Beispiel #1
void database::set_applied_operation_result( uint32_t op_id, const operation_result& result )
   assert( op_id < _applied_ops.size() );
   if( _applied_ops[op_id] )
      _applied_ops[op_id]->result = result;
      elog( "Could not set operation result (head_block_num=${b})", ("b", head_block_num()) );
Beispiel #2
uint32_t database::last_non_undoable_block_num() const
   There is a case when a value of undo_db.size() is greater then head_block_num(),
   and as result we get a wrong value for last_non_undoable_block_num.
   To resolve it we should take into account a number of active_sessions in calculations of
   last_non_undoable_block_num (active sessions are related to a new block which is under generation).
   return head_block_num() - ( _undo_db.size() - _undo_db.active_sessions() );
Beispiel #3
bool database::before_last_checkpoint()const
   return (_checkpoints.size() > 0) && (_checkpoints.rbegin()->first >= head_block_num());
Beispiel #4
processed_transaction database::_apply_transaction(const signed_transaction& trx)
{ try {
   uint32_t skip = get_node_properties().skip_flags;

   if( true || !(skip&skip_validate) )   /* issue #505 explains why this skip_flag is disabled */

   auto& trx_idx = get_mutable_index_type<transaction_index>();
   const chain_id_type& chain_id = get_chain_id();
   auto trx_id =;
   FC_ASSERT( (skip & skip_transaction_dupe_check) ||
              trx_idx.indices().get<by_trx_id>().find(trx_id) == trx_idx.indices().get<by_trx_id>().end() );
   transaction_evaluation_state eval_state(this);
   const chain_parameters& chain_parameters = get_global_properties().parameters;
   eval_state._trx = &trx;

   if( !(skip & (skip_transaction_signatures | skip_authority_check) ) )
      auto get_active = [&]( account_id_type id ) { return &id(*this).active; };
      auto get_owner  = [&]( account_id_type id ) { return &id(*this).owner;  };
      trx.verify_authority( chain_id, get_active, get_owner, get_global_properties().parameters.max_authority_depth );

   //Skip all manner of expiration and TaPoS checking if we're on block 1; It's impossible that the transaction is
   //expired, and TaPoS makes no sense as no blocks exist.
   if( BOOST_LIKELY(head_block_num() > 0) )
      if( !(skip & skip_tapos_check) )
         const auto& tapos_block_summary = block_summary_id_type( trx.ref_block_num )(*this);

         //Verify TaPoS block summary has correct ID prefix, and that this block's time is not past the expiration
         FC_ASSERT( trx.ref_block_prefix == tapos_block_summary.block_id._hash[1] );

      fc::time_point_sec now = head_block_time();

      FC_ASSERT( trx.expiration <= now + chain_parameters.maximum_time_until_expiration, "",
      FC_ASSERT( now <= trx.expiration, "", ("now",now)("trx.exp",trx.expiration) );

   //Insert transaction into unique transactions database.
   if( !(skip & skip_transaction_dupe_check) )
      create<transaction_object>([&](transaction_object& transaction) {
         transaction.trx_id = trx_id;
         transaction.trx = trx;


   //Finally process the operations
   processed_transaction ptrx(trx);
   _current_op_in_trx = 0;
   for( const auto& op : ptrx.operations )
      eval_state.operation_results.emplace_back(apply_operation(eval_state, op));
   ptrx.operation_results = std::move(eval_state.operation_results);

   //Make sure the temp account has no non-zero balances
   const auto& index = get_index_type<account_balance_index>().indices().get<by_account_asset>();
   auto range = index.equal_range( boost::make_tuple( GRAPHENE_TEMP_ACCOUNT ) );
   std::for_each(range.first, range.second, [](const account_balance_object& b) { FC_ASSERT(b.balance == 0); });

   return ptrx;
Beispiel #5
bool database::_push_block(const signed_block& new_block)
{ try {
   uint32_t skip = get_node_properties().skip_flags;
   if( !(skip&skip_fork_db) )
      /// TODO: if the block is greater than the head block and before the next maitenance interval
      // verify that the block signer is in the current set of active witnesses.

      shared_ptr<fork_item> new_head = _fork_db.push_block(new_block);
      //If the head block from the longest chain does not build off of the current head, we need to switch forks.
      if( new_head->data.previous != head_block_id() )
         //If the newly pushed block is the same height as head, we get head back in new_head
         //Only switch forks if new_head is actually higher than head
         if( new_head->data.block_num() > head_block_num() )
            wlog( "Switching to fork: ${id}", ("id",new_head-> );
            auto branches = _fork_db.fetch_branch_from(new_head->, head_block_id());

            // pop blocks until we hit the forked block
            while( head_block_id() != branches.second.back()->data.previous )

            // push all blocks on the new fork
            for( auto ritr = branches.first.rbegin(); ritr != branches.first.rend(); ++ritr )
                ilog( "pushing blocks from fork ${n} ${id}", ("n",(*ritr)->data.block_num())("id",(*ritr)-> );
                optional<fc::exception> except;
                try {
                   undo_database::session session = _undo_db.start_undo_session();
                   apply_block( (*ritr)->data, skip );
          (*ritr)->id, (*ritr)->data );
                catch ( const fc::exception& e ) { except = e; }
                if( except )
                   wlog( "exception thrown while switching forks ${e}", ("e",except->to_detail_string() ) );
                   // remove the rest of branches.first from the fork_db, those blocks are invalid
                   while( ritr != branches.first.rend() )
                      _fork_db.remove( (*ritr)-> );
                   _fork_db.set_head( branches.second.front() );

                   // pop all blocks from the bad fork
                   while( head_block_id() != branches.second.back()->data.previous )

                   // restore all blocks from the good fork
                   for( auto ritr = branches.second.rbegin(); ritr != branches.second.rend(); ++ritr )
                      auto session = _undo_db.start_undo_session();
                      apply_block( (*ritr)->data, skip );
            , (*ritr)->data );
                   throw *except;
            return true;
         else return false;

   try {
      auto session = _undo_db.start_undo_session();
      apply_block(new_block, skip);, new_block);
   } catch ( const fc::exception& e ) {
      elog("Failed to push new block:\n${e}", ("e", e.to_detail_string()));

   return false;
} FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (new_block) ) }
Beispiel #6
uint32_t database::last_non_undoable_block_num() const
   return head_block_num() - _undo_db.size();