Beispiel #1
static void dump_wrong_and_correct_checksums(struct rom_load_data* romdata, const char* hash, const char* acthash)
	unsigned i;
	char chksum[256];
	unsigned found_functions;
	unsigned wrong_functions;

	found_functions = hash_data_used_functions(hash) & hash_data_used_functions(acthash);

	hash_data_print(hash, found_functions, chksum);
	sprintf(&romdata->errorbuf[strlen(romdata->errorbuf)], "    EXPECTED: %s\n", chksum);

	/* We dump informations only of the functions for which MAME provided
		a correct checksum. Other functions we might have calculated are
		useless here */
	hash_data_print(acthash, found_functions, chksum);
	sprintf(&romdata->errorbuf[strlen(romdata->errorbuf)], "       FOUND: %s\n", chksum);

	/* For debugging purposes, we check if the checksums available in the
	   driver are correctly specified or not. This can be done by checking
	   the return value of one of the extract functions. Maybe we want to
	   activate this only in debug buils, but many developers only use
	   release builds, so I keep it as is for now. */
	wrong_functions = 0;
	for (i=0;i<HASH_NUM_FUNCTIONS;i++)
		if (hash_data_extract_printable_checksum(hash, 1<<i, chksum) == 2)
			wrong_functions |= 1<<i;

	if (wrong_functions)
		for (i=0;i<HASH_NUM_FUNCTIONS;i++)
			if (wrong_functions & (1<<i))
					"\tInvalid %s checksum treated as 0 (check leading zeros)\n",

Beispiel #2
static void verify_length_and_hash(rom_load_data *romdata, const char *name, UINT32 explength, const char* hash)
	UINT32 actlength;
	const char* acthash;

	/* we've already complained if there is no file */
	if (!romdata->file)

	/* get the length and CRC from the file */
	actlength = mame_fsize(romdata->file);
	acthash = mame_fhash(romdata->file, hash_data_used_functions(hash));

	/* verify length */
	if (explength != actlength)
		sprintf(&romdata->errorbuf[strlen(romdata->errorbuf)], "%s WRONG LENGTH (expected: %08x found: %08x)\n", name, explength, actlength);

	/* If there is no good dump known, write it */
	if (hash_data_has_info(hash, HASH_INFO_NO_DUMP))
			sprintf(&romdata->errorbuf[strlen(romdata->errorbuf)], "%s NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN\n", name);
	/* verify checksums */
	else if (!hash_data_is_equal(hash, acthash, 0))
		/* otherwise, it's just bad */
		sprintf(&romdata->errorbuf[strlen(romdata->errorbuf)], "%s WRONG CHECKSUMS:\n", name);

		dump_wrong_and_correct_checksums(romdata, hash, acthash);

	/* If it matches, but it is actually a bad dump, write it */
	else if (hash_data_has_info(hash, HASH_INFO_BAD_DUMP))
		sprintf(&romdata->errorbuf[strlen(romdata->errorbuf)], "%s ROM NEEDS REDUMP\n",name);