Beispiel #1
market_ticker market_history_api_impl::get_ticker() const
   market_ticker result;

   auto db = app.chain_database();
   const auto& bucket_idx = db->get_index_type< bucket_index >().indices().get< by_bucket >();
   auto itr = bucket_idx.lower_bound( boost::make_tuple( 86400, db->head_block_time() - 86400 ) );

   if( itr != bucket_idx.end() )
      auto open = ( asset( itr->open_sbd, SBD_SYMBOL ) / asset( itr->open_steem, STEEM_SYMBOL ) ).to_real();
      result.latest = ( asset( itr->close_sbd, SBD_SYMBOL ) / asset( itr->close_steem, STEEM_SYMBOL ) ).to_real();
      result.percent_change = ( ( result.latest - open ) / open ) * 100;
      result.latest = 0;
      result.percent_change = 0;

   auto orders = get_order_book( 1 );
   if( orders.bids.size() )
      result.highest_bid = orders.bids[0].price;
   if( orders.asks.size() )
      result.lowest_ask = orders.asks[0].price;

   auto volume = get_volume();
   result.steem_volume = volume.steem_volume;
   result.sbd_volume = volume.sbd_volume;

   return result;
Beispiel #2
void database::clear_expired_transactions()
   //Look for expired transactions in the deduplication list, and remove them.
   //Transactions must have expired by at least two forking windows in order to be removed.
   auto& transaction_idx = static_cast<transaction_index&>(get_mutable_index(implementation_ids, impl_transaction_object_type));
   const auto& dedupe_index = transaction_idx.indices().get<by_expiration>();
   while( (!dedupe_index.empty()) && (head_block_time() > dedupe_index.rbegin()->trx.expiration) )
Beispiel #3
void database::pay_workers( share_type& budget )
//   ilog("Processing payroll! Available budget is ${b}", ("b", budget));
   vector<std::reference_wrapper<const worker_object>> active_workers;
   get_index_type<worker_index>().inspect_all_objects([this, &active_workers](const object& o) {
      const worker_object& w = static_cast<const worker_object&>(o);
      auto now = head_block_time();
      if( w.is_active(now) && w.approving_stake(_vote_tally_buffer) > 0 )

   // worker with more votes is preferred
   // if two workers exactly tie for votes, worker with lower ID is preferred
   std::sort(active_workers.begin(), active_workers.end(), [this](const worker_object& wa, const worker_object& wb) {
      share_type wa_vote = wa.approving_stake(_vote_tally_buffer);
      share_type wb_vote = wb.approving_stake(_vote_tally_buffer);
      if( wa_vote != wb_vote )
         return wa_vote > wb_vote;
      return <;

   for( uint32_t i = 0; i < active_workers.size() && budget > 0; ++i )
      const worker_object& active_worker = active_workers[i];
      share_type requested_pay = active_worker.daily_pay;
      if( head_block_time() - get_dynamic_global_properties().last_budget_time != fc::days(1) )
         fc::uint128 pay(requested_pay.value);
         pay *= (head_block_time() - get_dynamic_global_properties().last_budget_time).count();
         pay /= fc::days(1).count();
         requested_pay = pay.to_uint64();

      share_type actual_pay = std::min(budget, requested_pay);
      //ilog(" ==> Paying ${a} to worker ${w}", ("w","a", actual_pay));
      modify(active_worker, [&](worker_object& w) {
         w.worker.visit(worker_pay_visitor(actual_pay, *this));

      budget -= actual_pay;
Beispiel #4
const witness_object& database::validate_block_header( uint32_t skip, const signed_block& next_block )const
   FC_ASSERT( head_block_id() == next_block.previous, "", ("head_block_id",head_block_id())("next.prev",next_block.previous) );
   FC_ASSERT( head_block_time() < next_block.timestamp, "", ("head_block_time",head_block_time())("next",next_block.timestamp)("blocknum",next_block.block_num()) );
   const witness_object& witness = next_block.witness(*this);

   if( !(skip&skip_witness_signature) ) 
      FC_ASSERT( next_block.validate_signee( witness.signing_key ) );

   if( !(skip&skip_witness_schedule_check) )
      uint32_t slot_num = get_slot_at_time( next_block.timestamp );
      FC_ASSERT( slot_num > 0 );

      witness_id_type scheduled_witness = get_scheduled_witness( slot_num );

      FC_ASSERT( next_block.witness == scheduled_witness, "Witness produced block at wrong time",
                 ("block witness",next_block.witness)("scheduled",scheduled_witness)("slot_num",slot_num) );

   return witness;
Beispiel #5
void database::update_expired_feeds()
   auto& asset_idx = get_index_type<asset_index>().indices();
   for( const asset_object& a : asset_idx )
      if( !a.is_market_issued() )

      const asset_bitasset_data_object& b = a.bitasset_data(*this);
      if( b.feed_is_expired(head_block_time()) )
         modify(b, [this](asset_bitasset_data_object& a) {
      if( !b.current_feed.core_exchange_rate.is_null() &&
          a.options.core_exchange_rate != b.current_feed.core_exchange_rate )
         modify(a, [&b](asset_object& a) {
            a.options.core_exchange_rate = b.current_feed.core_exchange_rate;
bool database::apply_order(const limit_order_object& new_order_object, bool allow_black_swan)
   auto order_id =;
   const asset_object& sell_asset = get(new_order_object.amount_for_sale().asset_id);
   const asset_object& receive_asset = get(new_order_object.amount_to_receive().asset_id);

   // Possible optimization: We only need to check calls if both are true:
   //  - The new order is at the front of the book
   //  - The new order is below the call limit price
   bool called_some = check_call_orders(sell_asset, allow_black_swan);
   called_some |= check_call_orders(receive_asset, allow_black_swan);
   if( called_some && !find_object(order_id) ) // then we were filled by call order
      return true;

   const auto& limit_price_idx = get_index_type<limit_order_index>().indices().get<by_price>();

   // TODO: it should be possible to simply check the NEXT/PREV iterator after new_order_object to
   // determine whether or not this order has "changed the book" in a way that requires us to
   // check orders. For now I just lookup the lower bound and check for equality... this is log(n) vs
   // constant time check. Potential optimization.

   auto max_price = ~new_order_object.sell_price;
   auto limit_itr = limit_price_idx.lower_bound(max_price.max());
   auto limit_end = limit_price_idx.upper_bound(max_price);

   bool finished = false;
   while( !finished && limit_itr != limit_end )
      auto old_limit_itr = limit_itr;
      // match returns 2 when only the old order was fully filled. In this case, we keep matching; otherwise, we stop.
      finished = (match(new_order_object, *old_limit_itr, old_limit_itr->sell_price) != 2);

   //Possible optimization: only check calls if the new order completely filled some old order
   //Do I need to check both assets?
   check_call_orders(sell_asset, allow_black_swan);
   check_call_orders(receive_asset, allow_black_swan);

   const limit_order_object* updated_order_object = find< limit_order_object >( order_id );
   if( updated_order_object == nullptr )
      return true;
   if( head_block_time() <= HARDFORK_555_TIME )
      return false;
   // before #555 we would have done maybe_cull_small_order() logic as a result of fill_order() being called by match() above
   // however after #555 we need to get rid of small orders -- #555 hardfork defers logic that was done too eagerly before, and
   // this is the point it's deferred to.
   return maybe_cull_small_order( *this, *updated_order_object );
bool database::fill_order( const limit_order_object& order, const asset& pays, const asset& receives, bool cull_if_small )
{ try {
   cull_if_small |= (head_block_time() < HARDFORK_555_TIME);

   FC_ASSERT( order.amount_for_sale().asset_id == pays.asset_id );
   FC_ASSERT( pays.asset_id != receives.asset_id );

   const account_object& seller = order.seller(*this);
   const asset_object& recv_asset = receives.asset_id(*this);

   auto issuer_fees = pay_market_fees( recv_asset, receives );
   pay_order( seller, receives - issuer_fees, pays );

   assert( pays.asset_id != receives.asset_id );
   push_applied_operation( fill_order_operation(, order.seller, pays, receives, issuer_fees ) );

   // conditional because cheap integer comparison may allow us to avoid two expensive modify() and object lookups
   if( order.deferred_fee > 0 )
      modify( seller.statistics(*this), [&]( account_statistics_object& statistics )
         statistics.pay_fee( order.deferred_fee, get_global_properties().parameters.cashback_vesting_threshold );
      } );

   if( pays == order.amount_for_sale() )
      remove( order );
      return true;
      modify( order, [&]( limit_order_object& b ) {
                             b.for_sale -= pays.amount;
                             b.deferred_fee = 0;
      if( cull_if_small )
         return maybe_cull_small_order( *this, order );
      return false;
} FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (order)(pays)(receives) ) }
Beispiel #8
market_volume market_history_api_impl::get_volume() const
   auto db = app.chain_database();
   const auto& bucket_idx = db->get_index_type< bucket_index >().indices().get< by_bucket >();
   auto itr = bucket_idx.lower_bound( boost::make_tuple( 0, db->head_block_time() - 86400 ) );
   uint32_t bucket_size;

   market_volume result;

   if( itr != bucket_idx.end() )
      bucket_size = itr->seconds;

   while( itr != bucket_idx.end() && itr->seconds == bucket_size )
      result.steem_volume.amount += itr->steem_volume;
      result.sbd_volume.amount += itr->sbd_volume;


   return result;
Beispiel #9
processed_transaction database::push_proposal(const proposal_object& proposal)
{ try {
   transaction_evaluation_state eval_state(this);
   eval_state._is_proposed_trx = true;

   processed_transaction ptrx(proposal.proposed_transaction);
   eval_state._trx = &ptrx;
   size_t old_applied_ops_size = _applied_ops.size();

   try {
      auto session = _undo_db.start_undo_session(true);
      for( auto& op : proposal.proposed_transaction.operations )
         eval_state.operation_results.emplace_back(apply_operation(eval_state, op));
   } catch ( const fc::exception& e ) {
      if( head_block_time() <= HARDFORK_483_TIME )
         for( size_t i=old_applied_ops_size,n=_applied_ops.size(); i<n; i++ )
            ilog( "removing failed operation from applied_ops: ${op}", ("op", *(_applied_ops[i])) );
         _applied_ops.resize( old_applied_ops_size );
      elog( "e", ("e",e.to_detail_string() ) );

   ptrx.operation_results = std::move(eval_state.operation_results);
   return ptrx;
} FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (proposal) ) }
Beispiel #10
processed_transaction database::_apply_transaction(const signed_transaction& trx)
{ try {
   uint32_t skip = get_node_properties().skip_flags;

   if( true || !(skip&skip_validate) )   /* issue #505 explains why this skip_flag is disabled */

   auto& trx_idx = get_mutable_index_type<transaction_index>();
   const chain_id_type& chain_id = get_chain_id();
   auto trx_id =;
   FC_ASSERT( (skip & skip_transaction_dupe_check) ||
              trx_idx.indices().get<by_trx_id>().find(trx_id) == trx_idx.indices().get<by_trx_id>().end() );
   transaction_evaluation_state eval_state(this);
   const chain_parameters& chain_parameters = get_global_properties().parameters;
   eval_state._trx = &trx;

   if( !(skip & (skip_transaction_signatures | skip_authority_check) ) )
      auto get_active = [&]( account_id_type id ) { return &id(*this).active; };
      auto get_owner  = [&]( account_id_type id ) { return &id(*this).owner;  };
      trx.verify_authority( chain_id, get_active, get_owner, get_global_properties().parameters.max_authority_depth );

   //Skip all manner of expiration and TaPoS checking if we're on block 1; It's impossible that the transaction is
   //expired, and TaPoS makes no sense as no blocks exist.
   if( BOOST_LIKELY(head_block_num() > 0) )
      if( !(skip & skip_tapos_check) )
         const auto& tapos_block_summary = block_summary_id_type( trx.ref_block_num )(*this);

         //Verify TaPoS block summary has correct ID prefix, and that this block's time is not past the expiration
         FC_ASSERT( trx.ref_block_prefix == tapos_block_summary.block_id._hash[1] );

      fc::time_point_sec now = head_block_time();

      FC_ASSERT( trx.expiration <= now + chain_parameters.maximum_time_until_expiration, "",
      FC_ASSERT( now <= trx.expiration, "", ("now",now)("trx.exp",trx.expiration) );

   //Insert transaction into unique transactions database.
   if( !(skip & skip_transaction_dupe_check) )
      create<transaction_object>([&](transaction_object& transaction) {
         transaction.trx_id = trx_id;
         transaction.trx = trx;


   //Finally process the operations
   processed_transaction ptrx(trx);
   _current_op_in_trx = 0;
   for( const auto& op : ptrx.operations )
      eval_state.operation_results.emplace_back(apply_operation(eval_state, op));
   ptrx.operation_results = std::move(eval_state.operation_results);

   //Make sure the temp account has no non-zero balances
   const auto& index = get_index_type<account_balance_index>().indices().get<by_account_asset>();
   auto range = index.equal_range( boost::make_tuple( GRAPHENE_TEMP_ACCOUNT ) );
   std::for_each(range.first, range.second, [](const account_balance_object& b) { FC_ASSERT(b.balance == 0); });

   return ptrx;
Beispiel #11
 *  Starting with the least collateralized orders, fill them if their
 *  call price is above the max(lowest bid,call_limit).
 *  This method will return true if it filled a short or limit
 *  @param mia - the market issued asset that should be called.
 *  @param enable_black_swan - when adjusting collateral, triggering a black swan is invalid and will throw
 *                             if enable_black_swan is not set to true.
 *  @return true if a margin call was executed.
bool database::check_call_orders(const asset_object& mia, bool enable_black_swan)
{ try {
    if( !mia.is_market_issued() ) return false;

    if( check_for_blackswan( mia, enable_black_swan ) ) 
       return false;

    const asset_bitasset_data_object& bitasset = mia.bitasset_data(*this);
    if( bitasset.is_prediction_market ) return false;
    if( bitasset.current_feed.settlement_price.is_null() ) return false;

    const call_order_index& call_index = get_index_type<call_order_index>();
    const auto& call_price_index = call_index.indices().get<by_price>();

    const limit_order_index& limit_index = get_index_type<limit_order_index>();
    const auto& limit_price_index = limit_index.indices().get<by_price>();

    // looking for limit orders selling the most USD for the least CORE
    auto max_price = price::max(, bitasset.options.short_backing_asset );
    // stop when limit orders are selling too little USD for too much CORE
    auto min_price = bitasset.current_feed.max_short_squeeze_price();

    assert( max_price.base.asset_id == min_price.base.asset_id );
    // NOTE limit_price_index is sorted from greatest to least
    auto limit_itr = limit_price_index.lower_bound( max_price );
    auto limit_end = limit_price_index.upper_bound( min_price );

    if( limit_itr == limit_end )
       return false;

    auto call_min = price::min( bitasset.options.short_backing_asset, );
    auto call_max = price::max( bitasset.options.short_backing_asset, );
    auto call_itr = call_price_index.lower_bound( call_min );
    auto call_end = call_price_index.upper_bound( call_max );

    bool filled_limit = false;
    bool margin_called = false;

    while( !check_for_blackswan( mia, enable_black_swan ) && call_itr != call_end )
       bool  filled_call      = false;
       price match_price;
       asset usd_for_sale;
       if( limit_itr != limit_end )
          assert( limit_itr != limit_price_index.end() );
          match_price      = limit_itr->sell_price;
          usd_for_sale     = limit_itr->amount_for_sale();
       else return margin_called;


       // would be margin called, but there is no matching order #436
       bool feed_protected = ( bitasset.current_feed.settlement_price > ~call_itr->call_price );
       if( feed_protected && (head_block_time() > HARDFORK_436_TIME) )
          return margin_called;

       // would be margin called, but there is no matching order
       if( match_price > ~call_itr->call_price )
          return margin_called;

       if( feed_protected )
          ilog( "Feed protected margin call executing (HARDFORK_436_TIME not here yet)" );
          idump( (*call_itr) );
          idump( (*limit_itr) );

     //  idump((*call_itr));
     //  idump((*limit_itr));

     //  ilog( "match_price <= ~call_itr->call_price  performing a margin call" );

       margin_called = true;

       auto usd_to_buy   = call_itr->get_debt();

       if( usd_to_buy * match_price > call_itr->get_collateral() )
          elog( "black swan detected" ); 
          FC_ASSERT( enable_black_swan );
          globally_settle_asset(mia, bitasset.current_feed.settlement_price );
          return true;

       asset call_pays, call_receives, order_pays, order_receives;
       if( usd_to_buy >= usd_for_sale )
       {  // fill order
          call_receives   = usd_for_sale;
          order_receives  = usd_for_sale * match_price;
          call_pays       = order_receives;
          order_pays      = usd_for_sale;

          filled_limit = true;
          filled_call           = (usd_to_buy == usd_for_sale);
       } else { // fill call
          call_receives  = usd_to_buy;
          order_receives = usd_to_buy * match_price;
          call_pays      = order_receives;
          order_pays     = usd_to_buy;

          filled_call    = true;

       FC_ASSERT( filled_call || filled_limit );

       auto old_call_itr = call_itr;
       if( filled_call ) ++call_itr;
       fill_order(*old_call_itr, call_pays, call_receives);

       auto old_limit_itr = filled_limit ? limit_itr++ : limit_itr;
       fill_order(*old_limit_itr, order_pays, order_receives, true);

    } // whlie call_itr != call_end

    return margin_called;
Beispiel #12
void database::update_withdraw_permissions()
   auto& permit_index = get_index_type<withdraw_permission_index>().indices().get<by_expiration>();
   while( !permit_index.empty() && permit_index.begin()->expiration <= head_block_time() )
Beispiel #13
void database::clear_expired_orders()
   detail::with_skip_flags( *this,
      get_node_properties().skip_flags | skip_authority_check, [&](){
         transaction_evaluation_state cancel_context(this);

         //Cancel expired limit orders
         auto& limit_index = get_index_type<limit_order_index>().indices().get<by_expiration>();
         while( !limit_index.empty() && limit_index.begin()->expiration <= head_block_time() )
            limit_order_cancel_operation canceler;
            const limit_order_object& order = *limit_index.begin();
            canceler.fee_paying_account = order.seller;
            canceler.order =;
            apply_operation(cancel_context, canceler);

   //Process expired force settlement orders
   auto& settlement_index = get_index_type<force_settlement_index>().indices().get<by_expiration>();
   if( !settlement_index.empty() )
      asset_id_type current_asset = settlement_index.begin()->settlement_asset_id();
      asset max_settlement_volume;

      auto next_asset = [&current_asset, &settlement_index] {
         auto bound = settlement_index.upper_bound(current_asset);
         if( bound == settlement_index.end() )
            return false;
         current_asset = bound->settlement_asset_id();
         return true;

      // At each iteration, we either consume the current order and remove it, or we move to the next asset
      for( auto itr = settlement_index.lower_bound(current_asset);
           itr != settlement_index.end();
           itr = settlement_index.lower_bound(current_asset) )
         const force_settlement_object& order = *itr;
         auto order_id =;
         current_asset = order.settlement_asset_id();
         const asset_object& mia_object = get(current_asset);
         const asset_bitasset_data_object mia = mia_object.bitasset_data(*this);

         // Has this order not reached its settlement date?
         if( order.settlement_date > head_block_time() )
            if( next_asset() )
         // Can we still settle in this asset?
         if( mia.current_feed.settlement_price.is_null() )
            ilog("Canceling a force settlement in ${asset} because settlement price is null",
                 ("asset", mia_object.symbol));
         if( max_settlement_volume.asset_id != current_asset )
            max_settlement_volume = mia_object.amount(mia.max_force_settlement_volume(mia_object.dynamic_data(*this).current_supply));
         if( mia.force_settled_volume >= max_settlement_volume.amount )
            ilog("Skipping force settlement in ${asset}; settled ${settled_volume} / ${max_volume}",
                 ("asset", mia_object.symbol)("settlement_price_null",mia.current_feed.settlement_price.is_null())
                 ("settled_volume", mia.force_settled_volume)("max_volume", max_settlement_volume));
            if( next_asset() )

         auto& pays = order.balance;
         auto receives = (order.balance * mia.current_feed.settlement_price);
         receives.amount = (fc::uint128_t(receives.amount.value) *
                            (GRAPHENE_100_PERCENT - mia.options.force_settlement_offset_percent) / GRAPHENE_100_PERCENT).to_uint64();
         assert(receives <= order.balance * mia.current_feed.settlement_price);

         price settlement_price = pays / receives;

         auto& call_index = get_index_type<call_order_index>().indices().get<by_collateral>();
         asset settled = mia_object.amount(mia.force_settled_volume);
         // Match against the least collateralized short until the settlement is finished or we reach max settlements
         while( settled < max_settlement_volume && find_object(order_id) )
            auto itr = call_index.lower_bound(boost::make_tuple(price::min(mia_object.bitasset_data(*this).options.short_backing_asset,
            // There should always be a call order, since asset exists!
            assert(itr != call_index.end() && itr->debt_type() == mia_object.get_id());
            asset max_settlement = max_settlement_volume - settled;
            settled += match(*itr, order, settlement_price, max_settlement);
         modify(mia, [settled](asset_bitasset_data_object& b) {
            b.force_settled_volume = settled.amount;
Beispiel #14
void database::clear_expired_proposals()
   const auto& proposal_expiration_index = get_index_type<proposal_index>().indices().get<by_expiration>();
   while( !proposal_expiration_index.empty() && proposal_expiration_index.begin()->expiration_time <= head_block_time() )
      const proposal_object& proposal = *proposal_expiration_index.begin();
      processed_transaction result;
      try {
         if( proposal.is_authorized_to_execute(*this) )
            result = push_proposal(proposal);
            //TODO: Do something with result so plugins can process it.
      } catch( const fc::exception& e ) {
         elog("Failed to apply proposed transaction on its expiration. Deleting it.\n${proposal}\n${error}",
              ("proposal", proposal)("error", e.to_detail_string()));