_required might be RCX
      assert_different_registers(rarg2_required, rbx_temp);
      __ movptr(rarg2_required, Address(rdx_intf, java_mirror_offset));  // required interface
      __ mov(   rarg1_actual,   rbx_temp);                               // bad receiver
      __ movl(  rarg0_code,     (int) Bytecodes::_invokeinterface);      // who is complaining?
      __ jump(ExternalAddress(from_interpreted_entry(_raise_exception)));

  case _bound_ref_mh:
  case _bound_int_mh:
  case _bound_long_mh:
  case _bound_ref_direct_mh:
  case _bound_int_direct_mh:
  case _bound_long_direct_mh:
      bool direct_to_method = (ek >= _bound_ref_direct_mh);
      BasicType arg_type  = T_ILLEGAL;
      int       arg_mask  = _INSERT_NO_MASK;
      int       arg_slots = -1;
      get_ek_bound_mh_info(ek, arg_type, arg_mask, arg_slots);

      // make room for the new argument:
      __ movl(rax_argslot, rcx_bmh_vmargslot);
      __ lea(rax_argslot, __ argument_address(rax_argslot));

      insert_arg_slots(_masm, arg_slots * stack_move_unit(), arg_mask, rax_argslot, rbx_temp, rdx_temp);

      // store bound argument into the new stack slot:
      __ load_heap_oop(rbx_temp, rcx_bmh_argument);
      if (arg_type == T_OBJECT) {
        __ movptr(Address(rax_argslot, 0), rbx_temp);
      } else {
        Address prim_value_addr(rbx_temp, java_lang_boxing_object::value_offset_in_bytes(arg_type));
        const int arg_size = type2aelembytes(arg_type);
        __ load_sized_value(rdx_temp, prim_value_addr, arg_size, is_signed_subword_type(arg_type), rbx_temp);
        __ store_sized_value(Address(rax_argslot, 0), rdx_temp, arg_size, rbx_temp);

      if (direct_to_method) {
        Register rbx_method = rbx_temp;
        __ load_heap_oop(rbx_method, rcx_mh_vmtarget);
        __ verify_oop(rbx_method);
        __ jmp(rbx_method_fie);
      } else {
        __ load_heap_oop(rcx_recv, rcx_mh_vmtarget);
        __ verify_oop(rcx_recv);
        __ jump_to_method_handle_entry(rcx_recv, rdx_temp);

  case _adapter_retype_only:
  case _adapter_retype_raw:
    // immediately jump to the next MH layer:
    __ load_heap_oop(rcx_recv, rcx_mh_vmtarget);
    __ verify_oop(rcx_recv);
    __ jump_to_method_handle_entry(rcx_recv, rdx_temp);
    // This is OK when all parameter types widen.
    // It is also OK when a return type narrows.

  case _adapter_check_cast:
      // temps:
      Register rbx_klass = rbx_temp; // interesting AMH data

      // check a reference argument before jumping to the next layer of MH:
      __ movl(rax_argslot, rcx_amh_vmargslot);
      vmarg = __ argument_address(rax_argslot);

      // What class are we casting to?
      __ load_heap_oop(rbx_klass, rcx_amh_argument); // this is a Class object!
      __ load_heap_oop(rbx_klass, Address(rbx_klass, java_lang_Class::klass_offset_in_bytes()));

      Label done;
      __ movptr(rdx_temp, vmarg);
      __ testptr(rdx_temp, rdx_temp);
      __ jcc(Assembler::zero, done);         // no cast if null
      __ load_klass(rdx_temp, rdx_temp);

      // live at this point:
      // - rbx_klass:  klass required by the target method
      // - rdx_temp:   argument klass to test
      // - rcx_recv:   adapter method handle
      __ check_klass_subtype(rdx_temp, rbx_klass, rax_argslot, done);

      // If we get here, the type check failed!
      // Call the wrong_method_type stub, passing the failing argument type in rax.
      Register rax_mtype = rax_argslot;
      __ movl(rax_argslot, rcx_amh_vmargslot);  // reload argslot field
      __ movptr(rdx_temp, vmarg);

      assert_different_registers(rarg2_required, rdx_temp);
      __ load_heap_oop(rarg2_required, rcx_amh_argument);             // required class
      __ mov(          rarg1_actual,   rdx_temp);                     // bad object
      __ movl(         rarg0_code,     (int) Bytecodes::_checkcast);  // who is complaining?
      __ jump(ExternalAddress(from_interpreted_entry(_raise_exception)));

      __ bind(done);
      // get the new MH:
      __ load_heap_oop(rcx_recv, rcx_mh_vmtarget);
      __ jump_to_method_handle_entry(rcx_recv, rdx_temp);

  case _adapter_prim_to_prim:
  case _adapter_ref_to_prim:
    // handled completely by optimized cases
    __ stop("init_AdapterMethodHandle should not issue this");

  case _adapter_opt_i2i:        // optimized subcase of adapt_prim_to_prim
//case _adapter_opt_f2i:        // optimized subcase of adapt_prim_to_prim
  case _adapter_opt_l2i:        // optimized subcase of adapt_prim_to_prim
  case _adapter_opt_unboxi:     // optimized subcase of adapt_ref_to_prim
      // perform an in-place conversion to int or an int subword
      __ movl(rax_argslot, rcx_amh_vmargslot);
      vmarg = __ argument_address(rax_argslot);

      switch (ek) {
      case _adapter_opt_i2i:
        __ movl(rdx_temp, vmarg);
      case _adapter_opt_l2i:
          // just delete the extra slot; on a little-endian machine we keep the first
          __ lea(rax_argslot, __ argument_address(rax_argslot, 1));
          remove_arg_slots(_masm, -stack_move_unit(),
                           rax_argslot, rbx_temp, rdx_temp);
          vmarg = Address(rax_argslot, -Interpreter::stackElementSize);
          __ movl(rdx_temp, vmarg);
      case _adapter_opt_unboxi:
          // Load the value up from the heap.
          __ movptr(rdx_temp, vmarg);
          int value_offset = java_lang_boxing_object::value_offset_in_bytes(T_INT);
#ifdef ASSERT
          for (int bt = T_BOOLEAN; bt < T_INT; bt++) {
            if (is_subword_type(BasicType(bt)))
              assert(value_offset == java_lang_boxing_object::value_offset_in_bytes(BasicType(bt)), "");
          __ null_check(rdx_temp, value_offset);
          __ movl(rdx_temp, Address(rdx_temp, value_offset));
          // We load this as a word.  Because we are little-endian,
          // the low bits will be correct, but the high bits may need cleaning.
          // The vminfo will guide us to clean those bits.

      // Do the requested conversion and store the value.
      Register rbx_vminfo = rbx_temp;
      __ movl(rbx_vminfo, rcx_amh_conversion);
      assert(CONV_VMINFO_SHIFT == 0, "preshifted");

      // get the new MH:
      __ load_heap_oop(rcx_recv, rcx_mh_vmtarget);
      // (now we are done with the old MH)

      // original 32-bit vmdata word must be of this form:
      //    | MBZ:6 | signBitCount:8 | srcDstTypes:8 | conversionOp:8 |
      __ xchgptr(rcx, rbx_vminfo);                // free rcx for shifts
      __ shll(rdx_temp /*, rcx*/);
      Label zero_extend, done;
      __ testl(rcx, CONV_VMINFO_SIGN_FLAG);
      __ jccb(Assembler::zero, zero_extend);

      // this path is taken for int->byte, int->short
      __ sarl(rdx_temp /*, rcx*/);
      __ jmpb(done);

      __ bind(zero_extend);
      // this is taken for int->char
      __ shrl(rdx_temp /*, rcx*/);

      __ bind(done);
      __ movl(vmarg, rdx_temp);  // Store the value.
      __ xchgptr(rcx, rbx_vminfo);                // restore rcx_recv

      __ jump_to_method_handle_entry(rcx_recv, rdx_temp);

  case _adapter_opt_i2l:        // optimized subcase of adapt_prim_to_prim
  case _adapter_opt_unboxl:     // optimized subcase of adapt_ref_to_prim
      // perform an in-place int-to-long or ref-to-long conversion
      __ movl(rax_argslot, rcx_amh_vmargslot);

      // on a little-endian machine we keep the first slot and add another after
      __ lea(rax_argslot, __ argument_address(rax_argslot, 1));
      insert_arg_slots(_masm, stack_move_unit(), _INSERT_INT_MASK,
                       rax_argslot, rbx_temp, rdx_temp);
      Address vmarg1(rax_argslot, -Interpreter::stackElementSize);
      Address vmarg2 = vmarg1.plus_disp(Interpreter::stackElementSize);

      switch (ek) {
      case _adapter_opt_i2l:
#ifdef _LP64
          __ movslq(rdx_temp, vmarg1);  // Load sign-extended
          __ movq(vmarg1, rdx_temp);    // Store into first slot
          __ movl(rdx_temp, vmarg1);
          __ sarl(rdx_temp, BitsPerInt - 1);  // __ extend_sign()
          __ movl(vmarg2, rdx_temp); // store second word
      case _adapter_opt_unboxl:
          // Load the value up from the heap.
          __ movptr(rdx_temp, vmarg1);
          int value_offset = java_lang_boxing_object::value_offset_in_bytes(T_LONG);
          assert(value_offset == java_lang_boxing_object::value_offset_in_bytes(T_DOUBLE), "");
          __ null_check(rdx_temp, value_offset);
#ifdef _LP64
          __ movq(rbx_temp, Address(rdx_temp, value_offset));
          __ movq(vmarg1, rbx_temp);
          __ movl(rbx_temp, Address(rdx_temp, value_offset + 0*BytesPerInt));
          __ movl(rdx_temp, Address(rdx_temp, value_offset + 1*BytesPerInt));
          __ movl(vmarg1, rbx_temp);
          __ movl(vmarg2, rdx_temp);

      __ load_heap_oop(rcx_recv, rcx_mh_vmtarget);
      __ jump_to_method_handle_entry(rcx_recv, rdx_temp);

  case _adapter_opt_f2d:        // optimized subcase of adapt_prim_to_prim
  case _adapter_opt_d2f:        // optimized subcase of adapt_prim_to_prim
      // perform an in-place floating primitive conversion
      __ movl(rax_argslot, rcx_amh_vmargslot);
      __ lea(rax_argslot, __ argument_address(rax_argslot, 1));
      if (ek == _adapter_opt_f2d) {
        insert_arg_slots(_masm, stack_move_unit(), _INSERT_INT_MASK,
                         rax_argslot, rbx_temp, rdx_temp);
      Address vmarg(rax_argslot, -Interpreter::stackElementSize);

#ifdef _LP64
      if (ek == _adapter_opt_f2d) {
        __ movflt(xmm0, vmarg);
        __ cvtss2sd(xmm0, xmm0);
        __ movdbl(vmarg, xmm0);
      } else {
        __ movdbl(xmm0, vmarg);
        __ cvtsd2ss(xmm0, xmm0);
        __ movflt(vmarg, xmm0);
#else //_LP64
      if (ek == _adapter_opt_f2d) {
        __ fld_s(vmarg);        // load float to ST0
        __ fstp_s(vmarg);       // store single
      } else {
        __ fld_d(vmarg);        // load double to ST0
        __ fstp_s(vmarg);       // store single
#endif //_LP64

      if (ek == _adapter_opt_d2f) {
        remove_arg_slots(_masm, -stack_move_unit(),
                         rax_argslot, rbx_temp, rdx_temp);

      __ load_heap_oop(rcx_recv, rcx_mh_vmtarget);
      __ jump_to_method_handle_entry(rcx_recv, rdx_temp);

  case _adapter_prim_to_ref:
    __ unimplemented(entry_name(ek)); // %%% FIXME: NYI

  case _adapter_swap_args:
  case _adapter_rot_args:
    // handled completely by optimized cases
    __ stop("init_AdapterMethodHandle should not issue this");

  case _adapter_opt_swap_1:
  case _adapter_opt_swap_2:
  case _adapter_opt_rot_1_up:
  case _adapter_opt_rot_1_down:
  case _adapter_opt_rot_2_up:
  case _adapter_opt_rot_2_down:
      int swap_bytes = 0, rotate = 0;
      get_ek_adapter_opt_swap_rot_info(ek, swap_bytes, rotate);

      // 'argslot' is the position of the first argument to swap
      __ movl(rax_argslot, rcx_amh_vmargslot);
      __ lea(rax_argslot, __ argument_address(rax_argslot));

      // 'vminfo' is the second
      Register rbx_destslot = rbx_temp;
      __ movl(rbx_destslot, rcx_amh_conversion);
      assert(CONV_VMINFO_SHIFT == 0, "preshifted");
      __ andl(rbx_destslot, CONV_VMINFO_MASK);
      __ lea(rbx_destslot, __ argument_address(rbx_destslot));
      DEBUG_ONLY(verify_argslot(_masm, rbx_destslot, "swap point must fall within current frame"));

      if (!rotate) {
        for (int i = 0; i < swap_bytes; i += wordSize) {
          __ movptr(rdx_temp, Address(rax_argslot , i));
          __ push(rdx_temp);
          __ movptr(rdx_temp, Address(rbx_destslot, i));
          __ movptr(Address(rax_argslot, i), rdx_temp);
          __ pop(rdx_temp);
          __ movptr(Address(rbx_destslot, i), rdx_temp);
      } else {
        // push the first chunk, which is going to get overwritten
        for (int i = swap_bytes; (i -= wordSize) >= 0; ) {
          __ movptr(rdx_temp, Address(rax_argslot, i));
          __ push(rdx_temp);

        if (rotate > 0) {
          // rotate upward
          __ subptr(rax_argslot, swap_bytes);
#ifdef ASSERT
            // Verify that argslot > destslot, by at least swap_bytes.
            Label L_ok;
            __ cmpptr(rax_argslot, rbx_destslot);
            __ jccb(Assembler::aboveEqual, L_ok);
            __ stop("source must be above destination (upward rotation)");
            __ bind(L_ok);
          // work argslot down to destslot, copying contiguous data upwards
          // pseudo-code:
          //   rax = src_addr - swap_bytes
          //   rbx = dest_addr
          //   while (rax >= rbx) *(rax + swap_bytes) = *(rax + 0), rax--;
          Label loop;
          __ bind(loop);
          __ movptr(rdx_temp, Address(rax_argslot, 0));
          __ movptr(Address(rax_argslot, swap_bytes), rdx_temp);
          __ addptr(rax_argslot, -wordSize);
          __ cmpptr(rax_argslot, rbx_destslot);
          __ jccb(Assembler::aboveEqual, loop);
        } else {
          __ addptr(rax_argslot, swap_bytes);
#ifdef ASSERT
            // Verify that argslot < destslot, by at least swap_bytes.
            Label L_ok;
            __ cmpptr(rax_argslot, rbx_destslot);
            __ jccb(Assembler::belowEqual, L_ok);
            __ stop("source must be below destination (downward rotation)");
            __ bind(L_ok);
          // work argslot up to destslot, copying contiguous data downwards
          // pseudo-code:
          //   rax = src_addr + swap_bytes
          //   rbx = dest_addr
          //   while (rax <= rbx) *(rax - swap_bytes) = *(rax + 0), rax++;
          Label loop;
          __ bind(loop);
          __ movptr(rdx_temp, Address(rax_argslot, 0));
          __ movptr(Address(rax_argslot, -swap_bytes), rdx_temp);
          __ addptr(rax_argslot, wordSize);
          __ cmpptr(rax_argslot, rbx_destslot);
          __ jccb(Assembler::belowEqual, loop);

        // pop the original first chunk into the destination slot, now free
        for (int i = 0; i < swap_bytes; i += wordSize) {
          __ pop(rdx_temp);
          __ movptr(Address(rbx_destslot, i), rdx_temp);

      __ load_heap_oop(rcx_recv, rcx_mh_vmtarget);
      __ jump_to_method_handle_entry(rcx_recv, rdx_temp);

  case _adapter_dup_args:
      // 'argslot' is the position of the first argument to duplicate
      __ movl(rax_argslot, rcx_amh_vmargslot);
      __ lea(rax_argslot, __ argument_address(rax_argslot));

      // 'stack_move' is negative number of words to duplicate
      Register rdx_stack_move = rdx_temp;
      __ movl2ptr(rdx_stack_move, rcx_amh_conversion);
      __ sarptr(rdx_stack_move, CONV_STACK_MOVE_SHIFT);

      int argslot0_num = 0;
      Address argslot0 = __ argument_address(RegisterOrConstant(argslot0_num));
      assert(argslot0.base() == rsp, "");
      int pre_arg_size = argslot0.disp();
      assert(pre_arg_size % wordSize == 0, "");
      assert(pre_arg_size > 0, "must include PC");

      // remember the old rsp+1 (argslot[0])
      Register rbx_oldarg = rbx_temp;
      __ lea(rbx_oldarg, argslot0);

      // move rsp down to make room for dups
      __ lea(rsp, Address(rsp, rdx_stack_move, Address::times_ptr));

      // compute the new rsp+1 (argslot[0])
      Register rdx_newarg = rdx_temp;
      __ lea(rdx_newarg, argslot0);

      __ push(rdi);             // need a temp
      // (preceding push must be done after arg addresses are taken!)

      // pull down the pre_arg_size data (PC)
      for (int i = -pre_arg_size; i < 0; i += wordSize) {
        __ movptr(rdi, Address(rbx_oldarg, i));
        __ movptr(Address(rdx_newarg, i), rdi);

      // copy from rax_argslot[0...] down to new_rsp[1...]
      // pseudo-code:
      //   rbx = old_rsp+1
      //   rdx = new_rsp+1
      //   rax = argslot
      //   while (rdx < rbx) *rdx++ = *rax++
      Label loop;
      __ bind(loop);
      __ movptr(rdi, Address(rax_argslot, 0));
      __ movptr(Address(rdx_newarg, 0), rdi);
      __ addptr(rax_argslot, wordSize);
      __ addptr(rdx_newarg, wordSize);
      __ cmpptr(rdx_newarg, rbx_oldarg);
      __ jccb(Assembler::less, loop);

      __ pop(rdi);              // restore temp

      __ load_heap_oop(rcx_recv, rcx_mh_vmtarget);
      __ jump_to_method_handle_entry(rcx_recv, rdx_temp);

  case _adapter_drop_args:
      // 'argslot' is the position of the first argument to nuke
      __ movl(rax_argslot, rcx_amh_vmargslot);
      __ lea(rax_argslot, __ argument_address(rax_argslot));

      __ push(rdi);             // need a temp
      // (must do previous push after argslot address is taken)

      // 'stack_move' is number of words to drop
      Register rdi_stack_move = rdi;
      __ movl2ptr(rdi_stack_move, rcx_amh_conversion);
      __ sarptr(rdi_stack_move, CONV_STACK_MOVE_SHIFT);
      remove_arg_slots(_masm, rdi_stack_move,
                       rax_argslot, rbx_temp, rdx_temp);

      __ pop(rdi);              // restore temp

      __ load_heap_oop(rcx_recv, rcx_mh_vmtarget);
      __ jump_to_method_handle_entry(rcx_recv, rdx_temp);

  case _adapter_collect_args:
    __ unimplemented(entry_name(ek)); // %%% FIXME: NYI

  case _adapter_spread_args:
    // handled completely by optimized cases
    __ stop("init_AdapterMethodHandle should not issue this");

  case _adapter_opt_spread_0:
  case _adapter_opt_spread_1:
  case _adapter_opt_spread_more:
      // spread an array out into a group of arguments
      int length_constant = get_ek_adapter_opt_spread_info(ek);

      // find the address of the array argument
      __ movl(rax_argslot, rcx_amh_vmargslot);
      __ lea(rax_argslot, __ argument_address(rax_argslot));

      // grab some temps
      { __ push(rsi); __ push(rdi); }
      // (preceding pushes must be done after argslot address is taken!)
#define UNPUSH_RSI_RDI \
      { __ pop(rdi); __ pop(rsi); }

      // arx_argslot points both to the array and to the first output arg
      vmarg = Address(rax_argslot, 0);

      // Get the array value.
      Register  rsi_array       = rsi;
      Register  rdx_array_klass = rdx_temp;
      BasicType elem_type       = T_OBJECT;
      int       length_offset   = arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes();
      int       elem0_offset    = arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(elem_type);
      __ movptr(rsi_array, vmarg);
      Label skip_array_check;
      if (length_constant == 0) {
        __ testptr(rsi_array, rsi_array);
        __ jcc(Assembler::zero, skip_array_check);
      __ null_check(rsi_array, oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes());
      __ load_klass(rdx_array_klass, rsi_array);

      // Check the array type.
      Register rbx_klass = rbx_temp;
      __ load_heap_oop(rbx_klass, rcx_amh_argument); // this is a Class object!
      __ load_heap_oop(rbx_klass, Address(rbx_klass, java_lang_Class::klass_offset_in_bytes()));

      Label ok_array_klass, bad_array_klass, bad_array_length;
      __ check_klass_subtype(rdx_array_klass, rbx_klass, rdi, ok_array_klass);
      // If we get here, the type check failed!
      __ jmp(bad_array_klass);
      __ bind(ok_array_klass);

      // Check length.
      if (length_constant >= 0) {
        __ cmpl(Address(rsi_array, length_offset), length_constant);
      } else {
        Register rbx_vminfo = rbx_temp;
        __ movl(rbx_vminfo, rcx_amh_conversion);
        assert(CONV_VMINFO_SHIFT == 0, "preshifted");
        __ andl(rbx_vminfo, CONV_VMINFO_MASK);
        __ cmpl(rbx_vminfo, Address(rsi_array, length_offset));
      __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, bad_array_length);

      Register rdx_argslot_limit = rdx_temp;

      // Array length checks out.  Now insert any required stack slots.
      if (length_constant == -1) {
        // Form a pointer to the end of the affected region.
        __ lea(rdx_argslot_limit, Address(rax_argslot, Interpreter::stackElementSize));
        // 'stack_move' is negative number of words to insert
        Register rdi_stack_move = rdi;
        __ movl2ptr(rdi_stack_move, rcx_amh_conversion);
        __ sarptr(rdi_stack_move, CONV_STACK_MOVE_SHIFT);
        Register rsi_temp = rsi_array;  // spill this
        insert_arg_slots(_masm, rdi_stack_move, -1,
                         rax_argslot, rbx_temp, rsi_temp);
        // reload the array (since rsi was killed)
        __ movptr(rsi_array, vmarg);
      } else if (length_constant > 1) {
        int arg_mask = 0;
        int new_slots = (length_constant - 1);
        for (int i = 0; i < new_slots; i++) {
          arg_mask <<= 1;
          arg_mask |= _INSERT_REF_MASK;
        insert_arg_slots(_masm, new_slots * stack_move_unit(), arg_mask,
                         rax_argslot, rbx_temp, rdx_temp);
      } else if (length_constant == 1) {
        // no stack resizing required
      } else if (length_constant == 0) {
        remove_arg_slots(_masm, -stack_move_unit(),
                         rax_argslot, rbx_temp, rdx_temp);

      // Copy from the array to the new slots.
      // Note: Stack change code preserves integrity of rax_argslot pointer.
      // So even after slot insertions, rax_argslot still points to first argument.
      if (length_constant == -1) {
        // [rax_argslot, rdx_argslot_limit) is the area we are inserting into.
        Register rsi_source = rsi_array;
        __ lea(rsi_source, Address(rsi_array, elem0_offset));
        Label loop;
        __ bind(loop);
        __ movptr(rbx_temp, Address(rsi_source, 0));
        __ movptr(Address(rax_argslot, 0), rbx_temp);
        __ addptr(rsi_source, type2aelembytes(elem_type));
        __ addptr(rax_argslot, Interpreter::stackElementSize);
        __ cmpptr(rax_argslot, rdx_argslot_limit);
        __ jccb(Assembler::less, loop);
      } else if (length_constant == 0) {
        __ bind(skip_array_check);
        // nothing to copy
      } else {
        int elem_offset = elem0_offset;
        int slot_offset = 0;
        for (int index = 0; index < length_constant; index++) {
          __ movptr(rbx_temp, Address(rsi_array, elem_offset));
          __ movptr(Address(rax_argslot, slot_offset), rbx_temp);
          elem_offset += type2aelembytes(elem_type);
           slot_offset += Interpreter::stackElementSize;

      // Arguments are spread.  Move to next method handle.
      __ load_heap_oop(rcx_recv, rcx_mh_vmtarget);
      __ jump_to_method_handle_entry(rcx_recv, rdx_temp);

      __ bind(bad_array_klass);
      assert(!vmarg.uses(rarg2_required), "must be different registers");
      __ movptr(rarg2_required, Address(rdx_array_klass, java_mirror_offset));  // required type
      __ movptr(rarg1_actual,   vmarg);                                         // bad array
      __ movl(  rarg0_code,     (int) Bytecodes::_aaload);                      // who is complaining?
      __ jump(ExternalAddress(from_interpreted_entry(_raise_exception)));

      __ bind(bad_array_length);
      assert(!vmarg.uses(rarg2_required), "must be different registers");
      __ mov   (rarg2_required, rcx_recv);                       // AMH requiring a certain length
      __ movptr(rarg1_actual,   vmarg);                          // bad array
      __ movl(  rarg0_code,     (int) Bytecodes::_arraylength);  // who is complaining?
      __ jump(ExternalAddress(from_interpreted_entry(_raise_exception)));


  case _adapter_flyby:
  case _adapter_ricochet:
    __ unimplemented(entry_name(ek)); // %%% FIXME: NYI

  default:  ShouldNotReachHere();
  __ hlt();

  address me_cookie = MethodHandleEntry::start_compiled_entry(_masm, interp_entry);
  __ unimplemented(entry_name(ek)); // %%% FIXME: NYI

  init_entry(ek, MethodHandleEntry::finish_compiled_entry(_masm, me_cookie));
bool PSYoungGen::resize_generation(size_t eden_size, size_t survivor_size) {
  const size_t alignment = virtual_space()->alignment();
  size_t orig_size = virtual_space()->committed_size();
  bool size_changed = false;

  // There used to be this guarantee there.
  // guarantee ((eden_size + 2*survivor_size)  <= _max_gen_size, "incorrect input arguments");
  // Code below forces this requirement.  In addition the desired eden
  // size and desired survivor sizes are desired goals and may
  // exceed the total generation size.

  assert(min_gen_size() <= orig_size && orig_size <= max_size(), "just checking");

  // Adjust new generation size
  const size_t eden_plus_survivors =
          align_size_up(eden_size + 2 * survivor_size, alignment);
  size_t desired_size = MAX2(MIN2(eden_plus_survivors, max_size()),
  assert(desired_size <= max_size(), "just checking");

  if (desired_size > orig_size) {
    // Grow the generation
    size_t change = desired_size - orig_size;
    assert(change % alignment == 0, "just checking");
    HeapWord* prev_high = (HeapWord*) virtual_space()->high();
    if (!virtual_space()->expand_by(change)) {
      return false; // Error if we fail to resize!
    if (ZapUnusedHeapArea) {
      // Mangle newly committed space immediately because it
      // can be done here more simply that after the new
      // spaces have been computed.
      HeapWord* new_high = (HeapWord*) virtual_space()->high();
      MemRegion mangle_region(prev_high, new_high);
    size_changed = true;
  } else if (desired_size < orig_size) {
    size_t desired_change = orig_size - desired_size;
    assert(desired_change % alignment == 0, "just checking");

    desired_change = limit_gen_shrink(desired_change);

    if (desired_change > 0) {

      size_changed = true;
  } else {
    if (Verbose && PrintGC) {
      if (orig_size == gen_size_limit()) {
        gclog_or_tty->print_cr("PSYoung generation size at maximum: "
          SIZE_FORMAT "K", orig_size/K);
      } else if (orig_size == min_gen_size()) {
        gclog_or_tty->print_cr("PSYoung generation size at minium: "
          SIZE_FORMAT "K", orig_size/K);

  if (size_changed) {

    if (Verbose && PrintGC) {
      size_t current_size  = virtual_space()->committed_size();
      gclog_or_tty->print_cr("PSYoung generation size changed: "
                             SIZE_FORMAT "K->" SIZE_FORMAT "K",
                             orig_size/K, current_size/K);

  guarantee(eden_plus_survivors <= virtual_space()->committed_size() ||
            virtual_space()->committed_size() == max_size(), "Sanity");

  return true;
Beispiel #19
 block_id_t block_id() const {
     guarantee(txn_ != nullptr);
     return current_page_acq()->block_id();
void PSYoungGen::resize_spaces(size_t requested_eden_size,
                               size_t requested_survivor_size) {
  assert(UseAdaptiveSizePolicy, "sanity check");
  assert(requested_eden_size > 0  && requested_survivor_size > 0,
         "just checking");

  // We require eden and to space to be empty
  if ((!eden_space()->is_empty()) || (!to_space()->is_empty())) {

  if (PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy && Verbose) {
    gclog_or_tty->print_cr("PSYoungGen::resize_spaces(requested_eden_size: "
                  ", requested_survivor_size: " SIZE_FORMAT ")",
                  requested_eden_size, requested_survivor_size);
    gclog_or_tty->print_cr("    eden: [" PTR_FORMAT ".." PTR_FORMAT ") "
    gclog_or_tty->print_cr("    from: [" PTR_FORMAT ".." PTR_FORMAT ") "
    gclog_or_tty->print_cr("      to: [" PTR_FORMAT ".." PTR_FORMAT ") "
                  pointer_delta(  to_space()->end(),

  // There's nothing to do if the new sizes are the same as the current
  if (requested_survivor_size == to_space()->capacity_in_bytes() &&
      requested_survivor_size == from_space()->capacity_in_bytes() &&
      requested_eden_size == eden_space()->capacity_in_bytes()) {
    if (PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy && Verbose) {
      gclog_or_tty->print_cr("    capacities are the right sizes, returning");

  char* eden_start = (char*)eden_space()->bottom();
  char* eden_end   = (char*)eden_space()->end();
  char* from_start = (char*)from_space()->bottom();
  char* from_end   = (char*)from_space()->end();
  char* to_start   = (char*)to_space()->bottom();
  char* to_end     = (char*)to_space()->end();

  ParallelScavengeHeap* heap = (ParallelScavengeHeap*)Universe::heap();
  const size_t alignment = heap->space_alignment();
  const bool maintain_minimum =
    (requested_eden_size + 2 * requested_survivor_size) <= min_gen_size();

  bool eden_from_to_order = from_start < to_start;
  // Check whether from space is below to space
  if (eden_from_to_order) {
    // Eden, from, to
    eden_from_to_order = true;
    if (PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy && Verbose) {
      gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  Eden, from, to:");

    // Set eden
    // "requested_eden_size" is a goal for the size of eden
    // and may not be attainable.  "eden_size" below is
    // calculated based on the location of from-space and
    // the goal for the size of eden.  from-space is
    // fixed in place because it contains live data.
    // The calculation is done this way to avoid 32bit
    // overflow (i.e., eden_start + requested_eden_size
    // may too large for representation in 32bits).
    size_t eden_size;
    if (maintain_minimum) {
      // Only make eden larger than the requested size if
      // the minimum size of the generation has to be maintained.
      // This could be done in general but policy at a higher
      // level is determining a requested size for eden and that
      // should be honored unless there is a fundamental reason.
      eden_size = pointer_delta(from_start,
    } else {
      eden_size = MIN2(requested_eden_size,
                       pointer_delta(from_start, eden_start, sizeof(char)));

    eden_end = eden_start + eden_size;
    assert(eden_end >= eden_start, "addition overflowed");

    // To may resize into from space as long as it is clear of live data.
    // From space must remain page aligned, though, so we need to do some
    // extra calculations.

    // First calculate an optimal to-space
    to_end   = (char*)virtual_space()->high();
    to_start = (char*)pointer_delta(to_end, (char*)requested_survivor_size,

    // Does the optimal to-space overlap from-space?
    if (to_start < (char*)from_space()->end()) {
      assert(heap->kind() == CollectedHeap::ParallelScavengeHeap, "Sanity");

      // Calculate the minimum offset possible for from_end
      size_t from_size = pointer_delta(from_space()->top(), from_start, sizeof(char));

      // Should we be in this method if from_space is empty? Why not the set_space method? FIX ME!
      if (from_size == 0) {
        from_size = alignment;
      } else {
        from_size = align_size_up(from_size, alignment);

      from_end = from_start + from_size;
      assert(from_end > from_start, "addition overflow or from_size problem");

      guarantee(from_end <= (char*)from_space()->end(), "from_end moved to the right");

      // Now update to_start with the new from_end
      to_start = MAX2(from_end, to_start);

    guarantee(to_start != to_end, "to space is zero sized");

    if (PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy && Verbose) {
      gclog_or_tty->print_cr("    [eden_start .. eden_end): "
                    "[" PTR_FORMAT " .. " PTR_FORMAT ") " SIZE_FORMAT,
                    pointer_delta(eden_end, eden_start, sizeof(char)));
      gclog_or_tty->print_cr("    [from_start .. from_end): "
                    "[" PTR_FORMAT " .. " PTR_FORMAT ") " SIZE_FORMAT,
                    pointer_delta(from_end, from_start, sizeof(char)));
      gclog_or_tty->print_cr("    [  to_start ..   to_end): "
                    "[" PTR_FORMAT " .. " PTR_FORMAT ") " SIZE_FORMAT,
                    pointer_delta(  to_end,   to_start, sizeof(char)));
  } else {
    // Eden, to, from
    if (PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy && Verbose) {
      gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  Eden, to, from:");

    // To space gets priority over eden resizing. Note that we position
    // to space as if we were able to resize from space, even though from
    // space is not modified.
    // Giving eden priority was tried and gave poorer performance.
    to_end   = (char*)pointer_delta(virtual_space()->high(),
    to_end   = MIN2(to_end, from_start);
    to_start = (char*)pointer_delta(to_end, (char*)requested_survivor_size,
    // if the space sizes are to be increased by several times then
    // 'to_start' will point beyond the young generation. In this case
    // 'to_start' should be adjusted.
    to_start = MAX2(to_start, eden_start + alignment);

    // Compute how big eden can be, then adjust end.
    // See  comments above on calculating eden_end.
    size_t eden_size;
    if (maintain_minimum) {
      eden_size = pointer_delta(to_start, eden_start, sizeof(char));
    } else {
      eden_size = MIN2(requested_eden_size,
                       pointer_delta(to_start, eden_start, sizeof(char)));
    eden_end = eden_start + eden_size;
    assert(eden_end >= eden_start, "addition overflowed");

    // Could choose to not let eden shrink
    // to_start = MAX2(to_start, eden_end);

    // Don't let eden shrink down to 0 or less.
    eden_end = MAX2(eden_end, eden_start + alignment);
    to_start = MAX2(to_start, eden_end);

    if (PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy && Verbose) {
      gclog_or_tty->print_cr("    [eden_start .. eden_end): "
                    "[" PTR_FORMAT " .. " PTR_FORMAT ") " SIZE_FORMAT,
                    pointer_delta(eden_end, eden_start, sizeof(char)));
      gclog_or_tty->print_cr("    [  to_start ..   to_end): "
                    "[" PTR_FORMAT " .. " PTR_FORMAT ") " SIZE_FORMAT,
                    pointer_delta(  to_end,   to_start, sizeof(char)));
      gclog_or_tty->print_cr("    [from_start .. from_end): "
                    "[" PTR_FORMAT " .. " PTR_FORMAT ") " SIZE_FORMAT,
                    pointer_delta(from_end, from_start, sizeof(char)));

  guarantee((HeapWord*)from_start <= from_space()->bottom(),
            "from start moved to the right");
  guarantee((HeapWord*)from_end >= from_space()->top(),
            "from end moved into live data");
  assert(is_object_aligned((intptr_t)eden_start), "checking alignment");
  assert(is_object_aligned((intptr_t)from_start), "checking alignment");
  assert(is_object_aligned((intptr_t)to_start), "checking alignment");

  MemRegion edenMR((HeapWord*)eden_start, (HeapWord*)eden_end);
  MemRegion toMR  ((HeapWord*)to_start,   (HeapWord*)to_end);
  MemRegion fromMR((HeapWord*)from_start, (HeapWord*)from_end);

  // Let's make sure the call to initialize doesn't reset "top"!
  HeapWord* old_from_top = from_space()->top();

  // For PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy block  below
  size_t old_from = from_space()->capacity_in_bytes();
  size_t old_to   = to_space()->capacity_in_bytes();

  if (ZapUnusedHeapArea) {
    // NUMA is a special case because a numa space is not mangled
    // in order to not prematurely bind its address to memory to
    // the wrong memory (i.e., don't want the GC thread to first
    // touch the memory).  The survivor spaces are not numa
    // spaces and are mangled.
    if (UseNUMA) {
      if (eden_from_to_order) {
        mangle_survivors(from_space(), fromMR, to_space(), toMR);
      } else {
        mangle_survivors(to_space(), toMR, from_space(), fromMR);

    // If not mangling the spaces, do some checking to verify that
    // the spaces are already mangled.
    // The spaces should be correctly mangled at this point so
    // do some checking here. Note that they are not being mangled
    // in the calls to initialize().
    // Must check mangling before the spaces are reshaped.  Otherwise,
    // the bottom or end of one space may have moved into an area
    // covered by another space and a failure of the check may
    // not correctly indicate which space is not properly mangled.
    HeapWord* limit = (HeapWord*) virtual_space()->high();
  // When an existing space is being initialized, it is not
  // mangled because the space has been previously mangled.

  assert(from_space()->top() == old_from_top, "from top changed!");

  if (PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy) {
    ParallelScavengeHeap* heap = (ParallelScavengeHeap*)Universe::heap();
    assert(heap->kind() == CollectedHeap::ParallelScavengeHeap, "Sanity");

    gclog_or_tty->print("AdaptiveSizePolicy::survivor space sizes: "
                  "collection: %d "
                  "(" SIZE_FORMAT ", " SIZE_FORMAT ") -> "
                  "(" SIZE_FORMAT ", " SIZE_FORMAT ") ",
                  old_from, old_to,
Beispiel #21
 signal_t *read_acq_signal() {
     return current_page_acq()->read_acq_signal();
Beispiel #22
void FreeRegionList::set_unrealistically_long_length(uint len) {
  guarantee(_unrealistically_long_length == 0, "should only be set once");
  _unrealistically_long_length = len;
Beispiel #23
 explicit buf_parent_t(buf_lock_t *lock)
     : txn_(lock->txn()), lock_or_null_(lock) {
     guarantee(lock != nullptr);
Beispiel #24
    void on_create(registration_id_t rid, peer_id_t peer, business_card_t business_card, auto_drainer_t::lock_t keepalive) {

        /* Grab the mutex to avoid race conditions if a message arrives at the
        update mailbox or the delete mailbox while we're working. We must not
        block between when `on_create()` begins and when `mutex_acq` is
        constructed. */
        mutex_t::acq_t mutex_acq(&mutex);

        /* If the registrant has already deregistered but the deregistration
        message arrived ahead of the registration message, it will have left a
        NULL in the `registrations` map. */
        typename std::map<registration_id_t, cond_t *>::iterator it = registrations.find(rid);
        if (it != registrations.end()) {
            guarantee(it->second == NULL);

        /* Construct a `registrant_t` to tell the controller that something has
        now registered. */
        registrant_type registrant(controller, business_card);

        /* `registration` is the interface that we expose to the `on_update()`
        and `on_delete()` handlers. */
        cond_t deletion_cond;

        /* Expose `deletion_cond` so that `on_delete()` can find it. */
        map_insertion_sentry_t<registration_id_t, cond_t *> registration_map_sentry(
            &registrations, rid, &deletion_cond);

        /* Begin monitoring the peer so we can disconnect when necessary. */
        disconnect_watcher_t peer_monitor(mailbox_manager->get_connectivity_service(), peer);

        /* Release the mutex, since we're done with our initial setup phase */
            mutex_t::acq_t doomed;
            swap(mutex_acq, doomed);

        /* Wait till it's time to shut down */
        wait_any_t waiter(&deletion_cond, &peer_monitor, keepalive.get_drain_signal());

        /* Reacquire the mutex, to avoid race conditions when we're
        deregistering from `deleters`. I'm not sure if there re any such race
        conditions, but better safe than sorry. */
            mutex_t::acq_t reacquisition(&mutex);
            swap(mutex_acq, reacquisition);

        /* `registration_map_sentry` destructor run here; `deletion_cond` cannot
        be pulsed after this. */

        /* `deletion_cond` destructor run here. */

        /* `registrant` destructor run here; this will tell the controller that
        the registration is dead and gone. */

        /* `mutex_acq` destructor run here; it's safe to release the mutex
        because we're no longer touching `updaters` or `deleters`. */
Beispiel #25
 cache_t *cache() const {
     return txn_->cache();
Beispiel #26
JavaCallWrapper::JavaCallWrapper(methodHandle callee_method, Handle receiver, JavaValue* result, TRAPS) {
    JavaThread* thread = (JavaThread *)THREAD;
    bool clear_pending_exception = true;

    guarantee(thread->is_Java_thread(), "crucial check - the VM thread cannot and must not escape to Java code");
    assert(!thread->owns_locks(), "must release all locks when leaving VM");
    guarantee(!thread->is_Compiler_thread(), "cannot make java calls from the compiler");
    _result   = result;

    // Allocate handle block for Java code. This must be done before we change thread_state to _thread_in_Java_or_stub,
    // since it can potentially block.
    JNIHandleBlock* new_handles = JNIHandleBlock::allocate_block(thread);

    // After this, we are official in JavaCode. This needs to be done before we change any of the thread local
    // info, since we cannot find oops before the new information is set up completely.
    ThreadStateTransition::transition(thread, _thread_in_vm, _thread_in_Java);

    // Make sure that we handle asynchronous stops and suspends _before_ we clear all thread state
    // in JavaCallWrapper::JavaCallWrapper(). This way, we can decide if we need to do any pd actions
    // to prepare for stop/suspend (flush register windows on sparcs, cache sp, or other state).
    if (thread->has_special_runtime_exit_condition()) {
            clear_pending_exception = false;

    // Make sure to set the oop's after the thread transition - since we can block there. No one is GC'ing
    // the JavaCallWrapper before the entry frame is on the stack.
    _callee_method = callee_method();
    _receiver = receiver();


    _thread       = (JavaThread *)thread;
    _handles      = _thread->active_handles();    // save previous handle block & Java frame linkage

    // For the profiler, the last_Java_frame information in thread must always be in
    // legal state. We have no last Java frame if last_Java_sp == NULL so
    // the valid transition is to clear _last_Java_sp and then reset the rest of
    // the (platform specific) state.


    _thread->set_active_handles(new_handles);     // install new handle block and reset Java frame linkage

    assert (_thread->thread_state() != _thread_in_native, "cannot set native pc to NULL");

    // clear any pending exception in thread (native calls start with no exception pending)
    if(clear_pending_exception) {

    if (_anchor.last_Java_sp() == NULL) {
// Write the field information portion of ClassFile structure
// JVMSpec|     u2 fields_count;
// JVMSpec|     field_info fields[fields_count];
void JvmtiClassFileReconstituter::write_field_infos() {
  HandleMark hm(thread());
  objArrayHandle fields_anno(thread(), ikh()->fields_annotations());

  // Compute the real number of Java fields
  int java_fields = ikh()->java_fields_count();

  for (JavaFieldStream fs(ikh()); !fs.done(); fs.next()) {
    AccessFlags access_flags = fs.access_flags();
    int name_index = fs.name_index();
    int signature_index = fs.signature_index();
    int initial_value_index = fs.initval_index();
    guarantee(name_index != 0 && signature_index != 0, "bad constant pool index for field");
    // int offset = ikh()->field_offset( index );
    int generic_signature_index = fs.generic_signature_index();
    typeArrayHandle anno(thread(), fields_anno.not_null() ?
                                 (typeArrayOop)(fields_anno->obj_at(fs.index())) :

    // JVMSpec|   field_info {
    // JVMSpec|         u2 access_flags;
    // JVMSpec|         u2 name_index;
    // JVMSpec|         u2 descriptor_index;
    // JVMSpec|         u2 attributes_count;
    // JVMSpec|         attribute_info attributes[attributes_count];
    // JVMSpec|   }

    write_u2(access_flags.as_int() & JVM_RECOGNIZED_FIELD_MODIFIERS);
    int attr_count = 0;
    if (initial_value_index != 0) {
    if (access_flags.is_synthetic()) {
      // ++attr_count;
    if (generic_signature_index != 0) {
    if (anno.not_null()) {
      ++attr_count;     // has RuntimeVisibleAnnotations attribute


    if (initial_value_index != 0) {
      write_u4(2); //length always 2
    if (access_flags.is_synthetic()) {
      // write_synthetic_attribute();
    if (generic_signature_index != 0) {
    if (anno.not_null()) {
      write_annotations_attribute("RuntimeVisibleAnnotations", anno);
Beispiel #28
// Similar to PSYoungGen::resize_generation() but
//  allows sum of eden_size and 2 * survivor_size to exceed _max_gen_size
//  expands at the low end of the virtual space
//  moves the boundary between the generations in order to expand
//  some additional diagnostics
// If no additional changes are required, this can be deleted
// and the changes factored back into PSYoungGen::resize_generation().
bool ASPSYoungGen::resize_generation(size_t eden_size, size_t survivor_size) {
  const size_t alignment = virtual_space()->alignment();
  size_t orig_size = virtual_space()->committed_size();
  bool size_changed = false;

  // There used to be a guarantee here that
  //   (eden_size + 2*survivor_size)  <= _max_gen_size
  // This requirement is enforced by the calculation of desired_size
  // below.  It may not be true on entry since the size of the
  // eden_size is no bounded by the generation size.

  assert(max_size() == reserved().byte_size(), "max gen size problem?");
  assert(min_gen_size() <= orig_size && orig_size <= max_size(),
         "just checking");

  // Adjust new generation size
  const size_t eden_plus_survivors =
    align_size_up(eden_size + 2 * survivor_size, alignment);
  size_t desired_size = MAX2(MIN2(eden_plus_survivors, gen_size_limit()),
  assert(desired_size <= gen_size_limit(), "just checking");

  if (desired_size > orig_size) {
    // Grow the generation
    size_t change = desired_size - orig_size;
    HeapWord* prev_low = (HeapWord*) virtual_space()->low();
    if (!virtual_space()->expand_by(change)) {
      return false;
    if (ZapUnusedHeapArea) {
      // Mangle newly committed space immediately because it
      // can be done here more simply that after the new
      // spaces have been computed.
      HeapWord* new_low = (HeapWord*) virtual_space()->low();
      assert(new_low < prev_low, "Did not grow");

      MemRegion mangle_region(new_low, prev_low);
    size_changed = true;
  } else if (desired_size < orig_size) {
    size_t desired_change = orig_size - desired_size;

    // How much is available for shrinking.
    size_t available_bytes = limit_gen_shrink(desired_change);
    size_t change = MIN2(desired_change, available_bytes);
    size_changed = true;
  } else {
    if (Verbose && PrintGC) {
      if (orig_size == gen_size_limit()) {
        gclog_or_tty->print_cr("ASPSYoung generation size at maximum: "
          SIZE_FORMAT "K", orig_size/K);
      } else if (orig_size == min_gen_size()) {
        gclog_or_tty->print_cr("ASPSYoung generation size at minium: "
          SIZE_FORMAT "K", orig_size/K);

  if (size_changed) {
    if (Verbose && PrintGC) {
      size_t current_size  = virtual_space()->committed_size();
      gclog_or_tty->print_cr("ASPSYoung generation size changed: "
        orig_size/K, current_size/K);

  guarantee(eden_plus_survivors <= virtual_space()->committed_size() ||
            virtual_space()->committed_size() == max_size(), "Sanity");

  return true;
Beispiel #29
 ~PlatformParker() { guarantee(0, "invariant"); }
void VM_Version::initialize() {
  _features = determine_features();
  PrefetchCopyIntervalInBytes = prefetch_copy_interval_in_bytes();
  PrefetchScanIntervalInBytes = prefetch_scan_interval_in_bytes();
  PrefetchFieldsAhead         = prefetch_fields_ahead();

  assert(0 <= AllocatePrefetchInstr && AllocatePrefetchInstr <= 1, "invalid value");
  if( AllocatePrefetchInstr < 0 ) AllocatePrefetchInstr = 0;
  if( AllocatePrefetchInstr > 1 ) AllocatePrefetchInstr = 0;

  // Allocation prefetch settings
  intx cache_line_size = prefetch_data_size();
  if( cache_line_size > AllocatePrefetchStepSize )
    AllocatePrefetchStepSize = cache_line_size;

  assert(AllocatePrefetchLines > 0, "invalid value");
  if( AllocatePrefetchLines < 1 )     // set valid value in product VM
    AllocatePrefetchLines = 3;
  assert(AllocateInstancePrefetchLines > 0, "invalid value");
  if( AllocateInstancePrefetchLines < 1 ) // set valid value in product VM
    AllocateInstancePrefetchLines = 1;

  AllocatePrefetchDistance = allocate_prefetch_distance();
  AllocatePrefetchStyle    = allocate_prefetch_style();

  assert((AllocatePrefetchDistance % AllocatePrefetchStepSize) == 0 &&
         (AllocatePrefetchDistance > 0), "invalid value");
  if ((AllocatePrefetchDistance % AllocatePrefetchStepSize) != 0 ||
      (AllocatePrefetchDistance <= 0)) {
    AllocatePrefetchDistance = AllocatePrefetchStepSize;

  if (AllocatePrefetchStyle == 3 && !has_blk_init()) {
    warning("BIS instructions are not available on this CPU");
    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchStyle, 1);

  guarantee(VM_Version::has_v9(), "only SPARC v9 is supported");

  assert(ArraycopySrcPrefetchDistance < 4096, "invalid value");
  if (ArraycopySrcPrefetchDistance >= 4096)
    ArraycopySrcPrefetchDistance = 4064;
  assert(ArraycopyDstPrefetchDistance < 4096, "invalid value");
  if (ArraycopyDstPrefetchDistance >= 4096)
    ArraycopyDstPrefetchDistance = 4064;

  UseSSE = 0; // Only on x86 and x64

  _supports_cx8 = has_v9();
  _supports_atomic_getset4 = true; // swap instruction

  // There are Fujitsu Sparc64 CPUs which support blk_init as well so
  // we have to take this check out of the 'is_niagara()' block below.
  if (has_blk_init()) {
    // When using CMS or G1, we cannot use memset() in BOT updates
    // because the sun4v/CMT version in libc_psr uses BIS which
    // exposes "phantom zeros" to concurrent readers. See 6948537.
    if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseMemSetInBOT) && (UseConcMarkSweepGC || UseG1GC)) {
      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseMemSetInBOT, false);
    // Issue a stern warning if the user has explicitly set
    // UseMemSetInBOT (it is known to cause issues), but allow
    // use for experimentation and debugging.
    if (UseConcMarkSweepGC || UseG1GC) {
      if (UseMemSetInBOT) {
        assert(!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseMemSetInBOT), "Error");
        warning("Experimental flag -XX:+UseMemSetInBOT is known to cause instability"
                " on sun4v; please understand that you are using at your own risk!");

  if (is_niagara()) {
    // Indirect branch is the same cost as direct
    if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseInlineCaches)) {
      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseInlineCaches, false);
    // Align loops on a single instruction boundary.
    if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(OptoLoopAlignment)) {
      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(OptoLoopAlignment, 4);
#ifdef _LP64
    // 32-bit oops don't make sense for the 64-bit VM on sparc
    // since the 32-bit VM has the same registers and smaller objects.
#endif // _LP64
#ifdef COMPILER2
    // Indirect branch is the same cost as direct
    if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseJumpTables)) {
      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseJumpTables, true);
    // Single-issue, so entry and loop tops are
    // aligned on a single instruction boundary
    if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(InteriorEntryAlignment)) {
      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(InteriorEntryAlignment, 4);
    if (is_niagara_plus()) {
      if (has_blk_init() && UseTLAB &&
          FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchInstr)) {
        // Use BIS instruction for TLAB allocation prefetch.
        FLAG_SET_ERGO(intx, AllocatePrefetchInstr, 1);
        if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchStyle)) {
          FLAG_SET_ERGO(intx, AllocatePrefetchStyle, 3);
        if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchDistance)) {
          // Use smaller prefetch distance with BIS
          FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchDistance, 64);
      if (is_T4()) {
        // Double number of prefetched cache lines on T4
        // since L2 cache line size is smaller (32 bytes).
        if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchLines)) {
          FLAG_SET_ERGO(intx, AllocatePrefetchLines, AllocatePrefetchLines*2);
        if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocateInstancePrefetchLines)) {
          FLAG_SET_ERGO(intx, AllocateInstancePrefetchLines, AllocateInstancePrefetchLines*2);
      if (AllocatePrefetchStyle != 3 && FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchDistance)) {
        // Use different prefetch distance without BIS
        FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchDistance, 256);
      if (AllocatePrefetchInstr == 1) {
        // Need a space at the end of TLAB for BIS since it
        // will fault when accessing memory outside of heap.

        // +1 for rounding up to next cache line, +1 to be safe
        int lines = AllocatePrefetchLines + 2;
        int step_size = AllocatePrefetchStepSize;
        int distance = AllocatePrefetchDistance;
        _reserve_for_allocation_prefetch = (distance + step_size*lines)/(int)HeapWordSize;

  // Use hardware population count instruction if available.
  if (has_hardware_popc()) {
    if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UsePopCountInstruction)) {
      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UsePopCountInstruction, true);
  } else if (UsePopCountInstruction) {
    warning("POPC instruction is not available on this CPU");
    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UsePopCountInstruction, false);

  // T4 and newer Sparc cpus have new compare and branch instruction.
  if (has_cbcond()) {
    if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseCBCond)) {
      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseCBCond, true);
  } else if (UseCBCond) {
    warning("CBCOND instruction is not available on this CPU");
    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseCBCond, false);

  assert(BlockZeroingLowLimit > 0, "invalid value");
  if (has_block_zeroing() && cache_line_size > 0) {
    if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseBlockZeroing)) {
      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseBlockZeroing, true);
  } else if (UseBlockZeroing) {
    warning("BIS zeroing instructions are not available on this CPU");
    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseBlockZeroing, false);

  assert(BlockCopyLowLimit > 0, "invalid value");
  if (has_block_zeroing() && cache_line_size > 0) { // has_blk_init() && is_T4(): core's local L2 cache
    if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseBlockCopy)) {
      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseBlockCopy, true);
  } else if (UseBlockCopy) {
    warning("BIS instructions are not available or expensive on this CPU");
    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseBlockCopy, false);

#ifdef COMPILER2
  // T4 and newer Sparc cpus have fast RDPC.
  if (has_fast_rdpc() && FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseRDPCForConstantTableBase)) {
    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseRDPCForConstantTableBase, true);

  // Currently not supported anywhere.
  FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseFPUForSpilling, false);

  MaxVectorSize = 8;

  assert((InteriorEntryAlignment % relocInfo::addr_unit()) == 0, "alignment is not a multiple of NOP size");

  assert((CodeEntryAlignment % relocInfo::addr_unit()) == 0, "alignment is not a multiple of NOP size");
  assert((OptoLoopAlignment % relocInfo::addr_unit()) == 0, "alignment is not a multiple of NOP size");

  char buf[512];
  jio_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
               (has_v9() ? ", v9" : (has_v8() ? ", v8" : "")),
               (has_hardware_popc() ? ", popc" : ""),
               (has_vis1() ? ", vis1" : ""),
               (has_vis2() ? ", vis2" : ""),
               (has_vis3() ? ", vis3" : ""),
               (has_blk_init() ? ", blk_init" : ""),
               (has_cbcond() ? ", cbcond" : ""),
               (has_aes() ? ", aes" : ""),
               (has_sha1() ? ", sha1" : ""),
               (has_sha256() ? ", sha256" : ""),
               (has_sha512() ? ", sha512" : ""),
               (has_crc32c() ? ", crc32c" : ""),
               (is_ultra3() ? ", ultra3" : ""),
               (is_sun4v() ? ", sun4v" : ""),
               (is_niagara_plus() ? ", niagara_plus" : (is_niagara() ? ", niagara" : "")),
               (is_sparc64() ? ", sparc64" : ""),
               (!has_hardware_mul32() ? ", no-mul32" : ""),
               (!has_hardware_div32() ? ", no-div32" : ""),
               (!has_hardware_fsmuld() ? ", no-fsmuld" : ""));

  // buf is started with ", " or is empty
  _features_str = os::strdup(strlen(buf) > 2 ? buf + 2 : buf);

  // UseVIS is set to the smallest of what hardware supports and what
  // the command line requires.  I.e., you cannot set UseVIS to 3 on
  // older UltraSparc which do not support it.
  if (UseVIS > 3) UseVIS=3;
  if (UseVIS < 0) UseVIS=0;
  if (!has_vis3()) // Drop to 2 if no VIS3 support
    UseVIS = MIN2((intx)2,UseVIS);
  if (!has_vis2()) // Drop to 1 if no VIS2 support
    UseVIS = MIN2((intx)1,UseVIS);
  if (!has_vis1()) // Drop to 0 if no VIS1 support
    UseVIS = 0;

  // SPARC T4 and above should have support for AES instructions
  if (has_aes()) {
    if (UseVIS > 2) { // AES intrinsics use MOVxTOd/MOVdTOx which are VIS3
      if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAES)) {
        FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseAES, true);
      if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseAESIntrinsics)) {
        FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseAESIntrinsics, true);
      // we disable both the AES flags if either of them is disabled on the command line
      if (!UseAES || !UseAESIntrinsics) {
        FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseAES, false);
        FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseAESIntrinsics, false);
    } else {
        if (UseAES || UseAESIntrinsics) {
          warning("SPARC AES intrinsics require VIS3 instruction support. Intrinsics will be disabled.");
          if (UseAES) {
            FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseAES, false);
          if (UseAESIntrinsics) {
            FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseAESIntrinsics, false);
  } else if (UseAES || UseAESIntrinsics) {
    warning("AES instructions are not available on this CPU");
    if (UseAES) {
      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseAES, false);
    if (UseAESIntrinsics) {
      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseAESIntrinsics, false);

  // GHASH/GCM intrinsics
  if (has_vis3() && (UseVIS > 2)) {
    if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseGHASHIntrinsics)) {
      UseGHASHIntrinsics = true;
  } else if (UseGHASHIntrinsics) {
    if (!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseGHASHIntrinsics))
      warning("GHASH intrinsics require VIS3 instruction support. Intrinsics will be disabled");
    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseGHASHIntrinsics, false);

  // SHA1, SHA256, and SHA512 instructions were added to SPARC T-series at different times
  if (has_sha1() || has_sha256() || has_sha512()) {
    if (UseVIS > 0) { // SHA intrinsics use VIS1 instructions
      if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseSHA)) {
        FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSHA, true);
    } else {
      if (UseSHA) {
        warning("SPARC SHA intrinsics require VIS1 instruction support. Intrinsics will be disabled.");
        FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSHA, false);
  } else if (UseSHA) {
    warning("SHA instructions are not available on this CPU");
    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSHA, false);

  if (UseSHA && has_sha1()) {
    if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseSHA1Intrinsics)) {
      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSHA1Intrinsics, true);
  } else if (UseSHA1Intrinsics) {
    warning("Intrinsics for SHA-1 crypto hash functions not available on this CPU.");
    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSHA1Intrinsics, false);

  if (UseSHA && has_sha256()) {
    if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseSHA256Intrinsics)) {
      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSHA256Intrinsics, true);
  } else if (UseSHA256Intrinsics) {
    warning("Intrinsics for SHA-224 and SHA-256 crypto hash functions not available on this CPU.");
    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSHA256Intrinsics, false);

  if (UseSHA && has_sha512()) {
    if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseSHA512Intrinsics)) {
      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSHA512Intrinsics, true);
  } else if (UseSHA512Intrinsics) {
    warning("Intrinsics for SHA-384 and SHA-512 crypto hash functions not available on this CPU.");
    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSHA512Intrinsics, false);

  if (!(UseSHA1Intrinsics || UseSHA256Intrinsics || UseSHA512Intrinsics)) {
    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSHA, false);

  // SPARC T4 and above should have support for CRC32C instruction
  if (has_crc32c()) {
    if (UseVIS > 2) { // CRC32C intrinsics use VIS3 instructions
      if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseCRC32CIntrinsics)) {
        FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseCRC32CIntrinsics, true);
    } else {
      if (UseCRC32CIntrinsics) {
        warning("SPARC CRC32C intrinsics require VIS3 instruction support. Intrinsics will be disabled.");
        FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseCRC32CIntrinsics, false);
  } else if (UseCRC32CIntrinsics) {
    warning("CRC32C instruction is not available on this CPU");
    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseCRC32CIntrinsics, false);

  if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(ContendedPaddingWidth) &&
    (cache_line_size > ContendedPaddingWidth))
    ContendedPaddingWidth = cache_line_size;

  // This machine does not allow unaligned memory accesses
  if (UseUnalignedAccesses) {
    if (!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(UseUnalignedAccesses))
      warning("Unaligned memory access is not available on this CPU");
    FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseUnalignedAccesses, false);

#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (PrintMiscellaneous && Verbose) {
    tty->print_cr("L1 data cache line size: %u", L1_data_cache_line_size());
    tty->print_cr("L2 data cache line size: %u", L2_data_cache_line_size());
    if (AllocatePrefetchStyle <= 0) {
      tty->print_cr(": no prefetching");
    } else {
      tty->print(" prefetching: ");
      if (AllocatePrefetchInstr == 0) {
      } else if (AllocatePrefetchInstr == 1) {
      if (AllocatePrefetchLines > 1) {
        tty->print_cr(" at distance %d, %d lines of %d bytes", (int) AllocatePrefetchDistance, (int) AllocatePrefetchLines, (int) AllocatePrefetchStepSize);
      } else {
        tty->print_cr(" at distance %d, one line of %d bytes", (int) AllocatePrefetchDistance, (int) AllocatePrefetchStepSize);
    if (PrefetchCopyIntervalInBytes > 0) {
      tty->print_cr("PrefetchCopyIntervalInBytes %d", (int) PrefetchCopyIntervalInBytes);
    if (PrefetchScanIntervalInBytes > 0) {
      tty->print_cr("PrefetchScanIntervalInBytes %d", (int) PrefetchScanIntervalInBytes);
    if (PrefetchFieldsAhead > 0) {
      tty->print_cr("PrefetchFieldsAhead %d", (int) PrefetchFieldsAhead);
    if (ContendedPaddingWidth > 0) {
      tty->print_cr("ContendedPaddingWidth %d", (int) ContendedPaddingWidth);
#endif // PRODUCT