Beispiel #1
static GwySpectra*
rhkspm32_read_spectra(RHKPage *rhkpage)
    guint i, j;
    gdouble *data;
    GwySIUnit *siunit = NULL;
    GwyDataLine *dline;
    GwySpectra *spectra = NULL;
    GPtrArray *spectrum = NULL;
    // i'm leaving this alone, though it probably doesn't make sense,
    // and i should just create graphs straight away - but in case of
    // future use, i'll just convert the data later to graphs

    // xres stores number of data points per spectra,
    // yres stores the number of spectra

    // reading data
    gwy_debug("rhk-spm32: %d spectra in this page\n", rhkpage->yres);
    for (i = 0; i < rhkpage->yres; i++) {
        dline = gwy_data_line_new(rhkpage->xres, rhkpage->x.scale, FALSE);
        gwy_data_line_set_offset(dline, (rhkpage->x.offset));
        data = gwy_data_line_get_data(dline);
        // store line data in physical units - which are the z values, not y
        if ((rhkpage->data_type) == RHK_DATA_INT16) {
                const guint16 *p = (const guint16*)(rhkpage->buffer
                                                    + rhkpage->data_offset);
                for (j = 0; j < rhkpage->xres; j++) {
                    data[j] = GINT16_FROM_LE(p[i*(rhkpage->xres) + j])
        else if ((rhkpage->data_type) == RHK_DATA_SINGLE) {
                const guchar *p = (const guchar*)(rhkpage->buffer
                                                  + rhkpage->data_offset);
                for (j = 0; j < rhkpage->xres; j++) {
                    data[j] = gwy_get_gfloat_le(&p)*rhkpage->z.scale
                              + rhkpage->z.offset;
        siunit = gwy_si_unit_new(rhkpage->x.units);
        gwy_data_line_set_si_unit_x(dline, siunit);

        // the y units (and data) for a 1D graph are stored in Z in the rhk
        // spm32 format!
        /* Fix "/\xfbHz" to "/Hz".
         * XXX: It might be still wrong as the strange character might mean
         * sqrt. */
        if (g_str_has_suffix(rhkpage->z.units, "/\xfbHz")) {
            gchar *s = gwy_strkill(g_strdup(rhkpage->z.units), "\xfb");
            siunit = gwy_si_unit_new(s);
            siunit = gwy_si_unit_new(rhkpage->z.units);
        gwy_data_line_set_si_unit_y(dline, siunit);

        if (!spectrum)
            spectrum = g_ptr_array_sized_new(rhkpage->yres);
        g_ptr_array_add(spectrum, dline);
    gwy_debug("rhk-spm32: finished parsing sps data\n");
    spectra = gwy_spectra_new();

    for (i = 0; i < rhkpage->yres; i++) {
        dline = g_ptr_array_index(spectrum, i);
        // since RHK spm32 does not record where it took the spectra,
        // i'm setting these to zero
        gwy_spectra_add_spectrum(spectra, dline, 0, 0);
    gwy_spectra_set_title(spectra, rhkpage->label);

    if (spectrum)
        g_ptr_array_free(spectrum, TRUE);

    return spectra;
Beispiel #2
static GwySpectra*
omicron_read_cs_data(OmicronFile *ofile,
                     OmicronSpectroChannel *channel,
                     GError **error)
    GError *err = NULL;
    GwyDataLine *dline;
    GwySIUnit *siunit = NULL, *coord_unit = NULL;
    GwySpectra *spectra = NULL;
    GPtrArray *spectrum = NULL;
    gchar *filename;
    gdouble *data, x, y;
    gdouble *coords = NULL;
    gchar *buffer;
    gdouble scale;
    guint i, j;
    gint power10 = 0;
    gint ncurves = 0;
    gchar* line;

    filename = omicron_fix_file_name(ofile->filename, channel->filename, error);
    if (!filename)
        return NULL;

    gwy_debug("Succeeded with <%s>", filename);
    if (!g_file_get_contents(filename, &buffer, NULL , &err)) {
        err_GET_FILE_CONTENTS(error, &err);
        return NULL;

    scale = channel->resolution; /* can also be extracted from min&max
                                    raw and phys settings */
    while ((line = gwy_str_next_line(&buffer))) {
        if (strstr(line, ";n_curves")) {
            /* Find number of curves this should appear first in file */
            ncurves = g_ascii_strtod(strchr(line, ':')+1, NULL);

        if (strstr(line, "BEGIN COORD")) {
            /* Read in cordinates Spectroscopy Curves */
            i = 0;
            coord_unit = gwy_si_unit_new_parse("nm", &power10);
            while ((line = gwy_str_next_line(&buffer))) {
                gchar *val2;
                if (strstr(line, "END")) {
                    if (i != ncurves) {
                        gwy_debug("Less coords than ncurves");
                if (i == ncurves) {
                    g_critical("More coords than ncurves.");
                if (!coords) {
                    if (!(coords = g_new0(gdouble, ncurves*2))) {
                        gwy_debug("Failed to allocate mem: coords");
                        return NULL;

                val2 = line+16;
                x = g_ascii_strtod(line, &val2) * pow10(power10);
                y = g_ascii_strtod(val2, NULL) * pow10(power10);

                gwy_debug("Coord %i: x:%g y:%g", i, x, y);

                coords[2*i] = x;
                coords[2*i+1] = y;
            /* i is set to 0 and used as a counter for the dline */
            i = 0;
        if (strstr(line, "BEGIN") && !strstr(line, "COORD")) {
            /* Read spectroscopy points */
            dline = gwy_data_line_new(channel->npoints,
                                      channel->end - channel->start,
            gwy_data_line_set_offset(dline, (channel->start));
            data = gwy_data_line_get_data(dline);
            j = 0;
            while ((line = gwy_str_next_line(&buffer))) {
                gchar *val2;

                if (strstr(line, "END") || j >= channel->npoints)

                val2 = line+13;

                x = g_ascii_strtod(line, &val2);
                y = g_ascii_strtod(val2, NULL)*scale;
                data[j] = y;

            /* Set Units for the parameter (x) axis */
            if ((channel->param[0] == 'V') || (channel->param[0] == 'E')) {
                siunit = gwy_si_unit_new("V");
                power10 = 0;
            else if (channel->param[0] == 'I')
                siunit = gwy_si_unit_new_parse("nA", &power10);
            else if (channel->param[0] == 'Z')
                siunit = gwy_si_unit_new_parse("nm", &power10);
            else {
                gwy_debug("Parameter unit not recognised");

            if (siunit) {
                gwy_data_line_set_si_unit_x(dline, siunit);

            if (power10) {
                gdouble offset = 0;
                gdouble realsize = 0;

                offset = gwy_data_line_get_offset(dline)*pow10(power10);
                realsize = gwy_data_line_get_real(dline)*pow10(power10);

                gwy_data_line_set_offset(dline, offset);
                gwy_data_line_set_real(dline, realsize);

            /* Set Units for the Value (y) Axis */
            siunit = gwy_si_unit_new_parse(channel->units, &power10);
            gwy_data_line_set_si_unit_y(dline, siunit);

            if (power10)
                gwy_data_line_multiply(dline, pow10(power10));

            if (!spectrum)
                spectrum = g_ptr_array_sized_new(ncurves);
            g_ptr_array_add(spectrum, dline);
    if (!spectrum)
        spectrum = g_ptr_array_new();

    if (spectrum->len < ncurves) {
        gwy_debug("Less actual spectra than ncurves");
        ncurves = spectrum->len;
    if (spectrum->len > ncurves) {
        gwy_debug("More actual spectra than ncurves, "
                  "remaining pos will be set at (0.0,0.0)");
        coords = g_renew(gdouble, coords, spectrum->len*2);
        if (!coords) {
            g_critical("Could not reallocate mem for coords.");
            return NULL;
        while (spectrum->len > ncurves) {
            coords[ncurves*2] = 0.0;
            coords[ncurves*2+1] = 0.0;
    spectra = gwy_spectra_new();
    if (coord_unit) {
        gwy_spectra_set_si_unit_xy(spectra, coord_unit);

    for (i = 0; i < ncurves; i++) {
        dline = g_ptr_array_index(spectrum, i);
        gwy_spectra_add_spectrum(spectra, dline,
                                 coords[i*2], ofile->yreal - coords[i*2+1]);

    g_ptr_array_free(spectrum, TRUE);

    return spectra;