Beispiel #1
static char *getDbForGenome(char *genome, struct cart *cart)
  Function to find the default database for the given Genome.
It looks in the cart first and then, if that database's Genome matches the
passed-in Genome, returns it. If the Genome does not match, it returns the default
database that does match that Genome.

param Genome - The Genome for which to find a database
param cart - The cart to use to first search for a suitable database name
return - The database matching this Genome type

char *retDb = cartUsualString(cart, dbCgiName, NULL);

if ((retDb == NULL) || !hDbExists(retDb))
    retDb = hDefaultDb();

/* If genomes don't match, then get the default db for that genome */
if (differentWord(genome, hGenome(retDb)))
    retDb = hDefaultDbForGenome(genome);

return retDb;
Beispiel #2
void doMiddle(struct cart *theCart)
/* Write header and body of html page. */
char *userSeq;
char *db, *organism;
boolean clearUserSeq = cgiBoolean("Clear");

cart = theCart;

orgChange = sameOk(cgiOptionalString("changeInfo"),"orgChange");
if (orgChange)
    cgiVarSet("db", hDefaultDbForGenome(cgiOptionalString("org"))); 
getDbAndGenome(cart, &db, &organism, oldVars);
char *oldDb = cloneString(db);
findClosestServer(&db, &organism);

/* Get sequence - from userSeq variable, or if 
 * that is empty from a file. */
if (clearUserSeq)
    cartSetString(cart, "userSeq", "");
    cartSetString(cart, "seqFile", "");
userSeq = cartUsualString(cart, "userSeq", "");
if (isEmpty(userSeq))
    userSeq = cartOptionalString(cart, "seqFile");
if (isEmpty(userSeq) || orgChange)
    cartWebStart(theCart, db, "%s BLAT Search", trackHubSkipHubName(organism));
    if (differentString(oldDb, db))
	printf("<HR><P><EM><B>Note:</B> BLAT search is not available for %s %s; "
	       "defaulting to %s %s</EM></P><HR>\n",
	       hGenome(oldDb), hFreezeDate(oldDb), organism, hFreezeDate(db));
    blatSeq(skipLeadingSpaces(userSeq), organism);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
oldVars = hashNew(10);
cgiSpoof(&argc, argv);

/* org has precedence over db when changeInfo='orgChange' */
orgChange = sameOk(cgiOptionalString("changeInfo"),"orgChange");
if (orgChange)
    cgiVarSet("db", hDefaultDbForGenome(cgiOptionalString("org"))); 

cartEmptyShell(doMiddle, hUserCookie(), excludeVars, oldVars);
return 0;
static void printCladeOrgDbTree(struct jsonWrite *jw)
/* Print out the tree of clades, organisms and dbs as JSON.  Each node has value and label
 * for menu options; clade nodes and org nodes also have children and default. */
jsonWriteListStart(jw, "cladeOrgDb");
struct slPair *clade, *cladeOptions = hGetCladeOptions();
struct dbDb *centralDbDbList = hDbDbList();
for (clade = cladeOptions;  clade != NULL;  clade = clade->next)
    jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL);
    jsonWriteValueLabel(jw, clade->name, clade->val);
    jsonWriteListStart(jw, "children");
    struct slPair *org, *orgOptions = hGetGenomeOptionsForClade(clade->name);
    for (org = orgOptions;  org != NULL;  org = org->next)
        jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL);
        jsonWriteValueLabel(jw, org->name, org->val);
        jsonWriteListStart(jw, "children");
        struct dbDb *dbDb, *dbDbList;
        if (isHubTrack(org->name))
            dbDbList = trackHubGetDbDbs(clade->name);
            dbDbList = centralDbDbList;
        for (dbDb = dbDbList;  dbDb != NULL;  dbDb = dbDb->next)
            if (sameString(org->name, dbDb->genome))
                jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL);
                jsonWriteValueLabel(jw, dbDb->name, dbDb->description);
                jsonWriteString(jw, "defaultPos", dbDb->defaultPos);
        jsonWriteListEnd(jw);   // children (dbs)
        jsonWriteString(jw, "default", trimSpaces(hDefaultDbForGenome(org->name)));
        jsonWriteObjectEnd(jw); // org
    jsonWriteListEnd(jw);   // children (orgs)
    jsonWriteString(jw, "default", trimSpaces(hDefaultGenomeForClade(clade->name)));
    jsonWriteObjectEnd(jw); // clade
Beispiel #5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
struct dyString *dy = NULL;
int startPos = 1;
char *chrom = "chr1";
int chromSize = 0;
int windowSize = 100000;
struct machine *machinePos;
time_t now;
char testTime[100];
char testDate[100];
long elapsedTime = 0;

optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs);

expireSeconds = 300;	/* 5 minutes */
(void) signal(SIGALRM, selfApoptosis);
(void) alarm(expireSeconds);	/* CGI timeout */

quiet = optionExists("quiet");
now = time(NULL);
strftime(testTime, 100, "%H:%M", localtime(&now));
strftime(testDate, 100, "%B %d, %Y", localtime(&now));
if (!quiet)
    printf("%s %s\n", testDate, testTime);

if (argc != 2)

srand( (unsigned) time(NULL) );

database = hDefaultDbForGenome(NULL); // default human db

chromHash = loadAllChromInfo();
chromSize = getChromSize(chrom);
startPos = getStartPos(chromSize, windowSize);
if (! quiet)
    printf("%s %s:%d-%d\n\n", database, chrom, startPos, startPos + windowSize);


for (machinePos = machineList; machinePos != NULL; machinePos = machinePos->next)
    dy = newDyString(256);
    dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s/cgi-bin/hgTracks?db=%s&position=%s:%d-%d", machinePos->name, 
                   database, chrom, startPos, startPos + windowSize);
    elapsedTime = hgTracksRandom(dy->string);
    if (quiet)
	printf("%ld\n", elapsedTime);
	if (elapsedTime > 5000)
	    printf("%s %ld <---\n", machinePos->name, elapsedTime);
	    printf("%s %ld\n", machinePos->name, elapsedTime);
if (! quiet)

/* free machine list */
return 0;
Beispiel #6
void getDbGenomeClade(struct cart *cart, char **retDb, char **retGenome,
		      char **retClade, struct hash *oldVars)
/* Examine CGI and cart variables to determine which db, genome, or clade
 *  has been selected, and then adjust as necessary so that all three are
 * consistent.  Detect changes and reset db-specific cart variables.
 * Save db, genome and clade in the cart so it will be consistent hereafter.
 * The order of preference here is as follows:
 * If we got a request that explicitly names the db, that takes
 * highest priority, and we synch the organism to that db.
 * If we get a cgi request for a specific organism then we use that
 * organism to choose the DB.  If just clade, go from there.

 * In the cart only, we use the same order of preference.
 * If someone requests an Genome we try to give them the same db as
 * was in their cart, unless the Genome doesn't match.
boolean gotClade = hGotClade();
*retDb = cgiOptionalString(dbCgiName);
*retGenome = cgiOptionalString(orgCgiName);
*retClade = cgiOptionalString(cladeCgiName);
/* phoneHome business */

/* Was the database passed in as a cgi param?
 * If so, it takes precedence and determines the genome. */
if (*retDb && hDbExists(*retDb))
    *retGenome = hGenome(*retDb);
/* If no db was passed in as a cgi param then was the organism (a.k.a. genome)
 * passed in as a cgi param?
 * If so, the we use the proper database for that genome. */
else if (*retGenome && !sameWord(*retGenome, "0"))
    *retDb = getDbForGenome(*retGenome, cart);
    *retGenome = hGenome(*retDb);
else if (*retClade && gotClade)
    *retGenome = hDefaultGenomeForClade(*retClade);
    *retDb = getDbForGenome(*retGenome, cart);
/* If no cgi params passed in then we need to inspect the session */
    *retDb = cartOptionalString(cart, dbCgiName);
    *retGenome = cartOptionalString(cart, orgCgiName);
    *retClade = cartOptionalString(cart, cladeCgiName);
    /* If there was a db found in the session that determines everything. */
    if (*retDb && hDbExists(*retDb))
        *retGenome = hGenome(*retDb);
    else if (*retGenome && !sameWord(*retGenome, "0"))
	*retDb = hDefaultDbForGenome(*retGenome);
    else if (*retClade && gotClade)
        *retGenome = hDefaultGenomeForClade(*retClade);
	*retDb = getDbForGenome(*retGenome, cart);
    /* If no organism in the session then get the default db and organism. */
	*retDb = hDefaultDb();
	*retGenome = hGenome(*retDb);
*retDb = cloneString(*retDb);
*retGenome = cloneString(*retGenome);
*retClade = hClade(*retGenome);

/* Detect change of database and reset db-specific cart variables: */
if (oldVars)
    char *oldDb = hashFindVal(oldVars, "db");
    char *oldOrg = hashFindVal(oldVars, "org");
    char *oldClade = hashFindVal(oldVars, "clade");
    if ((!IS_CART_VAR_EMPTY(oldDb)    && differentWord(oldDb, *retDb)) ||
        (!IS_CART_VAR_EMPTY(oldOrg)   && differentWord(oldOrg, *retGenome)) ||
        (!IS_CART_VAR_EMPTY(oldClade) && differentWord(oldClade, *retClade)))
	/* Change position to default -- unless it was passed in via CGI: */
	if (cgiOptionalString("position") == NULL)
	    cartSetString(cart, "position", hDefaultPos(*retDb));
	/* hgNear search term -- unless it was passed in via CGI: */
	if (cgiOptionalString("near_search") == NULL)
	    cartRemove(cart, "near_search");
	/* hgBlat results (hgUserPsl track): */
	cartRemove(cart, "ss");
	/* hgTables correlate: */
	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_correlateTrack");
	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_correlateTable");
	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_correlateGroup");
	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_correlateOp");
	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_nextCorrelateTrack");
	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_nextCorrelateTable");
	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_nextCorrelateGroup");
	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_nextCorrelateOp");
	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_corrWinSize");
	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_corrMaxLimitCount");

/* Save db, genome (as org) and clade in cart. */
cartSetString(cart, "db", *retDb);
cartSetString(cart, "org", *retGenome);
if (gotClade)
    cartSetString(cart, "clade", *retClade);