bool sensorsAutodetect(void) { // gyro must be initialised before accelerometer bool gyroDetected = gyroInit(); #ifdef USE_ACC if (gyroDetected) { accInit(gyro.targetLooptime); } #endif #ifdef USE_MAG compassInit(); #endif #ifdef USE_BARO baroDetect(&, barometerConfig()->baro_hardware); #endif #ifdef USE_RANGEFINDER rangefinderInit(); #endif #ifdef USE_ADC_INTERNAL adcInternalInit(); #endif return gyroDetected; }
Sensor createSensor(SensorType type, int port) { static bool initIME = false; Sensor retSen = {.type = type, .port = port}; switch (type) { case SHAFT_ENCODER: retSen.enc = encoderInit(port, port + 1, false); if (DEBUG) { print("encoder init"); if (retSen.enc == NULL) { print(" FAILED"); } getchar(); } break; case GYROSCOPE: retSen.gyr = gyroInit(port, 0); break; case ULTRASONIC: retSen.ult = ultrasonicInit(port, port + 1); break; case IME: if (!initIME) { printDebug("Init IME!"); // imeReinitialize(); initIME = true; printDebug("Done"); } break; default: break; } return retSen; }
static msg_t sensorsRead (void*arg) { float acc_x, acc_y, acc_z; float gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z; uint8_t temp; /*sensors initializing*/ gyroInit (&I2CD2, IMU01A_GYRO); accInit (&I2CD2, IMU01A_ACC); chprintf ((BaseSequentialStream *)&SD2, "Configuration done\n\r"); while (true) { /*gyroscope and temperature reading*/ gyroRead (&I2CD2, IMU01A_GYRO, &gyro_x, &gyro_y, &gyro_z); tempRead (&I2CD2, IMU01A_GYRO, &temp); /*accelerometer reading*/ accRead (&I2CD2, IMU01A_ACC, &acc_x, &acc_y, &acc_z); /*printing out magnetometer values*/ chprintf ((BaseSequentialStream *)&SD2, "%f gX %f gY %f gZ ", gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z); /*printing out accelerometer and temperature values*/ chprintf ((BaseSequentialStream *)&SD2, "%f aX %f aY %f aZ ", acc_x, acc_y, acc_z); chprintf ((BaseSequentialStream *)&SD2, "%d T\n\r", temp); } }
//======================== compass =================== uint8_t compassInit(void) { int ret1,ret2,ret3; ret1=gyroInit(); ret2=accInit(); ret3=magInit(); // return ret3; }
void GyroSensor::setMultiplier(int multi) { if(sensorport != 13) { gyro = gyroInit(sensorport, multi); reset(); pollSensor(); } }
int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ /* USER CODE END 1 */ /* MCU Configuration----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Init(); /* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Config(); /* Initialize all configured peripherals */ MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_DMA_Init(); MX_ADC1_Init(); MX_I2C1_Init(); MX_RTC_Init(); MX_SPI2_Init(); MX_TIM1_Init(); MX_TIM2_Init(); MX_TIM3_Init(); MX_TIM4_Init(); MX_USART3_UART_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ encoderInit(); pwmInit(); // adcInit(); uartInit(); timInterruptInit(); gyroInit(GYROHIGH); calibrateGyro(); // rotaryRight(800); // HAL_Delay(500); // rotaryLeft(800); drive(VEL); /* USER CODE END 2 */ /* Infinite loop */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ while (1) { /* USER CODE END WHILE */ /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ } /* USER CODE END 3 */ }
static void calculations_heading(void *pvParameters) { UARTInit(3, 115200); /* baud rate setting */ printf("Maintask: Running\n"); CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR(CLKPWR_PCONP_PCGPIO, ENABLE); spiInit(); gyroInit(); for (;;) { /*Block waiting for the semaphore to become available. */ if (xSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore, 0xffff ) == pdTRUE) { /* It is time to execute. */; /* Turn the LED off if it was on, and on if it was off. */ LPC_GPIO1->FIOSET = (1 << 1); static Bool initDone = TRUE; if (initDone) { static uint16_t initIteration = 0; if (initIteration++ == 33)//not 32 since first value is dummy =0,0 { initDone = FALSE; imuInit_2(); } else imuInit_1(); } else { Matrix_update(); Normalize(); Drift_correction(); Euler_angles(); calculations_motor(); static uint16_t counter = 0; counter++; if (counter == 4) { counter = 0; xSemaphoreGive(xSemaphoreTerminal); } } LPC_GPIO1->FIOCLR = (1 << 1); } } }
//Calibrate gyro and initialize PID controllers void pre_auton(){ //Allow gyro to settle and then init/calibrate (Takes a total of around 2 seconds) delay(1100); gyroInit(gyro, 1); //These NEED to be tuned pidInit(gyroAnglePid, 2, 0, 0.15, 2, 20.0); //No idea if these are any good, they need to be tuned a TON pidInit(gyroRatePid, 10, 0, 0, 0, 360.00); //need to be tuned }
GyroSensor::GyroSensor(int SensorPort, int multi) { if(checkAnalogPort(SensorPort)) sensorport = SensorPort; else sensorport = 13; if(sensorport != 13) gyro = gyroInit(sensorport, 0); curval = 0; multipier = 0; }
/* * Runs user initialization code. This function will be started in its own task * with the default * priority and stack size once when the robot is starting up. It is possible * that the VEXnet * communication link may not be fully established at this time, so reading from * the VEX * Joystick may fail. * * This function should initialize most sensors (gyro, encoders, ultrasonics), * LCDs, global * variables, and IMEs. * * This function must exit relatively promptly, or the operatorControl() and * autonomous() tasks * will not start. An autonomous mode selection menu like the pre_auton() in * other environments * can be implemented in this task if desired. */ void initialize() { print("[Init] Initializing the robot\n"); // Set up the LCD and start it print("[Init] Setting up the LCD\n"); lcdInitMenu(1, 3, 1); // Min 1, max 3, home 1 lcdSetUpdater(implUpdateLCD); lcdSetMenuBack(implMenuBack); lcdSetMenuNext(implMenuNext); lcdSetCycles(true); // Set up our drive print("[Init] Setting up drive motors\n"); lcdSetText(uart2, 1, "Init drive..."); driveInit(MOTOR_DRIVE_FL, MOTOR_DRIVE_BL, MOTOR_DRIVE_FR, MOTOR_DRIVE_BR); driveSetReverse(MOTOR_DRIVE_FL_REV, MOTOR_DRIVE_BL_REV, MOTOR_DRIVE_FR_REV, MOTOR_DRIVE_BR_REV); // enableSlew(15); // Set slew rate to 15 // Set up our autonomous to these modes print("[Init] Setting up autonomous modes\n"); lcdSetText(uart2, 1, "Init auton..."); autonInit(4); // 3 auton modes // Set up our gyroscope print("[Init] Setting gyroscope\n"); lcdSetText(uart2, 1, "Init gyro..."); // To tune: 196*((360*rotations)/gyroValue) gyro = gyroInit(ANALOG_GYRO, 190); // default is 196, this is after tune // Set up our encoders print("[Init] Setting up encoders\n"); lcdSetText(uart2, 1, "Init Encs..."); initDriveEncoders(); // initPidControl(); // Sets communication port for JINX data and start task to parse incoming // messages. print("[Init] Setting up JINX\n"); lcdSetText(uart2, 1, "Init JINX..."); initJINX(stdout); delay(100); taskCreate(JINXRun, TASK_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE, NULL, (TASK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT)); delay(100); // Done init print("[Init] Finished, starting LCD menu\n"); lcdSetText(uart2, 1, "Init menu..."); lcdStartMenu(); // TODO Remove hc05Init(1, false); }
bool sensorsAutodetect(sensorAlignmentConfig_t *sensorAlignmentConfig, uint8_t accHardwareToUse, uint8_t magHardwareToUse, uint8_t baroHardwareToUse, int16_t magDeclinationFromConfig, uint8_t gyroLpf, uint8_t gyroSyncDenominator) { memset(&acc, 0, sizeof(acc)); memset(&gyro, 0, sizeof(gyro)); #if defined(USE_GYRO_MPU6050) || defined(USE_GYRO_MPU3050) || defined(USE_GYRO_MPU6500) || defined(USE_GYRO_SPI_MPU6500) || defined(USE_GYRO_SPI_MPU6000) || defined(USE_ACC_MPU6050) || defined(USE_GYRO_SPI_MPU9250) const extiConfig_t *extiConfig = selectMPUIntExtiConfig(); mpuDetectionResult_t *mpuDetectionResult = detectMpu(extiConfig); UNUSED(mpuDetectionResult); #endif if (!detectGyro()) { return false; } detectAcc(accHardwareToUse); detectBaro(baroHardwareToUse); // Now time to init things, acc first if (sensors(SENSOR_ACC)) { acc.acc_1G = 256; // set default acc.init(&acc); } // this is safe because either mpu6050 or mpu3050 or lg3d20 sets it, and in case of fail, we never get here. gyro.targetLooptime = gyroSetSampleRate(gyroLpf, gyroSyncDenominator); // Set gyro sample rate before initialisation gyro.init(gyroLpf); gyroInit(); detectMag(magHardwareToUse); reconfigureAlignment(sensorAlignmentConfig); // FIXME extract to a method to reduce dependencies, maybe move to sensors_compass.c if (sensors(SENSOR_MAG)) { // calculate magnetic declination const int16_t deg = magDeclinationFromConfig / 100; const int16_t min = magDeclinationFromConfig % 100; magneticDeclination = (deg + ((float)min * (1.0f / 60.0f))) * 10; // heading is in 0.1deg units } else { magneticDeclination = 0.0f; // TODO investigate if this is actually needed if there is no mag sensor or if the value stored in the config should be used. } return true; }
bool sensorsAutodetect(void) { memset(&acc, 0, sizeof(acc)); memset(&gyro, 0, sizeof(gyro)); #if defined(USE_GYRO_MPU6050) || defined(USE_GYRO_MPU3050) || defined(USE_GYRO_MPU6500) || defined(USE_GYRO_SPI_MPU6500) || defined(USE_GYRO_SPI_MPU6000) || defined(USE_ACC_MPU6050) const extiConfig_t *extiConfig = selectMPUIntExtiConfig(); mpuDetectionResult_t *mpuDetectionResult = detectMpu(extiConfig); UNUSED(mpuDetectionResult); #endif if (!detectGyro()) { return false; } gyro.sampleFrequencyHz = gyroConfig()->gyro_sample_hz; // this is safe because either mpu6050 or mpu3050 or lg3d20 sets it, and in case of fail, we never get here. gyro.init(&gyro, gyroConfig()->gyro_lpf); gyroInit(); // the combination of LPF and GYRO_SAMPLE_HZ may be invalid for the gyro, update the configuration to use the sample frequency that was determined for the desired LPF. gyroConfig()->gyro_sample_hz = gyro.sampleFrequencyHz; if (detectAcc(sensorSelectionConfig()->acc_hardware)) { acc.acc_1G = 256; // set default acc.init(&acc); } #ifdef BARO detectBaro(sensorSelectionConfig()->baro_hardware); #endif #ifdef MAG if (detectMag(sensorSelectionConfig()->mag_hardware)) { if (!compassInit()) { sensorsClear(SENSOR_MAG); } } #endif reconfigureAlignment(sensorAlignmentConfig()); return true; }
Drive initDrive(int leftMotor, int leftMotorInverted, int rightMotor, int rightMotorInverted, int leftEncoderTopPort, int leftEncoderBottomPort, int leftEncoderInverted, int rightEncoderTopPort, int rightEncoderBottomPort, int rightEncoderInverted, int gyroPort, int echoPort, int pingPort) { PantherMotor left = initPantherMotor(leftMotor, leftMotorInverted); PantherMotor right = initPantherMotor(rightMotor, rightMotorInverted); Encoder leftEncoder = encoderInit(leftEncoderTopPort, leftEncoderBottomPort, leftEncoderInverted); Encoder rightEncoder = encoderInit(rightEncoderTopPort, rightEncoderBottomPort, rightEncoderInverted); Gyro gyro = gyroInit(gyroPort, 0); Ultrasonic newSonar = ultrasonicInit(echoPort, pingPort); Drive newDrive = {left, right, leftEncoder, rightEncoder, gyro, newSonar}; return newDrive; }
//Initialize all sensors on the IMU board void IMUinit() { //Initialize the I2C bus i2cInit(); //Disable interrupts while everything is being set up CRITICAL_SECTION_START; //Initialize the gyro if(gyroInit(GYRO_RANGE_250DPS)) { theFlags.gyroEnabled = TRUE; //Set the pin as input cbi(DDRE, DDE4); //Disable the pullup on the relevant pin cbi(PORTE, PORTE4); //Attach the DRDY interrupt sbi(EICRB, ISC40); //Writing 1 to ISC40 and ISC41 sets interrupt on rising edge sbi(EICRB, ISC41); sbi(EIMSK, INT4); //Setting INT4 in EIMSK enables the interrupt (if they are globally enabled (but they are cause i2cinit did that)) //Now wait for DRDY to go low and reenmable it to start everything off while(inb(PINE) & _BV(PINE4)) { ; //Wait for the port to go low } gyroEnableDrdy(); } else { #ifdef IMU_DEBUG printf("Error intitializing the gyro!\r\n"); #endif theFlags.gyroEnabled = FALSE; } //Intialize the accelerometer if(accelInit()) { theFlags.accelEnabled = TRUE; //Set the pin as input cbi(DDRD, DDD2); //Disable the pullup on the relevant pin cbi(PORTD, PORTD2); //Attach the DRDY interrupt sbi(EICRA, ISC20); //Writing 1 to ISC20 and ISC21 sets interrupt on rising edge sbi(EICRA, ISC21); sbi(EIMSK, INT2); //Setting INT2 in EIMSK enables the interrupt (if they are globally enabled (but they are cause i2cinit did that)) //Now wait for DRDY to go low and reenable it to start everything off while(inb(PINB) & _BV(PINB2)) { ; //Wait for the port to go low } accelEnableDrdy(); } else { #ifdef IMU_DEBUG printf("Error intitializing the accelerometer!\r\n"); #endif theFlags.accelEnabled = FALSE; } //Initialize the magnetometer if(magInit()) { theFlags.magEnabled = TRUE; //Set the pin as input cbi(DDRD, DDD3); //Disable the pullup on the DRDY pin cbi(PORTD, PORTD3); //Attach the DRDY interrupt sbi(EICRA, ISC30); //Writing 1 to ISC30 and ISC31 sets interrupt on rising edge sbi(EICRA, ISC31); sbi(EIMSK, INT3); //Setting INT3 in EIMSK enables the interrupt (if they are globally enabled (but they are cause i2cinit did that)) } else { #ifdef IMU_DEBUG printf("Error intitializing the magnetometer!\r\n"); #endif theFlags.magEnabled = FALSE; } //Initialize the BMP180 pressure/temp sensor if(bmpInit()) { theFlags.bmpEnabled = TRUE; //Attach the interrupt handler for the timer ticks timerSetInterruptCallback( imuTimerTick ); //Start a temperature measurrement to set everything off const u08 toSend[2] = {BMP180_REGISTER_CONTROL, BMP180_REGISTER_READTEMPCMD}; i2cMasterSendNI(BMP180_ADDRESS, 2, (u08*)&toSend); myBmpState = TEMPERATURE_MEASURING; bmpLastStateChange = millis(); } else { #ifdef IMU_DEBUG printf("Error intitializing the BMP180!\r\n"); #endif theFlags.bmpEnabled = FALSE; } //Attach the custom stop handler after all sensors are initialized i2cSetStopHandler( customStopHandler ); //Re-enable the interrupts CRITICAL_SECTION_END; }