Beispiel #1
static int hb_zipStoreFile( zipFile hZip, int iParamFileName, int iParamZipName, const char * szPassword, int iParamComment, HB_BOOL fUnicode )
   const char * szFileName = hb_parc( iParamFileName );
   const char * szName     = hb_parc( iParamZipName );
   char *       pString;
   HB_FHANDLE   hFile;
   HB_SIZE      nLen;
   HB_FATTR     ulExtAttr;
   zip_fileinfo zfi;
   int          iResult;
   HB_BOOL      fError;
   HB_BOOL      fText;
   HB_U32       ulCRC;

   uLong flags = 0;

   void *       hZipName = NULL;
   void *       hComment = NULL;
   char *       szZipName;
   const char * szComment;

   memset( &zfi, 0, sizeof( zfi ) );
   fError    = HB_FALSE;
   ulExtAttr = 0;

#if defined( HB_OS_WIN )
      LPTSTR  lpFileNameFree;
      LPCTSTR lpFileName = HB_FSNAMECONV( szFileName, &lpFileNameFree );
      DWORD   attr       = GetFileAttributes( lpFileName );

      if( attr != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES )
         ulExtAttr = hb_translateExtAttr( szFileName, attr &
                                          ( FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN |
                                            FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY |
                                            FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE ) );
         fError = HB_TRUE;

      if( lpFileNameFree )
         hb_xfree( lpFileNameFree );
#elif defined( HB_OS_UNIX )
      struct stat statbuf;
      struct tm   st;
      time_t      ftime;
      char *      pszFree;

      if( stat( hb_fsNameConv( szFileName, &pszFree ), &statbuf ) == 0 )
         if( S_ISDIR( statbuf.st_mode ) )
            ulExtAttr |= 0x40000000;
            ulExtAttr |= 0x10; /* FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY */
            ulExtAttr |= 0x80000000;
            ulExtAttr |= 0x20; /* FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE */

         ulExtAttr |= ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IXOTH ) ? 0x00010000 : 0 ) |
                      ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IWOTH ) ? 0x00020000 : 0 ) |
                      ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IROTH ) ? 0x00040000 : 0 ) |
                      ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IXGRP ) ? 0x00080000 : 0 ) |
                      ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IWGRP ) ? 0x00100000 : 0 ) |
                      ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IRGRP ) ? 0x00200000 : 0 ) |
                      ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IXUSR ) ? 0x00400000 : 0 ) |
                      ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IWUSR ) ? 0x00800000 : 0 ) |
                      ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IRUSR ) ? 0x01000000 : 0 );

         ftime = statbuf.st_mtime;
#  if defined( HB_HAS_LOCALTIME_R )
         localtime_r( &ftime, &st );
#  else
         st = *localtime( &ftime );
#  endif

         zfi.tmz_date.tm_sec  = st.tm_sec;
         zfi.tmz_date.tm_min  = st.tm_min;
         zfi.tmz_date.tm_hour = st.tm_hour;
         zfi.tmz_date.tm_mday = st.tm_mday;
         zfi.tmz_date.tm_mon  = st.tm_mon;
         zfi.tmz_date.tm_year = st.tm_year;
         fError = HB_TRUE;

      if( pszFree )
         hb_xfree( pszFree );
#elif defined( HB_OS_DOS )
#  if defined( __DJGPP__ ) || defined( __RSX32__ ) || defined( __GNUC__ )
      int    attr;
      char * pszFree;

      attr = _chmod( hb_fsNameConv( szFileName, &pszFree ), 0, 0 );

      if( pszFree )
         hb_xfree( pszFree );

      if( attr != -1 )
#  else
      HB_FATTR attr;

      if( hb_fsGetAttr( szFileName, &attr ) )
#  endif
         ulExtAttr = attr & ( HB_FA_READONLY | HB_FA_HIDDEN | HB_FA_SYSTEM |
                              HB_FA_DIRECTORY | HB_FA_ARCHIVE );

         ulExtAttr = hb_translateExtAttr( szFileName, ulExtAttr );
         fError = HB_TRUE;
#elif defined( HB_OS_OS2 )
      FILESTATUS3 fs3;
      APIRET      ulrc;
      HB_FATTR    ulAttr;
      char *      pszFree;

      ulrc = DosQueryPathInfo( ( PCSZ ) hb_fsNameConv( szFileName, &pszFree ), FIL_STANDARD, &fs3, sizeof( fs3 ) );

      if( pszFree )
         hb_xfree( pszFree );

      if( ulrc == NO_ERROR )
         ulAttr = 0;
         if( fs3.attrFile & FILE_READONLY )
            ulAttr |= HB_FA_READONLY;
         if( fs3.attrFile & FILE_HIDDEN )
            ulAttr |= HB_FA_HIDDEN;
         if( fs3.attrFile & FILE_SYSTEM )
            ulAttr |= HB_FA_SYSTEM;
         if( fs3.attrFile & FILE_DIRECTORY )
            ulAttr |= HB_FA_DIRECTORY;
         if( fs3.attrFile & FILE_ARCHIVED )
            ulAttr |= HB_FA_ARCHIVE;

         ulExtAttr = hb_translateExtAttr( szFileName, ulAttr );

         zfi.tmz_date.tm_sec  = fs3.ftimeLastWrite.twosecs * 2;
         zfi.tmz_date.tm_min  = fs3.ftimeLastWrite.minutes;
         zfi.tmz_date.tm_hour = fs3.ftimeLastWrite.hours;
         zfi.tmz_date.tm_mday =;
         zfi.tmz_date.tm_mon  = fs3.fdateLastWrite.month;
         zfi.tmz_date.tm_year = fs3.fdateLastWrite.year + 1980;
         fError = HB_TRUE;
      HB_FATTR attr;

      if( ! hb_fsGetAttr( szFileName, &attr ) )
         ulExtAttr = 0x81B60020;  /* FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE | rw-rw-rw- */
         ulExtAttr = attr & ( HB_FA_READONLY | HB_FA_HIDDEN | HB_FA_SYSTEM |
                              HB_FA_DIRECTORY | HB_FA_ARCHIVE );

         ulExtAttr = hb_translateExtAttr( szFileName, ulExtAttr );

   if( fError )
      return -200;

   if( ! HB_ISCHAR( iParamZipName ) )
      iParamZipName = iParamFileName;

   if( fUnicode )
      szZipName = hb_strdup( hb_parstr_utf8( iParamZipName, &hZipName, NULL ) );
      szComment = hb_parstr_utf8( iParamComment, &hComment, NULL );
      flags    |= _ZIP_FLAG_UNICODE;
      szZipName = hb_strdup( hb_parc( iParamZipName ) );
      szComment = hb_parc( iParamComment );

   if( szName )
      /* change path separators to '/' */
      nLen    = strlen( szZipName );
      pString = szZipName;
      while( nLen-- )
         if( pString[ nLen ] == '\\' )
            pString[ nLen ] = '/';
      /* get file name */
      szZipName = hb_strdup( szFileName );

      nLen    = strlen( szZipName );
      pString = szZipName;

      while( nLen-- )
         if( pString[ nLen ] == '/' || pString[ nLen ] == '\\' )
            memmove( szZipName, &pString[ nLen + 1 ], strlen( szZipName ) - nLen );

   fText = HB_FALSE;
   ulCRC = 0;

   zfi.external_fa = ulExtAttr;
   /* TODO: zip.exe test: 0 for binary file, 1 for text. Does not depend on
      extension. We should analyse content of file to determine this??? */
   zfi.internal_fa = 0;

   if( ulExtAttr & 0x40000000 )
      iResult = zipOpenNewFileInZip4( hZip, szZipName, &zfi, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, szComment,
                                      Z_DEFLATED, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, 0,
                                      -MAX_WBITS, DEF_MEM_LEVEL, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY,
                                      szPassword, ulCRC, _version_made_by( fUnicode ), flags );
      if( iResult == 0 )
         zipCloseFileInZip( hZip );
      hFile = hb_fsOpen( szFileName, FO_READ );

      if( hFile != FS_ERROR )
#if defined( HB_OS_WIN )
            FILETIME   ftutc, ft;
            SYSTEMTIME st;

            if( GetFileTime( ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hFile ), NULL, NULL, &ftutc ) &&
                FileTimeToLocalFileTime( &ftutc, &ft ) &&
                FileTimeToSystemTime( &ft, &st ) )
               zfi.tmz_date.tm_sec  = st.wSecond;
               zfi.tmz_date.tm_min  = st.wMinute;
               zfi.tmz_date.tm_hour = st.wHour;
               zfi.tmz_date.tm_mday = st.wDay;
               zfi.tmz_date.tm_mon  = st.wMonth - 1;
               zfi.tmz_date.tm_year = st.wYear;
         if( szPassword )
            if( hb_zipGetFileInfo( szFileName, &ulCRC, &fText ) )
               zfi.internal_fa = fText ? 1 : 0;

         iResult = zipOpenNewFileInZip4( hZip, szZipName, &zfi, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, szComment,
                                         Z_DEFLATED, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, 0,
                                         -MAX_WBITS, DEF_MEM_LEVEL, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY,
                                         szPassword, ulCRC, _version_made_by( fUnicode ), flags );
         if( iResult == 0 )
            pString = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( HB_Z_IOBUF_SIZE );
            while( ( nLen = hb_fsReadLarge( hFile, pString, HB_Z_IOBUF_SIZE ) ) > 0 )
               zipWriteInFileInZip( hZip, pString, ( unsigned ) nLen );

            hb_xfree( pString );

            zipCloseFileInZip( hZip );
         hb_fsClose( hFile );
         iResult = -200 - hb_fsError();

   hb_xfree( szZipName );

   if( fUnicode )
      hb_strfree( hZipName );
      hb_strfree( hComment );

   return iResult;
Beispiel #2
HB_BOOL hb_printerIsReady( const char * pszPrinterName )
   HB_BOOL bIsPrinter;

#if defined( HB_OS_DOS )

   /* NOTE: MS-DOS specific solution, using BIOS interrupt */

      int iPort;

      if( pszPrinterName == NULL )
         pszPrinterName = "LPT1";

      if( hb_strnicmp( pszPrinterName, "PRN", 3 ) == 0 )
         union REGS regs;

         regs.h.ah = 2;
         regs.HB_XREGS.dx = 0; /* LPT1 */

         HB_DOS_INT86( 0x17, &regs, &regs );

         bIsPrinter = ( regs.h.ah == 0x90 );
      else if( strlen( pszPrinterName ) >= 4 &&
               hb_strnicmp( pszPrinterName, "LPT", 3 ) == 0 &&
               ( iPort = atoi( pszPrinterName + 3 ) ) > 0 )
         union REGS regs;

         regs.h.ah = 2;
         regs.HB_XREGS.dx = iPort - 1;

         HB_DOS_INT86( 0x17, &regs, &regs );

         bIsPrinter = ( regs.h.ah == 0x90 );
         bIsPrinter = HB_FALSE;


   /* NOTE: Platform independent method, at least it will compile and run
            on any platform, but the result may not be the expected one,
            since Unix/Linux doesn't support LPT/COM by nature, other OSs
            may not reflect the actual physical presence of the printer when
            trying to open it, since we are talking to the spooler.
            [vszakats] */

      HB_FHANDLE fhnd;

      if( pszPrinterName == NULL )
#if defined( HB_OS_UNIX )
         pszPrinterName = "/dev/lp0";
         pszPrinterName = "LPT1";

      fhnd = hb_fsOpen( pszPrinterName, FO_WRITE | FO_SHARED | FO_PRIVATE );
      bIsPrinter = ( fhnd != FS_ERROR );
      hb_fsClose( fhnd );


   return bIsPrinter;
Beispiel #3
HB_FOFFSET hb_fsFSize( const char * pszFileName, HB_BOOL bUseDirEntry )
    if( bUseDirEntry )
#if defined( HB_OS_WIN )
        static _HB_GETFILEATTRIBUTESEX s_pGetFileAttributesEx = ( _HB_GETFILEATTRIBUTESEX ) -1;

        if( s_pGetFileAttributesEx == ( _HB_GETFILEATTRIBUTESEX ) -1 )
            HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandle( TEXT( "kernel32.dll" ) );
            if( hModule )
                s_pGetFileAttributesEx = ( _HB_GETFILEATTRIBUTESEX )
                                         HB_WINAPI_GETPROCADDRESST( hModule, "GetFileAttributesEx" );
                s_pGetFileAttributesEx = NULL;

        if( s_pGetFileAttributesEx )
            LPCTSTR lpFileName;
            LPTSTR lpFree;
            WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA attrex;
            HB_BOOL fResult;

            lpFileName = HB_FSNAMECONV( pszFileName, &lpFree );
            memset( &attrex, 0, sizeof( attrex ) );
            fResult = s_pGetFileAttributesEx( lpFileName, GetFileExInfoStandard, &attrex ) &&
                      ( attrex.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) == 0;
            hb_fsSetIOError( fResult, 0 );
            if( lpFree )
                hb_xfree( lpFree );
            if( fResult )
                return ( HB_FOFFSET ) attrex.nFileSizeLow +
                       ( ( HB_FOFFSET ) attrex.nFileSizeHigh << 32 );
            PHB_FFIND ffind = hb_fsFindFirst( pszFileName, HB_FA_ALL );
            hb_fsSetIOError( ffind != NULL, 0 );
            if( ffind )
                HB_FOFFSET size = ffind->size;
                hb_fsFindClose( ffind );
                return size;
#elif defined( HB_USE_LARGEFILE64 )
        char * pszFree;
        HB_BOOL fResult;
        struct stat64 statbuf;
        pszFileName = hb_fsNameConv( pszFileName, &pszFree );
        statbuf.st_size = 0;
        fResult = stat64( pszFileName, &statbuf ) == 0;
        hb_fsSetIOError( fResult, 0 );
        if( pszFree )
            hb_xfree( pszFree );
        if( fResult )
            return ( HB_FOFFSET ) statbuf.st_size;
        char * pszFree;
        HB_BOOL fResult;
        struct stat statbuf;
        pszFileName = hb_fsNameConv( pszFileName, &pszFree );
        statbuf.st_size = 0;
        fResult = stat( ( char * ) pszFileName, &statbuf ) == 0;
        hb_fsSetIOError( fResult, 0 );
        if( pszFree )
            hb_xfree( pszFree );
        if( fResult )
            return ( HB_FOFFSET ) statbuf.st_size;
        HB_FHANDLE hFileHandle = hb_fsOpen( pszFileName, FO_READ | FO_COMPAT );

        if( hFileHandle != FS_ERROR )
            HB_FOFFSET nPos = hb_fsSeekLarge( hFileHandle, 0, FS_END );
            hb_fsClose( hFileHandle );
            return nPos;

    return 0;