void TextDocumentManipulator::autoIndent(int position, int length)
    auto cursor = m_textEditorWidget->textCursor();
    if (hasOnlyBlanksBeforeCursorInLine(cursor)) {
        cursor.setPosition(position + length, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor);

void ClangAssistProposalItem::applyContextualContent(TextEditor::TextEditorWidget *editorWidget,
        int basePosition) const
    const CodeCompletion ccr = codeCompletion();

    QString toInsert = text();
    QString extraChars;
    int extraLength = 0;
    int cursorOffset = 0;

    bool autoParenthesesEnabled = true;
    if (m_completionOperator == T_SIGNAL || m_completionOperator == T_SLOT) {
        extraChars += QLatin1Char(')');
        if (m_typedChar == QLatin1Char('(')) // Eat the opening parenthesis
            m_typedChar = QChar();
    } else if (m_completionOperator == T_STRING_LITERAL || m_completionOperator == T_ANGLE_STRING_LITERAL) {
        if (!toInsert.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) {
            extraChars += QLatin1Char((m_completionOperator == T_ANGLE_STRING_LITERAL) ? '>' : '"');
        } else {
            if (m_typedChar == QLatin1Char('/')) // Eat the slash
                m_typedChar = QChar();
    } else if (ccr.completionKind() == CodeCompletion::KeywordCompletionKind) {
        CompletionChunksToTextConverter converter;


        toInsert = converter.text();
        if (converter.hasPlaceholderPositions())
            cursorOffset = converter.placeholderPositions().at(0) - converter.text().size();
    } else if (!ccr.text().isEmpty()) {
        const TextEditor::CompletionSettings &completionSettings =
        const bool autoInsertBrackets = completionSettings.m_autoInsertBrackets;

        if (autoInsertBrackets &&
                (ccr.completionKind() == CodeCompletion::FunctionCompletionKind
                 || ccr.completionKind() == CodeCompletion::DestructorCompletionKind
                 || ccr.completionKind() == CodeCompletion::SignalCompletionKind
                 || ccr.completionKind() == CodeCompletion::SlotCompletionKind)) {
            // When the user typed the opening parenthesis, he'll likely also type the closing one,
            // in which case it would be annoying if we put the cursor after the already automatically
            // inserted closing parenthesis.
            const bool skipClosingParenthesis = m_typedChar != QLatin1Char('(');

            if (completionSettings.m_spaceAfterFunctionName)
                extraChars += QLatin1Char(' ');
            extraChars += QLatin1Char('(');
            if (m_typedChar == QLatin1Char('('))
                m_typedChar = QChar();

            // If the function doesn't return anything, automatically place the semicolon,
            // unless we're doing a scope completion (then it might be function definition).
            const QChar characterAtCursor = editorWidget->characterAt(editorWidget->position());
            bool endWithSemicolon = m_typedChar == QLatin1Char(';')/*
                                            || (function->returnType()->isVoidType() && m_completionOperator != T_COLON_COLON)*/; //###
            const QChar semicolon = m_typedChar.isNull() ? QLatin1Char(';') : m_typedChar;

            if (endWithSemicolon && characterAtCursor == semicolon) {
                endWithSemicolon = false;
                m_typedChar = QChar();

            // If the function takes no arguments, automatically place the closing parenthesis
            if (!isOverloaded() && !ccr.hasParameters() && skipClosingParenthesis) {
                extraChars += QLatin1Char(')');
                if (endWithSemicolon) {
                    extraChars += semicolon;
                    m_typedChar = QChar();
            } else if (autoParenthesesEnabled) {
                const QChar lookAhead = editorWidget->characterAt(editorWidget->position() + 1);
                if (MatchingText::shouldInsertMatchingText(lookAhead)) {
                    extraChars += QLatin1Char(')');
                    if (endWithSemicolon) {
                        extraChars += semicolon;
                        m_typedChar = QChar();

#if 0
        if (autoInsertBrackets && data().canConvert<CompleteFunctionDeclaration>()) {
            if (m_typedChar == QLatin1Char('('))
                m_typedChar = QChar();

            // everything from the closing parenthesis on are extra chars, to
            // make sure an auto-inserted ")" gets replaced by ") const" if necessary
            int closingParen = toInsert.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char(')'));
            extraChars = toInsert.mid(closingParen);

    // Append an unhandled typed character, adjusting cursor offset when it had been adjusted before
    if (!m_typedChar.isNull()) {
        extraChars += m_typedChar;
        if (cursorOffset != 0)

    // Avoid inserting characters that are already there
    const int endsPosition = editorWidget->position(TextEditor::EndOfLinePosition);
    const QString existingText = editorWidget->textAt(editorWidget->position(), endsPosition - editorWidget->position());
    int existLength = 0;
    if (!existingText.isEmpty() && ccr.completionKind() != CodeCompletion::KeywordCompletionKind) {
        // Calculate the exist length in front of the extra chars
        existLength = toInsert.length() - (editorWidget->position() - basePosition);
        while (!existingText.startsWith(toInsert.right(existLength))) {
            if (--existLength == 0)
    for (int i = 0; i < extraChars.length(); ++i) {
        const QChar a = extraChars.at(i);
        const QChar b = editorWidget->characterAt(editorWidget->position() + i + existLength);
        if (a == b)
    toInsert += extraChars;

    // Insert the remainder of the name
    const int length = editorWidget->position() - basePosition + existLength + extraLength;
    editorWidget->replace(length, toInsert);
    if (cursorOffset)
        editorWidget->setCursorPosition(editorWidget->position() + cursorOffset);

    // indent the statement
    if (ccr.completionKind() == CodeCompletion::KeywordCompletionKind) {
        auto selectionCursor = editorWidget->textCursor();
        selectionCursor.setPosition(basePosition + toInsert.size(), QTextCursor::KeepAnchor);

        auto basePositionCursor = editorWidget->textCursor();
        if (hasOnlyBlanksBeforeCursorInLine(basePositionCursor))