bool MyRecastDemo::loadSceneFileFromConfig( std::string configFilePath )
	glPushAttrib( GL_TEXTURE_BIT ); // Loading the scene changes gl state variables

	bool isResourceLoaded = false;
	XMLResults results;
	XMLNode config = XMLNode::parseFile( configFilePath.c_str(), 0, &results);

	if (results.error == eXMLErrorNone)
		XMLNode sceneFileNode = config.getChildNode( "SceneXMLFile" );
		XMLNode workingDirNode = config.getChildNode( "ContentDirectory" );
		if( !sceneFileNode.isEmpty() && !workingDirNode.isEmpty() )
			const char* sceneXmlFile = sceneFileNode.getAttribute( "path" );
			m_loadedSceneGraphRes = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::SceneGraph, sceneXmlFile, 0 );

			const char* sceneWorkingDir = workingDirNode.getAttribute( "path" );
			isResourceLoaded = h3dutLoadResourcesFromDisk( sceneWorkingDir );

			h3dAddNodes( H3DRootNode, m_loadedSceneGraphRes );
	return isResourceLoaded;

Beispiel #2
void CrowdSim::init()
	// Init random generator
	//srand( (unsigned int)time( NULL ) );
	srand( 99777 );  // Use fixed value for better performance comparisons
	// Load character with walk animation
	H3DRes characterRes = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::SceneGraph, "models/man/man.scene.xml", 0 );
	H3DRes characterWalkRes = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::Animation, "animations/man.anim", 0 );
	h3dutLoadResourcesFromDisk( _contentDir.c_str() );
	// Add characters
	for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 100; ++i )
		Particle p;
		// Add character to scene and apply animation
		p.node = h3dAddNodes( H3DRootNode, characterRes );
		h3dSetupModelAnimStage( p.node, 0, characterWalkRes, 0, "", false );
		// Characters start in a circle formation
		p.px = sinf( (i / 100.0f) * 6.28f ) * 10.0f;
		p.pz = cosf( (i / 100.0f) * 6.28f ) * 10.0f;

		chooseDestination( p );

		h3dSetNodeTransform( p.node, p.px, 0.02f, p.pz, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 );

		_particles.push_back( p );
Beispiel #3
 * loads a node from the given xml file and attaches it to the joint eye
Joint* Gaze::createGazeAux(Joint* eye, const char* filename, const char* filedir)
	if(m_gazeaux_res == 0)
		m_gazeaux_res = h3dAddResource(H3DResTypes::SceneGraph, filename, 0);
		if( !h3dIsResLoaded(m_gazeaux_res) )	
			h3dutLoadResourcesFromDisk( filedir );

	H3DNode node = h3dAddNodes( eye->getHordeID(), m_gazeaux_res);
	return Joint::getInstance(node);
void QTerrainNode::setMaterial(const Material& material)
	if (signalsBlocked())
		m_xmlNode.setAttribute("material", material.FileName);
		m_materialID = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::Material, qPrintable(material.FileName), 0 );		
		h3dSetNodeParamI(m_hordeID, H3DEXTTerrain::MatResI, m_materialID);
	else if (material != QTerrainNode::material())
		m_model->undoStack()->push(new QXmlNodePropertyCommand("Set Material", this, "Material", QVariant::fromValue(material), TerrainMaterialID));
void QTerrainNode::setHeightMap(const Texture& heightMap)
	if (signalsBlocked())
		m_xmlNode.setAttribute("heightmap", heightMap.FileName);
		m_heightMapID = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::Texture, qPrintable(heightMap.FileName), 0 );		
		h3dSetNodeParamI(m_hordeID, H3DEXTTerrain::HeightTexResI, m_heightMapID);
	else if (heightMap != QTerrainNode::heightMap())
		m_model->undoStack()->push(new QXmlNodePropertyCommand("Set HeightMap", this, "HeightMap", QVariant::fromValue(heightMap), TerrainHeightMapID));	
void QEmitterNode::setEffect(const Effect& effect)
	if (signalsBlocked())
		m_xmlNode.setAttribute("particleEffect", effect.FileName);
		if (m_effectResource != 0)
		m_effectResource = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::ParticleEffect, qPrintable(effect.FileName), 0 );
		h3dSetNodeParamI(m_hordeID, H3DEmitter::PartEffResI, m_effectResource);
	else if (effect != QEmitterNode::effect())
		m_model->undoStack()->push(new QXmlNodePropertyCommand("Set Effect", this, "Effect", QVariant::fromValue(effect), EmitterMaterialID));
Beispiel #7
SCENEGRAPHPLUGINEXP void dllLoadScene( const char* sceneFile )
    GameLog::logMessage("Setting Horde3D Paths");

    XMLResults results;
    XMLNode scene = XMLNode::parseFile( sceneFile, "Configuration", &results);
    XMLNode& engineSettings(scene.getChildNode("EngineConfig"));
    if ( !engineSettings.isEmpty() )
        bool loadTextures =
            _stricmp(engineSettings.getAttribute("loadTextures", "true"), "true") == 0 ||
            _stricmp(engineSettings.getAttribute("loadTextures", "1"), "1") == 0;
        GameLog::logMessage("LoadTextures: %s", loadTextures ? "enabled" : "disabled");
        h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::LoadTextures, loadTextures ? 1.0f : 0.0f );
        int shadowMapSize = atoi(engineSettings.getAttribute("shadowMapSize", "1024"));
        GameLog::logMessage("ShadowMapSize: %d", shadowMapSize);
        h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::ShadowMapSize, float( shadowMapSize) );
        int anisotropyFactor = atoi(engineSettings.getAttribute("anisotropyFactor", "1"));
        GameLog::logMessage("Anisotropy: %d", anisotropyFactor);
        h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::MaxAnisotropy, float( anisotropyFactor ) );
        bool texCompression =
            _stricmp(engineSettings.getAttribute("texCompression", "true"), "true") == 0 ||
            _stricmp(engineSettings.getAttribute("texCompression", "1"), "1") == 0;
        GameLog::logMessage("TexCompression: %s", texCompression ? "enabled" : "disabled");
        h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::TexCompression, texCompression );
        int maxNumMessages = atoi(engineSettings.getAttribute("maxNumMessages", "1024"));
        h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::MaxNumMessages, float( maxNumMessages ) );

    // Loading scene graph
    XMLNode& sceneGraph(scene.getChildNode("SceneGraph"));
    if ( sceneGraph.isEmpty() ) GameLog::errorMessage("No Scene Graph Node found!");
        GameLog::logMessage("Loading SceneGraph %s", sceneGraph.getAttribute("path"));
        // Environment
        H3DRes sceneGraphID = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::SceneGraph, sceneGraph.getAttribute("path"), 0 );
        GameLog::logMessage("Loading Resources...");
        // Load resources
        h3dutLoadResourcesFromDisk( "." );
        GameLog::logMessage("Adding scene graph to root node");
        // Add scene nodes
        H3DNode newSceneID = h3dAddNodes( H3DRootNode, sceneGraphID);
        SceneGraphManager::instance()->addNewHordeNode( newSceneID );
    // Use the specified render cam
    if (scene.getChildNode("ActiveCamera").getAttribute("name") && h3dFindNodes( H3DRootNode, scene.getChildNode("ActiveCamera").getAttribute("name"), H3DNodeTypes::Camera ) > 0)
        SceneGraphManager::instance()->setActiveCam( h3dGetNodeFindResult(0) );

Beispiel #8
void VideoComponent::loadFromXml(const XMLNode* node)
	const char* rWidth = node->getAttribute("resizeWidth");
	const char* rHeight = node->getAttribute("resizeHeight");
	if (rWidth || rHeight)
		m_resize = true;
	if (rWidth)
		m_resizeWidth = atoi(rWidth);
	if (rHeight)
		m_resizeHeight = atoi(rHeight);
	m_isOverlay = _stricmp(node->getAttribute("isOverlay", "0"), "true") == 0 
		|| _stricmp(node->getAttribute("isOverlay", "0"), "1") == 0;

	m_loop = _stricmp(node->getAttribute("loop", "0"), "true") == 0 
		|| _stricmp(node->getAttribute("loop", "0"), "1") == 0;

	m_x = (float) atof(node->getAttribute("x", "0"));
	m_y = (float) atof(node->getAttribute("y", "0"));
	m_w = (float) atof(node->getAttribute("w", "1"));
	m_h = (float) atof(node->getAttribute("h", "1"));
	m_stretchToAspect = _stricmp(node->getAttribute("stretchToAspect", "1"), "0") != 0 && _stricmp(node->getAttribute("stretchToAspect", "1"), "false") != 0;

	// Get material name and load it (must be before openAvi)
	const char* mat = node->getAttribute("material", "materials/video.material.xml");
	if (mat)
		m_material = h3dAddResource(H3DResTypes::Material, mat, 0x0);
		// Clone the original material with the original sampler texture, so the texture won't be released if a new one is setted
		h3dCloneResource(m_material, 0x0);

	const char* cFile = node->getAttribute("file");
	if (cFile)
		// Directly open the configured avi

	// Set autostart after openavi() as we only get a correct start time stamp at the first update call
	// m_startNextFrame indicates that the video has to be started in the first (next) coming update call
	m_startNextFrame = m_autoStart = _stricmp(node->getAttribute("autoStart", "0"), "true") == 0 
		|| _stricmp(node->getAttribute("autoStart", "0"), "1") == 0;
Beispiel #9
bool Application::init()
	// Initialize engine and open default sound device
	if( !h3dInit() || !h3dOpenDevice( 0x0 ) )
		return false;

	// Set options
	h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::LoadTextures, 1 );
	h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::TexCompression, 0 );
	h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::FastAnimation, 0 );
	h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::MaxAnisotropy, 4 );
	h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::ShadowMapSize, 2048 );

	// Add resources
	// Pipelines
	_hdrPipeRes = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::Pipeline, "pipelines/hdr.pipeline.xml", 0 );
	_forwardPipeRes = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::Pipeline, "pipelines/forward.pipeline.xml", 0 );
	// Overlays
	_fontMatRes = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::Material, "overlays/font.material.xml", 0 );
	_panelMatRes = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::Material, "overlays/panel.material.xml", 0 );
	_logoMatRes = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::Material, "overlays/logo.material.xml", 0 );
	// Environment
	H3DRes floorRes = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::SceneGraph, "models/tiles/tiles.scene.xml", 0 );
	// Knight
	H3DRes speakerRes = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::SceneGraph, "models/speaker/speaker.scene.xml", 0 );
	// Music
	_soundRes = h3dAddResource( RST_SoundResource, "sounds/stringed_disco.ogg", 0 );

	// Load resources
	h3dutLoadResourcesFromDisk( _contentDir.c_str() );

	// Add scene nodes
	// Add camera
	_cam = h3dAddCameraNode( H3DRootNode, "Camera", _hdrPipeRes );
	//h3dSetNodeParamI( _cam, CameraNodeParams::OcclusionCulling, 1 );
	// Add listener to the camera
	H3DNode listener = h3dAddListenerNode( _cam, "Listener" );
	h3dSetActiveListener( listener );
	// Add floor
	H3DNode floor = h3dAddNodes( H3DRootNode, floorRes );
	h3dSetNodeTransform( floor, 0, -0.125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 );
	// Add the speakers
	H3DNode speaker1 = h3dAddNodes( H3DRootNode, speakerRes );
	h3dSetNodeTransform( speaker1, -2, 0, -2, 0, 215.0f, 0, 1, 1, 1 );
	H3DNode speaker2 = h3dAddNodes( H3DRootNode, speakerRes );
	h3dSetNodeTransform( speaker2, 2, 0, -2, 0, 145.0f, 0, 1, 1, 1 );
	// Add music to the speakers
	_sound1 = h3dAddSoundNode( speaker1, "Sound1", _soundRes );
	_sound2 = h3dAddSoundNode( speaker2, "Sound2", _soundRes );
	// Add light source
	_light = h3dAddLightNode( H3DRootNode, "Light1", 0, "LIGHTING", "SHADOWMAP" );
	h3dSetNodeTransform( _light, 0, 7, 0, -90, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 );
	h3dSetNodeParamF( _light, H3DLight::RadiusF, 0, 30 );
	h3dSetNodeParamF( _light, H3DLight::FovF, 0, 90 );
	h3dSetNodeParamI( _light, H3DLight::ShadowMapCountI, 1 );
	h3dSetNodeParamF( _light, H3DLight::ShadowMapBiasF, 0, 0.01f );

	// Set the distance model
	h3dSetDistanceModel( _distanceModel );
	// Set the timer so the light immediately gets a random color
	_lightTimer = 1.0f;

	// Customize post processing effects
	H3DRes matRes = h3dFindResource( H3DResTypes::Material, "pipelines/postHDR.material.xml" );
	// hdrParams: exposure, brightpass threshold, brightpass offset (see shader for description)
	h3dSetMaterialUniform( matRes, "hdrParams", 2.0f, 0.6f, 0.08f, 0 );

	// Play the music
	h3dPlaySound( _sound1 );
	h3dPlaySound( _sound2 );

	return true;
Beispiel #10
SCENEGRAPHPLUGINEXP void dllLoadScene( const char* sceneFile )
	GameLog::logMessage("Setting Horde3D Configuration");
	XMLResults results;
	XMLNode scene = XMLNode::parseFile( sceneFile, "Configuration", &results);
	const XMLNode& engineSettings(scene.getChildNode("EngineConfig"));
	if ( !engineSettings.isEmpty() )
		int maxLogLevel = atoi(engineSettings.getAttribute("maxLogLevel", "4"));
		GameLog::logMessage("MaxLogLevel: %d", maxLogLevel);
		h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::MaxLogLevel, float( maxLogLevel ) );

		int maxNumMessages = atoi(engineSettings.getAttribute("maxNumMessages", "1024"));
		GameLog::logMessage("MaxNumMessages: %d", maxNumMessages);
		h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::MaxNumMessages, float( maxNumMessages ) );

		int trilinearFiltering = atoi(engineSettings.getAttribute("trilinearFiltering", "1"));
		GameLog::logMessage("TrilinearFiltering: %d", trilinearFiltering);
		h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::TrilinearFiltering, float( trilinearFiltering ) );

		int maxAnisotropy = atoi(engineSettings.getAttribute("maxAnisotropy", "1"));
		GameLog::logMessage("MaxAnisotropy: %d", maxAnisotropy);
		h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::MaxAnisotropy, float( maxAnisotropy ) );

		bool sRGBLinearization = 
			_stricmp(engineSettings.getAttribute("sRGBLinearization", "0"), "true") == 0 ||
			_stricmp(engineSettings.getAttribute("sRGBLinearization", "0"), "1") == 0;
		GameLog::logMessage("SRGBLinearization: %s", sRGBLinearization ? "enabled" : "disabled");
		h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::SRGBLinearization, sRGBLinearization );

		bool texCompression = 
			_stricmp(engineSettings.getAttribute("texCompression", "0"), "true") == 0 ||
			_stricmp(engineSettings.getAttribute("texCompression", "0"), "1") == 0;
		GameLog::logMessage("TexCompression: %s", texCompression ? "enabled" : "disabled");
		h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::TexCompression, texCompression );

		bool loadTextures = 
			_stricmp(engineSettings.getAttribute("loadTextures", "1"), "1") == 0
			|| _stricmp(engineSettings.getAttribute("loadTextures", "1"), "true") == 0;
		GameLog::logMessage("LoadTextures: %s", loadTextures ? "enabled" : "disabled");
		h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::LoadTextures, loadTextures ? 1.0f : 0.0f );

		const XMLNode& pathes(scene.getChildNode("EnginePath"));
		if (!pathes.isEmpty())
			GameLog::logMessage("AnimationPath: %s", pathes.getAttribute("animationpath", "animations"));
			h3dutSetResourcePath(H3DResTypes::Animation, pathes.getAttribute("animationpath", "animations"));
		const XMLNode& engineSettings(scene.getChildNode("EngineConfig"));
		if ( !engineSettings.isEmpty() )
			bool fastAnim = 
				_stricmp(engineSettings.getAttribute("fastAnimation", "false"), "true") == 0 ||
				_stricmp(engineSettings.getAttribute("fastAnimation", "0"), "1") == 0;
			GameLog::logMessage("FastAnimation: %s", fastAnim ? "enabled" : "disabled");
			h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::FastAnimation, fastAnim ? 1.0f : 0.0f );

		int shadowMapSize = atoi(engineSettings.getAttribute("shadowMapSize", "1024"));					
		GameLog::logMessage("ShadowMapSize: %d", shadowMapSize);
		h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::ShadowMapSize, float( shadowMapSize) );

		int sampleCount = atoi(engineSettings.getAttribute("sampleCount", "0"));					
		GameLog::logMessage("SampleCount: %d", sampleCount);
		h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::SampleCount, float( sampleCount) );

		bool wireframeMode = 
			_stricmp(engineSettings.getAttribute("wireframeMode", "0"), "1") == 0 ||
			_stricmp(engineSettings.getAttribute("wireframeMode", "0"), "true") == 0;
		GameLog::logMessage("WireframeMode: %s", wireframeMode ? "enabled" : "disabled");
		h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::WireframeMode, wireframeMode );

		bool debugViewMode = 
			_stricmp(engineSettings.getAttribute("debugViewMode", "0"), "1") == 0 ||
			_stricmp(engineSettings.getAttribute("debugViewMode", "0"), "true") == 0;
		GameLog::logMessage("DebugViewMode: %s", debugViewMode ? "enabled" : "disabled");
		h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::DebugViewMode, debugViewMode );

		bool dumpFailedShaders = 
			_stricmp(engineSettings.getAttribute("dumpFailedShaders", "0"), "1") == 0 ||
			_stricmp(engineSettings.getAttribute("dumpFailedShaders", "0"), "true") == 0;
		GameLog::logMessage("DumpFailedShaders: %s", dumpFailedShaders ? "enabled" : "disabled");
		h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::DumpFailedShaders, dumpFailedShaders );

		bool gatherTimeStats = 
			_stricmp(engineSettings.getAttribute("gatherTimeStats", "1"), "1") == 0 ||
			_stricmp(engineSettings.getAttribute("gatherTimeStats", "1"), "true") == 0;
		GameLog::logMessage("GatherTimeStats: %s", gatherTimeStats ? "enabled" : "disabled");
		h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::GatherTimeStats, gatherTimeStats );


	const XMLNode& stereoSettings(scene.getChildNode("StereoscopyConfig"));
	if ( !stereoSettings.isEmpty() )
		const char* modeC = stereoSettings.getAttribute("mode", "0");
		unsigned int mode = 0;
		if (_stricmp(modeC, "0") == 0 || _stricmp(modeC, "disabled") == 0)
			mode = 0;
		else if (_stricmp(modeC, "1") == 0 || _stricmp(modeC, "sideBySide") == 0)
			mode = 1;
		else if (_stricmp(modeC, "2") == 0 || _stricmp(modeC, "quadBuffering") == 0)
			mode = 2;

		const char* methodC = stereoSettings.getAttribute("method", "0");
		unsigned int method = 0;
		if (_stricmp(methodC, "0") == 0 || _stricmp(methodC, "toedIn") == 0)
			method = 0;
		else if (_stricmp(methodC, "1") == 0 || _stricmp(methodC, "asymmetricFrustum") == 0)
			method = 1;

		SceneGraphManager::instance()->setStereoscopyParams((float)atof(stereoSettings.getAttribute("eyeOffset", "0.05")),
			(float)atof(stereoSettings.getAttribute("strabismus", "2.5")), (float)atof(stereoSettings.getAttribute("focalLength", "1")));

		const char* stereoPipeline = stereoSettings.getAttribute("renderPipeline");
		if (stereoPipeline)
			int resID = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::Pipeline, stereoPipeline, 0 );
			h3dutLoadResourcesFromDisk( "." );
			if (resID > 0)
		const char* stereoOverlayMaterial = stereoSettings.getAttribute("overlayMaterial");
		if (stereoOverlayMaterial)
			int materialId = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::Material, stereoOverlayMaterial, 0 );
			h3dutLoadResourcesFromDisk( "." );
			if (materialId > 0)

	// Loading scene graph
	const XMLNode& sceneGraph(scene.getChildNode("SceneGraph"));
	if ( sceneGraph.isEmpty() )
		GameLog::errorMessage("No Scene Graph Node found!");
		GameLog::logMessage("Loading SceneGraph %s", sceneGraph.getAttribute("path"));
		// Environment
		H3DRes sceneGraphID = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::SceneGraph, sceneGraph.getAttribute("path"), 0 );
		GameLog::logMessage("Loading Resources...");
		// Load resources
		h3dutLoadResourcesFromDisk( "." );
		GameLog::logMessage("Adding scene graph to root node");
		// Add scene nodes	
		H3DNode newSceneID = h3dAddNodes( H3DRootNode, sceneGraphID);
		SceneGraphManager::instance()->addNewHordeNode( newSceneID );
	// Use the specified render cam
	if (scene.getChildNode("ActiveCamera").getAttribute("name") && h3dFindNodes( H3DRootNode, scene.getChildNode("ActiveCamera").getAttribute("name"), H3DNodeTypes::Camera ) > 0)
		SceneGraphManager::instance()->setActiveCam( h3dGetNodeFindResult(0) );

Beispiel #11
bool TentacleApplication::init()
  // Initialize engine
  if( !h3dInit() )
    return false;

	// Set options
	h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::LoadTextures, 1 );
	h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::TexCompression, 0 );
	h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::MaxAnisotropy, 4 );
	h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::ShadowMapSize, 2048 );
	h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::FastAnimation, 1 );

  // Add resources
  // Pipelines
  _hdrPipeRes = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::Pipeline, "pipelines/hdr.pipeline.xml", 0 );
  _forwardPipeRes = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::Pipeline, "pipelines/forward.pipeline.xml", 0 );
  // Font
  _fontMatRes = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::Material, "overlays/font.material.xml", 0 );
  // Logo
  _logoMatRes = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::Material, "overlays/logo.material.xml", 0 );
  // invJacXpl
  //_invJacMatRes = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::Material, "materials/invJac.material.xml", 0 );
  // Environment
  H3DRes envRes = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::SceneGraph, "models/sphere/sphere.scene.xml", 0 );
  // Tentacle
  H3DRes tentacleRes = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::SceneGraph, "models/tentacle.scene.xml", 0 );
  // Fly
  H3DRes flyRes = h3dAddResource( H3DResTypes::SceneGraph, "models/fly.scene.xml", 0 );

  _dx = _dy = _dz = 0;

  // Load resources
  h3dutLoadResourcesFromDisk( _contentDir.c_str() );

  // Add scene nodes
  // Add camera
  _cam = h3dAddCameraNode( H3DRootNode, "Camera", _forwardPipeRes );
  // Add environment
  H3DNode env = h3dAddNodes( H3DRootNode, envRes );
  h3dSetNodeTransform( env, 0, -20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 20, 20 );

  // Add tentacle node
  _tentacle = h3dAddNodes( H3DRootNode, tentacleRes );
  h3dSetNodeTransform( _tentacle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );

  // Create tentacle kinematic chain
  _tentacleIK = setUpKinematikChain(_tentacle);
  //cout << _tentacleIK->getEndPosition(_tentacleIK->getNumJoints()-1);
  //_ikCCDSolver = new SmrCCDSolver(_tentacleIK);

  _ikGSMMSolver = new SMRGSMMSolver(_tentacleIK);

  _ikInvJacSolver = new SMRInvJacSolver(_tentacleIK);


  _currentSolver = _ikInvJacSolver;
  _ikMethodString = "J pseudo-inverse";

  // Add fly node
  _fly = h3dAddNodes( H3DRootNode, flyRes );
  h3dSetNodeTransform( _fly, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f );

  // Add light source
  H3DNode light = h3dAddLightNode( H3DRootNode, "Light1", 0, "LIGHTING", "SHADOWMAP" );
  h3dSetNodeTransform( light, 0, 15, 10, -60, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 );
  h3dSetNodeParamF( light, H3DLight::RadiusF,0, 30 );
  h3dSetNodeParamF( light, H3DLight::FovF,0, 90 );
  h3dSetNodeParamI( light, H3DLight::ShadowMapCountI, 0 );
  h3dSetNodeParamF( light, H3DLight::ShadowMapBiasF,0, 0.01f );
  h3dSetNodeParamF( light, H3DLight::ColorF3,0, 1.0f );
  h3dSetNodeParamF( light, H3DLight::ColorF3,1, 0.8f );
  h3dSetNodeParamF( light, H3DLight::ColorF3,2, 0.7f );

  // Customize post processing effects
	H3DNode matRes = h3dFindResource( H3DResTypes::Material, "pipelines/postHDR.material.xml" );

  //hdrParams: exposure, brightpass threshold, brightpass offset (see shader for description)
	h3dSetMaterialUniform( matRes, "hdrParams", 2.5f, 0.5f, 0.08f, 0 );

  return true;
Beispiel #12
Pipeline PipelineComboBox::pipeline() const
	Pipeline pipeline(currentText());	
	return pipeline;
	H3DView(int winWidth, int winHeight) :
			text(NULL), textLen(32),
			_rx(15), _ry(-50),
			//_rx(0), _ry(0),
			_prev_x(0), _prev_y(0),
		assert(view == NULL);
		view = this;

		text = new char[textLen];
		memset(text, 0, textLen);

		LOG("Initializing Horde3D...");

		h3dSetOption(H3DOptions::MaxAnisotropy, 8);
		h3dSetOption(H3DOptions::SampleCount, 16);

		//h3dSetOption(H3DOptions::WireframeMode, 1);
		//h3dSetOption(H3DOptions::DebugViewMode, 1);
		h3dSetOption(H3DOptions::GatherTimeStats, 1);

		LOG("Declaring resources...");

		pipeRes = h3dAddResource(H3DResTypes::Pipeline, "pipelines/forward.pipeline.xml", 0);

		H3DRes skyBoxRes = h3dAddResource(H3DResTypes::SceneGraph, "models/skybox/skybox.scene.xml", 0);

		//modelRes = h3dAddResource(H3DResTypes::SceneGraph, "models/AssJacket/AssJacket.scene.xml", 0);
		//modelRes = h3dAddResource(H3DResTypes::SceneGraph, "models/ares/ares.scene.xml", 0);
		modelRes = h3dAddResource(H3DResTypes::SceneGraph, "models/man/man.scene.xml", 0);

		fontMatRes = h3dAddResource(H3DResTypes::Material, "overlays/font.material.xml", 0);
		panelMatRes = h3dAddResource(H3DResTypes::Material, "overlays/panel.material.xml", 0);

		LOG("Loading resources from disk...");

		LOG("Building scene...");
		// Add model to scene
		model = h3dAddNodes(H3DRootNode, modelRes);
				0, 0, -500,  // Translation
				0, 0, 0,     // Rotation
				1, 1, 1      // Scale

		// Add light source
		H3DNode light = h3dAddLightNode(H3DRootNode, "Light1", 0, "LIGHTING", "SHADOWMAP");
		// Set light position and radius
				0, 20, 0,
				0, 0, 0,
				10, 10, 10
		h3dSetNodeParamF(light, H3DLight::RadiusF, 0, 50.0f);

		LOG("Setting up camera...");
		cam = h3dAddCameraNode(H3DRootNode, "Camera", pipeRes);

		resizeViewport(winWidth, winHeight);

#if 1
		H3DNode sky = h3dAddNodes(H3DRootNode, skyBoxRes);
				0, 0, 0,      // Translation
				0, 0, 0,      // Rotation
				210, 50, 210  // Scale
		h3dSetNodeFlags(sky, H3DNodeFlags::NoCastShadow, true);

		LOG("Setting BulletEngine callbacks...");

		LOG("Initializing physics...");

	} // end H3DView