Beispiel #1
/* This function releases all memory occupied by a memvar variable and
 * assigns NIL value - it releases variables created in current
 * procedure only.
 * The scope of released variables are specified using passed name's mask
static void hb_memvarReleaseWithMask( const char * szMask, HB_BOOL bInclude )
   HB_SIZE nBase, nCount;
   PHB_DYNS pDynVar;
   PHB_ITEM pMemvar;

   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_memvarReleaseWithMask(%s, %d)", szMask, ( int ) bInclude ) );

   nCount = hb_stackGetPrivateStack()->count;
   nBase = hb_stackBaseItem()->item.asSymbol.stackstate->nPrivateBase;
   while( nCount-- > nBase )
      pDynVar = hb_stackGetPrivateStack()->stack[ nCount ].pDynSym;
      /* reset current value to NIL - the overriden variables will be
       * visible after exit from current procedure
      pMemvar = hb_dynsymGetMemvar( pDynVar );
      if( pMemvar )
         HB_BOOL fMatch = hb_strMatchCaseWildExact( pDynVar->pSymbol->szName, szMask );
         if( bInclude ? fMatch : ! fMatch )
            hb_itemClear( pMemvar );
Beispiel #2
BOOL hb_strMatchFile( const char * szString, const char * szPattern )
#if defined( HB_OS_UNIX )
#  if defined( __WATCOMC__ )
   return hb_strMatchWildExact( szString, szPattern );
#  else
   return fnmatch( szPattern, szString, FNM_PERIOD | FNM_PATHNAME ) == 0;
#  endif
   return hb_strMatchCaseWildExact( szString, szPattern );
Beispiel #3
HB_BOOL hb_strMatchFile( const char * szString, const char * szPattern )
#if defined( HB_OS_UNIX )
#  if defined( HB_NO_FNMATCH )
   return hb_strMatchWildExact( szString, szPattern );
#  else
   return fnmatch( szPattern, szString, FNM_PERIOD | FNM_PATHNAME ) == 0;
#  endif
#elif defined( HB_OS_DOS ) || defined( HB_OS_WIN ) || defined( HB_OS_OS2 )
   PHB_CODEPAGE cdp = hb_vmCDP();

   if( cdp && HB_CDP_ISCHARIDX( cdp ) )
      return hb_strMatchWildCDP( szString, szPattern, HB_TRUE, HB_TRUE, HB_TRUE, cdp );
      return hb_strMatchWildRaw( szString, szPattern, HB_TRUE, HB_TRUE, HB_TRUE );
   return hb_strMatchCaseWildExact( szString, szPattern );