Beispiel #1
	QMainWindow( 0 )
	ActionIconProvider actionIconProvider;

	// SchemaDrawer
	QMenu*	schemaDrawerMenu = menuBar()->addMenu( "SchemaDrawer" );
			schemaDrawerMenu->addAction( actionIconProvider.getIconForAction("help"), "Help Me!", this, SLOT(helpMe()) );
			schemaDrawerMenu->addAction( actionIconProvider.getIconForAction("exit"), "Exit", this, SLOT(close()) );

	// Schema
	QMenu*	schemaMenu = menuBar()->addMenu( "Schema" );
    			schemaMenu->addAction( actionIconProvider.getIconForAction("add"),  "Schema", this, SLOT(newSchema())  );
    			schemaMenu->addAction( actionIconProvider.getIconForAction("save"), "Save",   this, SLOT(saveSchema()) );
			schemaMenu->addAction( actionIconProvider.getIconForAction("open"), "Open",   this, SLOT(openSchema()) );

	// preparing the workspace
	_workspace = new QWorkspace();
	setCentralWidget( _workspace );

	// cosmetics
	Styling	styling( *this );

	setWindowTitle( "Schema Drawer" );
Beispiel #2
KPrMSPresentationSetup::KPrMSPresentationSetup( KPrDocument *_doc, KPrView *_view )
    : QDialog( 0, "", false ), msPres(  _doc, _view )
    doc = _doc;
    view = _view;

    QLabel *helptext = new QLabel( this );
    helptext->setAlignment( Qt::WordBreak | Qt::AlignTop| Qt::AlignLeft );
    helptext->setText( i18n( "Please enter the directory where the memory stick "
                             "presentation should be saved. Please also enter a "
                             "title for the slideshow presentation. " ) );

    QLabel *lable2 = new QLabel( i18n("Path:"), this );
    lable2->setAlignment( Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignRight );
    path=new KURLRequester( this );
    path->setMode( KFile::Directory);
    QHBoxLayout *pathLayout = new QHBoxLayout;

    connect( path, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString&) ),
             this, SLOT( slotChoosePath(const QString&) ) );
    connect( path, SIGNAL( urlSelected( const QString&) ),
             this, SLOT( slotChoosePath(const QString&) ) );

    QLabel *lable1 = new QLabel( i18n("Title:"), this, "lable1" );
    lable1->setAlignment( Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignRight );
    // TODO - check if there is already a presentation with this title, and
    // add a number after it until there isn't.
    title = new KLineEdit( msPres.getTitle(), this );
    lable1->setBuddy( title );
    QHBoxLayout *titleLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
    titleLayout->addWidget( lable1 );
    titleLayout->addWidget( title );

    QHBox *moreBox = new QHBox( this );
    QPushButton *showColourButton = new QPushButton( i18n("&Set Colors"), moreBox );
    showColourButton->setToggleButton( true );
    connect( showColourButton, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( showColourGroup(bool) ) );

    QVBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
    topLayout->addWidget( helptext );
    topLayout->addSpacing( 10 );
    topLayout->addLayout( pathLayout );
    topLayout->addLayout( titleLayout );
    topLayout->addWidget( moreBox );

    colourGroup = new QGroupBox( 2, Qt::Vertical,
                                            i18n("Preliminary Slides"),
                                            this , "colourBox" );
    QWhatsThis::add( colourGroup,
                     i18n( "This section allows you to set the colors for "
                           "the preliminary slides; it does not affect the "
                           "presentation in any way, and it is normal to "
                           "leave these set to the default.") );
    QHBox *textColourLayout = new QHBox( colourGroup );
    QLabel *lable3 = new QLabel( i18n("Text color:"), textColourLayout );
    lable3->setAlignment( Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignRight );
    textColour = new KColorButton( msPres.getTextColour(), textColourLayout );
    lable3->setBuddy( textColour );

    QHBox *backgroundColourLayout = new QHBox( colourGroup );
    QLabel *lable4 = new QLabel( i18n("Background color:"), backgroundColourLayout );
    lable4->setAlignment( Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignRight );
    backColour = new KColorButton( msPres.getBackColour(), backgroundColourLayout );
    lable4->setBuddy( backColour );
    colourGroup->setHidden( true );

    QHBox *buttonLayout = new QHBox( this );
    KPushButton *helpButton = new KPushButton( KStdGuiItem::help(), buttonLayout );
    QWhatsThis::add( helpButton,
                     i18n( "Selecting this button will take you to the KPresenter "
                           "documentation that provides more information on how "
                           "to use the Memory Stick export function. ") );
    KPushButton *createButton = new KPushButton( KStdGuiItem::ok(), buttonLayout );
    QWhatsThis::add( createButton,
                     i18n( "Selecting this button will proceed to generating "
                           "the presentation in the special Sony format." ) );
    KPushButton *cancelButton = new KPushButton( KStdGuiItem::cancel(), buttonLayout );
    QWhatsThis::add( cancelButton,
                     i18n( "Selecting this button will cancel out of the "
                           "generation of the presentation, and return "
                           "to the normal KPresenter view. No files will "
                           "be affected." ) );

    mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
    mainLayout->addSpacing( 10 );
    mainLayout->setResizeMode( QLayout::Fixed );
    mainLayout->setGeometry( QRect( 0, 0, 300, 220 ) );

    connect( helpButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT ( helpMe() ) );
    connect( cancelButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( reject() ) );
    connect( createButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( finish() ) );
Beispiel #3
parseCommandline( int argc, char* argv[], 
		  int* fail_hard, int* old_mode, int* cpus )
  char *s, *ptr = strrchr( argv[0], '/' );
  int option, tmp;

  /* exit code 0 is always good, just in case */
  memset( success, 0, sizeof(success) );
  success[0] = 1;
  *cpus = 1; 

  if ( ptr == NULL ) ptr = argv[0];
  else ptr++;
  application = ptr;

  /* default progress report location from environment variable */
  if ( (s = getenv("SEQEXEC_PROGRESS_REPORT")) != NULL ) {
    if ( (progress = open( s, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT, 0666 )) == -1 ) {
      showerr( "%s: open progress %s: %d: %s\n",
	       application, s, errno, strerror(errno) );

  /* default parallelism from environment variable */ 
  if ( (s = getenv("SEQEXEC_CPUS")) != NULL ) { 
    if ( strcasecmp( s, "auto" ) == 0 ) *cpus = processors();
    else *cpus = atoi(s); 
    if ( *cpus < 0 ) *cpus = 1; 

  opterr = 0;
  while ( (option = getopt( argc, argv, "R:S:defhn:s:" )) != -1 ) {
    switch ( option ) {
    case 'R':
      if ( progress != -1 ) close(progress);
      if ( (progress = open( optarg, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT, 0666 )) == -1 ) {
	showerr( "%s: open progress %s: %d: %s\n",
		 application, optarg, errno, strerror(errno) );

    case 'S':
      tmp = atoi(optarg);
      if ( tmp > 0 && tmp < sizeof(success) ) success[tmp] = 1;
      else showerr( "%s: Ignoring unreasonable success code %d\n", application, tmp );

    case 'd':

    case 'e':
      *old_mode = 1;
      *fail_hard = 0;

    case 'f':
      *fail_hard = 1;
      *old_mode = 0;

    case 'n':
      if ( strcasecmp( optarg, "auto" ) == 0 ) *cpus = processors();
      else *cpus = atoi(optarg); 
      if ( *cpus < 0 ) *cpus = 1; 

    case 's':
      if ( freopen( optarg, "w", stdout ) == NULL ) {
	showerr( "%s: open status %s: %d: %s\n",
		 application, optarg, errno, strerror(errno) );

    case 'h':
    case '?':
      helpMe( ptr, 0 );

      helpMe( ptr, 1 );

  if ( (argc - optind) > 1 ) helpMe( ptr, 1 );
  if ( argc != optind ) {
    if ( (freopen( argv[optind], "r", stdin )) == NULL ) {
      showerr( "%s: open input %s: %d: %s\n",
	       application, argv[optind], errno, strerror(errno) );